These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.
See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).
Note to readers: Work from the Kala-Rhythm archives is being offered here in the Timelines for the first time. We are allowing a view into the Timelines now by posting both the finished and the unfinished pages of the Timelines as editing from our references continues. Unfinished pages (like this one) contain raw data from history sources to which we give credit in our "biblio/webography". Check back for updates to this and other pages.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1840 US Britain,
Holland, and Belgium recognize Texas independence. Congress.
1840 William
Henry Harrison (Whig) is elected Pres using the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler
too," John Tyler (Whig) becomes VP.
4/1/40 The
abolitionist Liberty Party holds its first national convention in Albany, NY.
By now the membership in various abolitionist and anti-slavery societies in the
US is over 150,000. The convention confirms the November 1839 nomination of
Earle of Pennsylvania for vice-president. Birney is the first anti-slavery
candidate for Pres.
7/7/40 The pres
campaign is underway. Daniel Webster is stumping in the Whig Campaign for
Harrison and Tyler. On Stratton Mountain, Vermont, he addresses 15,000 people.
the Whigs are using campaign methods and devices that will become common in
later am elections. They cleverly change a derisive Democratic remark about
Harrison into an entire campaign theme. One of the Democratic newspapers, the
Baltimore “Republican,” suggested on March 23 “that upon condition of his
receiving a pension of $2000 and a barrel of cider, Gen Harrison would no doubt
consent to withdraw his pretension, and spend his days in a log cabin on the
banks of the Ohio.” Whigs develop what becomes known as the “Log Cabin and Hard
Cider” campaign as they use these symbols to portray Harrison as a sturdy man of
the frontier. They enthusiastically employ campaign hats, placards, effigies,
floats and transportable log cabins w barrels of cider. They sing “Tippecanoe
and Tyler too,” including the refrain, “Van, Van is a used up man.” Thus they
focus the election solely on the basis of personality and ignore discussions of
the leading issues. Whigs portray Ban Buren as a man of aristocratic,
extravagant taste. Eventually the campaign deteriorates into exaggerated
misrepresentation, abuse and irrelevancy. It also marks the beginning of a
distinct two-party political system in America.
1841 Harrison
dies one month after inauguration. Tyler becomes first VP to succeed to Pres.
1841 Congress
passes Preemption Act. Settlers on surveyed government land have the right,
after about 14 months of residence, to buy it before anyone else can.
4/4/41The rigors
of the pres campaign and the cold he caught while outdoors for his inauguration
prove too stressful for the 68-year-old Wm Henry Harrison. after only one month
in office, he dies of pneumonia. Vice-Pres John Tyler becomes the first Am to
succeed to the presidency.
1841 Dorr's
Rebellion in Rhode Island leads to new state constitution with liberalization
of voting requirements.
In 1841, suffrage supporters, led by Dorr, gave up on attempts to change the system from within. In October, they held an extralegal People's Convention and drafted a new constitution that granted the vote to all white males with one year's residence. At the same time, the state's General Assembly formed a rival convention and drafted the Freemen's Constitution, making some concessions to democratic demands.
1843 US sends
diplomatic representative to Hawaii.
1843 Mexican
Pres. Santa Anna declares the US annexation of Texas will mean war with Mexico.
Brit. an Fr. intrigues to make Texas an independent buffer state against US
expansion arouse US concern. Southerners push for the annexation of Texas.
1844 Sec of
State John C. Calhoun negotiates treaty of annexation with Texas government.
1844 James K.
Polk (Democrat) is elected Pres; George M. Dallas (Democrat) is elected VP.
1844 US and
China sign treaty of peace, friendship, and commerce.
1845 Florida
becomes 27th state.
1845 Texas
accepts annexation to the US and becomes the 28th state.
1845 US envoy is
sent to Mexico to settle Texas boundary and to negotiate the purchase of New
Mexico and Col. Mexico refuses to see him and begins military operation to stop
US annexation of Texas.
1846 Mexico War
begins. US forces under Gen. Taylor defeat the Mexico at Palo Alto and Resaca
del la Palma and capture Monterrey (Mexico). US naval force occupies Monterey
(Calif.) and San Francisco.
1846 Michigan
becomes first state to enact laws abolishing capital punishment.
1846 Mex War
begins. US forces under Gen. Taylor defeat the Mexico at Palo Alto and Resaca
del la Palma and capture Monterrey (Mexico). US naval force occupies Monterey
(Calif.) and San Francisco.
1846 Michigan
becomes first state to enact laws abolishing capital punishment.
1846 US and New
Granada sign commercial treaty, giving US right of way across the Isthmus of
1846 Iowa
becomes 29th state.
5/3/46 Mexican
forces attack Fort Texas, constructed by Taylor’s men. En route to relieve the
fort, Taylor defeats a groups of Mexicans at Palo Alto on May 8 and then
followed the numerically superior retreating Mexicans to attack again at the
Battle of Resaca de la Palma on May 9. One report of this battle holds that the
Americans last 39, w 83 wounded, and the Mexican lost 262 w 355 wounded and 150
others captured. It makes Taylor a popular hero.
5/13/46 at the
request of Pres Polk on May 11, Congress approves a declaration stating that
“Byy the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that Gov
and the US.” Congress authorizes the recruitment of 50,000 soldiers and $10
million to fight the war. In the debate leading up to the declaration of war
and in the months to follow, it is clear that the war w Mexico is yet another
divisive issue between the North and the South: Southerners tend to support the
war as they see it leading to more territory to be worked by slaves, while
Northerners oppose the war for that very reason.
7/7/46 Commodore
John Sloat lands at Monterey and claims possession of Ca for the US. He hoists
an Ma flag.
Commodore David Stockton has succeeded Commodore Sloat and joins w John Fremont
to take Los Angeles. On Aug 17 Stackton will declare that the US has annexed Ca
and will establish himself has annexed Ca and will establish himself as governor
of the area.
12/28/46 The
free state of Iowa joins the Union as the 29th state.
1847 US forces
under Gen. Taylor defeat the Mexico under Gen. Santa Anna at Buena Vista, US
forces under Gen. Winfield Scott capture Veracruz, defeat the Mexico at Cerro
Gordo, Churubusco, Molin del Tey, and Chapultepec, and enter Mexico City. Peace
negotiations with Mexico begin.
1847 All of Ca
comes under US control.
2/22-23/47 The
Battle of Buena Vista takes place after Gen Taylor refuses Santa Anna’s demand
for surrender. Gen Taylor’s 4800 men are mostly inexperienced volunteers, yet
they soundly defeat Santa Anna’s equally untrained 15,000 men. Santa Anna will
return to Mexico City.
4/8/47 Gen Scott
leaves Vera Cruz and heads in the direction of Mexico City. He will defeat
Santa Anna’s med at Cerro Gordo on April 8, take Jalapa on April 19 and Puebla
on May 15.
1848 Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo ends Mexico War. Mexico gives up claims to Texas, recognizes
Rio Grande as the border, and cedes to the US present-day CA, AZ, NV UT, and
parts of NM.
1848 Free-Soil
Party is formed, opposing slavery in new US territory.
1848 Wisconsin
becomes the 30th state.
1848 Zachary
Taylor (Whig) is elected Pre. Millard Fillmore (Whig) is elected VP.
1/24/48 A New
Jersey mechanic named James Marshall is building a sawmill for Johann Sutter and
discovers gold in the Ma R, about 40 miles from Sutter’s Fort, which is the site
of present-day Sacramento, Ca. The news spreads quickly and provides the
impetus for the Ca gold rush.
2/2/48 The US
signs the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the war w Mex. The US gests over
5000,000 square miles that include what will become that states of Ca, Nevada,
Utah, most of New Mexico and Arizona, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. Texas
is also conceded to the US, w the boundary at the Rio Grande. The US will pay
$15 million and an additional $3.25 million in claims of the Rio Grand. This
makes the US a transcontinental republic, but it also opens up new land to be
disputed by pro- and anti-slavery forces.
Wisconsin, a free state, joins the Union as the 30th state.
8/9/48 A colony
of anti-slavery groups assembles in Buffalo, NY, to form the Free Soil party.
It nominates Martin Van Buren for pres and Charles Frances Adams of Mass for
vice-pres. Charles Summer and Salmon P. Chase of Ohio are among those
attending. The Free Soil party platform opposes slavery and upholds the
substance of the Wilmot Proviso. It also favors internal improvements and free
homestead to settlers. Its campaign slogan is “Free soil, free speech, free
labor, and free men.”
11/7/48 Gen
Zachary Taylor, a Whig and hero of the Mexico War, is elected pres. Taylor is a
slaveholder but is not especially committed to the principle of slavery.
Millard Fillmore is elected vice-pres. the Free soil candidate Van Buren wins
291,263 popular votes and noticeably contributes to Taylor’s victory by taking
Demo votes.
1849 US Dept of
the Interior is created to meet the needs of Western settlers.
1849 Congress
establishes to Minnesota Territory.
1. Political 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1831 - 1845) |
1842 US
troops, after destroying the Seminoles' crops and villages, force the
Indians to sign peace treaty. Seminoles are moved to Indian Territory in the
West (eastern Oklahoma).
Webster-Ashburton Treaty between the US and Britain ends Northeast boundary
dispute and establishes US-Canadian border from Main to Lake of the Woods
(northern Minn.)
May 1842
Colonel John C. Fremont heads an expedition to explore the Rocky Mountains
in southern Wyoming. He will make a national reputation for himself as he
begins what will be a four-year journey.
Lieutenant Charles Wilkes has led his exploration team over 90,000 miles
during the past four years in the Pacific and Antarctic oceans. He returns
to NYC.
Daniel Webster advises Pres Tyler to take a stand on the Hawaiian island.
In a message to Congress Tyler warns that the US would not approve of any
power trying to take control of the islands. In 1843 he will send a
diplomatic rep to Hawaii.
1842 A major
party of 130 people in 18 wagons heads for the Oregon territory from
Independence, Missouri. The newly appointed Indian Agent for that
territory, Dr .Elijah White, leads the party to Whitman’s mission in Walla
1842 US
troops, after destroying the Seminoles' crops and villages, force the
Indians to sign peace treaty. Seminoles are moved to Indian Territory in the
West (eastern Oklahoma).
Settlers begin great migration westward over the Oregon Trail to the Oregon
Alexander Bache, Ps. physicist, heads the reorganized US Coast Survey.
March 1843
John C. Fremont’s expedition crosses through the Sierra Nevada Mountains to
arrive at Sutter’s Fort in Sacramento.
8/14/43 The
Second Seminole War ends after years of deliberate massacres against the
Seminoles in Florida.
7/3/44 Caleb
Cushing negotiates the Treaty of Wang Hiya, the first treaty between America
and China. It opens five ports for trading by Am merchants and gives legal
rights to those Am living in China.
1844 Britain
and US argue about Oregon boundary, which was unofficially set at lat 54
degrees 40 minutes by US settlers.
Joseph Smith, leader of the Mormons, is killed by a mob in Nauvoo,
Illinois. Brigham Young becomes head of the church.
8/13/44 A
newly ratified constitution in New Jersey allows only white male citizens to
2/28/45 The
House of Reps and the Senate, acting on the proposal for the annexation of
Texas. This is essentially a procedure to bypass the requirement of a
two-thirds vote of the Senate alone, traditionally used to ratify a treaty.
The resolution also authorizes the Pres to negotiate a new treaty w Texas,
one that could be approved by either procedure, but the Pres does not
immediately exercise this choice.
1845 US
Naval Academy ("Naval School") opens at Annapolis, Md.
Florida, the 27th state, joins the Union as a slave state. The Postal Act
reduces postage rates to five cents per one-half ounce for 300 miles. It
also provides for government subsidies to steamships which carry mail.
Texas joins the Union as the twenty-eighth state.
1846 Oregon
boundary is established at lat 49 degrees north.
Physical 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1838 - 1845) |
7/5/43 The Oregon
settlers meeting at Champoeg adopt a constitution modeled on the laws of
Iowa. It will serve for a provisional government until the US establishes
jurisdiction over the area. This month a convention in Cincinnati calls for
54 degrees 40' as the Am line in that territory.
Physical Downward Crossover |
(March 21, 1845- March 21, 1846) |
5/28/45 Pres
Polk believes Texas will agree to annexation, so he simply decides to treat
it as a state, even though it remains Mexican territory under international
law. Polk sends a detachment of the US army, led by Gen Zachary Taylor, to
the southwestern border of Texas to guard the state against an “invasion”
from Mex.
6/15/45 Sec
of State James Buchanan guarantees protection by US Troops if Texas consents
to the terms of annexation. This same day Pres Polk orders Gen Zachary
Taylor to move to a point on or near the Rio Grande to be able to defend
Texas. Taylor stops on the Nueces River near Corpus Christi on July 31.
12/2/45 Pres
Polk makes his first annual message to Congress and his opinions are clear;
he claims all of Oregon and will not tolerate any future European colony or
domination on the continent without North American consent. He also
recommends revisions of the tariff and restoration of the Independent
Treasury. His elaboration of the Monroe Doctrine becomes know as the “Polk
1/12/46 John
Slidell’s report on his unsuccessful attempt to negotiate w the Pres of
Mexico reaches Pres Polk. The following day Polk orders Gen Zachary Taylor
to move from the Nueces R to a position on or near the left bank of the Rio
Grande R. Taylor’s “Army of Observation” now nearly 3500 troops, about
one-half of the US Army.
Physical Low |
(1845 - 1859) |
12/22/47 Abe
Lincoln makes his first speech in the House and sharply disagrees w Pres
Polk over the Mexican War.
Representatives of labor orgs hold a meting at Philadelphia to nominate
their own candidates for the pres election. They choose Gerrit Smith of NY
for president and Wm S. Waitt of Illinois for vice-pres.
6/22/48 The
Barnburners. who have left the Demo Party, hold their own convention in
Utica, NY, and nominate martin Van Buren for pres and Henry Dodge of
Wisconsin for vice-pres.
1848 Pres
Polk wants to purchase Cuba from Spain and is willing to pay $100 mil. The
leader of Ma’s peace movement, Elihu Buritt, calls an international congress
in Brussels where delegates agree to support a court of arbitration.
1. Political 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1838 - 1847) |
27-29 May
1844 The Demos meet at Baltimore and nominate James K. Polk for pres. Polk
wins only after the eight ballot and is the first “dark horse” candidate for
the presidency, filling the role when Van Buren cannot win enough
supporters. Anti-slavery man Silas Wright of NY refuses the nomination for
vice-pres, and the Demos then choose George M. Dallas of Pa. Their platform
stresses the “reannexation” of Texas and the “reoccupation” of Oregon. By
choosing the campaign motto, “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight,” the Demos
intensify the Anglo-US dispute over the Oregon boundary. On these same
days, those Demos who support Pres Tyler also meet in Baltimore. He accepts
their nomination but withdraws from the campaign on Aug 20.
Emotional Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1847- March 21, 1848) |
1/31/48 Captain John C. Fremont is found guilty of the charges placed by Gen
Kearney; mutiny, disobedience and prejudicial conduct. He is dismissed
form the army. Pres Polk approves most of the sentence, omitting mutiny,
but restores Fremont to duty. Fremont eventually resigns and the situation
causes opposition between Polk and Thomas Hart Benton, who is Fremont’s
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1847 - 1856) |
Women's Movement effectively began on July 19, 1848 when Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Lucretia Mott convene a woman's right convention at Seneca Fall,
New York. It was the first such convention in the world and would lead to
one of the world's most peaceful revolutions.
1848 Women's
Rights Convention is held at Seneca Fall, NY. This is the beginning of the
modern feminist movement, led by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are the two main organizers of the
first Am women’s rights convention held at Seneca Falls, NY. The tow women
have previously worked successfully to pass a NY law allowing a married
woman to have control over her own property. The convention attracts both
men and women. Among Stanton’s resolutions are declarations that all people
are equal, women must be educated in the laws, women should have suffrage
and women should be free to speak in public without incurring the warmth of
their families.
1. Political 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Downward Crossover |
(March 21, 1841- March 21, 1842) |
4/9/41 The
Whigs as a group have never solidly endorse Tyler. Now that he is pres, he
openly differs w them on both practical issues and constitutional
principles. In a public address, he promises to follow strict construction
principles in changing government fiscal structure. Much of Congress
disagrees with him, and they label his supporters as “the Corporal’s Guard.”
9/11/41 Pres
Tyler’s veto of the bank bills angers his cabinet member. Except for Sec.
of State Daniel Webster, they all resign. Almost without exception, the
departing Cabinet members publicly charge Tyler w changing his former
commitment to support a bank bill, even though the record does not show e
had supported it in the way they suggest. Tyler makes new Cabinet
appointments, but these will change often during the next few years. Most
conspicuous will be the appointment of John C. Calhoun as Secretary of State
on March 6, 1844, an indication that Southerners will have more and more
influence in the Democratic party.
Citizens in the northeastern Mass town of Haverhill have John Quincy Adams
submit a petition to Congress that requests the peaceful dissolution of the
3/1/42 The
Us Sup Ct rule, in “Prigg v. Commonwealth of Pa,” that a Pa law forbidding
the seizure of fugitive slaves in that state is unconstitutional. But the
opinion goes on to state that the enforcement of fugitive slave laws is
entirely a federal responsibility, so various Northern states use this as a
loophole and adopt personal liberty laws.
Abolitionist Representative Joshua Giddings, an Ohio Whig, presents several
resolutions to the House following the controversy over the “Creole” mutiny
and subsequent Brit freeing of slaves from that Am vessel. Sec of State
Daniel Webster, among others, has demanded that the Brit return the slaves
because they were to “property” of Am citizens. Giddings, however,
disagrees and opposes both slavery and the shipment of slaves in America’s
coastal trade. This angers Southern Reps who are able to garner a healthy
majority to vote censureship of Giddings in the House. On March 23 Giddings
resigns his seat, In April voters in his home district will reelect
Giddings; he will return to his seat in the House on May 8.
5/8/43 [yes,
1843!] Daniel Webster resigns from his position as Sec of State. He is the
last of the Cabinet originally appointed by Pres Wm Henry Harrison to do
so. Abel P. Upshur takes over the job on July 24.
1. Political 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Physical High with
Emotional 4th Qtr.
Alternatives |
(1838 - 1845) |
12/4/44 James
K. Polk defeats Henry Clay for the Presidency. Polk is virtually an unknown
politician, but his somewhat aggressive-expansionist views on acquiring
Texas, Oregon and Ca strike a receptive chord among Americans. He owes his
very nomination, in part, to the fact that the more obvious Demo candidate,
Martin Van Buren, had earlier in the year published a letter opposing the
annexation of Texas. James Birney of the anti-slavery Liberty party wins
62,3000 popular votes, and thereby contributes to Clay’s defeat.
Downward Crossover
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(March 21, 1845- March 21, 1846) |
1845 Two factions of the
Demo party in NY state are in open conflict this year as they run opposing
candidates in races for the state leg. The radical wing of the party is
called the “Barnburners” by their opponents who compare them to the Dutch
farmer who got rid of his rats by burning the barn. The other wing is known
as the “Hunkers,” from the Dutch word “hunkerer,” in this case, one who
“hunkers” or “hankers” after office. Eventually the Barnburners will
withdraw and join the Free-Soilers because of their anti-slavery views.
3rd Qtr. Review with
High |
(1847 - 1852) |
January 1852 A rather amorphous group called “Young American.” which
evolved from the Democratic party in the 1840s, is highlighted in the first
of a series of articles by George N. Sanders. These appear in the
movement’s organ, “Democratic Review,” Younger men such as Stephen A.
Douglas are leaders of the group which espouses a philosophy of a romantic,
yet aggressive nationalism, manifest destiny and strong support for European
revolutions. Sanders lays out a program of Am expansion to the south, free
trade and US assistance to republican revolutionaries in foreign countries.
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drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
Congress enacts Independent Treasury Act, establishing sub-treasuries for the
deposit of federal funds in major US cities. All government payments are to be
in specie (coined money) by 1843.
1848 Samuel M. Kier
Pa businessman, sells bottled petroleum as a medicine.
1849 Pacific
Railroad Company is chartered. It becomes the first RR west of the Miss River.
2. Business & Economy 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1831 - 1845) |
1840 An order by the Pres
establishes the 10-hour day for federal employees. this has long been a goal
of US labor.
1841 Earliest
commercial use of oil begins about this time, "Tock oil" skimmed from the
surface of streams in northwestern Pa is renames Seneca Oil," and sold as
patent-or "Indian"-medicine.
1842 Mass. law
regulates the work day for children under 12 yrs. They are limited to a
10-hour day.
1842 Congress
passes Whig tariff law with high protective levels.
1843 New word
"millionaire" is used by newspapers for the first time in reporting the
death of Pierre Lorilard, banker and tobacco grower.
1843 Mass Chief
Justice Lemuel Shaw rules in “Commonwealth v. Hunt” that a trade union is a
lawful org; further, a union is not responsible for the illegal acts of
individuals, and a strike that might occur in a closed shop is a legal act.
1845 One of the
earliest labor orgs, the Industrial Congress of the US, is org in NYC.
Aug 1845
Agrarian unrest over leases dating back to Dutch and Eng rule in the Albany,
NY, area is creating problems. An anti-rent war broke out in 1839-40 when
heirs of Stephen Van Rensselaer tried to collect $40,000 in back rent.
Residents are revolting against the patronship system, and farmers disguised
as Indians are attacking the militia called out by the governor to keep the
peace. A deputy sheriff is murdered this month and Delaware County is now
under martial law.
Physical 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1831 - 1845) |
1840 First
steamship line with scheduled transatlantic sailings is established by
Samuel Cunard, a Canadian.
Advances in Iron & Coal Tech. Hot basket iron furnace for anthracite coal
*+(David Thomas, Conn.), anthracite coal breaker (Gideon Bast, 1840), roller
and crusher for coal. (J. and S. Battin, 1844).
1841 Coke, a
coal product, is manufactured in Connellsville, Pa.
1843 Soap
powder, "Babbitt's Best Soap," is introduced by Benjamin T. Babbitt.
1843 Fremont's
second expedition surveys the route to Oregon and he maps and names the
Great Basin, the independent system of lakes and rivers divided from the
ocean by the mountains.
Physical Downward Crossover |
(March 21, 1845- March 21, 1846) |
Anti-rent wars in NY state lead to legislation that restricts the duration
of farm leases by replacing perpetual leases w fee-simple leases. Theses
issues are included in a more liberal constitution adopted by the state.
2. Business & Economy 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1847 - 1856) |
The nation’s first department store is built on Broadway in NYC.
2. Business & Economy 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1830 - 1841) |
7/4/40 With a signature from Pres Van Buren, the Independent Treasury Act
becomes law. It allows the government exclusive responsibility over its own
funds and provides for government depositories to hold funds. According to
the act, all government transaction will be made in specie payments after
June 30, 1843. Sub-treasuries for deposits are established in Boston, NY,
Philadelphia, Wash, Charleston, St. Louis and New Orleans.
Intellectual Downward Crossover |
(March 21, 1841- March 21, 1842) |
1841 Tyler twice vetoes a
bill creating a national bank with state branches. Whigs denounce Tyler,
whose entire Cabinet except for Daniel Webster resigns. [what mo.?]
8/19/41 A sys
of uniform bankruptcy law begins throughout the nation. A person can now
voluntarily declare bankruptcy. Thee law s will be repealed on March 3,
1843, but during its three-year tenure 33,737 people will take advantage of
7/28/41 The
Senate passes the Fiscal Bank Bill w a vote of 26-23. This is a Whig
proposal to incorporate a new fiscal organ in the District of Columbia. It
would be called the Radical Bank of the United States and is understood by
most to be simply a revival of the Second Bank of the US. The bill will
pass the House of Reps on Aug 6, but on Aug 16 Pres Tyler will veto it as
unconstitutional. On Aug 19 the Senate will not be able to override the
9/3/41 The
Distribution-Preemption Act is passed. It is a combination of Thomas Hart
Benton’s preemption scheme and Clay’s goal to distribute proceeds from the
sale of public lands. After individuals have steeled public lands, they may
purchase them for a minimum price. If tariff rates rise above 20 percent,
the distribution provision will be rescinded.
2. Business & Economy 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
Henry discovers the oscillatory (back and forth movement) nature of an
electrical discharge. He also experiments with wireless communication.
1843 A comet
appears over North Am sparking new interest in astronomy.
1843 Congress
grants $30,000 for Morse to erect a 40-mile telegraph line between Baltimore and
Wash DC.
1844 Morse sends
the first telegraph message, "What hath God wrought!" from Wash. DC to
1846 Smithsonian
Institution for scientific research is established by Congress with 1,000,000
pounds left by the will of James Smithson, an Eng. chemist.
1847 Am Med Ass is
established in Philadelphia with Jonathan Knight, Conn. physician, as pres.
1847 Maria
Mitchell, Mass. astronomer, discovers a comet and determines its orbit.
1848 Am Ass for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) is established in Philadelphia with William
Redfield, Conn. meteorologist, as pre.
1848 Gray pubs
"Manual of Botany," listing all known plants in the northern US.
1848 George P.
Bond, astronomer, discovers Hyperion, the eighth moon of Saturn.
1849 Benjamin
Gould, Mass. astronomer, establishes the "Astronomical Journal."
1849 Henry
analyzes the first weather data sent by telegraph
3. Science & Technology 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1838 - 1845) |
William Spencer Howe is the
inventor who pioneered in the development of truss bridges in the US. An
uncle of Elias Howe, the sewing-machine inventor. He made major alterations
in precious truss designs and in 1840 received two patents for the Howe
truss. After he built a bridge over the Connecticut River at Springfield,
his truss proved so successful that henceforth her was primarily a bridge
builder. His design, a truss with wooden diagonal members and iron vertical
ties, was the most popular bridge system in the US during the last half of
the 19th century. In 1842 he obtained a patent for an additional improvement
in the Howe truss, incorporating in the design a curved timber extending
from each buttress to the center of the truss.
1842 Crawford
Long, Ga. physician, performs the first successful surgery on a patient
anesthetized with ether, but does not pub his results until 1849.
1842 Samuel
Dana, NH chemist, describes the usefulness of phosphates (in manure) as a
1842 Matthew F.
Maury, Va. oceanographer, charts ocean currents.
1843 Oliver
Wendell Holmes, Mass. physician, suggested that since puerperal fever *a
disease associated with childbirth is so contagious, doctors should be
careful not to spread the disease from one patient to the next. He stresses
that doctors should put on clean clothes and wash their hands before
delivering a baby.
1844 Charles
Wilkes, NY scientist, pubs the results of the US Exploring Expedition
(1838-42) to Antarctica and the Pacific Northwest.
1845 A treat
clipper ship, the “Rainbow,” is built and launched by John W. Griffiths in
NY. It ushers in the era of huge clipper ships.
3. Science & Technology 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1847 - 1856) |
1848 Maria Mitchell is the
first woman elected to the Am Academy of Sciences.
3. Science & Technology 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Foundation |
(1841 - 1852) |
1847 Joseph Leidy, Pa.
paleontologist, suggests that the environment affects changes (evolution)
within a species.
1849 Jeffries
Wyman, Mass. anatomist, describes the similarities in the skeletons of apes
and human beings.
3. Science & Technology 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1838 - 1841) |
1840 Am Society of Dental
Surgeons is organized in NYC.
1840 John W.
Draper, Eng.-American chemist, takes the first photographs of the Moon.
Graphite is produced commercially in Ticonderoga, NY.
Physical High with
Intellectual Low |
(1841 - 1845) |
1845 Horace Wells, Conn.
dentist, fails in a public attempt to remove a tooth painlessly from a
patent amnestied with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Although earlier private
attempts were successful, this public demonstration failed because Wills
began the operation before the patient was completely anesthetized. [ phy
1846 William
T. G. Morton, Boston dentist, publicly demonstrates the effectiveness of
ether as an anesthetic. John C. Warren, New England's Leading surgeon,
performs the operation. Morton's claim that he discovered ether lead to
years of controversy.
top |
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1846 Elias Howe, Mass.
inventor, patents a lock-stitch sewing machine.
1847 Richard M.
Hoe, industrialist, develops rotary and web printing presses.
1848 "Air
Conditioning" is installed in the Broadway Theater in NYC. The management
promises "3000 Feet of Cool Air per Minute."
1849 George Carliss,
NY inventor, patents and efficient steam engine with four valves (instead of
1847 Adhesive
postage stamps are first used.
1848 John B. Curtis
of Bangor, Me. manufactures the first chewing gum commercially sold.
1849 To satisfy a
$15 debt owed to J. R. Chapin, Walter Hunt of NY spends 3 hrs. bending wire into
various forms and designs the first modern safety pin.
4. Mechanical 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 2nd Qtr. Foundation |
(1838 - 1845) |
As early as August, 1841,
his brothers, James C. and Edwin A. Stevens, representing Robert L.,
addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Navy, proposing to build an
iron-clad vessel of high speed, with all its machinery below the water-line,
and having submerged screw-propellers. The armament was to consist of
powerful breech-loading rifled guns, provided with elongated shot and shell.
In the year 1842, having contracted to build for the United States
government a steamer on this plan, Robert L. Stevens built his steamboat at
Bordentown, for the sole purpose of experimenting on the forms and curves of
propeller-blades, as compared with side-wheels, and, as already stated,
worked many months. After some delay, the keel of an iron-clad was laid
down. This vessel was to have been 250 feet long, 40 feet beam, and 28 feet
deep. The machinery was 700 horse-power. The plating was proposed to be 4.5
inches thick, - the thickness adopted ten years later by the French.
1842 James
Bogardus, NY inventor, designs a dry gas meter.
1843 in
Buffalo, NY, the first grain elevator in the country is built
1844 Iron is
used for RR tracks.
1844 First
private bath in an Am hotel is installed in the NY Hotel, and the first
bridal suite is available at the Irving House in NYC.
1845 Earatus
Bigelow, Mass. inventor, builds power looms for weaving carpets and
4. Mechanical 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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1845 First written examinations
begin in elementary schools in Boston.
5. Education 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1947 - 1856) |
1848 medical school fro
women opens with 12 students. Known as the Boston Female Medical School, it
becomes part of the Boston U School of Med in 1874.
1849 Elizabeth
Blackwell receives her medical degree from a med school in Geneva, NY. She
is the first woman in the world to receive an M.D.
1849 Several
new colleges are founded by religious groups. The United Brethren charter
Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. The Baptists found Wm Jewell
College in Liberty, Missouri and the Presbyterians found Austin College in
Huntsville, Texas. Elizabeth Blackwell graduates from Geneva College,
Geneva, NY, as the first woman in Am to receive a medical degree.
5. Education 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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1843 Millerism, and Adventist
movement, resulted from the preaching of Wm. Miller (1782-1849), who prophesized
the 2nd coming of Christ between. 1843-44. His followers founded the Adventist
Church (1845). The Seventh-Day Adventists separated from the parent body (1846).
Spring 1846
Beginning now and continuing though the summer, 12,000 Mormons move from Nauvoo,
Illinois, to Council Bluggs on the Missouri R.
4/16/47 Leaving
most of the Mormons at Council Bluffs, Brigham Young takes a small group of
followers to look for suitable land in the West.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Low |
(1829 - 1847) |
Prominent Mormon Brigham Young travels to England to speak about the Mormon
Church. His message is so convincing that between now and 1846 approx 4000
English converts to Mormonism will emigrate to Nauvoo, Illinois.
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1838 - 1847) |
1843 The country’s major
Fourierist community, the North American Phalanx, is org in Red Bank, New
4/4/44 The
Fourierists are at their peak in membership. at a large meeting in Clinton
Hall, New York, they elect George Ripley of Brook Farm as their president.
Among vice-presidents are Horace Greeley, Charles A. Dana and Parke Godwin.
1845 Just as
the Baptist church has split over the slavery question, the Methodist
Episcopal church now splits as well into Northern and Southern conferences
when their Bishop James O. Andrew of Georgia is asked by the General
Convention to choose between his slaves or his position.
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1847 - 1865) |
1847 Theological
Liberalism was exemplified by the pub of Rev. Horace Bushnell's (1802-76)
"Christian Nurture," stressing mysticism, free will, and Christian nurture,
rather than election, as the road to salvation.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Physical High with
Emotional Low |
(1831 - 1845) |
May 1844 Increasing conflicts between native-born Am Protestants and
immigrant Catholics result in violent clashes between these groups now and
on July 5-8 in Philadelphia. About 100 people are injured and 20 killed.
This year the American Republican Party is holding office or voting; they
manage to elect a nativist mayor in NYC.
top |
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1840 Sculptor Horatio
Greenough executes a statue of Washington in the Neoclassical style. Public
outrage at the sandaled and semi-clad depiction of the first Pres prevents the
statue from being placed in the Capitol building. [no 3rd qtr.]
1841 Andrew Jackson Downing,
horticulturist and architect, pubs "Treatise on Landscape Gardening," which
emphasizes the relationship between a dwelling and its surroundings.
1844 John Henry Belter,
German born furniture maker, introduces the Victorian Rococo furniture styles to
the US.
1848 Bogardus
constructs a 5-story building using cast iron throughout.
7. Arts & Design 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Trirhythmic String of 3rd Quarters of Review
Physical 3rd Qtr. (1845 - 1852) /
Emotional 3rd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. (1929 - 1938) /
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. (1841 - 1852) /
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. (1845 - 1852)
After 1820 the early
Federal style waned, and Jeffersonian classicism was modified by the
introduction of Greek and even Egyptian detail, constituting the so-called
Greek Revival. Accompanied by furnishings and draperies in the heavier
Sheraton-Empire tasted, the classic pattern established in the 1820's became
the basic style in building and decorative design. Stimulated by the Greek
struggle for national independence, it lasted until about 1850 and
constituted for the time a national style without parallel in Europe. In its
later decorative aspect, however, the Greek Revival became a fashion rather
than a style. As such it marks not only the end of the 18th-century
Neoclassicism but the beginning of the Romantic movement. [note: this
paragraph is a duplicated entry to one put in 1830s]
1846 Arch
James Renwick designs the Smithsonian Inst building in Gothic Revival style.
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James Russell Lowell poet,
critic, and diplomat, whose major significance probably lies in the interest in
literature he helped develop. His writing up to about 1850 was dominated by
humanitarian interests, notably Abolition. In 1844, he was married to the poet
Maria White, who had helped inspire his poems in "A Year's Life" (1841). After a
three months' editorship (with Robert Carter) in 1843 of the abortive periodical
"The Pioneer," which attracted work by Hawthorne, Poe, and Whittier, Lowell
published "Conversations on Some of the Old Poets" (1845), which included pleas
for Abolition and for the transcendence of nationalism over utopianism. From
1845 to 1850 he wrote about 50 anti-slavery articles for periodicals. Even more
effective were his "Biglow Papers," which he began to serialize June 17, 1846
(first series collected in book form in 1848). Written in New England dialect,
these satirized the Mexican War as an attempt to extend the area of slavery. The
miraculous year" 1848 also saw the publication of the somewhat Tennysonian
"Vision of Sir Launfal" and the witty "Fable for Critics," urging American
reader to glorify native poets such as Whittier.
From 1850 to 1867,
Lowell turned to nationalism, or Unionism. A trip to England in 1851-52 made him
less anti-traditional, as "Leaves from My Italian Journal" (1854) suggests. His
second series of "Biglow Papers" (1867), devoted to Unionism and collected from
periodicals, include, "Sunthin' in the Pastoral Line," which, along with "New
England Two Centuries Ago" (1865), drew upon his native Puritan heritage of
ordered liberty, in contrast to the anarchy of disunion.
From about 1867 to
the end of his life, Lowell was influenced by the corruption of the Grant
administration, which proved that the Union did not automatically beget morally
strong citizens. He now centered his work on making the individual man "sole
sponsor of himself," on self-mastery in the midst of greed and perpetual
temptation. One of the chief means was tradition, the examples of the heroes of
the entire past, especially as embodied in literature. Thus, partly though his
editorship (with Charles Eliot Norton) of the "North American Review"
(1864-1872), Lowell published his critical essays on the great masters. Guided
by Edmund Burke and by Coleridge (the "first of critics"_, Lowell exalted the
Greeks' "sense of proportion, their distaste for the exaggerated"; Dante's sense
of free-willed responsibility in the face of inward conflict between appetite
and aspiration; and Shakespeare's view that this conflict can be resolved on the
human rather than the theological plane.
1840 Cooper pubs
"The Pathfinder," the fourth "Leatherstocking Tale."
1840 Poe pubs
"Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque," which includes his famous work, "The
Fall of the House of Usher."
1841 Cooper pubs
"The Deerslayer," the fifth "Leathersotcking Tale."
1841 Longfellow
pubs "Ballads and Other Poems," which includes "The Wreck of the Hesperus."
"New York Tribune"
is pub by Horace Greeley. It becomes the most influential newspaper in the North
and West, until the Civil War.
1843 Poe pubs the
short stories "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Pit and the Pendulum," and
"The Tell-Tale Heart."
1844 Poe pubs the
short story "The Premature Burial."
1845 Margaret
Fuller pubs the feminist work "Woman in the Nineteeth Century."
1845 Poe pubs "The
Raven and Other Poems" and "Tales."
1845 Alfred Beach,
inventor, establishes "Scientific American" magazine.
1846 Herman
Melville, writer, pubs his first novel, "Typee," dealing with his life among a
primitive Polynesian tribe.
1846 Poe pubs the
short story "The Cask of Amontillado,"
1847 Longfellow
writes "Evangeline", one of his most famous poetic works.
1847 Melville's
novel "Omoo" depicts life in Tahiti.
1848 Edward Jarvis,
Mass. physician, pubs a widely read book that popularizes public health.
1848 J. R. Lowell
pubs the poems "Vision of Sir Launfal" and "Fabel for the Critics."
1849 Melville shows
his love for the sea in the novels "Mardi" and "Redburn."
1849 Henry David
Thoreau pubs "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers," which sells only 200
1849 Poe pubs
the poems, "Annabel Lee" and "The Bells."
8. Literature & Publication 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1845 - 1859) |
6/17/46 James Russell
Lowell pubs the first of his “Biglow Papers” in the “Boston Courier” to
voice his opposition to the war with Mexico.
1849 Henry
David Thoreau pubs “Civil Disobedience,” an essay that grew out or his
refusal to pay taxes supporting the Mexican War. He advocates citizen
action to protest unjust government deeds. In Rochester, NY, Margaret and
Kate Fox begin the Spiritualism movement. Within a few months, at least six
publication dealing exclusively a national cult. Many people regularly hold
8. Literature & Publication 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1838 - 1847) |
1840 The known as the
“Transcendentalists,” including Ralph Waldo Emerson and George Ripley, that has
been meeting to discuss philosophy and literature, begins to pub their own
journal, “The Dial,” in Boston. Margaret Fuller, a member of the group, is the
first editor, Richard Henry Dana, Jr. first publishes “Two Years Before the
"Innovation was
unrestrained by custom, tradition or timidity, "I simply experiment: said
Emerson, the quintessential American, "An endless seeker, with no Past at my
back."" (Schlesinger, "The Cycles in American History." [possibly
exemplifying e 4th]
1842 Emerson
becomes editor of "The Dial," the influential publisher of the
Transcendentalist movement.
1846 Emerson's
"Poems" include "Woodnotes" and "Give All to Love."
8. Literature & Publication 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1841 - 1852) |
Elizabeth Ellet authored her 2-volume work: “Women of the
American Revolution.”
8. Literature & Publication 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1842 The NY Philharmonic, is
founded. It is the oldest symphony orchestra in America.
1842 Showman
Edwin P. Christy founds the Christy Minstrels.
1844 Stephen
Collins Foster, song composer, writes "Open Thy Lattice, Love."
1844 Chopin attends
the European debut of Amer. pianist Louis Gottschalk and predicts his success.
1845 The Southern
Musical Convention is organized to bring rural singers together for several days
of singing.
9. Entertainment 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1831 - 1845) |
1842 Barnum' Am Museum
opens in NYC. P. T. Barnum exhibits General Tom Thumb and other freaks as
well as many hoaxes, attracting the public with extravagant advertising.
1842 in NYC, P.
T. Barnum opens his Am Museum to the public.
Physical 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1838 - 1845) |
1845 The transition from
the 4-stringed "banjo" to the modern 5-stringed banjo occurs.
9. Entertainment 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1838 - 1847) |
1846 The Seventh-Day Adventists broke from the Adventist Church, stressing
legalism and Sabbatarianism, with strong views on diet, health and medicine
Emotional 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1847 - 1856) |
1848 Foster's "Oh! Susanna"
becomes a popular song among the '49ers and established the songwriter's
1848 The
Musical Fund Society begins its seasonal orchestra concerts in Boston's
Tremont Temple.
1849 The
Mendelssohn Quintet Club, the first chamber music organization in the US
gives its first concert.
1847 The
Christy Minstrels begin a ten year engagement at Mechanic's Hall on
9. Entertainment 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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1849 Tom Hyer, the
unofficial heavyweight boxing champion, fights Yankee Sullivan, an Englishman,
and knocks him out.
10. Sports 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1831 - 1845) |
1842 Horse race at the
Union Course on Long Island attract thousands of spectators. "Fashion" (the
North's entry) beats "Boston" (the South's entry) for a purse of $20,000.
1843 Rowing is
introduced at Harvard when William Weeks, a student, buys and outfits a
1845 First
formal rules for baseball are written by Alexander Hoy Cartwright.
1846 First
recorded baseball games is played at Elysian Field in Hoboken, NY between
the NY Nine and the Knickerbockers. The New York Nine win: 23-1.
10. Sports 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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1845 The style of button-fly pants was introduced to
the US "despite protests from the religious community, who saw the flap as a
license to sin."
(WSJ, 11/20/97, p.A20)
11. Fashion 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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population US 1940 almost 17.1
1840 Sixth national
census shows a pop of more than 17 mil. About 600,000 immigrants have arrived
since 1830.
1840 First use of
the expression O.K. It referred to "Old Kinderhook," birthplace of Pres Martin
Van Buren, and was the name of a Democratic Club in NYC.
1847 Irish
immigration reaches 105,000 (3 times that of the preceding year) because of the
potato famine in Ireland.
1849 More than 400
buildings (within 15 city blocks) and 27 steamships are destroyed in a St.
Louis, Mo. fire, Damage is estimated at $6 mil.
1849 California's giant
redwood trees are named Sequoias in honor of Sequoya.
1849 The Pacific
Railroad is chartered in Missouri w plans to link St. Louis and Kansas City. A
stagecoach line opens to carry mail between independence. Missouri and Santa
12. Lifestyles 1840s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1831 - 1845) |
1841 The first large group
to emigrate to CA travels over the Oregon Trail, the Humbolt River and the
Sierra Nevada Mountains. The 48 wagons in the party reach Sacramento.
May 1843 John
C. Fremont leaves Missouri on his second expedition. He will cross the
Rocky Mountains into the Snake and Columbia R valleys and then explore Ca’s
central San Joaquin Valley. He will return to Missouri in July 1844.
5/22/43 One
thousand Easterners leave from Independence, Missouri to settle in the
Oregon territory. This marks the be of a large migration westward.
12. Lifestyles 1840s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1838 - 1847) |
1841 Brook Farm, a
cooperative program based on an economy of farming and handcrafts, is founded in
Mass. by George Ripley, a Unitarian Minister and a Transcendentalist.
1841 Largely as
an outgrowth of discussions by the Transcendentalists, George Ripley and the
Brook Farm Association set up a cooperative living experiment, the Brook
Farm Institute of Agriculture and Education 9 miles from Boston. It
attracts Nathaniel Hawthorne and Charles A. Dana. Meanwhile, in Ohio, the
Marlboro Association establishes the first Fourierist community in the
1844 Amos
Bronson Alcott, who recently ran the experimental Temple School in Boston,
founds an utopian community called Fruitlands near the rural community of
Harvard, Mass. His daughter, Louisa May, will later write about their
idyllic family life in “Little Women.” Ralph Waldo Emerson pubs his second
series of “Essays.”
1848 John
Humphrey Noyes establishes the Perfectionist Community at Oneida, NY.
12. Lifestyles 1840s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1840s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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