Years in This Page:

This Overview is a brief look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events from each year are noted along with the position of the Cycles to show how history is moving in Rhythm. Enjoy the walk through history.
See the go to Timelines here link near the top for a detailed look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II.
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The Physical High. Peaked in 1810 and remained in the productive 2nd Quarter Improvement until a Downward Crossover in 1817. A Low but rising Emotional Cycle< became High with an Upward Crossover 1811 and remained in 1st Quarter Foundation for the rest of the decade. For most of the 1810s, a Low Intellectual Cycle was in 4th Quarter Alternatives until an Upward Crossover in 1819 that put it in the High half. |
March 21, 1810 - |
March 21, 1811 |
1810: Yale Medical School was established amid the
Physical High. The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions established in 1810 marked the beginning of wide missionary efforts in the United States which typify Emotional 1st Quarter Foundation R. W. Emerson described the period as a time when "there was not a book, speech, or a conversation, or a thought" in Massachusetts amid the Intellectual Low. |
March 21, 1811 - |
March 21, 1812 |
1811: Construction on the Cumberland Road began in Maryland in the Physical High. "War Hawks" Urged Congress for War with Britain during the Physical High- Emotional Upward Crossover and the US War Declared in 1812. The Bank of the United State is dissolved in the Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives.
March 21, 1812 - |
March 21, 1813 |
1812: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia was founded during the Physical High. On March 14, while we we in the Emotional Upward Crossover Congress authorized a bond issue of $11 million to finance defensive military preparations requested by President Madison, which led to the War of 1812. The failure to renew the bank charter proved to be unwise in this Intellectual Low. as the War of 1812 would require the kind of financing facilitated by the Bank of the US. |
March 21, 1813 - |
March 21, 1814 |
1813: The first ironclad vessel was built by John Stevens in the Physical High. The first religious weekly in America appeared in the Emotional 1st Quarter Foundation as the "Religious Remembrancer," was founded in Philadelphia, then through successive mergers the magazine grew and eventually became the "Christian Observer." Following the War of 1812, national finances were riddled with commodity inflation, land speculation, overextended manufacturing investments and the unwise policies of the second Bank of the US in the Intellectual Low. |
March 21, 1784 - |
March 21, 1785 |
1814: A factory for processing cotton became totally mechanized in the Physical High. The first School for Higher Education of Women opened in Vermont during Emotional 1st Foundation. New England Renaissance" of transcendentalism began in Literature with Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives. |
March 21, 1815 - |
March 21, 1816 |
1815: Captain Stephen Decatur leads his fleet in an aggressive and successful attack against Algiers in this Physical High. The Boston Society for the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Poor was established to promote Sunday school education in the city in the Emotional High. The "New England Renaissance" of Transcendentalism began in literature in the Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives. |
March 21, 1816 - |
March 21, 1817 |
1816: Wire suspension design came to a bridge in Philadelphia during the Physical High. The Second Great Awakening in religion came with Emotional 1st Foundation that resulted in the establishment of numerous religious societies including the A. M. E. Church was Founded and the American Bible Society that were founded this year, and American Sunday School Union (1817) and the Unitarian Church (1819). An experimental infant school emerged Boston (which lead to Kindergarten in 1860) in the Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives. |
March 21, 1817 - |
March 21, 1818 |
1817: Arbuthnot & Ambrister Lead Seminoles in Attacks in Florida and Georgia during the Physical Downward Crossover The Boston "Columbian Sentinel" dubbed the Monroe presidency as the "era of good feeling" in this Emotional High after the enthusiastic reception for Monroe by both Federalists and Democratic-Republicans as he traveled the Northeast and Midwest. The curtailment of credit and a
congressional order mandated the resumption of payments in hard currency in the low economy of an Intellectual Low. |
March 21, 1818 - |
March 21, 1819 |
1818: Connecticut Rescinded the property voting requirement and in (1821 New York and Massachusetts did same in the Physical 3rd Review The first complete performance of an oratorio in the US was presented in Boston by the Handel and Haydn Society in the Emotional High . The Connecticut constitution disestablished the Congregational Church in the Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives . |
March 21, 1819 - |
March 21, 1820 |
1819: "The Savanaugh" A arise in arts, literature & education prevailed from 1819 - 1931 with impetus from the Emotional High. The panic of 1819 came amid the Intellectual Upward Crossover. |