These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.
See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).
Note to readers: Work from the Kala-Rhythm archives is being offered here in the Timelines for the first time. We are allowing a view into the Timelines now by posting both the finished and the unfinished pages of the Timelines as editing from our references continues. Unfinished pages (like this one) contain raw data from history sources to which we give credit in our "biblio/webography". Check back for updates to this and other pages.
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drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
Roosevelt's victory. Roosevelt
was elected by an electoral vote of 336 to 140 for Parker. He carried every
state outside the soled South. In popular votes, Roosevelt received 7,628,000 to
Parker's 5,084,000.
1900 Boxer uprising
in China. In June the US participated in the relief expedition against Peking.
Hay made this the occasion for reaffirming the Open Door policy.
The Platt
Amendment. The US established in Cuba a military government headed by Major Gen
Leonard Wood. In 1901, with Am support, a convention of Cuban delegates drafted
a constitution for the new nation. As a condition for the withdrawal of Am
forces, the delegates were compelled to accept provision that had been passed by
Congress as a rider to an army appropriations bill. These provision, known
collectively as the Platt Amendment after their sponsor, Republican Senator
Orville J. H. Platt of Connecticut stipulated that (1) Cuba would sign no treaty
impairing its sovereignty without the consent of the US; (2) Cuba would not
incur a debt unless the interest could be met out of current revenues; (3) th US
could intervene to preserve the independence or the political and social
stability of Cuba; and (4) Cuba would grant to the US land of the establishment
of naval bases. (Under the terms of the last clause the US built at Guantanamo
Bay in the eastern part of the island a naval station, which it continues to
operate). [what mo.? move to 1901.dat?]
1900 US forces help
relieve Peking during Boxer Rebellion in China. Hay reaffirms the Open Door
1900 Foraker Act
declares Puerto Rico and unorganized territory and established a civil
government for the island.
1900 Hawaii is made
a territory of the US.
1900 Social
Democratic Party nominates Debs for Pres.
1900 Populist and
Democratic Parties both nominate Bryan for Pre. Bryan runs on a platform of free
silver and anti-imperialism.
1900 First direct
primary election is held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1900 People's
(Anti-Fusion) Party, Socialist Laborites, and Prohibitionists nominate
candidates for President, but together receive less than 3% of the popular vote.
(Rep) is reelected Pres; Theodore Roosevelt (Rep) is elected VP. Republicans
retain control of the House.
1900 State Dept
completes negotiations for the purchase of the Danish West Indies.
- A completely self-contained electric washing machine was developed by Hurling
Machine Company in 1907.
1. Political 1900-01 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1887 - 1901) |
Independent industries grew
to new dimensions. Just in 1900 and 1901 before the Crossover; the New
Carnegie Steel Company became the largest to incorporate to date, and J. P.
Morgan incorporated the US Steel Corporation as the first billion dollar
corporation. Morgan then bought out Carnegie in a merger that was one of
more than 20 mergers to take place in the iron and steel industry in the
last two years before the Crossover. DAT^
U.S. Steel is a former Dow Jones Industrial Average component listed from
April 1, 1901 to May 3, 1991. It was removed under its USX Corporation name
with Navistar International and Primerica Corporation.
The formation of the US
Steel Corp in February 25, 1901 was one of the earliest examples of investment bankers
dominating industry. From thereon, investment institutions gained more
control over industry. They owned a significant portion of stock in
corporations and had more influence than the many absentee stock holders or
those holders who had no voting privileges. Banks and Ins. companies gained
control in corps either through holding a majority of voting stock or though
granting conditional loans which returned powers. (int. 4th?)
1. Political 1900-01 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
1. Political 1900-01 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
1. Political 1900-01 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Congress enacts Gold Standard Act, making other forms of money redeemable in
2. Business & Economy 1900-01 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1887 - 1901) |
1900 Olds Company of
Detroit begins the first mass production of automobiles, turning out 400 cars in the
first year.
Currency Act, declaring other forms of money redeemable in gold on demand,
and providing for a gold reserve of $150,000,000. This extended the issue of
national bank notes from 90 per cent to full face value of the bonds upon
which they were issued and reduced capital requirements of banks in small
2. Business & Economy 1900-01 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
2. Business & Economy 1900-01 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
2. Business & Economy 1900-01 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
High |
(1887 - 1901) |
International Ladies' Garment Worker's Union is founded in NYC. Its goal is
to shorten the 70-hour workweek and to change a system in which women sewing
at home can earn only up to 30 cent a day.
Physical High
Low |
(1887 - 1901X) |
The New Carnegie Steel Company is incorporated in New Jersey in direct
defiance of the Sherman Anti-trust Law which by this time has no teeth in it
at all. Capitalization of the new corporation amounts to a dazzling
$160,000,000. It is the largest and most controversial incorporation to
date. In April, the largest quarterly dividend payment ever offered will be
paid by the Standard Oil company for the first quarter or 1900 amounting to
$20,000,000. Only 14 percent of this sum is regular quarterly dividends;
eighty-five percent is sheer profit.
1900 General Electric
establishes a research laboratory in Schenectady, NY.
1900 Reginald A.
Fessenden, physicist, transmits spoken words by radio waves.
1900 Elmer A.
Sperry, NY electrical engineer, established a laboratory in Was, DS for
electro-chemical research.
1900 There are more
than a million miles of telephone lines in the US.
Scientist R. A.
Fessenden transmits human speech via radio waves 1900.
3. Science & Technology 1900-01 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1887 - 1901) |
Neurological surgeon H. W.
Cushing begins study of pituitary body 1901.
1901 Walter Reed, surgeon,
discovers that yellow fever is caused by a virus and is spread by
1901 Clarence McClung, Pa.
zoologist, proposes that an extra (or "X") chromosome determines sex.
Physical 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1894 - 1901) |
A patent for the separable electric attachment plug
was issued to Harvey Hubbell in 1904.
1901 Peter C. Hewett, NJ
electician, invents a mercury vapor arc lamp.
Electrical inventor Peter Cooper Hewitt built on the mid-19th
century work of German physicist Julius Plücher and glassblower Heinrich
Geissler. By passing an electric current through a glass tube containing
tiny amounts of a gas, Plücker and Geissler found they could make light.
Although the seals leaked and soon let in too much air to allow the effect,
glowing Geissler Tubes became a scientific novelty.
1901 "New York
Blizzard," one of the first panoramic films, is shown. A new device on
motion-picture cameras makes it possible to rotate ("pan") the camera.
3. Science & Technology 1900-01 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1900-01 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1900-01 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
1900 Most Americans travel with
the help of horse and mules or by bicycles. According to one report, the
automobile is "an expensive luxury item for the man who does not need one. It is
well named the 'devil wagon.'"
1900 the US Navy
accepts Holland's submarine and rejects Lake's.
1901 first motor-driven
bicycles [where?]
1901 Otis Brothers
install an escalator in Gimbels Deptartment Store in Philadelphia.
1901 Willis Carrier
invents a forerunner of the air conditioner.
1901 Lake launches
the 60-ft.-long submarine, the "Protector."
4. Mechanical 1900-01 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1887 - 1901) |
1900 first Browning
revolvers manufactured.
Escalator is
invented in USA and exhibited in Paris exhibition in 1900.
1900 Work
begins on NY subway.
4. Mechanical 1900-01 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1900-01 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1900-01 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
1900 US pop almost 80 mil,
including 3.6 mil immigrants that arrived since 1890. NY is the largest city,
with a pop of 3.4 mil; Chicago is second, with 1.6; followed by Phila, with 1.2.
Life expectancy is 48 years for males and 51 years for females.
1900 Carey Nation,
temperance advocate, denounces saloons and liquor and supports prohibition laws.
12. Lifestyles 1900-01 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1900-01 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1900-01 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1900-01 |
Polyrhythms |
top |