This Overview is a brief look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events from each year are noted along with the position of the Cycles to show how history is moving in Rhythm. Enjoy the walk through history.
See the go to Timelines here link near the top for a detailed look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II.
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The Overall energy of this
decade was low. A low but rising Physical
Cycle crossed
up in 1803 to transition from a departure of older accomplishments in favor of
create new ones as it reached its Peak in 1810. The Emotional Cycle
troughed in 1802 to end its period of review and reform to begin its rise
through 4th Quarter Alternatives. Meanwhile the
Intellectual Cycle
remained in 3rd Quarter review until its trough in 1809. |
March 21, 1800 - |
March 21, 1801 |
1800: America had tired of fighting by the
Physical Low and the
Treaty of Morfontaine at the Convention of 1800 between France and America restored normal diplomatic relation between the two nations and effectively ended the undeclared war.
In these
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review President Adams requested resignations of the Secretary of War and dismissed the Secretary of State.
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review brought
Other Classic Revivals in Design also set the style at this time. 1800 The Sheraton and Directories styles in furniture reflected a continued classical influence and a return to simplicity which became popular.
March 21, 1801 - |
March 21, 1802 |
1801: Within this Physical Low President Jefferson demobilized the Army and Dismantled most of the Navy. During the Emo-Intellectual Double 3rd Quarter Review a Classical Greek Revival Form of Architecture appeared in the U.S. when architect, Benjamin H. Latrobe designed the Bank of Pennsylvania this year.
March 21, 1802 - |
March 21, 1803 |
1802: A sports restriction came in the Physical Low and New York State prohibited public horse races, allowing only races held by private jockey clubs. Jefferson Administration established Frugal Etiquette, reform and Anti-aristocracy during the Emotional Low. The "Jeffersonian Revolution" reconsidered previous policies and repealed excise taxes, the Naturalization Act, and the Judiciary Act during the Intellectual 3rd Qtr. of Reform. The Federalist Party dominated the U.S. until the Emo-Intellectual Double 3rd Qtr. Review and Democratic-Republicans gained control with the election to further the "Jeffersonian Revolution."
March 21, 1803 - |
March 21, 1804 |
1803: An Upward Physical Crossover ushered in a Physical High and the Louisiana Purchase Increases American Territory by 140% and Ohio became the 17th state and Lewis and Clark set out on their famous exploration of lands West of the Mississippi River. During the Emotional 4th Qtr. of Alternatives the "New Light" Offered Alternative Freedom from
Presbyterianism after it establishment by Barton W. Stone. The Jefferson administration established judicial review as the Intellectual 3rd Qtr. continued and the Supreme Court under the Chief Justice declared unconstitutional and void an act of Congress for the first time (Marbury v. Madison).
March 21, 1804 - |
March 21, 1805 |
1804: What was perhaps the first automobile was built by Oliver Evans during the Physical 1st Qtr. of Foundation. Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives came and Barton W. Stone established "New Light" as an alternative freedom from Presbyterianism. While furthering Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Reforms the House impeached Samuel Chase and the Senate impeached
Federal District Judge Pickering.
March 21, 1805 - |
March 21, 1806 |
1805: In this rise of the Physical 1st Qtr.Foundation Oliver Evans ran the first U.S. Steam Engine on wheels. America achieved victory in the War with Tripoli in the Physical High. An alternative sect community, Rappists, set up New Harmony, PA in the Emotional 4th Qtr. of Alternatives.Mercy Otis Warren published her three-volume history of the American Revolution in this Intellectual 3rd Qtr. of Revie.
March 21, 1806 - |
March 21, 1807 |
1806: During the Physical 1st Qtr.
Foundation Congress legislated an organizational and legal framework for all military forces and Zebulon Pike explored the southeastern territory when saw Pike's Peak on this trip. Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation-Intellectual Low.
March 21, 1807 - |
March 21, 1808 |
1807: Eli Terry and Seth Thomas of Connecticut began the manufacture in quantity of clocks with interchangeable parts during this Physical 1st Qtr. of Standards & Unification. Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives prevailed as the 1st Annual Conference of "Albrights," came about which later led to the "Evangelical Association." Literature produced popular biographies during this Intellectual 3rd Quarter Review to memorialize George Washington and and offer other biographies
such as those written by biographies by Aaron Bancroft and David Ramsay this year.
March 21, 1808 - |
March 21, 1809 |
1808: John Jacob Astor Established the American Fur Company in
this Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation which proved to be the first of several companies founded by him, making him the leading industrial figure in the West. The Methodist Church adopted a constitution this year during Emotional 4th Qtr. of Alternatives after a schism led by James O'Kelly, who opposed Asbury's appointive powers, led to the organization of the Republican Methodist Church in 1792. The Methodist Protestants seceded (1830). Poor decisions came during the Intellectual Low and the Embargo Act crushed the New England Economy, and was repealed the following Year. Mocking the previous High, the Knickerbocker School of Writers satirized social and political pieces during the Intellectual Low.
March 21, 1809 - |
March 21, 1810 |
1809: Illinois Territory was formed from the western part of the Indiana Territory and William Maclure published the first detailed geological survey of the U.S., "Gather of American Geology," and the "Phoenix" became the first sea-going steamboat during the Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation. Tyler published the satire "The Yankey in London" as the Emotional Low brought humorous mockery to that which was high. Jefferson Repealed the Non-Importation Act (of 1806) and
the Embargo Act (of 1807) amid this Intellectual Low after they Proved to be Dismal Failures.