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Timelines - Decade
28y Physical 36y Emotional 44y Intellectual
American Cycles 1880s
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These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.

See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.

See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).

Note to readers: Work from the Kala-Rhythm archives is being offered here in the Timelines for the first time. We are allowing a view into the Timelines now by posting both the finished and the unfinished pages of the Timelines as editing from our references continues.  Unfinished pages (like this one) contain raw data from history sources to which we give credit in our "biblio/webography". Check back for updates to this and other pages.


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- James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur are elected Pres and VP, respectively, on the Republican ticket in 1880.

- The United State and China signed an immigration treaty in 1880 which gave the US the right to "regulate, limit, or suspend" (but not exclude) laborers from China.

- The Supreme Court ruled on that it is unconstitutional to exclude Negroes from jury duty is unconstitutional in 1880.

- The National Farmers' Alliance, forerunner of the Populist Party, was formed in Chicago in 1880 to unite farmers against discriminatory legislation.

- President Garfield shot in railroad station in Wash DC on March 21, 1881. He died 11 weeks later, and Vice-President Arthur succeeded to the presidency.

- Senator Roscoe Conkling resigned from office over a dispute with Republican administration over the patronage issue. Conkling's Republican faction, called "Stalwarts,"  had supported a third term for Grant in 1881, and it lost influence in New York politics when the state legislature refuses to reelect Conkling.

- 1882 Congress passed Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, to bar Chinese  laborers from entering the US for ten years. Heavy immigration of cheap Chinese labor, mostly in California, had led to race riots.

- The United States recognized the independence of Korea and signed trade agreement in 1882.

- 1882 Congress passed an act barring US entry to "undesirables" such as convicts, paupers, and the insane and a head tax of 50 cents per immigrant was later increased in 1882.

- Rivers and Harbors Bill passed despite President Arthur's veto to authorize more than $18 million for public works. in 1882.

- Grover Cleveland was elected Mayor of Buffalo and then Democratic Governor of New York in 1882 as he won a reputation for uncovering political corruption.

- Congress authorized the Secretary lf Navy to build three steel cruisers and a dispatch boat in 1883 in a what is considered to be the beginning of the US Navy.

- Congress reduced letter postage to two cents per half ounce in 1883.

- An Act of Congress in 1883 established a Bureau of Labor in the Dept of the Interior.

- The Anti-Monopoly Party joined with Greenback-Labor Party in 1884 to form the People's Party in support of many liberal measures like the graduated income tax.

- Independent Republicans, called "Mugwumps" (Indian word for "chiefs"), walked out of the Republican National Convention in 1884 and refused to support Republican nominee James G. Blaine, who they felt was corrupt.  They backed the Democratic choice instead.|

- Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks were elected President and Vice-President, respectively, on the Democratic ticket in 1884.

- Land-hungry frontier farmers sought the unassigned lands in western Oklahoma that were not assigned to any Indian tribe in 1884.

- Apache Indians under Geronimo and the Apache Indians left their Arizona reservation in 1885 to wage war against the whites.

- President Cleveland recommended the suspension of the minting of silver dollars in 1885 on fears that silver was undermining the US Treasury's gold reserves.

- New President Succession Act passed in 1886 providing that, in the event of the death, resignation, or inability to serve of the President and Vice-President, the Cabinet officers in order of the creation of their offices will succeed to the presidency.

- Apache Indian wars ended in the Southwest in 1886 when Apache Chief Geronimo surrendered to General Nelson A. Miles.

- The House of Representative defeated a bill in 1886 that would permit unlimited and free coinage of silver.

- The Supreme Court ruled in 1886 that legal "persons" in the  Fourteenth Amendment refer not only to individuals, but to corporations, as well.

- The Statue of Liberty, a fight of the French people, is dedicated in New York harbor in 1885 as a gift from the France. The sonnet "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus was inscribed on a plaque at the base of the statue.

- Congress passed the  Dawes Act in 1887, to provide for the granting of Indian reservation land to individual tribesmen.

- The US-Hawaii treaty of 1875 was renewed and ratified in 1887 with an amendment to give the US exclusive right to build a naval base at Pearl Harbor.

- The The Electoral Count Act of 1887 made each state responsible for its own electoral votes to avoiding disputed national elections.

- The The Hatch Act of 1887 granted federal aid for the study of agriculture in a state with a land grant college.

- The US discussed control of Samoa with Britain and Germany 1887 as Germans claimed right to islands. No decision was reached.

- Kentucky and Mass. adopted the Australian ballot system in 1888 where, for the first time,  voters marked a printed ballot in secret in a curtained booth.

- Benjamin Harrison and Levi P. Morton were elected President and Vice-President on the Republican ticket in 1888. Although Democrat, Cleveland, had more popular votes, he received only 168 electoral votes to Harrison's 233.

- The Union Labor Party, Industrial Reform Party, Equal Rights Party, and Prohibition Party nominated candidates for the Presidential election in 1888.

- Oklahoma, (Indian Territory) was opened to white settlers in 1889.

- Dakota Territory is divided into North and South Dakota and admitted to the Union as the 39th and 40th states in 1889.

- Montana became 41st state in 1889.

- Washington became 42nd state in 1889.

- First Pan-American Conference met in Washington, DC, with the US and 17 Latin American nations (with the Dominican Republic being the only one absent). The Inter-American Organization, later called the Pan-American Union, was established in 1890 to offer technical and informational service to all the nations.

- The US, Britain, and Germany concluded a treaty in 1889 that provided for the neutrality of Samoa and setting up a tripartite protectorate.

1. Political  1880s Physical Cycle top    


Physical Low (1873 - 1887)

Contract Labor Act of 1885 forbade the immigration of laborers under contract to work for cost of transit. Exempted were skilled, domestic, and professional.

Congress forbade unauthorized fencing of public lands in the West in 1885, as was  done by cattle and railroads companies in vast areas for themselves.

Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation (1873 - 1880)

Congress established the US Dept of Labor in 1888.

1. Political  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

Emotional Low (1865 - 1883)

Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 over President Arthur's veto to bar Chinese immigrants from the United States for 10 years.

The Supreme Court declared Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional in 1883 (except for jury duty), stating the federal government can protect political, not social, rights.

Emotional High (1883 - 1901)

The Supreme Court ruled that interference with a citizen's right to vote is a federal offense in 1884 when Southern Negroes who were prevented from voting by the KKK appealed to the court.

1. Political  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review (1885 - 1896)

Government's first regulatory agency, Interstate Commerce Commission, regulated all transportation and business extending beyond state borders when Congress passed Interstate Commerce Act in 1887 and the President established the Commission.

Tenure of Office Act of 1867 was repealed in 1887.

Kansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Michigan passed the first antitrust laws in 1889. New Jersey law authorized the incorporation of holding companies within the state, and this state became the home of many large corporations.

1. Political  1880s Polyrhythms top    

Physical Low with
     Intellectual High
(1873 - 1885)

The Pendleton Act  in 1883 established Civil Service Commission to administer competitive examinations for the selection of persons for federal jobs in order to reform the spoils system by introducing a merit system.

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1881-1890 The currency base of the US declined some 60% as the old Civil War bonds are paid off. This led to panics and instability.

- Supreme Court declared in 1881 that the federal income tax instituted in 1862 is constitutional (Springer v. U.S.). Court said Congress never intended it as the direct tax that is prohibited in the Constitution.

- A tariff in 1883 reduced internal excise taxes on an average of five percent but protective tariffs on most imports were retained.

- Lewis E. Waterman, New York inventor, patented a practical fountain pen in 1884 which he manufactured that same year.

- The First self service restaurant opened in New York City in 1885.

- American Federation of Labor was founded at Columbus, Ohio, in 1886 as 25 trade unions participated.  Unskilled workers were not represented. Labor leader, Samuel Compers, was elected president.

2. Business & Economy  1880s Physical Cycle top    


Physical Low (1873 - 1887)

Congress established the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) in 1887 to regulate the railroads for the public interest.

Physical Upward Crossover (March 21, 1887- March 21, 1888)

Despite a population rise in Los Angeles from 10,000 in 1880 to 50,000 in 1890 and 100,000 in 1900, a severe real estate bust devastated most of most of the wealth in 1887 and 1888.

2. Business & Economy  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

Emotional Low (1865 - 1883)

A depression in 1884 and 1885 caused in high unemployment, lower wages and difficult conditions on the working class.  This was precipitated by the Emotional Crossover of 1883-84 exacerbated by the Intellectual Crossover of 1885-86.

2. Business & Economy  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

Intellectual 2nd Qtr. Expansion (1874 - 1885)

1882 Charles M. Bergstresser bankrolled a publishing venture with Charles Dow and Edward Jones and established the new agency known as the Customer's Afternoon Letter. Bergstresser dubbed it the Wall street Journal in 1889. Dow and Jones left the Kiernan New Agency to launch Dow Jones. Dow developed an initial stock average containing 11 stocks, which appeared in the Customer's Afternoon Letter, a 2-page bulletin that developed into the WSJ.

2. Business & Economy  1880s Polyrhythms top    


Physo-Emotional Dbl. 4th Qtr. Alternatives (1880 - 1883)

The Progressive Movement in Industry follow the far-reaching impact of the massive industrialization after the Civil War.  Monopolies grew out of large manufacturing firms, abuses by the rapidly extending railroad systems, the transformation of skilled craftsmen into factory workers; the increased mechanization of farms to increase production which lowered crop prices, and the expansive growth of cities and the problems they brought. Alternatives sought in the progressives (so-called progressives whether they were Democratic or Republican) were to make federal, state and local levels government more democratic with legislation to that benefits economic and social needs of the people.

Internal Aberration  

The Haymarket Square Riot in 1886 occurred in Illinois when Chicago police attempted to break up a meeting of labor leaders who protested unfair treatment of strikers. A bomb exploded and  seven policemen and four workmen killed. The issue of protest was the treatment of strikers the day before at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. where seven policemen were wounded.

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- Dr. Schuyler Skaats Wheeler developed the two-bladed desk fan in the 1880s.

- A patent for the electric flatiron was issued to Henry W. Seely in 1882.

- Edison patents a 3-wire electrical system in 1882  which is still in use.

- Silk sutures replaced catgut thread in surgical operations in 1882.

- Smokeless gunpowder was developed in 1884.

- William Stanley, a New York engineer, invented the electric transformer in 1885.

- Statue of Liberty was lighted with electric arc lamps in 1885.

- Charles S. Tainter, a Massachusetts inventor, designed the Dictaphone 1885 that records dictation.

- James E. Keeler, Ill, astronomer, discovers that Saturn's rings are made of tiny meteors pieces in 1886. His telescope was built by Alvan Clark, a Massachusetts astronomer.

- The US Forest Service was  established as the Division of Forestry, US Dept of Agriculture in 1886.  Bernhard E. Fernow served as its first chief.
1886 Electric motors are installed on sewing machines.

- Bell develops wax disks to use with a modified version of Edison's phonograph in 1886.

- Westinghouse established the Westinghouse Electric Company and built America's first commercially successful alternating current power plant in Buffalo, NY in 1886.

- Ives developed a half-tone photoengraving process in 1886.

- Thompson patented an electrical resistance welding process in 1886.

- Michelson-Morely experiments discredited the luminiferous ether theory and showed that the speed of light is a constant in 1887. This paved the way for Einstein's theory of relativity.

- Berliner designed an improved phonograph and developed a process for duplicating disk records in 1887.

- Hannibal W. Goodwin, New York clergyman, invented Celluloid photographic film in 1887.

-  Bauxite, the source of aluminum, was discovered in Georgia in 1887.

- Pennsylvania Railroad operated an electrically lighted train between Chicago and New York in 1887.

- Tesla invented an alternating current induction motor in 1888.

- Angu MacDonald, a Massachusetts engineer, led a crew that kept telephone lines in service between Boston and New York in 1888 that kept lines of communication open between these cities during the great blizzard.

- America's first seismograph was installed at the Lick Observatory in California in 1888.

- Oliver Shallenberger invented a successful electric meter that measured alternating current in 1888.

- Incubators were used for premature infants in 1888.

- The first Celluloid film in the US, "Fred Ott's Sneeze," was made by William Kennedy Laurie Dickson in 1889.

- Charles M. Hall, an Ohio scientist, patented an inexpensive process of aluminum production by electrolysis in 1889.

- Hoagland Laboratory opened in Brooklyn, New York to study bacteria in 1889.

- Nikola Tesla discovered the rotating magnetic field in 1882, which is the basis of nearly all devices that use alternating current.

- Edison discovered that an electrical current can be sent through space in 1883. This "Edison effect," is the discovery that is the basis of electronics.

- Linotype Machine invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler in 1884 was used commercially in 1886. the monotype machine was patented in 1887 by Tolbert Lanston.

3. Science & Technology  1880s Physical Cycle top    

3. Science & Technology  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

3. Science & Technology  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

Intellectual High (1863 - 1885)

Edison patented a magnetic ore separator in 1880.

Michelson invented the "interferometer" that uses light waves to measure distance in 1881. He published "Relative Motion of the Earth and the Lumuniferous Ether" and suggested that luminiferous ether may not exist.

Bell invented an electric probe for locating bullets in the human body in 1881. The probe was widely used before x-rays are introduced.

William J. Morton, a New York physician, used electric current as a form of medical therapy in 1881.

Klebs discovered the bacillus (a rod shaped type of bacterium) that causes diphtheria in 1883.

Intellectual 2nd Qtr. Expansion (1873 - 1885)

Bell invented the photophone, a device that transmits sound on a beam of light, which he used send the first wireless telephone message.

George Eastman patented 1st successful roll film in 1880, and perfected 1st "Kodak" hand camera in 1888, that popularized of photography. This camera was preloaded with enough roll film for 100 round photographs 2 in. in diameter. After exposure, the  film was returned with camera to the factory that returned prints and a reloaded camera to the owner.

Othniel C. Marsh, NY paleontologist, pubs "A Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America" in 1880 that claimed that birds evolved from reptiles. This concept helped fill a gap in Darwin's chain of evolution.

Frederick E. Ives, a Connecticut inventor, produced the first color photographs in 1881.

Thomson and Edwin Houston patented a system of arc lighting in 1881.

First lighted buoy was placed in New York harbor in 1881.

William B. Curtis, weightlifting strongman, is reportedly hoisted 3239 lbs., with a harness in 1885.

Intellectual Downward Crossover (March 21, 1885- March 21, 1886)

The Great Southwest Railroad strike that began with walk-outs in 1885 that led to massive strikes went unresolved in such a manner that it precipitated the collapse of the Knights of Labor.

3. Science & Technology  1880s Polyrhythms top    

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- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers was established in New York City in 1880.

- Maxim invented the Maxim machine gun in 1884.

- The Brooklyn Bridge became the largest suspension bridge in the world upon its completion from lower Manhattan to Brooklyn, New York. It is 1595 ft. long and cost $15 million.

- A glider flight was made by John J. Montgomery when he launched his glider from a 300 ft. hill near Otay, California in 1884 to cover a distance of 600 ft.

4. Mechanical  1880s Physical Cycle top    

Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation (1887 - 1894)

Tolbert Lanston patented the Monotype in 1887, a typesetting machine that casts one piece of type at a time; he calls it the Monotype.

The first successful electric trolley line was built by Frank K. Sprague in Richmond, Virginia in 1887. Forty cars ran on 12 miles of track.

William S. Burroughs patented a commercially successful adding machine in 1888.

Van Depoele patented carbon brushes for use in railway motors in 1888.

The Pullman Car Company built an electric locomotive for hauling freight in 1888.

Artificial straws for drinking were patented by M. C. Stone in 1888.

Electric sewing machines were marketed by Singer in 1889.

The Otis Brothers installed an electric elevator in New York City in 1889.

4. Mechanical  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

4. Mechanical  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

Intellectual 2nd Qtr. Expansion (1874 - 1885)

Thompson patented a three-phase alternating current generator in 1880.

Hiram Maxim invented a self-regulating electrical generator in 1881

The World's First Hydroelectric plant, designed by Edison, opened in Appleton, Wisconsin in 1882.

Edison demonstrated an electric trolley that received its power from an electrified "third rail" in 1883.

Frank H. Sprague  built a direct-current motor for use in locomotives in 1884.

Ottamr Mertenthaler patented a typesetting machine in 1884 that he called Linotype because it casts one line of characters at a time.

Dorr E. Felt  invented the first adding machine that is consistently accurate in 1884.

Telephone wires were strung between New York and Boston in 1884.

The Electrical Exhibition and National Conference of Electricians drew more the 280,000 spectators in Philadelphia in 1884.

Charles Van Depoele invented an electric drill in 1885.

Weston invented a magnetic speedometer in 1885 that is the forerunner of the modern automobile speedometers.

4. Mechanical  1880s Polyrhythms top    

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Carrie Chapman Catt was appointed high school principal in Mason City, Iowa, in 1881 and she went on to became one of the first woman school superintendents in the country two years later.

5. Education  1880s Physical Cycle top    

5. Education  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation (1883 - 1992)

Mississippi State College for Women became the first state-supported women's college when it was chartered at Columbus, Mississippi in 1884.

The first classes begin at Barnard College for Women were held in 1889 when it was founded as part of Columbia University, New York City.

5. Education  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

Intellectual High (1863 - 1885)

Booker T. Washington, a former slave, organized and became president of the Normal and Industrial Institute for Negroes (later Tuskegee Institute) in 1881.

Andrew Carnegie established Carnegie Libraries in 1880 and went on to donate 2,500 library buildings at a cost of $60 million in many English-speaking countries. The libraries will be supplied and supported by the communities in which they were built. 

Melville Dewey founded the State Library School in Albany, New York in 1887.

5. Education  1880s Polyrhythms top    

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6. Religion & Spirituality  1880s Physical Cycle top    

6. Religion & Spirituality  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

6. Religion & Spirituality  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

6. Religion & Spirituality  1880s Polyrhythms top    

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- John W. Root, an architect of the Chicago school, designed the 10-story, fireproof Montauk Building in Chicago in 1882.

 - Last part, the capstone, is placed on the Washington Monument in 1884 which was dedicated in February, 1885 and opened in October 1888.

- William LeBaron Jenney, a Chicago School architect, designed the Home Insurance Company building, an early skyscraper in 1885.

 The first skyscraper with an all steel skeleton was the Tacoma Building, designed by William Holabird, a Chicago School architect in 1889

- The Washington monument is dedicated in 1995.  It is 585 feet high and it costs $1.3 million. The top may be reached by both an elevator and a stairway of 898 steps.

7. Arts & Design  1880s Physical Cycle top    

Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives (1880 - 1887)

A major departure from usual theater layouts came when Chicago School architects, Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler, designed  Chicago's Auditorium Building in Chicago in 1886.

Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives (1887 - 1894)

7. Arts & Design  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

Emotional High (1883 - 1901)

Architect H. H. Richardson designed his works in  with an emphasis on aesthetic affects in the mid-1880s.

7. Arts & Design  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

7. Arts & Design  1880s Polyrhythms top    

Physo-Emotional Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation (1887 - 1892)

The "Shingle Style" of architecture  was popularized in 1887 by the design of the Low House in Bristol, Rhode Island, by residential architect,  Charles F. McKim,

La Farge completed "Ascension," a large mural for the Church of the Ascension, in New York City in 1887.

Emotional WHATEVER with
     Intellectual WHATEVER
(1885 - 1892)

The art of stained glass windows was revived by John Lafarges w work "Red and White Peonies"  in 1886.

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- Helen Hunt Jackson published "A century of Dishonor" about the mistreatment of the Indians in 1881.

- James Whitcomb Riley poet was famous for nostalgic dialect verse in the 1880s and often called "The poet of the common people." Riley was of simple origins and he would be elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1912 and receive the gold medal of the National Institute of Arts and Letters, as well as several honorary degrees. James published "The Portrait of a Lady," a bestselling novel, in 1881, and he published "The Bostonians" and "Princess Casamassima" in 1886.

- Inness's painting "The Coming Storm" gains fame for its depiction of ominous clouds in 1880.

- Joel Chandler Harris used the American Negro dialect in his work "Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings" in 1880.

- Eakins painted "The Swimming Hole" in 1883

- Winslow Homer painted the seascape "Fog Warning" in 1885

- Frances E. H. Burnette, an Anglo-American author, published "Little Lord Fauntleroy" in 1886

- Harrison Grey Fiske, playwright, wrote and produced "Hester Crewe," which starred his wife, Minnie Maddern Fiske in 1886.

8. Literature & Publication  1880s Physical Cycle top    

Physical High (1887 - 1901)

William Dean Howells,  novelist and critic, is the champion of literary realism, the dean of late 19th century American letter, and a close friend and adviser to both Mark Twain and Henry James in the 1880s.  Realism prevails in a Physical High.

Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation (1887 - 1994)

- Clinton H. Merriman, a New York physician, established the National Geographic Society and published the first "National Geographic Magazine" in 1888.

8. Literature & Publication  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

Emotional High (1883 - 1901)

Sensationlist Journalism prevailed when journalist and publisher Joseph Pulitzer bought the "New York World" in 1883. Under his direction crime stories, large headlines, comic strips, strong editorials were marketed with emotional appeal that increased circulation in the next 4 years from 20,000 to 250,000.

Sarah Jewett, writer, pubs"A Country Doctor" in 1884.  It is a novel about a New England girl's desire to become a doctor.

Emotional 1st Qtr. Fondation (1883 - 1901)

Cyrus Curtis, editor, founded "Ladies' Home Journal" in 1883.

"Life" magazine was established in 1883.

"The Gophered Grapevine" is short story by Charles w. Chesnutt that became the first work by a black author to be published in "Atlantic Monthly" in 1887.1888 Bronson Howard writes the Civil War Drama "Shenandoah,: his most successful play.

1889 John Brisben Walker founds "Cosmopolitan Magazine."

8. Literature & Publication  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    


Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review (1885 - 1996)

Henry James master of prose fiction, turned to themes of social reform, with his work "The Bostonians" in 1886.

Intellectual XXXward Crossover (March 21, 1000- March 21, 1000)


8. Literature & Publication  1880s Polyrhythms top    

Physo-Emotional High (1887 - 1901)

"Casey at the Bat" was a poplar ballad by Ernest Lawrence Thayer that was publicly recited for the first time by actor DeWolf Hopper in 1888.

Physo-Emotional High with
     Intellectual Low
(1887 - 1901)

Mark Twain wrote published "The Prince and the Pauper" in 1881,  "Huckleberry Finn"  in 1884,  "Life on the Mississippi" in 1883 and "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" in 1889 (after winning worldwide fame  with "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in 1876).  In these later works he contrasted the warmth of "down home" values against the aristocratic elite.

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Music meters all three of the cycles. Upbeat ragtime melodies became a dominant force in American music influence.

- The Boston Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1881.

- Theodore Thomas begin the Young People's Symphony Concerts in New York City in 1883.

- Tony Pastor opens the Fourteenth Street Theater in New York City in 1881 an it was the first vaudeville theater to feature family entertainment.

- Barnum and J. A. Bailey created their circus, known as "The Barnum and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth" in 1881.

- Army scout and showman William "Buffalo Bill" Cody organized his first Wild West Show in 1883.

- First annual New York Horse Show opened at Gilmore's Gardens in New York City in 1883.


9. Entertainment  1880s Physical Cycle top    


Physical High (1887 - 1901)

John Philip Sousa, wrote the military march "Semper Fidelis" for the Marines in 1888, then composed "Washington Post March" in 1889 with a very lively and vibrant use of a robust orchestra.

9. Entertainment  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

9. Entertainment  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

9. Entertainment  1880s Polyrhythms top    

Physo-Emotional Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation (1887 - 1892)

Dancer Loie Fuller originated the "serpentine dance" which uses colored lights and lengths of silk for effect in 1880.

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- United States Lawn tennis Association was established in 1881 and the National championship was held in Newport, Rhode Island.  Richard D. Sears won the first men's singles title.

- Irishman Phil Casey brought hardball to the US in 1882.

- National Croquet Association was founded in 1882.

- First US baseball championship was won by Providence of the National League at the Polo Grounds, New York in 1884.

10. Sports  1880s Physical Cycle top    

Physical1st Qtr. Foundation (1887 - 1894)

Foxburg Golf Club was founded in Foxburg, Pennsylvania in 1887. John Mickle Fox brought these games back with him after seeing them played in Scotland using clubs called "golf clubs."

The existing game of golf emerged as an organized sport in the US by founding of the St. Andrews Golf Club at Yonkers on the Hudson in 1888.

- First safety bicycles were produced in quantity in 1889 and bicycling became very popular.

- Football coach Walter Camp selected the first all-Am football team in 1889.

Boxing became popular nationwide through with world bare knuckle champion John L. Sullivan who toured the US giving exhibitions while using gloves under the Marquis of Queensberry rules in 1882. The sport continued to grow as the Physical Cycle rose and the last bare-knuckle boxing took place in Richburg, Mississippi. between John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrain in 1889 as Sullivan won in 75 rounds.

10. Sports  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

10. Sports  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

10. Sports  1880s Polyrhythms top    

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11. Fashion  1880s Physical Cycle top    

11. Fashion  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

11. Fashion  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

11. Fashion  1880s Polyrhythms top    

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Boring numbers: Census shows a US population  of 50.1 mil, including about 2.8 mil immigrants in 1880. 

- Philanthropist Clara Barton established the National Society of the Red Cross in 1881.

- The first Labor Day celebration is held in New York City in 1882. Peter J. McGuire, founder of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, suggested a holiday to honor working people.

- William Horlick of Racine, Wisconsin, produced the first malted milk in 1882 as a mixture of the extract of wheat and malted barley with milk.

- Knights of Columbus began as a fraternal organization of Catholic men in New Haven in 1882.

- US and Canadian railroads adopted four standard time zones in 1883 that were proposed by Charles F. Dowd of the US and Sandford Fleming of Canada.

- A series of tornadoes in the Midwest destroyed approximately 10,000 buildings and kill about 800 people in 1884.

- A large immigration from eastern and southern Europe became known as the "New Immigration" in 1885. In the years to come, many immigrants were Jews from  Russia, escaping persecution.

- The first Tournament of Roses is held in Pasadena, California in 1886.

- Mail was delivered free to all communities with a population of at least 10,000 in 1887.

- A Yellow Fever epidemic in Jacksonville, Florida, lasted for almost 6 months in 1888. More than 4,500 cases are reported and more than 400 person died.

- A blizzard on the east coast that paralyzed New York City in 1888 lasted for 36 hours.  Some 400 people died, property damage was extensive, and transportation halted as the city was cut off from the rest of the world.

- Dam above Johnstown, Pennsylvania broke when the Conemaugh River swelled from heavy rains. Four towns are destroyed and Johnstown was under 30 feet. of water.  Somet 2,300 people died.

12. Lifestyles  1880s Physical Cycle top    

Physical High (1887 - 1901)

Nellie Bly, a reporter for the New York World, launched a round-the-world trip in 1889. She beats the time of Jules Vern's fictional journey "Around the World in Eighty Days" when she returned home in 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes, and 14 seconds.ZZZ 12. LIFESTYLES PHYSICAL CROSSOVER DATA

12. Lifestyles  1880s Emotional Cycle top    

Emotional Low (1865 - 1883

American branch of the Salvation Army was established in Philadelphia in 1880, but at first, the it's unusual missionary methods were resented.  Only have the Emotional High was this humanitarian organization appreciated.

Emotional Upward Crossover (March 21, 1883- March 21, 1884)

Twelve people were trampled to death in New York City on May 30, 1883 after a stampeded was triggered by a rumor that the recently opened Brooklyn Bridge was in danger of collapsing.

Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation (1883 - 1892

The first settlement house, the Neighborhood Guild, was established in New York City in 1886 by Dr. Stanton Coit.  Settlement houses provided social services for poorer residents of the cities.

12. Lifestyles  1880s Intellectual Cycle top    

12. Lifestyles  1880s Polyrhythms top    

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