These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.
See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).
The Overall energy of the 1990s was mid-ranged. The Physical Cycle was Low for most of the decade until it Crossed up in 1999, the Emotional Cycle was High throughout most of 1990s after Crossing up in 1991, the Intellectual Cycle spent half the decade Low, and half of the decade High. This was a decade of new beginnings and abandonment of the past. All three Cycles crossed up from Low to High throughout the 1990s and we began the new millennium in a Cyclic High. The military was downsized while the Physical Cycle was Low throughout most of the decade, Speculation in the market rose with the Emotional Cycle that Peaked in 2000, and the Intellectual Cycle that Crossed up in the middle of the decade to bring an unprecedented shut down of federal government agencies. Despite the absence of 3rd Qtr. Reforms throughout most of the decade, President Clinton proved to be an ardent conservation assisted the preservation of huge tracts of land to preserve forests against logging and to protect wildlife.
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1. Political 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1985 - 1999) |
The Military Adopted a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy regarding gays that direct people to conceal their sexuality. The Pentagon Probed charges of military harassment of gays in 1996, and Air Force sued for their policy of dismissing gay civilian employees in 1997 and the Secretary of Defense pledged to stop gay harassment. Enforcement was down in the Physical Low and court cases upheld the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.
Gun Control meant a loss of ground for gun lobbyists.
New Jersey enacted a gun control law in 1990 that listed 37 models by name.
The Brady Bill the Brady Bill was named for Ronald Reagan's press secretary, James Brady, who was seriously wounded in the assassination attempt on Reagan in. Passage of this bill in 1993 meant that gun dealers would conduct instant background checks of a purchasers state and FBI databases to identifying criminal before the purchase of any gun, and requiring a three-day waiting period must precede any purchase. Also, in 1994, the American Bar Association supported the amendment of the Gun Control Act of 1968 to expand the list of persons prohibited from receiving or owning firearms.
The Federal Base-Closing Commission voted to terminate 17 military bases, including the huge Philadelphia Navy Shipyard, and Seven Facilities in 1991. Clark Air Base in the Philippines, one of its oldest and largest overseas installations, closed in 1991.
More base closings came in 1993 when the Pentagon unveiled a five-year defense plan to greatly reduce U.S. military and go more high-tech in defense.
President Bush Announced the Elimination of All U.S. Battlefield Nuclear Weapons in September, 1991, and invited the Soviet Union to do the same. We were disarming in the Physical Low.
Enforcement Policies Decreased in some ways. Jun 1, 1993, The Supreme Court ruled that a criminal conviction must be overturned if the jury receives a constitutionally flawed definition of "beyond reasonable doubt."
The Ban on Assault Weapons came into law on September 13, 1994, when President Clinton signed the $30 billion anti-crime bill that banned such weapons for ten years. Gun lobbyists were loosing ground in the Physical Low. Legislators would allow this ban to expire in 2004 during the Physical High.
Jun 5, 2001 A Medicare Report in May, 1996, Predicted Bankruptcy would come to the federal health system for the elderly by the year 2001.
The US Supreme Court Ruled Against Police Searches of People and Their Cars if they were only ticketed for routine traffic violations. This ruling came in December, 1998.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
Ousted Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega Surrendered to U.S. Forces on January 3, 1990, after being surrounded and under seized. The Bush administration launched apprehended Noriega to end a major conduit for illicit drugs that were coming into the United States. Noriega was arraigned in tried in Miami and convicted of racketeering and conspiracy to distribute cocaine. His sentence of 40 years in prison was later cut to 30 years.
Mayor Marion Barry of New York Was Arrested For Drug Possession in an FBI sting in Washington, D.C., on January 18, 1990. Barry's arrested was for drug possession but he was later convicted of a misdemeanor.
Americans With Disabilities Act became effective on July, 1990 to prohibit employers, including state and local governments, from discriminating against qualified applicants who are or become disabled. Certain provisions must also be made for those who may need some assistance to perform their duties.
The Iran-Contra Affair brought and investigation against previous Reagan administration with accusations the U.S. sponsored the coverts sale of arms to Iranian militia-men in order to raise money for aiding the Contras who fought Soviet-sponsored communist control of Nicaragua. Former national security advisor, John Poindexter, was tried and former President Reagan was gave two days of videotaped deposition in Los Angeles on the matter. Poindexter was convicted of five counts but a federal appeals court later reversed the convictions.
The Tailhook Scandal brought reform and punishment to Navy and Marine Officers in 1991. The 35th Annual Tailhook Symposium took place in September, 1991 at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel. 83 women and 7 men were assaulted during the three-day aviators' convention which led to a lengthy investigation by Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DOD) who interviewed 2,000 attendees. Following the investigation 119 Navy and 21 Marine Corps officers were referred by Pentagon investigators for possible disciplinary actions and cited for incidents of indecent assault, indecent exposure, conduct unbecoming an officer or failure to act in a proper leadership capacity while at Tailhook '91. Also, 51 individuals were found to have made false statements during the investigation. None of these 140 cases ever went to trial and about half were dropped for lack of evidence, but most went to an internal, non-judicial disciplinary procedure that resulted in fines and severe career penalties. Jun 26, Navy Secretary H. Lawrence Garrett III resigned on June 26, 1992. Almost all cases involved unseemly behavior, not sexual assault, but 3rd Qtr. Review and Reform was if these Physically-based institutions was strongly felt.
Some 200,000 Protestors Marched on Washington, D. C. to Protest Abortion in 1991 to demand reform of this law. Jun 18, The Louisiana Legislature enacted a strict anti-abortion law over the governor&39;s veto in 1991. Thousands rallied to oppose abortion at a stadium in Wichita, Kansas in 1991 where Operation Rescue led six weeks of anti-abortion protests, more than 2,600 were arrested. Also in 1991, the U.S. House of Representatives sustained the President's veto of a bill that would have ended his ban on federal financing of abortion counseling. In the succeeding 4th Quarter, April 5, 1992, some one half a million marched in support of abortion rights in Washington, D. C. On Jun 29, 1992, A divided Supreme Court ruled that women have a constitutional right to abortion, it lessened definition of the right as defined by the Roe vs. Wade decision. Jan 22, 1993, 20th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision, President Clinton lifted a many abortion restrictions imposed by the previous president.
May 1, Senator Harrison A. Williams Jr. (Democrat, New Jersey) was Convicted in New York in the FBI "ABSCAM" Investigation in 1991. FBI agents posed as Arab Sheik offering bribes to Congressmen.
The remains of President Zachary Taylor Were Exhumed in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1991 to test a theory that Taylor died of arsenic poisoning. Results revealed his death to be from natural causes.
The International Campaign to Ban Land Mines (ICBL) was formed by Jody Williams and other activists in 1991. The group took the 1997 Nobel Peace.
The Supreme Court Ruled That Prison Guards Who Use Unnecessary Force Against Inmates May Be in Violation a Constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment, even if no serious injuries are inflicted on February 25, 1992.
Prosecutor Announced a Probe into Congressional Overdrafts of the House Bank on March 17, 1992. The House ethics committee subsequently identified 303 current and former lawmakers as the worst offenders in the House bank overdraft scandal.
Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1999) |
Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh Declared and End to His Five-and-a-Half-year Investigation of the Iran-Contra Scandal on September 17, 1992.
Washington Ceased Nuclear Testing and joined a rising global moratorium after the final nuclear test in September, 1992.
The Senate passed a welfare Overhaul Bill on September 19, 1995 which greatly reduced the amount that the Welfare System would dole out to individuals.
The US House Dropped the National Speed Limit in September, 1995 to let states set their own speed limits.
The House Passed a Balanced Budget Bill that to Shrink Federal Government and return power to the states on October 26, 1995. The Fed was lessening its power in the Physical Low. The Senate approved spending cuts and tax reductions on October 28.
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
The Columbine High School Shootings took place on April 20, 1999. Two students brought weapons to class and fatally wounded fourteen other students and one teacher, and twenty-three others in Littleton, Colorado. While this incident, the largest of its kind to date, was an isolated occurrence, it did break out during the Physical Crossover. Shootings at Heritage School in Conyers, Georgia, by a 15 year old boy left 6 fellow students wounded on May 20, 1999. The boy was later sentenced to 40 years in prison and 65 years probation. Four white 9th grade students of South High, Cleveland, Ohio were arrested for planning a school massacre like the one in Columbine.
Some 3,000 protestors Demonstrated Outside the Pentagon on June 5, 1999, to oppose the NATO bombing in Yugoslavia.
Some 8,000 Demonstrators crossed onto the Fort Benning Army Base in Georgia, 3,000 of whom crossed onto the base, to protest against the School of the Americas on this 10-year anniversary of the death of Jesuit priests who were killed in El Salvador by soldiers that were trained in the school. on November 21, 1999.
Physical High |
(1999 - 2013) |
The U.S. Supreme Court Ruled in Favor of Police Searches of the Belongings of Car Passengers when they are seeking evidence against the driver on April 5, 1999.
The US Senate Rejected the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty on October 13, 1999. Now that the Physical Cycle was High we were less likely to disarm.
1. Political 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1991- March 21, 1992) |
Controversy of Supreme Court Nominee, Clarence Thomas came after President Bush nominated the federal appeals court judge to the US Supreme Court. Former co-worker Anita Hill claimed that she had been a victim of sexual harassment by Thomas, despite that fact the she continued to work with him and giving high recommendations to him in before when he was up for higher positions. A Senate Judiciary Committee opened televise hearings on the matter in September, 1991 and stunned viewers across the nation were glued to their sets as this came about in a year of Emotional Crisis. Hill's claims against Judge Thomas were unsubstantiated and Clarence Thomas assumed his role in the Supreme Court.
White House Chief of Staff, John H. Sununu Resigned on December 3, 1991, following controversies regarding minor manners, such as using a government car to go view a stamp collection. Stories ran that claimed the Sununu simply did not get along with other officials at the White House (in this Crossover Year).
The Trial of William Kennedy Smith on December 6, 1991 came about after a woman accused him of rape in West Palm Beach, Florida. Senator Edward Kennedy, (Democrat - Massachusetts) was called to testify. Kennedy was acquitted but the trial drew national attention and shock in the Crossover.
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
The US Senate Voted to Allow Women to Fly Combat Aircraft in 1991.
Women in Politics. Christine Todd Whitman was elected the first woman governor in New Jersey, and the second woman governor in the U.S. in 1993. (The first woman governors in the U.S. came with Nellie Ross of Wyoming who was the first, and "Ma" Ferguson who was elected governor of Texas, both occurred in 1925 which was a previous Emotional High). Jeanne Shaheen became governor of New Hampshire in 1996 and Jane Dee Hull became governor of Arizona in 1997.
1992 was dubbed "The Year of the Woman" as a record number of women ran for and won public office. Twenty-four newly-elected members of the House of Representatives were women and Six new Senators are women. Carol Moseley-Braun (Democrat - Illinois) became the first black woman elected to the U.S. Senate this year. Madeleine Albright became the first Secretary of State in 1997.
The Violence Against Women Act was passed in 1992 to fund services for victims of rape and domestic violence.
A Rally of Women's Rights Supports Near the U.S. Capitol took place on April 9, 1995 to protest violence against women.
The Military Announced in April, 1997, that it Would Permit Native American Soldiers to Use Peyote in their religious services.
The Impeachment of President Clinton. President Clinton's Affair with Monika Lewinsky drew prolonged nation attention after the Drudge report broke the story in 1998. Although news of affairs from high ranking officials, including the president, is not unprecedented, this story caught on like wildfire in the Emotional High, much to the chagrin of the president. After the president was found to have committed perjury under oath on this matter, impeachment followed for perjury and obstruction of justice on December 19, 1998, but he was acquitted by the Senate on February 12, 1999.
Speaker-Designate of the House, Bob Livingston, Resigned After Admissions of a Extra-Marital Affair
in December, 1998 amid Emotionally charged rebuffs from the opposing party
1. Political 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Low |
(1973 - 1995) |
The Attack on Ruby Ridge, Idaho, by Federal Agents took place as agents killed Randy Weaver]s wife, son and dog during a seize. Weaver has sold two shotguns to undercover agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (in what a court later concluded was entrapment). When Weaver refused to cooperate, agent descended on the mountain in what would be considered one of the worst abuses of federal intervention.
The Attack on the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas, on February 1993. Agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms attempted to serve warrants of David Koresh and Branch Davidians. When he parties in question did not come out, agents attacked with a shoot out. Four agents and six Davidians died in 51-day standoff began that ended after the compound caught on fire. In 1997 the film "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" was released that documented the story. This engagement created controversy which some referred to as the worst abuse of federal power against citizens.
Intellectual Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1995- March 21, 1996) |
The O. J. Simpson Trial led to a crisis of decision when a jury found him not guilty of murder on October 3, 1995. Simpson was on trial for the murder of his wife, Nicole, and her friend, Ron Goldman. TV coverage of this trial became a media sensation (in the Emotional High) as viewers across the nation were glued to their television sets on a daily basis. After the prosecution presented what they said was conclusive evidence of his guilt, the jury granted him an acquittal that polarized the nation. This crisis in decision came during our Intellectual Crossover.
The Federal Government Instituted a Partial Shutdown during November 14-20, 1995 as Congress disputed over budget plans. During this unprecedented crisis the U.S. government closed national parks and museums and government offices were run with skeletal crews.
A second shut down in the federal government resulted the President and Congress resumed budget disputes on December 15, 1995.
1. Political 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1995) |
Texas Billionaire Ross Perot Became a Viable 3rd Party Candidate in the 1992 Presidential Election. Polls in March, 1992 showed Perot, Bush and Clinton in a potential deadlock.
The Party Turnover of the Both Houses of Congress in 1994 was an advent of 4th Quarter Alternatives, Experimentation and Progressivism. Democrats had held some forty years rule of Congress with only a couple of periods of loosing control of one House to the opposing party for a couple of years. But in the Double 4th Quarter of 1994, Americans sought alternative candidates to the old rule and "re-elect nobody stickers" became popular in California. As old institutions fell into entropy, so characteristic of the 4th Quarter, Republicans gained seats and incumbent candidates were voted out of office and both the House and the Senate went to the Republicans. The opposite would likely have happened if Republicans had been in control, but the Republican "Contract with America" outlined 10 points that the new party would legislate if voted in. This call for new policy had appeal to Americans in the Emotional 1st Qtr. of Foundation in the new Cycle.
Off Year Elections Yielded Republican Wins as Republicans won the governorships in New Jersey and Virginia, and Mayor Giuliani was re-elected as mayor of New York.
Third Party Candidate Jesse "the Body" Ventura became governor of Minnesota in 1998 after gaining the nomination of the Reform Party. His surprise victory came after winning the general election with only 37% of vote. The lack of a mandate and a split vote revealed the search for alternatives among the voting public which resulted in neither of the two major parties gaining the seat.
The Supreme Court Unanimously Held that Hate Crime Laws Banning Cross-Burning and Similar Racist Expressions Violated free-speech Rights in a unanimous decision on June 22, 1992. By this decision the abandoned previous reforms.
President Clintons Plan to "Re-invent Government" was announced on September 7, 1993. It was an aggressive plan aimed at reducing federal bureaucracy.
The Whitewater Affair broke with a U.S. Congressional hearing on August 2, 1994 and three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals appointed Kenneth Starr to head the investigation. Allegations were made that the Clintons had made illicite transactions on land and money deals in connection with their connections to the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Senate opened a new round of Whitewater hearings July, 1995. However, momentum of the Cycles had us turning away from the past, not seeking Reform of the past, and none of the charges against the Clintons were confirmed. After a lengthy investigation with brought charges to local business men of Arkansas, the Clintons were never indicted. Nonetheless, in May, 1996, a U.S. jury brought convictions to Clinton's former business partners, James and Susan McDougal, and Jim Guy Tucker, governor of Arkansas.
The Health Reform Bill Did Note Pass and Congressional leaders declared that is was a dead bill in September, 1994. This, despite a massive efforts of President Clinton and his wife Hillary who appointed to oversea its implementation. Reform, per se, was not in the mainstream in the absence of 3rd Quarter Reforms in the Cycles.
The Green Party Nominated Ralph Nader as a presidential candidate in August, 1996. Nader denounced corporate tax breaks and called for a "political alternative" to the two major parties.
The US Army Opened an Incinerator in Utah to Destroy a 14,000-Ton Stockpile of Chemical Weapons. This operation that began in August, 1996, was to operate over span of seven years. The Physical Low and 4th Qtr. Alternatives had us abandoning some of our weapons.
Trirhythmic High |
(1999 - 2009) |
The 1992 Presidential Election brought a loss to incumbent president, George Bush, (in the Physo-Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives), a surprisingly large percentage of the vote to third party candidate, Ross Perot, (in the Physo-Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives), and a victory to Democratic candidate, Bill Clinton, (in the Emotional High). President Bush cited his military service in World War II and hoped his victory in the Persian Gulf War would help him win re-election. But in the Physical Low we had just ended our long period of looking back as no Cycle was now in 3rd Quarter Review, and past Physical achievements were not a strong selling point. Ross Perot offered American's an alternative in the two party system and his departure from the past won 19% of the vote, an unusually strong return for a third party candidate. Bill Clinton's message was not achievements from the past, but on hope for the future. His campaign looked ahead toward "a place called hope," and he won the presidency.
Trirhythmic String of 4th Quarters of Alternatives
Emotional 1st Qtr. (1982 - 1991) / Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 4th Qtr. (1984 - 1991) /
Dbl. 4th Qtr. (1992 - 1995)/ Physical 4th Qtr. (1992 - 1999)
California's Proposition 209 Ended Affirmative Action and was allowed to stand on November 3, 1997 when the U.S. Supreme Court let is stand to prohibit state and local governments from using race and gender based preference in education, contracting and hiring. This during the absence of 3rd Qtr. Reforms and the presence of 4th Qtr. Alternatives and abandonment.
Republicans Won Offices in the Off-Year Elections of 1997 as Christie Whitman was elected governor of New Jersey, James Gilmore was elected governor of Virginia, and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani won term as mayor of New York.
Trirhythmic String of 1st Quarters of Foundation
Emotional 1st Qtr. (1991 - 2000) / Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 1st Qtr. (1995 - 2006) /
Triple 1st Qtr. (1999) / Physo-Intellectual Dbl. 1st Qtr. (1999 - 2006)
Banking Mergers marked the decade. In August, 1995, Chase Manhattan and Chemical Banking announced a $10 billion deal to unite in the creation the biggest bank in the nation. The nation's first coast-to-coast bank, BankAmerica Corporation (headquartered din Charlotte, North Carolina), was produced by the $62.5 billion merger deal between Bank of America and Nations Bank Corp. in April, 1998. Banc One and First Chicago NBD made a $28.9 billion merger deal in April, 1998. Mergers were an advent of First Quarter Unification and Coalescence. Wells Fargo and Norwest Corporations made their merger plans in 1998 in a deal valued at $30-34 billion that created the nation's 6th-7th largest bank.
Retail and Marketing Mergers also united in the First Quarters of the 1990s. The Jordan Marsh and A&S (Abraham & Straus) stores were absorbed into Macy's East on August 26, 1995. American Home Products acquired Monsanto Company, in a $35.08 billion deal in June, 1998.
Other Mergers Flourished throughout the decade. The Union Pacific Merged with the Southern Pacific in September 1996, creating the largest U.S. railroad.
IBM Corporation Acquired Lotus Notes for $3.52 billion in 1995. The World's Largest Financial Service Company resulted when Citicorp (Citibank) a merged with Travelers Group following their $82 million deal in April.
Bell Atlantic and GTE Announced Merger Plans in July, 1998. Their $52 billion deal would created the second largest telephone company.
The Merger of Lucky Stores and Albertson's Creating the Largest Supermarket Chain in the U.S. after their announcement to do so in August, 1998.
America Online Compuserve and Netscape Communication in September and November, 1998 respectively. AOL purchased Compuserve for $1.2 billion, and Netscape for some $10 billion in November, 1998.
Exxon and Mobile Merged in December, 1998, to create a combined company valued at $180 billion.
Ford Motor Co, Announced Acquisition of the Passenger Car Division of Volvo AB for $6.47 billion in January, 1999.
Long Distance Company, MCI WorldCom, agreed to Paging Company, SkyTel Communications, for $1.3 billion on May 28, 1999.
Allied Signal Agreed to buy Honeywell for $13.8 billion on June 7, 1999.
Dow Chemical announced acquisition of Union Carbide for $9.3 billion in stock on August 4, 1999.
The Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 shocked the nation. The attack destroyed the building and killed 168 innocent people, making it the worst attack on American soil to date. Evidence led to American, Timothy McVeigh, who was convicted of the crime. Although this attack occurred during an Upward Intellectual Crossover, it may better be classified as a unique incident, the kind of which that cannot be foreseen by knowledge of the Cycles.
1991: The Persian Gulf War. A deeply divided Congress gave President Bush the authority to wage war in the Persian Gulf on January 12, 1991. The war started on Jan 17, 1991 as operation Desert Shield became operation Desert Storm. The war was won in historically record time with a very lob-sided casualty rate in favor of the Americans. The war resulted from the perceived threat of allowing a rogue nation to continue its expansion after it attacked neighboring country, Kuwait and committed other crimes. This threat originated outside of the United States.
1992:U.S. Forces in Somalia The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a U.S. led military mission to help the starving people of Somalia on December, 1992. In January, 1993, U.S. forces in began attacks against snipers in Somalia, then handed over control of the relief efforts to the United Nations on May, 1993. The U.S. still maintained forces in Somalia and engaged in attacks.
1993: The World Trade Center Was Bombed on February 26, 1993, center on the B-2 level where it would do the most damage. It caused the collapse of a steel-reinforced floor and knocked out the power plant to the complex leaving 50,000 people without lights or electricity. Six were killed and 1,000 were injured. While the explosion happening in New York, the source of the attack was originated outside of the nation. Moslem extremists dissatisfied with American foreign policy planted the bombs, making this assault from exogenous sources and external aberration.
1994: President Clinton Sent 20,000 troops to Haiti to re-instate the democratically elected government that had come under coupe attacks, causing large numbers of boat people to flee for the coast of Florida.
1995: The U.S. Sent Troops to Bosnia to join U.N. peacekeeping forces.
The U.S. Launched Missiles and Air Strikes Against Iraq in 1998 and 199 after Hussein refused to co-operate with U.N. inspectors.
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The 1990s was in a string of 4th Quarter Alternatives in which we abandoned the old, followed by a string of 1st Quarter Foundations in which we Unify and set precedents. The latter influence made the 1990s the decade of mergers. The Senate approved a world trade agreement in December, 1994. The Emotional High that prevailed throughout most of the decade drove up stock prices with speculative buying. Although no Cycle was in a period of reform after 1992, 1998 Nov 14, The US tobacco industry agreed to a $260 billion settlement in November, 1998, of state's claims for public health costs that were caused by smoking. Endorsed by 46 eligible states month same month, it the largest settlement of a civil lawsuit in history.
Record High: The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 3,000 for the first time on 17 April 1991.
Record Volume: The Average Daily Volume surpassed 200 million in 1992.
Record High: The Dow closed above 4,000 for the first time on 23 February, 1995.
Record High: and above 5,000 in for the first time later on November 21, 1995
Record Shares: The U.S. stock market transacted a record volume of 636 million shares on December 15, 1995.
Record High: The Dow closed above 6,000 for the first time on October 14, 1996.
Record High: The Dow closed above 7,000 for the first time on February 13, 1997.
Record Shares: The U.S. stock market transacted a record volume of 681 million shares on July 16, 1996.
Record High: The Dow closed above 8,000 for the first time on June 16, 1997.
Down: The Dow Jones dropped 247 points on August 15, 1997, to close at 7,694.66 in its second biggest point loss to date to end at 7,694.66.
Up: The Dow gained 257 points on September 2, 1997, surpassing August 15, 1997 to make this the second biggest point gain to date.
Down: The Dow dropped 186.88 points on October 23, 1997.
Down: The Dow dropped 132.26 points on October 24, 1997, (the following day), as a residual of the overnight drop in the Hong Kong market.
Down & with Record Net Loss The Dow Jones dropped 554.26 points on October 27, 1997, or 7.18% to close at 7,161 which forced the market to close by way of automatic safeguards that shut the down the market when it exceeds a 350 point decline, as this became the largest point drop to date (surpassing October 19, 1897 when the market dropped 508 points, or 22.6%, to close at 1,738.74). This day also had a net loss of 7.19% which was the record to date.
Up & Record Volume: The Dow gained 337 points, on October 28, 1997, or 4.7% to close at 7,498, surpassing September 2, 1997 to make this the second biggest to date. More than one billion shares traded, setting a record, as the day ended with 1.2 billion trades.
Down: The Dow dropped 222 points on January 9, 1998, or 2.9%, to close at 7580.42 in response to fears over the Asian financial crises, and Advance/Decline ratios took a darkening turn to make this the fourth biggest point loss in history.
Record High: The Dow closed above 9,000 for the first time on April 6, 1998.
Down: The Dow dropped 299.43 points on August 4, 1998, in the third-biggest point drop in history.
Down: The Dow dropped 350 points on August 27, 1998, to close at 8,165.99 in response to fears over the financial troubles in Russia, making this the second biggest point drop in history.
Down & Record Drop in NASDAQ: The Dow dropped 512 points on August 31, 1998, or 6.37%, making this the second largest point drop to date. The Dow has now lost 19.2% since its high in July. The NASDAQ dropped 140 this same day to close at 1499, making this the largest NADAQ decline in history as fears grew over political chaos in Russia and reports that Korea fired a missile over Japan (which was later reported to be a failed satellite launch).
Up & Record Volume: The Dow gained 288 points on September 1, 1998. Shares traded totaled 1.217 billion which was the record to date for the New York Stock Exchange.
Up & Record Gain: The Dow gained 380.53 points on September 9, 1998, making this that largest point gain in history.
Record Index Sales: passed the 10,000 points mark on March 17, 1998.
Record High: The Dow closed above 10,000 for the first time on March 29, 1999, on a 170 point gain.
Record High: The Dow closed above 11,000 for the first time on May 3, 1999.
Down: The Dow dropped 266.9 points on October 15, 1999, or 2.6% to close at 10,019.71.
High in the NASDAQ: The Nasdaq composite had an intra-day high above 4,000 and closed at 3,969 to set another record high for the 58th time this year, then closed above 4,000 on December 29 to settle at 4041.46 (after closing above 3,000 for the first in the previous month.
Record High: The Dow Peaked at 11,722.98 on January 14, 2000.
2. Business & Economy 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1985 - 1999) |
The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994was submitted to Congress in 1997 to increase debtors' entitlements and the property they retain upon declaring bankruptcy, but it did little to help the bankruptcy rate.
More Aftermath From the Savings & Loan Failures came with the announcement on May 23 that the cost bailout costs is up to $130 billion. The Saving & Loan Collapses came in 1985 during the Downward Crossover of the Physical Cycle.
General Motors Reported Record Losses of $4.5 for 1991. GM announced that it would close 25 North American plants over the next four years and eliminate 25,000 of thousands of jobs amid massive resizing. In the lieu of financial loses, GM Chairman Robert Stempel resigned on October 26, 1992.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) mean that fences were down in the Physical Low. This trade agreement, that began on January, 1994, removed most barriers to trade and investment among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The House of Representatives approved the agreement in November, 1993.
Congress Created Approved a Deficit Reducing Plan with tax increases and spending cuts to counter the ailing economy in October, 1990.
A Record Number of Bankruptcies Hit the Decade. The 1990s began with a three Cycles Low and the Physical Cycle which influences industry remained Low until the Crossover in 1999. Eastern Airlines went bankrupt in 1990. Bankruptcy filings hit an all-time high of 1,366,887 (one filing for every seventy-six American households--during the year ending 30 September 1997), making the bankruptcy rate six and one-half times the average annual rate of the 1970s. In 1997, more filings occurred during the six months than during the entire Great Depression (the last time that all three Cycles were Low).
A Record Budget Deficit of $290.4 billion was reached in 1992.
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan Told the Senate Banking Committee that the Modest Pace of Economic Expansion Was Not Adequate on April 17, 1992. President-elect Clinton held a two day conference in Little Rock, Arkansas to discuss the nation's economic difficulties on December 14, 1992.
California Issued its First State IOU's Since the Great Depression on July 1, 1992, as the cashless state met the first day of its fiscal year with a budget standoff. Orange County, California filed for bankruptcy protection following to investment losses of about $2 billion in investment losses in December, 1994
The Labor Department Reported an Eight-Year High in the Nation's Unemployment Rate on July 2, 1992, saying that the previous month had risen to 7.8 percent, as opposed to 7.5 percent in May. The economy hit a bottom this year with a loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs. In September, 1993, the US Labor Department reported the nation's unemployment rate had ease down to a two-year low of 6.7%, on March 19, 1995, it reported that the rate fell to 5.5% in October
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Brought Backlash as Exxon Corp and Exxon Shipping received incitements on 5 criminal counts for the spill at Valdez, Alaska. Exxon pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $100 million fine in a $1.1 billion settlement for the 1989 spill. Former Exxon Valdez Captain Joseph Hazelwood was sentenced to help clean up Prince William Sound and pay $50,000 in restitution. Consumers across the nation boycotted Exxon stations and revenues for the company fell. The U.S. District Court levied $5.3 billion in damages against Exxon in September, 1994.
A More Informative Food Labeling System required the disclosure of fat, fiber and cholesterol content of almost all packaged foods, as announced in 1990 by Health and Human Services Secretary, Louis Sullivan.
The Largest Securities Fraud Case in History led to the guilty plea to six felonies by former junk bond financier, Michael Milken, who was ordered to pay $600 million in penalties in April, 1990.
Airlines Banned Smoking on US domestic flights 6 hours or less in 1990.
McDonald's Switched to Vegetable Oil on its French Fries (and added beef flavoring) to improve their cholesterol levels.
The US Oil Pollution Act was Passed in 1990 to require double hulls on new tankers sailing through US waters that old tankers be so equipped by 2015.
A US law Permitted Dolphin-safe Labels for Cans of Tuna not netted with dolphins. In 1997, when no Cycle was in the 3rd Quarter, and amendment permitted the label when tuna harvesting with encircling nets if observers witnessed no dolphins harmed.
Coca-Cola Set Up a Corporate Museum in Atlanta in 1991.
Jimmy Carter Founded the Atlanta Project in 1991 to ease social problems related to poverty.
The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 mandated that by July 1, 1997, a quarter of each states&39;s welfare recipients must be either doing some type of work, or be off the welfare roll. By Oct. 1, 2002, the portion in work programs or off welfare must be half. Single parents will initially be required to work 20 hours a week, and two-parents families will have to work 35 hours. Mothers of children under age 1 are excluded from work requirements. This reform cut back allotments to decrease dependency on government hand outs.
Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 2006) |
The U.S. Ended a 17-year Trade Embargo Against Viet Nam on December 14, 1992, and allowed companies to sign contracts in Viet Nam.
Lee Iacocca was Forced to Retire from Chrysler in 1992 and was replaced with Robert Eaton.
Woolworth Corp. Announced in July, 1997, that it Would Close more than 400 of its Five-and-Dime Retail Stores after 117 years of business.
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
Detroit and Wayne Filed Suites for More Than $800 Million Against the Gun Industry targeting 35 manufacturers, distributors and sellers of firearms on April 26, 1999 (less than a week after the Columbine School massacre).
The McKesson Corporation's stock plummeted 48% after it announced irregularities in the books of its new acquisition, HBO & Co. on April 8, 1999. McKesson has spent $13.9 billion on the merger.
American Indian Farmers Filed a $19 Billion Class-Action Lawsuit Against the Agriculture Department on November 24, 1999, on claims of a 20-year history of discriminatory loan-grants.
Some 50,000 Protestors in Seattle Gathered to Protest the W.T.O. with "the march of corporate globalization" on November 29, 1999. Police struggled with protestors and the World Trade Organization cancelled the opening sessions of this 3-day event attended by 135 nations on November 30. Mayor Schell declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew, and Governor Locke summoned 200 unarmed members of the National Guard. Hundreds were arrested.
Montgomery Ward Went Out of Business in 1999 after a difficult holiday season. The 128 year old retailer announced that it was closing all 250 of its stores putting 700 employees out of work.
Physical 1st Qtr. Alternatives |
(1999 - 2013) |
The Weston A. Price Foundation was Established in Washington, D.C. to disseminate the research of nutrition and promote traditional foods such as grass-fed beef and un-pasteurized milk.
2. Business & Economy 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
Women in Business. Women owned businesses employed more workers in the U.S. in 1992 than did the Fortune 500 companies worldwide. 1999 Carleton "Carly" Fiorina moved from Lucent Technologies to be the new president and CEO of Hewlett Packard Company in July, 1999, becoming the 3rd woman running a Fortune 500 company.
Goodyear Blimps That Had Always Been Silver Were Being Painted Yellow and Blue as of February 16, 1992.
Beanie Babies came on the market in 1994 and this child's doll rapidly became an enormous marketing hit as it invoked the cute response in buyers in the Emotional High.
Furby Toys Became the Rage in 1998 as this furry talking toy by Emo-tronics invoked the cute response.
Myrlie Evers-Williams Became the New Chairwoman of the NAACP in 1995 as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People became headed by a woman. More organizations were taking leadership under women in the Emotional High. Myrlie was the widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers.
Mississippi Formally Ratified 13th Amendment to abolish slavery on March 16, 1995.
2. Business & Economy 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Low |
(1973 - 1995) |
Euro Disneyland Opened in France on April 12, 1992 after five years of effort and a cost of $4 billion. However, the French had long bemoaned and begrudged the Americanization of the world with pop culture, and after the opening of this behemoth testament of modern icons in Marne-La-Vallee, controversy arose and "people stayed away in droves." Planning for this overseas project began when America was in a Three-Way Low, which included an Emotional Low, and we disregarded the feelings of inhabitants in this target region.
Interest Rates Rose Again as they often move as a reverse barometer to the Intellectual Cycle. On February 1, 1995, The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 0.5%, which was the seventh rate hike in a year.
Intellectual Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1995- March 21, 1996) |
The Dow industrials Dropped 101.52 Points on December 18, 1995, the largest drop in four years as investors felt nervous about the budget disputes between the President and Congress.
AT&T Announced that it would Eliminate 40,000 Jobs, mostly by layoffs, on January 2, 1996.
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
The New York Stock Exchange Voted in June, 1997, to Report Stock Prices in Decimals instead of fractions for the first time.
A Report in August, 1997, Showed an Increase in the Number of Mutual Funds that climbed to 2,855 funds controlling $2.13 trillion, up from to 1987 when 812 mutual funds had $241.9 billion in assets. Joint investments increased during 1st Quarter Unification.
2. Business & Economy 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Physo-Emotional WHATEVER |
(XXX) |
Dbl. 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1995) |
The General Aviation Revitalization Act Granted Aircraft Manufacturers Broad Immunity from liability suits in 1994. This move should a lessening of Restrictions that prevailed in previous 3rd Quarter Reforms. Cessna subsequently resumed production of its single-engine planes which they had stopped in 1983 (during the Intellectual 3rd Quarter).
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
Chevron Corp. Began Selling it Little Plastic Cars as part of a marketing campaign in 1996. The cars became collectible items and Chevron made 17 models available in 1999.
The Pacific Stock Exchange and the Chicago Board of Options Exchange Made and Agreement to Merge in July 1998.
Physical 4th Qtr.
Alternatives with
Emotional High |
(1992 - 1999) |
The U.S. liquor industry Dropped its Voluntary Ban on Broadcast Advertising that was decades old in November, 1996. This abandonment of their policy took place during Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives, and it was replace with a more permissive policy in the Emotional High.
The Fed. Ended Price Guarantees for Farmer in 1996 and eliminated government controls on what crops farmers could grow and how many acres they could plant.
Physical Upward Crossover with
Emotional Peak
approaching |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
Markets Hit All-Time Highs, and the "Bubble Bursts." in 2000, the year of an Emotional Peak. The Dow Jones Industrial Average Hit an All Time Peak of 11,722.98 on January 14, 2000. The Nasdaq Closed at an All Time High of 5048.62 on March 10, 2000. What proved most dangerous for these market highs that that as we were approaching the Emotional Peak of 2000, were still in the throes of a Physical Upward Crossover (March 21, 1999 - March 21, 2000). This meant that our over-speculation was about to be corrected by crisis. These climbing market highs were false, not only because of the Emotional speculation, but because the came while the Physical Cycle was Low. In the years preceding this peak, virtual companies arose on the internet who perceived themselves as the mediators who would broker the deals between buyers and sellers. Many of these companies produced no product and had no equity beyond computers and telephones, and high hopes (Physical Low - Emotional High). Likewise, speculative buying was pushing stock prices higher when companies were dwindling in their price-earning ratios. The Upward Crossover of the Physical Cycle separated the virtual from the actual. Newly-formed companies without substance failed en mass, and companies with viable products or strong foundations remained. The winds of change would have only the rooted to stay i the new reality. Declines Followed. Feb. 11: The Dow falls 218 to 10425 (11% correction below 2000 high); Feb. 18: Dow falls 295 to 10219 (11% correction below start of 2000); Feb. 25: Dow falls 230 to 9862 (first close below 10000 since April 1, 1999); March 7: Dow falls 374 to 9796 (below Feb. 25 close). In the next half decade the Dow would see nothing of such height again.
Physical 4th Qtr.
Alternatives with
Intellectual 1st Qtr.
Foundation |
(1995 - 1999) |
The Food and Drug Administration Act of 1997 Simplified Procedures and Promoted National Standards when it was signed into law by President Clinton in November. Designs of the new law were to enhance the product development and review process; streamline Agency regulation of medical devices; simplify enforcement procedures; and move the Agency toward national and international standards.
United Auto Workers Ended their 28-Day Strike against Chrysler Corporation's Engine Plant on May 7, 1997, when the two side agreed to a new contract. This hard hitting strike shows that a Crossover is not needed for a crisis to hit anywhere.
Some 2,800 UAW Workers Went on a 6-Day Strike at GM Plants in Warren, Michigan, on July, 1997. This forced four assembly plants to shut down and threatened all of GM#39;s North American productions.
Teamsters Went on a 15-Day Strike Against UPS in August, 1997, which ended with an agreement from UPS management for new full-time jobs and pay raises.
Workers at a GM Stamping Plant Went a on Strike in Flint, Michigan in June, 1998. The strike lasted for seven weeks and closed thirteen assembly plants leaving workers idle across the nation.
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The decade began with a Three-way Low in the Cycles. However, Physical Cycle hit a bottom in 1992 and began to rise, and the Intellectual Cycle that had been rising since 1984 Crossed Up into the High half in 1995. The Emotional Cycle that became High 1991 added enthusiasm to the rising developments in technology and the sciences the followed the Three-way rise in the Cycles.
Space shuttle missions were ongoing, such as missions by Columbia, Atlantis and Endeavor in the first half of the decade. The Galileo satellite flew by Venus and the Space probe Voyager 1 took photographs of entire solar system that same year. The Magellan spacecraft landed on Venus in 1990. The Hubble Space Telescope was carried into space by the Discovery shuttle in 1990 and it sent back picture in 1991. The first American astronaut aboard a Russian rocket occurred in 1995. The International Space Station project began in 1995 and the U.S. played an important role and U.S. became guests on the station in 1998 and the space shuttle Discovery connected to it in 1999.
NASA's Mars Observer Mysteriously Disappeared as it was about to enter the orbit of Mars in August, 1993. This probe, launched on September 25, 1992, was supposed to send back close up pictures of the red planet, but what may have been a rupture of the fuel pressurization side of the propulsion system could have caused a leak that sent the craft into a high speed spin that would prevent its transmitter from turning on. A $250 million Air Force satellite designed to warn of missile launches was launched aboard a Titan IV on April 9, 1999, but subsequently went into a useless orbit.
In other events, data was transmitted through optical fiber at 32 billion bits per second in 1991. Recordable compact disc drivers, CD-Rs, came no the market in 1991. 75% of homes owned VCRs in 1991 as they had become the fastest selling domestic appliance in history. Digital satellite TV service, DirecTV, offered in the U.S. Audio of live events could be heard on the Internet in 1995.
The Internet made available for commercial use in 1991, as did Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Text-base browsers opened the World Wide Web for general use in 1992, Delphi offered dial-up service to the internet. "Spider" facilitated internet searches by locating key words. A world conference established MPEG-2 as a standard for digital television pictures. Almost 1/3 of all American homes had a computer in 1994. More than 100,000 web site existed in 1996 with 30 million internet users. More that 4,000 ISPs were in the U.S. and Canada with more than 50 million users in 1997. This rose to more than 800 million web pages and more than 150 million users at the end of the decade. The internet was doubling every 100 days.
Los Alamos! Energy Secretary Bill Richardson ordered the shut down of Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico on April 2, 199, due to security leaks of nuclear secrets to the Chinese. Congress released a bipartisan report on May 25, 1999 stating that China stole design secrets for nuclear warheads including every weapon in the current US nuclear arsenal, data on an Army antitank weapons, fighter airplanes and all the elements needed to launch a major nuclear attack. Nuclear physicist, We Ho Lee, was charged with 59 counts of mishandling classified information on December 10, 1999. Lee who was under suspicion for being a spy for China was arrested and charged removing secrets for the secure Los Alamos laboratory. Lee plead guilty to one count of downloading restricted data to tape, the other 58 counts against him were dropped.
3. Science & Technology 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1985 - 1999) |
President Clinton Signed a Bill to Make the Internal Revenue Service Into a Friendlier, Fairer Tax Collector in July 1998. Enforcement was down in the Physical Low and consideration was up in the Emotional High.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
A 1990 study by the US National Academy of Sciences Concluded That Shrimp Fishing Caused the Death of 50,000 Sea Turtles in U.S. waters each year.
Jack Ruby's Gun Sold for $220,000 at Auction on December 26, 1991.
Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1999 - 2006) |
The First Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory (RCFL) opened in San Diego in 1999 with help from the FBI to assist federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Six such laboratories were in existence by 2005.
3. Science & Technology 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1995- March 21, 1996) |
NASA Revealed Plans to Cut Thousands of Jobs and overhaul every aspect of the aerospace agency in this Crossover year.
Intellectual High |
(1995 - 2017) |
Advances in Space continued with the rise of the Intellectual Cycle that rose throughout the decade. After the breakthrough to an Intellectual High in 1995, advances became even more pronounced. The NEAR-Shoemaker space craft was launched in February, 1996 and was scheduled to reach and land on the Eros asteroid in 4 years. Space shuttle launches continued with Columbia and Endeavor. Columbia made of record flight that exceeded 16 days in 1996. NASA's Mars Global Surveyor took of in November, 1996 to map the surface of Mars. NASA's $3.3 billion Cassini spacecraft headed toward Saturn in 1997 on plutonium power arrive on at Saturn in 2004. NASA launched the Lunar Prospector in January, 1998 as the 3rd robot mission of the Discovery Program. The Mars Climate Orbiter took off for a 9 ½ month journey to Mars in December, 1998, but the probe was lost. The Mars Polar Lander was launched in 1999 to land on Mars with probes to burrow into the Martian surface. Deep Space I was launched in October, 1999 to probe the solar system and send back pictures, and Deep Space II was launched in January, 1999, to land on Mars and take soil samples.
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
Caller ID Was Now Nationwide in the United States as telephone companies standardized implementation of this option to all of its customers in 1995.
U.S. military Global Positioning System (GPS) became fully operational with 27 orbiting satellites and dual civilian use in 1995.
Microsoft Corporation Offered Windows 95 personal computer software on August 24, 1994.
The F.C.C. Approved Digital HDTV as a Standard in 1996 and HDTV broadcasts began in 1998..
WebTV Formed to Combine Television and the Internet in 1995 when manufactures set top boxes that allowed access to the Internet on their NTSC TV receivers. This created interactive TV, combining two types of technology into one function in the 1st Qtr. of Standards and Unification.
Congresses Voted Overwhelmingly to Allow Techo-Industries to Cross into Each Other's Fields by rewriting the 61-year-old Communications Act February 1, 1996. This gave room for growth and Unification of the burgeoning fields of telecommunications, television and home computers (during 1st Qtr. Unification).
Precedents in the Computer Industry rose with the First Quarter.
The Java Programming Language for Websites came into use in 1995. Hyper-text linking was invented in 1995.
Ethernet technology sent data at 100 million bits per second in 1995. Intel Corp. introduced the Pentium Pro microprocessor in 1995.
Flat-panel Displays were offered by computer makers in 1996. The First Weblogs, or "blogs." appeared in 1997.
Palm Produced the First Handheld Device, the Palm OS, in 1997, and Hewlett Packard introduced the Jornada PDA (personal digital assistant) in 1998.
Streaming Audio and Video became available on the Web in 1997.
DVDs went on sale in 1997. This precedent would make VHS obsolescent and lead to their sharp declined.
Announcement of "Dolly" the First Cloned Cloned Sheep was made on February 23, 1997. Dolly was born in July, 1996.
Doctors Reported the First Birth From a Frozen Egg in the U.S. took place iwth a Georgian woman in 1997.
Mars! As the High and rising Intellectual Cycle brought us back into Space, Pathfinder's sent back the first pictures the surface of Mars in 1997. NASA received 46 million hits on its web site from interested viewers (in the Emo-Intellectual High).
Scientists Announced The First Artificial Human Chromosomes that work properly inside living cells were announced by scientists in March, 1997.
Apple Computer and Microsoft Agreed to Share Technology in August, 1997, after years of rivalry. Their deal gave Microsoft a stake in Apple's survival and Microsoft announced that it would buy $150 million in non-voting stock in Apple. This exemplified First Quarter Unification.
The First Point-and-Shoot Digital Camera was offered by Kodak in 1997 and megapixel cameras became available at the consumer level in 1998.
Pyra Software Released "Blogger" for free in 1999 that allows users to set up a personal Weblogs. By 2002 some 500,000 weblogs could be found on the Internet.
3. Science & Technology 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 1st Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
Apple Corporation Introduced the iMac, in May, 1998. I had contained a 233 MHz G3 processor and was housed in brightly colored, round edged, cases and sold for $1,300. Its new design and technology fit the Emo-Intellectual High and rising Cycles while setting precedents in the Dbl. 1st Quarter.
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4. Mechanical 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1999) |
Old Technologies Were Becoming Extinct. IBM sold its Selectric division in 1990, which signaled the passing of the typewriter. Most 2-inch videotape machines were also gone by this time.
Ford Announced in 1997 that it would Phase Out Production of the Thunderbird which it began in 1955.
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
State Farm Insurance was Ordered to Pay $456 Million to 4.7 Million Customers in a Law Suite that Accused it of Using Inferior Auto Body Repair Parts when an Illinois jury announced their decision on October 4, 1999. The judge ruled that the nation's largest car insurer had committed fraud and awarded $730 million in actual and punitive damages on top of the jury's verdict, and this judgment increased to $1.2 billion on October 8, 1999. State Farm subsequently appealed the decision.
Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1999 - 2006) |
Congress Approved $1 Billion Over 20 Years for 7 Luxury Aircraft for Top Commanders at the Pentagon on October 8, 1999.
4. Mechanical 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
The First General Motors Electric Automobile, the EV1, appeared in November, 1996.
A New Fuel System for Cars was developed by the Arthur D. Little Company in 1997 the uses a fuel
cell technology first developed by NASA. It will produce electricity by extracting hydrogen from gasoline and combining it with oxygen.
Manufacturing of the Single-Seat Sparrow, an Electric 3-Wheel Vehicle in California by Mike Corbin in June, 1998. This 960 pound vehicle had a range of 60 miles before recharge a top speed of 60 mph and was priced at $12,900.
The US Air Force Tested the Centurion Flying Wing in November, 1998. Plans for this 206 foot battery powered robotic craft were to have its batteries replaced with solar panels.
Michelin first Produced a PAX Tire in 1998. It was the first tire that allowed a motorist to travel with a puncture.
Amtrak Brought Forth Acela, its new High Speed Train on March 9, 1999, that could travel between Boston and New York in 3 hours and from New York to Washington in take 2 1/2 hours using new technology. The new Acela service was to begin in November or December (in the Physo-Intellectual High).
4. Mechanical 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
The New Volkswagen Beetle appeared in the annual Detroit Auto Show on January 5, 1998. Since then, sales of the new "Bug" have not approached the popularity of craze of the Beetle that America knew in the 1960s. The new Beetle took a popular design, made it new and improved, and offered it on a grand scale, but the sales were not nearly as high before. Why not? Perhaps because of the change in the Cycles. The Beetle is a car that is decidedly non-Physical in it form, something that led to an almost cult following in its make up. Yet, it has an adorably cute design, which is Emotional. The Beetle became immensely popular in America in the 1960s, during the Physical Low, Emotional High (1957 - 1971). But the release of the new Beetle in 1998 came just months before a Physical High (in 1999), and small but cute was being passed over for the more powerful SUVs. Marketing with the Cycles reveals the dynamics between the times.
1998 Jan 5, Volkswagen rolled out a new version of the Beetle at the annual Detroit Auto Show.
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Education was rising in the 1990s. The Intellectual Cycle was Low for the first half of the decade, then High in the second half.
5. Education 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
The Supreme Court Unanimously That Sexually Harassed Students May Sue to Collect Monetary Damages from their schools and school officials in a unanimous ruling in on February 26, 1992.
Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1999) |
The Supreme Court Made it Much Harder for Sexually Harassed Students to Hold School Districts Financially Responsible in a 5-4 ruling on June 22, 1998. It held a key anti-bias law applies only if administrators have knowledge of the misconduct.
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
The Columbine High School Shootings took place on April 20, 1999. Two students brought weapons to class and fatally wounded fourteen other students and one teacher, and twenty-three others in Littleton, Colorado. While this incident, the largest of its kind to date, was an isolated occurrence, it did break out during the Physical Crossover.
5. Education 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
The Supreme Court Ruled in Favor of Religious Groups at Schools in 1993 when it stated that religious groups can sometimes meet on school property after hours. The court a federal appeals court ruling that allowed student-led prayers at graduation ceremonies in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1991 - 2009) |
The Gender Equity in Education Act was passed by Congress in 1994 to train teachers, promote math and science learning by girls, counsel pregnant teens, and prevent sexual harassment.
The Virginia Military Institute Class of 2001 Included 30 Women in 1997. Woman who graduated from this class became the first to do won the VMI's 158-year history.
5. Education 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Low |
(1973 - 1995) |
ADD and ADHT became familiar terms for Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hypertensive in the late 1980s and early 1990s. These forms of diminished learning became more widespread to the point of being given coined terms in the Intellectual Low. With the rise of an Intellectual High after 1995, ADD cases were giving way to higher test scores by students.
Intellectual 4th Qtr.
Alternatives |
(1985 - 1995) |
Charter Schools Appeared in 1991 when the State of Minnesota passed a law to allow schools that do not adhere to the standard curriculum. Minnesota opened its first charter school in 1992 and other states were soon to follow as legislation approved a bill that opened the door for them. These autonomous, "alternative" public schools are created by parents, teachers, community organizations, and for-profit companies. They receive tax dollars but must also raise private funding. While they must meet basic curricular requirements of the state, they are free from many of the regulations of conventional schools daily review of school boards and government authorities. President Clinton would announce a $100 million distribution for charter schools by the U.S. Dept. of Education on August 28, 1999.
School Vouchers were Implemented by Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1990. Several thousand student from low income families of used state-funded vouchers to send their children to private schools during this period of Alternative. The 4th Quarter ended in 1995 and in 1996 results of these vouchers were being disputed.
Intellectual Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1995- March 21, 1996) |
More Schools Required Uniforms in the 1st Quarter of Foundation, Coalescence and Standardization. Only three percent of all public schools required students to wear uniforms in 1997, but 26% of these schools had uniforms before the 1994-95 school year; 40% percent initiated uniforms between the 1994-95 and 1995-96 school years; and 34% initiated them in the 1996-97 school year. Conformity to standards in education increased with the rising 1st Quarter
Intellectual High |
(1995 - 2017) |
Almost 80% of Public Schools Had Internet Access in 1997.
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (SIAI) was initiated by Eliezer Yud. He and his followers, dubbed transhumanists, believed that an artificial, super intelligence, would emerge in the next 25 years.
The New $110 Million Science and Engineering Quad at Stanford University Opened in 1999 with a teaching facility with high-tech lecture halls; buildings for the Statistics and Electrical Engineering departments.
5. Education 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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6. Religion & Spirituality 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
Arsonists Hit Three Synagogues in the area of Sacramento, California on June 18, 1999. Two white supremacists were charged with the crimes.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
The General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Philadelphia Voted in July, 1997, to Require all Episcopal Dioceses to ordain women.
Emotional1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1991 - 2000) |
Pope John Paul II visited Central Park, New York and Drew 130,000 People on October 7, 1995 as religious devotion was rising again with the Emotional Cycle and First Qtr. Unification.
The "Million Man March" Gathering in Washington, D.C. took place on October 16, 1995 as Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, called for the congregation that drew more than thousands of people for "A Day of Atonement. Farrakhan sequeled this with the "Day of Atonement" rally on October 16, 1996, near the U.N. Building in New York City to commemorate the million-man-march a year earlier. Some 25 thousand attended.
One Half Million Gathered in Washington, D.C. for the Promise Keeper's "Sacred Assembly of Men" on October 4, 1997. This was among the largest religious gatherings in American history.
The "Million Woman March" in Philadelphia on October 25, 1997 drew and estimated crowd of 300,000 who sought to revitalize black families and communities.
Some 28,000 couples Gathered in RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. for the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife Hak Ja Han Moon for the marital re-dedication named "Blessing 97,"
The US Catholic Family Radio Network Began their broadcasts in January, 1999.
The Native American Church of North America and U.S. Defense Department Officials Agreed to Let Native American Use Peyote in Religious Services. This agreement took place at the Native America 50th annual convention on June 18, 1999.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1995- March 21, 1996) |
The Church Burnings. A rash of forty church burnings took place across the South. All three of them took place during this Crossover year (and Emotional High). The FBI and ATF investigated these cases for arson. Arrests and convictions resulted in a few of the cases. Others went unsolved.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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7. Arts & Design 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1991 - 2000) |
Visionaire Magazine for Fashion and Art was founded in 1991.
7. Arts & Design 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
The Fed. Unveiled the New Redesigned $100 bill on September 27, 1995, which featured a larger, off-center portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Other U.S. currency bills and coins would also be redesigned in this First Quarter, such as the new $50 bill in 1997 and the $20 bill in 1998.
7. Arts & Design 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundatoin |
(1995 - 2000) |
Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art Opened in 1996. It's design by Josef Paul Kleihues reflected "poetic rationalism" which by description is a style that seeks to reinvent city designs to enrich the functionalist trend of late-modern architecture.
The $1 Billion Getty Center opened in Los Angeles in December, 1997. It is one of the largest centers for the arts in America which includes a 750,000 volume library, auditorium and exhibition space
Dior Introduced the Saddlebag Handbag in 1999.
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1994:Chain bookstores outsell independents in the U.S. for the first time.
8. Literature & Publication 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
Katherine Hepburn' Book, "Me: Stories of My Life" Was the Top Selling Non-Fiction Hard-Cover Book in 1991 when it sold 800,000 copies.
8. Literature & Publication 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
Michael D. Coe authored "Breaking the Maya Code" in 1992. Interest in Mayanism and Spirituality was rising with the Emotional Cycle.
Oprah Winfrey Wrote "Make the Connection," Which Was the Highest Selling Nonfiction Hardback of 1996
(2.3 mil copies). She co-wrote this work with Bob Greene
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1991 - 2000) |
The First of the Left Behind Series of Christian Prophecy Novels appeared in 1995. In ten years the Left Behind Series and related books sold 62 million copies to interested readers who added to the rise of Christian literature.
Mona Van Duyn Became the First woman to Named the Nation's Poet Laureate by the Library of Congress on June 14, 1992.
Creation of The National First Ladies' Library was announced in Washington, D.C. on January 30, 1998. It is to be placed in Canton, Ohio, the childhood home of Ida Saxton McKinley, the 20th first lady.
Sales Records Religious Books were Broken by the "Left Behind" Series in 1998. These four books, co-written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, made publishing history when all them reached placed in the top four religious best sellers. The series contained, "Left Behind" (1995), "Tribulation Force" (1996), "Nicolae" (1997) and "Soul Harvest" (1998). Settings for these stories in the present and near future they address popular fears of social, economic and political unrest as the year 2000 draws near.
8. Literature & Publication 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1995- March 21, 1996) |
Some 2,500 workers at Daily Newspapers in Detroit Went on Strike on July 13, 1995. Six union locals were involved on the strike against the Detroit Free Press, Detroit News and Detroit newspapers Inc., that lasted 19 months.
Intellectual High |
(1995 - 2017) |
52,000 Fiction and Non-Fiction Books Would be Published in the U.S. in 1997 according to a report release in September.
28% of U.S. Public Libraries Made Internet Access Available by 1996.
"Chaos: The Making of a New Science" by James Gleick was published in 1997. The popular appeal of this new science reflecting the High and rising Cycle.
Many Major Newspapers Offered Web Access to Their Archives in 1996, and 2,600 newspapers in the U.S. have Internet sites or dial-up connections the following year. in 1998 the Associated Press sold online archive service to newspapers and 3,250 newspapers as well as 1,280 TV stations have websites this year. The number of U.S. daily newspapers dropped to 1483 with a total 56 million circulation in 1999
Book Sales Increased. TV host Oprah Winfrey send book sales soaring with her book club in 1996. Some 70,000 book titles appeared in the U.S. alone in 1998 from 50.000 publishers. Americans are bought an average of 8 books a year by 1999, 3 times pre-WWII levels.
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
IMAX 3D Digital Sound System went into a New York theater in 1993. Went Live on the Internet on July 15, 1995, and the first book sold on its site was, itself, Intellectually-based. The tile was, "Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought."
8. Literature & Publication 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
(XXX) |
Alanis Morissette's "Jagged Little Pill" Won Best Rock Album and Album Of The Year at the 1996 Grammy Awards on February 2. Her genre of Alternative Rock reflected the Physical 4th Qtr. of Alternatives, while she and other female artists were leading the charts in the Emotional High.
Dbl. 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1995) |
Sears Corporation Stopped Publishing the its Famous Sears Catalog that it had run for more than a century. Rising internet sales and decentralized retailing no doubt played a role in the decision.
High |
(1995 - 2009) |
Fred Allen Wolf wrote "How Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of the Soul" in 1996.
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2009) |
Major U.S. Daily Publication Created a National Online Newspaper Network in 1995 as the Standardization came to the dissemination of news.
The Wall Street Journal First Published its Friday Cultural Section, "Weekend Journal." on March 20, 1998.
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9. Entertainment 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1985 - 1999) |
The NBA Players Agreed Shortened Season and a Salary Cap as per their new contract with Club owners on January 6, 1999.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
Congress passes Children's Television Act for children's Programming in 1990 to combat commercialization and poor programming aimed at children and to offer more quality programming. The Motion Picture Association reported in 1991 that only 16% of American movies fit for kids under 13. Violence in entertainment also coming under Reform in the Physical Low.
Television Violence Act of 1990 targeted the excess of violence being in this entertainment medium.
The V-Chip was invented in 1990 to allow parents to block out selected stations for violence or other reasons to prevent viewing by children.
The Film, "Driving Miss Daisy" won best picture at the 62nd annual Academy Awards in 1990 and co-star Jessica Tandy won best actress. This moving film was a review of times in the 1950s and 1960s and the relationship between and aging Miss Daisy and the black servant who befriends her.
Apr 1, It Became Illegal to be With Two Feet of Nude Dancers in Salem, Oregon, in 1990.
"Will Rogers Follies" Opened at Palace Theater in New York City on May 1, 1991, where it stayed for 983 performances. This performance on the life and times of Will Rogers won Best Musical at Broadway&39;s Tony Awards.
Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart was Caught Hustling a Prostitute in 1991. The elements of Reform that were ongoing in the nation at the time added to the national controversy he had from the matter.
The song "Unforgettable" by Irving Gordon was Song of the Year and the album, "Unforgettable" by Natalie Cole was Album of the Year as Natalie revived an earlier classic of standard tunes.
National Football League Owners Dropped the Use of Instant Videotaped Replays to Settle Call Disputes during games on Mar 18, 1992.
Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1999) |
The Film, "Blair Witch Project," was made at a cost of $35,000, yet this low-budget production does very well at the box office. This no-frills departure from cinematic form is characteristic of the avant-garde methods of experimentation that will result during 4th Quarter Alternatives, Abandonment and Progressivism.
Johnny Carson Ended His Reign as Hot of NBC's "Tonight Show" after nearly 30 years on May 22, 1992. Jay Leno succeeded at Tonight Show host.
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
The 3-Day Woodstock '99 Music Festival Ended in Chaos after it began at the decommissioned Griffiss Air Force Base in Rome, New York on July 23, 1999. This $35-38 million production was well equipped to handle a crowd, but the crowd was not the same as that which attended the original Woodstock Festival in 1969. At that time, the Physical Cycle was Low, and a sub-culture dedicated to pacifism enjoyed "three days of peace, love and music." In 1999 the Cycles were changed and amid this Physical Crossover, hundreds of concertgoers burned fires, looted and vandalized by the end of the event.
9. Entertainment 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
Women in Music dominated many of the new trends of popular music in mid 1990s. The " Lilith Fair" Sound brought forth or enhance many artists like, Sarah McLauglin, Tracy Chapman, Sheryl Crow, Emmylou Harris, Joan Osborne, Indigo Girls, Lisa Loeb, Jewel, Joan Osborne, Suzanne Vega, Fiona Apple, Autour de Lucie, The Cardigans, Tracy Chapman, Paula Cole, Juliana Hatfield and Victoria Williams, Joan Osborne. Shawn Colvin and more. Other female recording artists were leading sales, such as, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Alanis Morrisette. It was the feminine voice that was being heard in the Emotional High.
The US Supreme Court Ruled That "Decency" May be Considered in Awarding Federal Arts Grants in June, 1998.
Monica Lewinsky Signed a Million Dollar Book Deal, in November, 1998, for "Monica's Story" as Emotional interest in these affairs were High.
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2000) |
An Animated Film was Up For Best Picture For the First Time in 1991 as
Beauty and the Beast contends for an Oscar. (Dances With Wolves took Best Picture that Year).
Paul Simon's Free Concert in New York's Central Park Drew Some 750,000 Attendees on August 15, 1991 as we congregated with 1st Qtr. Coalescence.
New Televisions Networks. The WB television network was created by Time Warner and the Fox Channel Cable Network began in 1994, an the
UPN television network premiered in 1995.
"Dreams Works" was Founded as a film studio venture by Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg in October, 1994.
The Paradise Cruise Ship debuted in December, 1998, as a 70,000 ton, 2,040 passenger vessel.
The 2nd Disney Cruise Ship, Disney Wonder, debuted in December, 1998, as an 85,000 ton cruise vessel.
9. Entertainment 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
Toy Story Became the First Totally Digital Feature-length Film when Disney released in 1995.
Cable TV Network C-Span Premiered "Book TV" in September, 1998, as an all weekend program on books.
9. Entertainment 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Low |
(1985 - 1995) |
Grunge Music Began in 1991. Characteristics of this form muddled sounds of instruments enmeshed where the listener could not easily distinguish separate contributing lines of motion or even the instruments themselves. Vocalists often batted out hard to understand lyrics with movements on stage that were more of an evasive dance rather than a crooner's stand. Contrasting against the polyphonous counterpoint that characterizes Cyclic Highs, this new style of music is recognized most by the absence of forms.
High |
(1995 - 2009) |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first of the series of films on J.K. Rowling&39;s phenomenally successful books, was release in 1997 to much acclaim and huge ticket sales. The intriguing mystery and suspense of the these works attracted readers and viewers from young to old. The particularly mystical and spiritual elements of its appeal coincide with the High of the 52-year
Spiritual Cycle as well.
"The Universe and the Teacup: The Mathematics of Truth and Beauty" was authored by K.C. Cole in 1998.
"The Age of Spiritual Machines" was authored by Ray Kurzweil in 1998.
"A Geography of Time" was authored by Robert Levine in 1998 to show how the concept of time shapes cultural changes.
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2000) |
The History of the Future Museum opened as part of Star Trek: The Experience, on January 4, 1998, at the Las Vegas Hilton at a cost of $70 million. Interest in the future increases in the 1st Quarter, (as opposed to interest in the past that occurs in the 3rd Quarter).
Disneyland's new Tomorrowland Opened on Memorial Day, 1998 in Anaheim, California with whirling orbs and speeding starships. Interest in the future increases in the 1st Quarter.
Legoland California opened as children's theme park in San Diego in 1999.
The Tech Museum of Innovations opened in San Jose, California in November, 1998 as a $59 million project.
The Innovative Digital 3-D Opera "Monsters of Grace" composed by Philip Glass and directed by Robert Wilson premiered in University of California, Berkeley, on April 13, 1999 with a score set to a translations of love poems by the Sufi poet Rumi.
Physical Low with
Emotional High |
(1991 - 1999) |
The Film, "Bridges of Madison County," had Clint Eastwood shift his talents from the familiar Physically-based cowboy role to that of a romantic and vulnerable character is a subtle love tragedy. This film was a success with the public and critics alike.
The Film "Titanic" earned more that $600 million in 1997 and went on to break box office records. The huge success of the high quality production is due mostly to its Emotional appeal revolving around the love story of two people who were on the ship. At the end of the story, the heroine takes her jewel necklaces of enormous values and casts it into the sea in memory of her lost love (Physical Low - Emotional High).
Low with
Intellectual High |
(1995 - 1999) |
The American Psychological Associated Correlated TV Violence with Aggressive Behavior as the Intellectuals countered the genres of violence.
Trirhythmic High |
(1999 - 2009) |
The quiz show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" Began on ABC on August 16, 1999, and instantly became a huge hit in the Trirhythmic High. The potential to acquire money had Physical appeal, the suspense of winning had Emotional appeal, the knowledge required to answer the questions had Intellectual appeal.
Trirhythmic String of 4th Quarters of AlternativesFoundation
Emotional 1st Qtr. (1982 - 1991) / Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 4th Qtr. (1984 - 1991) /
Physo-Intellectual Dbl. 4th Qtr. (1992 - 1995)&bnsp; / Physical 4th Qtr. (1992 - 1999)
All three Cycles were in their 4th Quarter for at least part of the decade in the 1990s, and all three Cycles emerged from the 4th Quarter to begin a 1st Quarter of a new Cycle during the 1990s. In the process we had a strong search for alternatives yield to new foundations in many aspects of American life.
Alternative Rock and Alternative Music provided a major influence on radio programming and records sales throughout the 1990s. This genre was sometimes identified more by what it was not, rather than what it was as artists departed from the conventional rock sounds of the 1950s and 1960s. "Lollapalooza" concerts began in 1991 with various Alternative Rock Bands.
The Ren and Stimpy Show (cartoon) appeared on cable TV from 1991 to 1995. These animated characters portrayed the grunge-based, alternative-minded, underdog feeling that can accompany a Cyclic Low. Their antics often portrayed a sense of comic frustration with their inane existences. The show became popular.
Beavis and Butthead (cartoon) appeared on cable TV series from 1993 to 1997. This pair of animated characters exaggerated the grunge life of generation X mentality in a neither here nor there world and thereby displayed a deconstructionist aspect of the 4th Quarter.
South Park (cartoon) began on television in 1997 with a cast of animated characters that defied convention with abrupt language and anti-social behavior. They style of animation itself was deliberately crude and unsophisticated so as to make an avant-garde "da-da-istic" statement against the norm. Counter styles like this emerge in the 4th Quarter.
Seinfeld, Starring Jerry Seinfeld, Appeared on Television on January 23, 1991. The gained its humor by focusing on the most inane aspects of daily life, to the point that it was dubbed, "The Show About Nothing." It became a Number 1 Hit and won three Emmys in 1993. Definitely a 4th Quarter advent.
Trirhythmic String of 1st Quarters of Foundation
Emotional 1st Qtr. (1991 - 2000) / Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 1st Qtr. (1995 - 2006) /
Triple 1st Qtr. (1999) / Physo-Intellectual Dbl. 1st Qtr. (1999 - 2006)
F.C.C. Allowed Greater Media Mergers The main trend in television station ownership had a few of companies growing larger with a widening gap in revenue between the biggest and smallest companies. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 allowed multiple station ownership of radio, TV in same city. This lessening of restrictive form (in the Physical Low - 4th Qtr. Alternatives) to increase local Unification and Standardization of ownership (in the Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 1st Qtr. of Foundation, Standards & Unification) was a significant departure from old ways to allow new alliances. (The Third Circuit Court would uphold this decision in June, 2004). AT&T made a deal to acquire Tele-Communication, Inc., a cable television giant, for $31.7 billion dollars in June, 1998.
Media Mergers Grew. A long and powerful string of 1st Qtrs. in all three Cycles gave a strong influence for Foundations, Standards and Unification. Giants in the News and Entertainments business were merging. Even after as the Emotional 1st Qtr. began in 1991, Entertainment mergers began such as Viacom acquired Paramount Communications for $10 billion and Blockbuster Video for $8.4 billion 1994. After the Emo-Intellectual Double 1st Qtr. of Foundations began, huge and sometimes record-breaking mergers increased. Westinghouse bought the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) network for $5.4 billion in 1995, then absorbed the Infinity radio broadcasting for $4.7 billion in 1996. Infinity went on to buy Outdoor Systems billboard group for $8.3 billion in 1999 and become known as Infinity Outdoor.(Westinghouse went on to change its name to CBS and sell its manufacturing and hardware operations in the Physical Low of 1997). Time Warner Inc. purchase Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. for $7.6 billion in October, 1996. Disney acquired the America Broadcast Company (ABC) in 1996. The Discovery Channel bought Travel Channel for $20 million in 1997. CBS purchased the American Radio Systems chain for $2.6 billion and the Nashville Network & Country Music Television for $1.55 billion in 1997, then in 1999, it bought King World Productions, a leading television program syndicator, for $2.5 billion. The largest median merger came when Viacom and CBS merged in 1999 on a $50 billion deal, one month after the FCC gives approved to duopolies. The new Viacom has 33 television stations. Viacom Inc. announced acquisition of CBS Corporation on September, 7, 1999, for some $36 billion in stock, making this the richest media merger in history.
AT&T Agreed to Purchase MediaOne for $58 billion on May 5, 1999.
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Despite the Physical Low of the 1990s and the decline in sports enthusiasm, some noteworthy records were still set. The United States 100-meter relay team won the gold medal and set a new world record at the 1992 Olympics. Wayne Gretsky set the all-time NHL scoring record, and the all-time goals scored record in from 1989 - 1994. Tiger Woods won his first Masters Tournament and shattered the course record in 1997. Both Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa broke the single-season homerun record in 1998.The United States women win the World Cup of Soccer in 1999.
10. Sports 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1985 - 1999) |
The Baseball Strike in 1994 Led to the Cancellation of the World Series for the first time in 90 years. Players went on strike for 233 days from August, 1994 to April, 1995 demanding more money. The strike brought the cancellation of 920 games and baseball became the first sport to lose its postseason to a strike. In a Physical Low, sports figures are not as revered, and forceful tactics may be less effective.
Sportscaster Howard Cosell Retired as we neared the bottom of the Cycle on January 31, 1992.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
NCAA Approved Random Drug Testing for college football players in January, 1990.
Jesse Owens Received Congressional Gold Medal from President George Bush in March or 1990 as we were looking back to honor our sports legends.
Baseball Great Pete Rose Pleaded Guilty to Hiding $300,000 in Income in f 1990 and was sentenced in Cincinnati to five months in prison for tax evasion. Baseball officially banned Pete Rose from ever being elected to the Hall of Fame the following year. We looked back with Reform as well as Review in the 3rd Quarter.
George Steinbrenner was Forced to Resign as principal partner of New York Yankees and was banned its operations for life after by Commissioner Fay Vincent in 1990 after it was determined that Steinbrenner had given gambler Howie Spira $40,000 to obtain damaging information about Dave "Mr. May" Winfield. The hammer of reform fell.
The Motion Picture Association of America Announced its New Rating of "NC-17" in September, 1990, to bar moviegoers under the age of 17 from certain films without using this ominous old "X" rating. We modifying our Reforms.
The Film "Dances With Wolves” Won Seven Oscars in 1991, including best picture, for this unique look at Indian life and the Old West as we were looking back.
The National Baseball Hall of Fame (in Cooperstown, New York), Began Hosting a two-day Reunion of Former Negro League players in 1991.
Memorabilia Dealer Bruce McNall and Hockey Star Wayne Gretzky Paid $451,000 for a Circa 1910 Baseball Card of Pittsburgh Pirates shortstop Honus Wagner in 1991.
Boxer Mike Tyson was on tried for Rape and He found guilty on January 27, 1992. This may have been an isolated incident but it did occur in the 3rd Quarter.
Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1992 - 1999) |
Baseball Commissioner Fay Vincent Resigned
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
A Would Be Strike of Baseball Umpires Resulted in About One-Third of Umpires Loosing Their Jobs on July 27, 1999. All of the umpires withdrew their resignations and the move collapsed and 22 of the 68 permanent umpires lost their jobs on September 1, 1999. as a result their union's unsuccessful attempt to force contract negotiations
10. Sports 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
Opening Day to the Women's World Cup Drew a Record Attendance for Any Woman's Sporting Events in the World to date at Giant's Stadium, New Jersey, on June 19, 2000.
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1991 - 2000) |
The NBA Selected Two Women to Serve as Referees in October, 1997, making them the first time women would officials in any all-male American professional sport.
10. Sports 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1999 - 2000) |
Boxing's First Sanctioned Battle of the Sexes Took Place in Seattle with a bout between Margaret MacGregor and Loi Chow on October 9, 1999. MacGregor won all four fights making Chow the first man to box a woman, and loose.
Physical 4th Qtr.
Alternatives with
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1992 - 1999) |
Baseball Began inter-league Play in June, 1997, which thereby ended a 126-year tradition of keeping the major leagues separate until the World Series.
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Married couples with children in 1999 comprised 26% of the population, as opposed to 45% in 1972.
11. Fashion 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1985 - 1999) |
Consumer Spending on Clothing Dropped from 4.6% in 1990 to 1% in 1995 as America was dressing down in the Physical Low.
The Grunge Look was decidedly dressed down in jeans and somewhat longer hair. Their anti-yuppie departure from the neat and trim lines of the "dressed for success" look had them take on a shabby appearance by design. A checkered flannel shirt my be loose fitting with the tail out over baggy pants, a chain wallet, and a pair of sneakers, topped of with a baseball cap worn backwards. This was the look of a Physical Low.
The Hip Hop Look was fashionably unfashionable. This style of dressing down was down with oversized baggy pants, white or colored T-shirts worn in place of a conventional shirt, perhaps adorned with a gold necklace, and expensive sneakers. Colder weather might call for an oversized sweat shirt that hangs well below the waist, or a waist jacket the does not cover the tail of an un-tucked shirt.
Dress Down Fridays were implemented by increasingly more businesses in the 1990s that sought to ease the formality of the working environment in the Physical Low.
IBM Dropped its Dress Code to permit casual wear on February 3, 1995.
11. Fashion 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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The US population was about 250 million people. Tax Freedom Day, the day on which the average American has earned enough to pay federal, state and local taxes, came on May 7, 1996.
12. Lifestyles 1990s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1985 - 1999) |
Obesity Increased as America was getting out of shape in the Physical Low. The average weight of Americans increased by 10 pounds throughout the 1990s, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The added weight meant that airlines had to spend $275 million to burn 350 million more gallons of fuel in 2000 to carry the added weight (as the federal agency estimated in an issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine). Reports of the time showed the child obesity was also increasing and parents and schools were warned to avoid potential health risks of America's young. The fitness craze of the 1980s was over.
The California Wellness Foundation was Established in 1992 to improve the health of state residents and it regarded inner-city violence as a preventable health risk.
President Bush unveiled a Health Care Plan for Most Americans in this same year. Efforts to improve poor health and fitness were needed as Americans were more out of shape in the Physical Low which hit the bottom this year.
The Crime Rate Fell. In May, 1996, the FBI released preliminary figures that showed a decline in serious crimes reported to police for the fourth straight year in 1995.
A Decline in Serious Crimes was reported by the FBI who announced that murder and robbery rates declined for the seventh year in a row in 1998 to reach 30-year lows.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1985 - 1992) |
Politically Correct became the term that many sought as a social code from everything from political choices to environmentally conscious acts to opinions of social behavior. The term, "politically correct" was bantered around with frequency and it could even be used as a warning against non-reformist positions. Nevertheless, when the Physical 3rd Quarter ended in 1992, no Cycles was left in a period of reform, and opinions against "political correctness" emerged. The age of reform had ended.
The Ellis Island Immigration Museum in September of 1990 after a 6-year, $170 million restoration. We were looking back.
Millions of Americans Joined in a Worldwide 20th Anniversary Celebration of the First Earth Day in April, 1990. We revered this movement to reform as wasteful ways with reverence.
Hotel Magnate Leona Helmsley was Sentenced to 4 Years for Rax Evasion on March 18, 1992.
The Trial of John Gotti, New York's most infamous mafia leader in modern times, began in January, 1992, in which he was convicted of racketeering in relation with his ties to the Gambino crime family.
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1999- March 21, 2000) |
Some 6,000 Protestors Countered a Ku Klux Klan Rally in Foley Square, Manhattan on October 23, 1999 when I KKK rally was allowed to gather. A mere 16 Klansmen and 2 Klanswomen, all without masks, appeared at the squared where they were opposed by thousands of protestors while some 2,000 tourists also gathered.
12. Lifestyles 1990s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Low |
(1973 - 1991) |
Sexual Permissiveness Declines with the Emotional Low, and on Apr 18, 1990, The US Supreme Court ruled that states may make it a crime to possess or look at child pornography, even in one's home. Soft "Kiddy Porn" was legal in the U.S. in the previous Emotional High until after the Cycle Crossed down and Congress passed The Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977.
Emotional Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1991- March 21, 1992) |
The Rodney King Beating took place on March 3, 1991, just prior to the Emotional Crossover, but great trouble was soon to follow, for it was caught on tape. Rodney King was being pursued by officers for a traffic violation when he attempt to allude them. Officers chased and caught King, then gang beat him with clubs in a brutal and merciless manner. As we entered the Crossover on March 21, 1991, footage of this savage beating, caught on tape by amateur by George Holliday, was being shown on news programs across the nation. As broadcast of the tape spread during the Crossover, outrage grew. Despite the astonishment, members of the black community, and citizens throughout the country waited patiently for the justice system to work. It failed, and we were a nation in crisis. In the two trials held against the assailants the first trial, held in state court, ended with the offending officers being acquitted of assault on April 29, 1992. Spontaneous riots broke out in cities across the nation. The worst of which took place in southern Los Angeles where more than $1 billion in damaged resulted along with some serious injuries to bystanders. Some 2,800 National Guard troops were called to the city while 3,200 stood by. The Fed. reacted by retrying the assailants on federal civil rights charges and two officers where sentenced to thirty months in prison. These convictions were upheld on appeal and King was eventually awarded $3.8 million in damages. President Bush later announced a $600 million loan package to help rebuild the riot-damaged city. Los Angeles Police Commission Chief Daryl F. Gates lost his job over the incident.
Emotional High |
(1991 - 2009) |
The Supreme Court Against an Undercover Scheme by Postal Agents in Nebraska on April 6, 1992, who the court ruled had farmer into buying mail-order child pornography. This ruling limited undercover operations now that no Cycle was in 3rd Quarter Review.
Mysticism Rose in Appeal. The Emotional High (and the Spiritual High increased interest in mysticism, fantasy and magic. The computer game "Myst"
premiered wept the nation in 1993 with an eerie and puzzling plot. The fantasy
card game, "Magic: The Gathering" was also introduced this year and caught on
with its fantasy adventure appeal
"Indecency" on the Internet was Permitted in June, 1996, when a panel of federal judges in Philadelphia blocked a law against indecency on the Internet in June, 1996, concluding that the 1996 Communications Decency Act would infringe on free-speech rights of adults.
The Supreme Court Struck Down the Communication Decency Act. This act, created on February 1, 1996, would have imposed censorship upon many types of posting on the web. But on June 26,1997, the Supreme Court ruled that the act violated the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech. Permissiveness rises in an Emotional High.
The Georgia State Supreme Court Invalidated Georgia's Anti-Sodomy Law in November, 1998.
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1991 - 2000) |
The US RV-ing Women organization formed in 1991 in Apache Junction, Arizona, to provide a support group for women who traveled the country on their own.
Take Our Daughters to Work Day debuted in April 25, 1992, supported by the Ms. Foundation. Females young and old take more attention in an Emotional High (as opposed to males who take more attention in a Physical High).
A Commemorative "Be-In" was Held in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park on October 12, 1997, after being organized by Chet Helms to honor the 30-year anniversary of the first Be-In. Some 10,000 attended the concert.
12. Lifestyles 1990s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 2006) |
The Fox New Channel Premiered on cable television when media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, launched the channel in 1996.
12. Lifestyles 1990s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Physical Low with
Emotional High |
(1991 - 199) |
Lesbianism Gained More Acceptance in the 1990s. The Physical Low brought a decrease in masculine energy (yang), and the Emotional High brought an increase in feminine energy (yin). This brought the non-conventional style of lesbianism more into main stream acceptance. The previous "gay" movement of the late 1970s and 1980s was primarily a movement led by male homosexuals who sought open congregation and acceptance by others. Though the movement was sometimes called the "gay & lesbian" movement, and although it did contain lesbian activists who furthered acceptance of interaction of lesbians, it was dominated by the issues of men. Positions of the Physical and Emotional Cycles were reversed at that time (Physical High - Emotional Low 1973 - 1991). Now it was women's issues at the forefront. The Episcopal Bishop of Washington, D. C., approved Elizabeth Carl, an open lesbian, for ordination to the priesthood in 1991. Comic, Ellen Degeneres, made television history in 1997 when she played a lesbian character in her situation comedy while simultaneously admitting that she was a lesbian in real life. This event brought record ratings to ABC with 42 million viewers. Degeneres earned an Emmy Award for the show's writing, she appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, the show won the Peabody award and many additional Emmys, and SAG and Golden Globe nominations. Conclusively, Ellen had won public acceptance.
The Decline of Male Homosexuality continued after the Physical Cycle became Low in 1985. The "Gay Movement" of the late 1970s and 1980s occurred during the Physical High - Emotional Low (1973 - 1985) in which the Physical High brought an increase of masculine energy (yang) and decrease of feminine energy (yin). On Apr 14, 1993, A U.S. government-funded study found that among 3,321 men surveyed, only 1.1% identified themselves as exclusively homosexual (which gay activists disputed).
4th Qtr. Alternatives with
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1995 - 1999) |
California Ended 30 Year of Bilingual Education when voters passed Proposition 227 and required that all children be taught in English. The old form was abandoned in the Physical 4th Quarter in favor of a lingual standard in the Double 1st Quarter of Unification.
1992: An Earthquake in Northern California measured 7.1 on the Richter scale on April 25, 1992.
Hurricane Andrew hit Florida on August, 1992 causing a record $15.5 in damages and 55 deaths in Florida, Louisiana and the Bahamas. We must expect the unpredictable.
1993: Heavy Rains and Flooding of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers in July, 1993 left seven states stricken and in need of federal relief aid.
1994: Huge Fire Raged in Southern California in 1993, destroying tens of thousands of acres and hundreds of homes.
1995: President Clinton Declared 39 California Counties Disaster Areas after Storms and Floods hit two-thirds of the state in March, 1995.
1996: The Eastern U.S. was Hit by One of the Worst Blizzards in the Century the shut down businesses and caused more than 100 deaths on January 7, 1996.
1996: Droughts hit Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas in May, 1996, forcing farmers to abandon 11 million acres of winter wheat, half of the Southern Plains' potential harvest.
1997: A Storms and Twenty Tornados Severely Struck Arkansas and much of the Ohio Valley on March 1 & 2, 1997.
Florida Closed a 125-Mile Sections of I-95 Because of Fires in July, 1998.
The Clinton Administration Declared West Virginia and Parts of Five Other States Agricultural Disaster Areas Because of Heat Drought on August 2, 1999, and New Jersey Governor Christie Whitman declared a drought emergency on August 5.
Hurricane Floyd Led to Orders for More than a Million People to Evacuated the East Coast on September 13, 1999.
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The rise of the 1990s led the the Cyclic High that of the subsequent decade. However, as the Emotional Cycle was the first to become High, while the Physical Cycle remained Low, and the speculation outran strength in the nation which led to a major correction just after the turn of decade. Nonetheless. all aspects of America saw a rise during the 1990s.The rise of the 1990s led the the Cyclic High that of the subsequent decade. However, as the Emotional Cycle was the first to become High, while the Physical Cycle remained Low, and the speculation outran strength in the nation which led to a major correction just after the turn of decade. Nonetheless. all aspects of America saw a rise during the 1990s.