These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.
See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).
Note to readers: Work from the Kala-Rhythm archives is being offered here in the Timelines for the first time. We are allowing a view into the Timelines now by posting both the finished and the unfinished pages of the Timelines as editing from our references continues. Unfinished pages (like this one) contain raw data from history sources to which we give credit in our "biblio/webography". Check back for updates to this and other pages.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
The double downward
motion of this decade was especially hard felt in an industrial society. The
physical cycle influencing manufacturing as well as the intellectual cycle
influencing business in general. The emotional cycle which rose to a peak in
1928, bringing wild over speculation in the market, could hardly offset the
difficult times of the Great Depression.
1933: Emergency
Banking act, Economy Act, Beer and Wine Act, Reforestation relied Act
establishing the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Federal Emergency Relief
Act, Agricultural Adjustment Act creating the Agricultural Adjustment
Administration (AAA), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Federal Securities Act,
National Employment System Act that creates a US Employment Service, Home Owners
Refinancing Act that sets up the Home Owner Loan Corporation (HOLC), the
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) establishes the Public Works
Administration (PWA) and the National Recovery Administration (NRA) - and the
PWA supervised construction of roads, public building, and other porojects such
as the Grand Coulee Dam, New York’s Triborough Bridge and almost three-quarters
of the nation’s schools, the Farm Credit Act, the Banking Act of 1933 that sets
up the Federal Bank Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Labor Board, the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Civil Works Administration (CWA) to
provide millions of jobs, the Farm Mortgage Refinancing Act establishing the
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, establishes the Export-Import Bank of
Washington, the Civil Works Emergency Relief Act to provide funds for the
Federal Emergency relief Administration.
1934: the Gold
Reserve Act, the Crop Loan Act which continues the program of the Farm Credit
Administration, the Tydings-McDuffies Act, Hones-Connally Farm Relief Act to
extend the number of agricultural commodities to be controlled by the
Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the Cotton Control Act (Bankhead Act),
the Hones-Costigan Act, the Securities Exchange Act establishing the Securities
Exchange Commission (SEC), the Corporate Bankruptcy Act, the Farm Mortgage
Foreclosure Act, the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act, the National Guard Act, the
Communications Act establishing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the
Silver Purchase Act, established the National Labor Relation Board (replacing
the National Labor Board of 1933), the National Housing Act establishing the
Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Taylor Grazing Act, the Tobacco
Control Act, the Federal Farm Bankruptcy Act (Frazier-Lemke Act).
1935: the Emergency
Relief Appropriation Act which sets up various programs including the Works
Progress Administration (WPA) that builds thousands of miles of roads,
constructing or repairing bridges, erecting thousands of pub structure such as
schools and post offices and building everything from parks to airfields, and
set up programs that provide employment for artists, musicians, actors, writers
and scholars, established the Resettlement Administration (RA), establishes the
Rural Electrification Administration, the National Labor Relations Act which
sets up the National Labor Relations Board, the Social Security Act, the Banking
Act of 1935, the Public Utilities Act, the
Revenue Act, the Neutrality
1936:The Second
Neutrality Act is passed, Congress also passes the Soil Conservation and
Domestic Allotment Act to take place of the agricultural Adjustment Act
(declared unconstitutional on Jan 6, 1936), Congress adopts the Robinson-Patman
Act, Congress passes the Merchant Marine Act establishing the US Maritime
Commission, R sings the third Neutrality Acts of 1935, R sign the Miller-Tydings
Enabling Act, R signs the Judicial Procedure Reform Act,
1938 R signs the
Agricultural Adjustment Act, Congress adopts the Revenue Act of 1938, the
Chandler Act is passed by congress, amending the Federal Bankruptcy At of 1898,
Congress establishes the Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA), Congress passes the
Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act to supersede the Pure Food Act of 1906, R sings the
Fair Labor Standards Act, Congress passes the Flood Control Act.
1939 R signs the
Administrative Reorganization Act,
5/16/39 A food-stamp plan is
begun in Rochester, NY, w the intention of distributing the nation’s surplus
food to the poor and needy. Within the next two years, a similar plan will be
adopted in some 150 Am cities. (During WWII the food-stamp plan will be
discontinued, but on Sept. 21, 1959, a similar plan to distribute surplus food
will be reactivated.)
R signs the Hatch Act,
8/10/39 Pres R signs the Social
Security Amendment, which moves up the date for starting monthly payments to Jan
1, 1940, and generally extends coverage in more generous terms. This si but the
first of many amendments to be adopted over the years to expand the Social
Security System.
R signs the Neutrality Act of
5/27/35 In what is
immediately recognized as a major setback to Roosevelt’s New Deal, the Supreme
Court rules unanimously in “Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States” that the
National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 was unconstitutional. The case itself
seemed almost trivial, involving a small Brooklyn poultry firm charged with
violations of a national recovery Administration code, but the Supreme Court
ruled that Congress had given “vertually unfettered” powers to the NRA, and this
was “utterly inconsist3ent” w the constitutional duties of Congress. This ruling
is only one of many by the Sup Ct that will go against R’s plans and will lead
to his “court-packing” proposal of 1937.
1/6/36 In “US vs.
Butler,” the Sup Cy rules 6-3 that the Agricultural Adjustment Act (of 1933) is
unconstitutional on the grounds that the act did not levy a tax but an outright
control over production and thus was exceeding the government’s
responsibilities. But the dissenting judges accuse the majority of substitution
their own judgment for that of the legislators, and thus deepening the schism
between the Sup Ct and the Am people. OTHER - 1/24/36 Congress passes the
Adjusted Compensation Act by overriding Pres R’s veto earlier in the day. The
bill allows for immediate cash redemption of the bonus certificates held by
veterans of WWI. R had vetoed a previous version of this bill on May 22, 1935,
but now, w the recession underway, Congress asserts itself.
2/5/37 R has been
increasingly impatient, even outrage, at the Sup Cr, composed of nine men - all
over 60 and generally conservative - whom he had come to regard as a small group
thwarting the will of the nation. Emboldened by the extent of his victory at
the polls, R informs his Cabinet at a special meeting this morning that he will
be sending a message to Congress that very noon proposing a reorganization of
the fed judiciary sys. Ostensibly it is designed to improve the efficiency of
the entire system - by adding judges to all levels of the federal courts, by
assigning judges to more congested courts, by adopting procedures to expedite
the appeals process. But the heart of the proposal fools no one: it it that
the Supreme Court should increase its membership by as many as six if any of the
justices over 70 refused to retire. The proposal incites instant controversy,
and Roosevelt is accuse of wanting to “pack” the court and in so doing destroy
the independence of the judiciary, to assert the supremacy of the executive
branch, and thus to subvert the Constitution. Even many of R’s longtime
supporters will desert him on this issue as the debate moves into the Congress.
3/1/37 Congress
passes the Sup Court Retirement Act, which simply permits the Justices to retire
at 70 with full pay. this is clearly a compromise, a not very subtle attempt to
buy off the elderly justices and it will not lead to any immediate resignation.
Pres R signs the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act, extending the Trade Agreement
Act of 1934 to June 1940 an allowing the Pres to negotiate foreign trade
4/12/37 The Sup Ct,
in a series of decisions by a narrow 5-4 majority, rules that the National Labor
Relations Act (Wagner-Connery Act) of 1935 is constitutional. This will take
some of the steam out of Roosevelt’s move to revamp the court.
5/24/37 The Sup Ct,
after considering three related cases, rules that the Social Security Act of
1935 is constitutional. This is a crucial victory for R and takes still more
steam out of his proposal to change the composition of the court.
1/30/39 The Sup Ct,
in “Tessessee Electric Power Company v. Tennessee Valley Authority,” upholds the
constitutionality of the TVA’s competition w private utility companies.
1932 FDR wins US
pres election in Democratic landslide; 472 electoral votes over Herbert Hoover's
1932 FDR and John
Nance Garner are President and Vice-President for the Democrats.
Roosevelt's "New Deal" progress stresses Federal support for the economy and for
social reconstructions.
11/8/32 Franklin
Delano Roosevelt and the Demos win the election by a landslide; R gets
22,809,638 votes to Hoover’s 15,758,901, and the Demos take control of both
houses of Congress.
11/3/36 In the
election, R defeats Landon by a landslide-27,751,612 pop votes to 16,681,913,
and w an even more dramatic majority in the electoral college votes, 523 to 8
(only Maine and Vermont going to Landon). The Demos also hold onto their
majorities in the Senator (76-16) and House (331-89).
5/4/30 The
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bill is moving toward Congressional acceptance; this bill
will raise duties on many items imported into the US and many people see this as
a potential threat to international trade. This very day, a petition signed by
some 1028 prominent economists is made public; they are protesting the passage
of such a law and urging Hoover to veto it if it is passed. Congress, however,
will pass the Hawley-Smoot Bill and Hoover will sign it on June 17.
1. Political 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
n 1902 American troops sailed
for home. The following year the Platt Amendment was incorporated into a treaty
between the US and Cuba. In 1934 the Platt Amendment was repealed as part of
FDR's policy to improve relations between the US and Latin America.
1933 Tennessee
Valley Authority created in US
8/30/35 Congress
passes the Revenue Act. It increases taxes on inheritances and gifts as well as
on the higher incomes of individuals while adjusting taxes on corporations to
favor smaller companies. When R asked for such leg, he explicitly state, “Our
revenue laws have the unfair advantage of the few, and they have
done little to prevent an unjust concentration of wealth and economic power.”
The Revenue Act of 1935 clearly sets out to change that.
1937 FDR signs US
Neutrality Act.
1937 Neutrality Act
prohibits the exporting of munitions to nations at war and the use of US ships
for carrying munitions into war zones.
7/14/39 President
Roosevelt send a special message to Congress to ask for the repeal of the arms
embargo., It is hardly a secret that R wants to be able to sell and send US
arms to countries such as England in order to help them resist the Fascist
nations. On July 18 R and his Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, will take the
next step and ask Congress to revise the neutrality law. And on July 26 signed
w Japan back in 1911. All these actions will deepen the gap between the US and
the totalitarian-militaristic states and in turn make these latter regard the
USA as a potential enemy.
Physical Low |
(1929 - 1943) |
12/28/33 President
Roosevelt gives a speech in Wash DC, in which he states: “The definite
policy of the US from now on is one opposed to armed intervention.”
5/29/34 The US
and Cuba sign a treaty releasing Cuba from the Platt Amendment (of May 22,
1903) that had effectively made Cuba a US protectorate.
8/6/34The last
of the US Marines leave Haiti, where they have been stationed since 1915.
2/29/36 The
Second Neutrality Act is passed, extending the act of 1935 to May 1, 1937
but adding a prohibition against granting any US loans or credits to
belligerents. Congress also passes the Soil Conservation and Domestic
Allotment Act to take the place of the Agricultural adjustment Act (declared
unconstitutional on Jan 6, 1936). In this new version, farmer will be paid
for withdrawing land planted w soil-depleting crops (such as cotton,
tobacco, corn, wheat) and for efforts to control erosion and soil wastage
(such as through planting soil-conserving crops).
Congress passes an act that grants the Virgin Islands, a US territory, the
right to elect its own leg.
5/1/37 Pres R
signs the third Neutrality Act, extending the Neutrality Acts of 1935 and
1936, due to expire at midnight. It not only continues the prohibition on
exporting arms to belligerents and the prohibits these nations from selling
their securities n the US, it also prohibits Am ships from carrying arms
into the belligerents’ zones. It also require that belligerent nations must
pay w cash for certain non-military goods purchased in the USA and then
carry them in their own ships-thus giving this the nickname of “the
cash=and=carry law.”
9/14/37 By
executive order, Pres R bars US ships from carrying arms to both China and
Japan, engaged in war since Japan invaded China after a trumped-up incident
in July.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 1936) |
11/11/32 The Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier is dedicated in Arlington National Cemetery.
Congress passes the reforestation Relief Act, establishing the Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC); its will provide work immediately for some 250,000
young med (18-25) in reforestation projects, soil erosion and flood control,
road construction and developing the national parks. Work camps soon spring
up, at first under the direction of Army officers. Those who participate
are paid $30 per month (but part of this sum must go to any dependents). By
the time the CCC ceases in 1941, some 2,000,000 young men will have been
involved in its projects.
1. Political 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1919 - 1937) |
1/12/32 Hattie W. Caraway
is appointed Senator from Arkansas to fill the unexpired term of her late
husband; later this year she will become the first woman elected to the US
3/4/33 FDR is
inaugurated as 32nd pres of the US, w John Nance Garner as ice-pres. In his
add, he declares (in words borrowed from Thoreau): “Le me assert my firm
belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” In fact, R
inherits a country whose economy and social fabric are close to shred. In
particular, the nation’s banks had been closing as depositors began to
withdraw gold; stopping this will be his first order of bus.
3/12/33 Pres. R
broadcasts over the radio in the first of his “fireside chats” to the
nation; his informal approach and personal assurance will do much to allay
Americans’ “fear of fear itself.”
12/5/33 The
21st Amend, repealing the 18th Amend, goes into effect when Utah becomes the
36th state to ratify it. The “noble experiment” of Prohibition has been
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1937 - 1946) |
1938 Congress establishes
the House Committee on Un-American Activities to investigate Communist,
Fascist, Nazi, and other "un-American" organizations.
1938 Congress
enacts the Venereal Disease Control Act which provides federal funds for the
prevention, treatment, and control VD.
1939 R admin
consolidate many existing government agencies, many of them formed by the
New Deal.
1. Political 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
1. Political 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 -1936) |
1930 War Dept amends Army
regulations to make any violation of the federal prohibition law a military
1930 Congress
establishes the Veteran's Admin to aid former servicemen and their
1931 Eickersham
Commission reports that enforcement of the 18th Amendment is breaking down.
It recommends revision, but not repeal of the law.
1931 Congress
passes Veterans Compensation Act over Pres Hoover's veto. It permits cash
loans equal to half the 1924 bonus allowances to soldiers.
1931 Sup Court
rules that Minnesota's "Press Gag" Law is unconstitutional.
1931 NY state
leg investigates charges of malfeasance and political corruption against
Mayor Walker of NYC. Walker denies charges.
Hattie T.
Caraway (Democrat-Arkansas) becomes the first woman elected to the U.S.
Senate. 1932
1932 Fifteen
charges of corruption are leveled at Mayor Walker of NYC, who resigns fr
Frances Perkins
becomes the first female cabinet member when FDR appoints her secretary of
labor. 1933.
Congress votes to submit the 21st Amendment to the states; it will repeal
the 18th Amendment and thus end Prohibition.
New York
attorney general Thomas Dewey convicts Lucky Luciano and 70 others of
racketeering. 1935, Luciano sentenced to 30-50 years in 1936.
federal parks and fish and game sanctuaries are set up by the National Park
Service; 600,000 acres are added to state preserves. 1936 Molly Dawson
of the National Consumers League leads the fight for female federal
patronage. More women postmasters are appointed. 1936
1930 Federal
Bureau of Narcotics is org.
1932 In May and
June, 17,000 ex-servicemen arrive in Wash, DC, to ugr passage of law
permitting cashing of their bonus certificates; bill defeated by Senate;
governemnt offers expenses for return home, but troops led by Gen. Douglass
Mac Arthur finally drive out last 2,000.
1932 First
unemployment insurance law enacted in Wisconsin.
1932 20th amend
to Const ratified.
1933 20 Amend
to US Const.: pres inauguration on Jan.20.
1933 US
Congress passes Agricultural Adjustment and Federal Emergency Relief Acts
1933 US
Securities Act passed to protect investors by providing info on new
securities issues.
1933 National
Industrial Recovery Act and Farm Credit Act made law.
1933 Public
Works Admin (PWA) created in US
1933 21 Amend
to Const. repeals prohibition
1933 Pres R
appoints Frances Perkins Sec of Labor, the first woman Cabinet member in the
1933 Congress
enacts a wide program of anti-depression measures, including the Emergency
Banking Relief Act, Economy Act, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Fed
Emergency Relief Admin (FERA), and Agricultural Adjustment Administration
1933 Civilian
Conservation Corps. (CCC) employs 500,000 people to improve the environment
1933 Fed
Securitas Act requires sworn statements about all securities for sale to be
files w the Fed Trade Comm. (FTC).
1933 Nat
Recovery Admin (NRA) stimulates bus. and helps reduce unemployment. Nation
Labor Board establishes the right of labor to bargain collectively. Public
Worlds Admin (PWA) provides funds for the construction of public projects.
1933 Farm
Credit Act helps farmers refinance mortgages
1933 Fed
Deposit Ins Corp (FDIC) is established.
1933 Tennessee
Valley Auth (TVA) is created to conserve area resources.
5/5/33 Pres R
issues a proclamation declaring a four-day “bank holiday” throughout the
nation, effective March 6; all banking transactions will stop and an embargo
on the export of gold, silver and currency also goes into effect; this will
have the desired result of stopping the panic “run” on the nation’s banks.
This same day r also summons Congress to a special session on March 9.
1934 Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set up to control the grading of securities
and to correct violations in the market.
1934 Pres R
initiates his "Good Neighbor Policy" w the Latin Am nations; it opposes
armed intervention by any foreign power.
Wheeler-Howard Indian Org Act returns to various Indian tribes reservation
lands which had been for sale.
1934 Fed
Communications Commission (FCC) created to regulate radio and wire
1934 Congress
establishes the death penalty for kidnapping across state lines, a result of
the kidnap-murder of the 20-month old son of Charles A. Lindbergh in 1932.
1935 Soil
Conservation Service is set up to stop soil erosion caused by the severe
drought in the Great Plains (The "Dust Bowl").
1935 Federal
Conservation Reserve Program returns 28 million acres of cropland to
grassland and forests.
1935 Gov
restrict public utility monopolies.
1935 Soil
Conservation Service is stab to try to stop soil erosion in the Great
Plains, where the most destructive drought ever known in the Midwest has
turned the land into a dust bowl.
Physical 3rd Qtr. review with
Emotional High |
(1929 - 1936) |
3/25/31 Nine black boys are arrested Scottsboro, Alabama, and are charged
with raping a white woman; they will be found guilt in the course of three
trials, but the Supreme Court with overturn the conviction on April 1,
1935. “The Scottsboro Boys” will become a “cause celebre” for all
determined to obtain justice for black Americans.
High with
Low |
(1929 - 1937) |
President Roosevelt issues a proclamation declaring a four-day “bank
holiday” throughout the nation, effective March 6; all banking transaction
will stop and an embargo on the export of gold, silver and currency also
goes into effect; this will have the desired result of stopping the panic
“run” on the nation’s banks. This same day R also summons Congress to a
special session on March 9.
Emotional 2nd Qtr.
Expansion with
Intellectual 3rd Qtr.
Review |
(1929 - 1937) |
The philosophy underlying
both the Dawes Act of 1882 and the Burke Act of 1906-that Indians should
adapt themselves completely to American society-was reversed in 1933 when
Indian commissioner John Collier began to stress government interest in a
revival of tribal arts and crafts. In 1934 Congress passed the
Wheeler-Howard Act, fostering the efforts of tribes to govern themselves and
to preserve their customs and traditions. Individuals could still seek a
place outside the reservation, but tribal Indians were encouraged to cherish
the heritage of their people.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
unemployment 4,340,000; GNP
$90.4 billion; fed. bud. $5.46 billion; national debt $16.9 billion; prime rate:
3.6%; average. salary: $1,368; social welfare: $4.09 billion; CPI (1967 = 100)
1933 In his message
to Congress, President Roosevelt asks for $10,500,000,000 to advance his
recovery programs during the next 18 months.
1934 US Gold
Reserve Act authorizes the pres to revalue the dollar.
1935 CIO (Congress
of Industrial Organizations) org by John L. Lewis
1935 Committee for
Industrial Organizations is founded by heads of eight unions in the Am
Federation of Labor (AFL). Its goal is to dev industry-wide unions that
including clerical and unskilled workers, as well as skilled workers who are
eligible for the AFL.
1936 Ford
Foundation established.
1937 US government
statistics show that on half-million Americans were involved in sit-down strikes
between Set 1936 and May 1937.
During winter of
1936-37, more than 500,000 workers quit their jogs; many engage in new, illegal
sit-down strikes.
1938 Committee for
Industrial Organizations expelled from AFL, creates independent group called
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO); leading unions are steel, auto, and
mine workers John L. Lewis elected its president.
5/11/38 Congress
adopts the Revenue Act of 1938, which reduces corporate income taxes -
purportedly to stimulate the economy; refuses to sign it, but it becomes law on
May 27.
1939 Sup Court
rules that sit-down strikes are illegal.
8/10/39 Pres. R
signs the Social security Amendment, which moves up the date for starting
monthly payments to Jan 1, 1940, and generally extends coverage in more generous
terms. This is it the first of many amendments to be adopted over the years to
expand the Social Security sys.
9/3/39 The Brit
liner “Athenia” is torpedoed by a German submarine off the Hebrides Islands, and
28 Americans die. this leads Sec of State Jull the next day to limit Americans’
travel to Europe to “imperative necessity.” Pres R, in one of his fireside
chats this evening, declares that “this nation remains a neutral nation,” and on
Sept 5 the US will make an official proclamation of neutrality in the war now
spreading across Europe.
11/4/39 R signs the
Neutrality Act of 1939, repealing the general embargo on arms of the previous
neutrality acts and allowing for the sale of arms to belligerents as long as
they pay cash and transport them in non-American ships. Again, although
ostensibly a neutral plan, this is clearly designed by Roosevelt to allow the US
to aid Britain, France, and their allies.
2. Business & Economy 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
2. Business & Economy 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1919 - 1937) |
First woman stock exchange
member 1935. [check year!]
1937 US Sup
Court rules in favor of minimum wage law for women.
Emotional Downward Crossover |
(March 21, 1937- March 21, 1938) |
1937 - 1938 Stock Market Crash:
Just when investors thought the market was finally good again, following a
recovery of almost half of the great depression losses, the market plunged
again due to war scare and Wall street scandals.
2nd Worst Stock Market Crash:
Date Started: 3/10/1937
Date Ended: 3/31/1938
Total Days: 386
Starting DJIA: 194.40
Ending DJIA: 98.95
Total Loss: -49.1%
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1937 - 1946) |
FDR asks investigation of "immoral" tax
evasion by the wealthy. 1937.
2. Business & Economy 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Low |
(1929 - 1951) |
6/17/30 Pres Hoover sign the
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, raising duties on many items, in some cases so high
that they are effectively prohibitive. as predicted by many economists,
this soon leads other countries to raise their tariffs, setting off the economic
warfare of the 1930s that intensifies the Depression and exacerbates
nationalistic rivalries.
5/12/33 Congress
passes the Federal Emergency Relief Act, which authorizes immediate grants to
states for relief projects-unlike Hoover’s approach, which was to grant only
loans. Unemployment has now reached some 14,000,000-over one-quarter of the
nation’s work force. Pres Roosevelt also signs the Agricultural Adjustment Act
to provide immediate relief to farmers by establishing party prices for certain
agricultural products (with the government making up the diff) and by paying
subsides to farmers who curtailed prod of crops that were in surplus. The
program is to be administered through the Agricultural Adjustment Admin (AAA);
some results are the literal plowing under of planted crops, the killing of
surplus pigs-will bring the New Deal its harshest criticism; and in 1936 some of
its provisions will be declared unconstitutional by the Sup Ct.
8/14/35 Pres R
signs the Social Security act-by any standards, one of the most far-reaching
pieces of leg in American history. It sets up the sys that will guarantee
pensions to those retiring at 65 (starting in 1942), w contributions from both
employees and employers. The act also assists the states in providing financial
and to dependent children, the blind and the aged who do not qualify for Social
Security; beyond this, the act establishes a sys of unemployment insurance.
Although somewhat modified over the years, and occasionally attacked, this
becomes the foundation of America’s aged’s security in the decades ahead.
8/23/35 Congress
passes the Banking Act of 1935 that revises the operations of the Federal
reserve System; generally making banks both more responsible and responsive to
the needs of the pub.
2. Business & Economy 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Low |
(1937 - 1943) |
1932 Stock Market Crash:
This is the grand daddy of them all. Investors lost 86% of their money over
this 813 day beast. This market crash combined with the 1929 crash, makes up
the great depression.
If you had $1000 on 9/3/1929 (beginning of the 4th worst crash, it would
have gone down to a whopping $108.14 by July 8th, 1932 (end of the worst
crash) or an 89.2% loss. To recover from a loss like that, you would have to
watch your portfolio go up 825%! The full recovery didn't take place until
1954, 22 years later!
Worst Stock Market Crash Ever:
Date Started: 4/17/1930
Date Ended: 7/8/1932
Total Days: 813
Starting DJIA: 294.07
Ending DJIA: 41.22
Total Loss: -86.0%
Low |
(1929 - 1943) |
1930 Pres. Hoover signs
Smoot-Hawley Tariff, raising duties to an all-time high. US undergoes a
sharp decline in international trade, and the Depression deepens.
1930 Pres
Hoover asks Congress for $100 to $150 million for public works programs
announcing there are 4,5 million people unemployed. Congress appropriates
$116 million fro construction work and $45 million for drought relief.
1930 NY's Bank
of the United States closes because of stack market crash. Bank has 60
branches and almost half a million depositors. During this yr. than 1300
banks are forced to close.
9/9/30 The
State Department issues an order prohibiting immigration of virtually all
foreign laborers because of the mounting unemployment throughout the nation.
October 1930
Unemployment is now estimated to have reached at least 4,500,000, but Pres
Hoover persists in his determination “to Preserve the principles of
individual and local responsibility.” This month he appoints a Committee
for Unemployment Relief, but it calls only for federal leadership of
programs run by state and local agencies, not for much direct financial aid.
12/2/30 Pres
Hoover, seemingly recognizing the crisis of unemployment, asks Congress to
appropriate up to $150,000,000 for construction public works; Congress will
appropriate $116,000,000 on Dec 20.
12/11/30 The
Bank of the US, a major private NY bank with some 60 branches and 400,00
depositors, closes. There have now been approximately 1300 US bank closures
since the late fall of 1929.
Unemployment is estimated at between 4 & 5 million. Bank panic spreads. In
Sept. 305 banks close; in Oct, 522.
1/7/31 A report
from the President's Emergency Committee for Unemployment Relief claims
1/7/31 A report
from the Pres Emergency Committee for Unemployment Relief claims there are
now between 4-5,000,000 unemployment; furthermore, the Depression is
deepening daily.
President Hoover proposes that all rations declare a one-year moratorium on
all inter-governmental debts and reparation. Hoover is motivated in
particular by the recent failure of a major Austrian bank that is beginning
to have repercussions in international finance. Hoover’s proposal will soon
be accepted by all major nations and by July the moratorium is in effect.
At first it has the desired effect of helping the world’s stock markets and
financial communities, but shortly the confidence wanes. [like “WIN” under
1931Despite Hoover’s success in gaining the moratorium for debts and
reparations, confidence in bank begins to slip again; this confidence
further erodes when Great Brit goes off the gold standard on Sept 21. Many
Americans fear that the US will do the same and beg to withdraw their money
from banks and hoard gold; in Sept and Oct, some 827 more US banks will
1932 Depression
reaches low point; monthly wages are about 60% of 1929; industry operates at
half of 1929 volume, more than 5000 banks have closed since 1920; average
monthly unemployment is 12 million.
1932 First
unemployment insurance law is passed in Wisconsin.
1932 Norris-LaGuardia act
prohibits the use of the injunction in most labor disputes.
1932 US Federal
Reserve System reorganized
1932 The
unemployed in the USA reach a peak of some 13,000,000 by the end of the
year; total wages decline to some 60 percent less than in 1929; bus losses
are reported as up to $6,000,000,000; industry is operating at hafl the 1929
capacity; agricultural prices are dropping: banks are closing. The eco is
close to rock bottom.
President Hoover signs the bill establishing a Reconstruction Finance
Corporation (the bill having passed the Senate on Jan 11, the House on Jan
15); the agency will start operations on Feb 2 w $500,000,000 in funds and
authorization to borrow up to $2,000,000,000 by tax exempt bonds. The plan
is for the RFC to lend money to such institutions as banks, insurance
companies, building and loan societies, agricultural credit corporations,
farm mortgage associations and railroads so that these bodies can in turn
stimulate the economy. This is Pres Hoover’s belated recognition that the
US economy and work force need some government aid to get moving out of the
8/26/32 The
Controller of the Currency declare a moratorium on foreclosures of first
mortgages; increasing numbers of unemployed Americans are unable to keep up
payments. [like Nixon’s price-wage freeze?]
1933[or 1935?
Confirm yr.] A senate committee investigates the munitions industry and its
role in instigating American involvement in World War I; several popular
books, like Walter Millis's "The Road to War," indict the arms makers. 1935
In what was
considered a necessary corrective measure after the economic collapse of
1929, the US went off the gold standard in 1933. Pres. Roosevelt who entered
office that same year, enacted the "New Deal" to help the jobless. (i 3rd)
3/20/33 Pres R
signs the Economy Act, reducing the salaries of federal employees and of
payments to veterans; it also calls for some reorganization of fed agencies
in the interest of economy.
4/19/33 By
Presidential proclamation, R takes the US off the gold standard for its
currency. The dollar inevitably declines sharply in exchanges abroad, while
silver, commodities and stacks rise in the Am market. But the net effect is
to make money more availble to Ams and so stimulate the eco.
Congress passes the Home Owners Refinancing Act; it sets up the home Owners
Loan Corporation (HOLC) to provide morttgage money and other aid to
homeowners (as for taxes or even repairs). The HOLC to provide mortgage
money and other aid to homeowners (as for taxes or even repairs). The HOLC
will go out of business in June 1936, but by then it will have given loans
for some 1,000,000 mortgages.
1934 First
general strike takes place in San Francisco in support of the 12,000
striking dock-workers.
From Sept. 1,
1936 to June 1, 1937, 484,711 workers have been involved in set-down
U.S. abandons
gold standard 1933
1933 banks
closed Mar. 6 - Mar. 9 by presidential order.
1933 Congress
grant pres R wide powers.
1934 US Federal
Farm Mortgage Corp org.
1934 Civil
Works Emergency Relief Act passed in US.
1935 Social
Security Act provides a federal-state program of unemployment compensation
and a federal program of old-age retirement insurance.
4/8/35 Congress
establishes the Soil Conservation Service as a section within the Dept of
Agriculture. Its primary mission is to promote better use of the farmlands,
particularly those in the West, when erosion and dust storms have been
driving farmers off the land.
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 1936) |
1935 New National Labor
Relations Board is established to oversee collective bargaining by employees
and to prevent unfair labor practices by employers and unions.
1935 Wealth Tax
Act increases income tax rates for wealthy individuals and corps and raises
gift and estate taxes.
1936 Soil
Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act gives funds to farmers who practice
soil conservation.
1936 Robinson-Patman
Act forbids low pricing that reduces competition and encourages monopolies.
Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act sets minimum employment wages for
companies having og contracts. Eight-hour day, 40-hour week, and no child
labor is enforced.
1938 Revenue
Act reduces taxes on large corps while raising those on small companies.
1938 Temporary
National Economic Committee investigates monopolies, price-fixing, and
restraint of trade.
1938 FDA
tightens regulations on food, drug, and cosmetics.
1938 Fair Labor
Standards Act raises scale of minimum wages and lowers scale of maximum
hours. It also forbids child labor in industries engages in interstate
1937 Wall
Street stock market decline signals serious economic recession in the US.
1938 Pres R
signs Wage and Hours Act; raises min wage for workers engaged in interstate
commerce fr 25 cents to 40 cents and hour. Hours limited to 44 a week the
1st year, to 40 after the 3rd.
1939 After 1938
recession, US economy begins to recover and, by autumn, is booming fr orders
of European countries for arms and war equipment.
1939 US Sup
Court rules that sit down strikes are illegal.
1939 Coal
strike by United Mine Workers demonstrates power of John L. Lewis.
1939 WPA
workers are reduced.
Internal Aberration |
(XXX) |
severe dust storm blows an estimated 300,000,000 tons of topsoil from states
such as Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, and Colorado, much of it being
blown all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. This is only one of many storms
that have been stripping topsoil fr what becomes known as “the Dust Bowl”
due to improper plowing and farming practices; many of the inhabitants-some
known as “Okies” and “Arkies” - will abandon their farms, pack their
belongings and families into vehicles, and go off to California.
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1930 Clyde W. Tombaugh,
astronomer, discovers Pluto.
1930 Vannevar Bush,
electrical engineer, develops a differential analyzer, the first analog
1931 Ernest O.
Lawrence, physicist, invents the cyclotron, a particle accelerator that is
popularly known as an "atom smasher."
6/23/31 Wiley Post
and Harold Gatty take off on what will be the first single-lane round-the-world
flight; it will take 8 days, 15 hours, 51 minutes.
1932 Carl D.
Anderson, NY physicist, discovers the positron, a positively charge electron and
the first known antimatter.
1933 Armstrong
develops frequency modulation (FM) radio broadcasting
1936 Chester
Carlson produces the first xerographic copy using a modified form of inkless
electrostatic printing.
1937 Grote Reber,
astronomer, builds world's first radio telescope to receive cosmic radio waves.
1937 Theodosuis
Dobzhansky pubs "Genetics and the Origin of the Species," a book that
established evolutionary genetics as a science.
1937 Chester
Carlson produces the first xerographic copy using a modified form of inkless
electrostatic printing.
1939 Color
television is demonstrated.
1939 Frequency
Modulation (FM) invented by Edwin H. Armstrong (189-1954), who invented
regenerative circuit (1912); superheterodyne circuit (1918).
3. Science & Technology 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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1939 Sikorski devs a practical
2/20/33 The first
US aircraft carrier is launched at Newport New, VA; it is named the “Ranger,”
after the ship commanded by the first Am naval her, John Paul Jones.
4. Mechanical 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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pub.ed $2.32 billion
A revolt against
progressive education is led by Robert M. Hutchins, president of the University
of Chicago. 1936 (progressive is a fourth 1/4 event, but i was in 3rd)
1936 Educator
Robert M. Hutchins pubs "The Higher Learning in America," a statement of the
movement against progressive education and the elective system in colleges.
1932 Experiment of
progressive education on college level begins at Bennington College, VT. A
school for women, it does not use usual methods of grading through credits. A
similar project is under way at Teachers College, Columbia U., NYC, where
graduation is based on over-all knowledge rather than on completion of certain
required courses.
5. Education 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Low |
(1929 - 1943) |
Affected seriously by depression, 2000 rural schools do not open for the
fall semester; 200,000 teachers are out of work; and about 2.3 million
children are not in school; in addition, a number of colleges and Us are
forced to close.
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1930 American Lutheran Church
formed at Toledo, Ohio, by union of 3 Lutheran groups fr NY, Iowa & Ohio.
1931 Jehovah's
Witnesses formed from International Bible Students Association.
1932 Censorship of
motion pictures is begun by the Catholic Legion of Decency.
1935 Neo-Orthodoxy,
a synthesis of the social economic liberalism of the Social Gospel and a
rediscovery of Biblical theology, w stress on the fall of man and the judgment
of God, secured a wide following among Am. Protestants under the leadership of
Reinhold Niebuhr.
1939 Methodist
Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Methodist
Protestant Church were reunited.
1939 Three branches
of the Methodist Church, w about 7.5 million members, reunite after splits of
main body in 1830 and 1844.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1919 - 1937) |
1930 The Federal Council of
Churches of Christ of Am gives qualified approval to some measures of birth
control; as this is a relatively conservative denomination, it represent a major
step in Americans’ acceptance of this hitherto minority position.
3/20/31 The Fed
Council of Churches of Christ of Ma gives qualified approval to some measure of
birth control; as this is a relatively conservative denomination, it represent a
major step in American’s acceptance of this hitherto minority position.
1933 In a major
decision for free speech and the creative arts, Federal Judge John Woolsey in
New York lifts the ban on the importation and sale of James Joyce’s “Ulysses”
(banned from the US since its appearance n Paris in the 1920s); Judge Woolsey
call it “a sincere and honest book...I do not detect anywhere the leer of a
6. Religion & Spirituality 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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German Functionalism was slow
to establish itself in Europe and hardly affected American design until its
leaders found refuge in the US from Nazi oppression. There the movement was
brought to public attention in the mid-1930's by the need for new stimuli in the
trough of economic depression, by the educational campaigns of the Museum of
Modern Art in New York City, and by the re-establishment of the Bauhaus
teachings in the Institute of Design in Chicago.
Regionalism in art
c. 1930
1930 Popular songs:
"Georgia on My Mind"; I Got Rhythm"; "Walkin' My Baby Back Home"
7. Arts & Design 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1936 - 1943) |
1938 Lyonel Feininger, Cubist
painter, completes his most famous work, "Dawn."
7. Arts & Design 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Low |
(1929 - 1951) |
Boston bans all works by Leon Trotsky.
Intellectual XXXward Crossover |
(March 21, 1000- March 21, 1000) |
7. Arts & Design 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 1951) |
1930 Grant Wood, painter,
exhibits his most famous work, "American Gothic."
1932 Ben Shahn
paints the social commentary "The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti."
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1931 Kohn Dewey: "Philosophy
and Civilization" / Oswald Spengler "Mankind and Technology"
1933 best seller:
"Lost Horizon," by James Hilton
8. Literature & Publication 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1919 - 1929) |
1930 Sinclair Lewis becomes the
first Am to win the Nobel Prize in Lit.
1930 T. S. Elliot:
"Ash Wednesday" [Am?] / William Faulkner: "As I Lay Dying" Robert Frost:
"Collected Poems" / Nobel Prize for Lit: Sinclair Lewis, "Babbitt" / C. S.
Johnson: "The Negro in American Civilization" / F. R. Leavis: "Mass Civilization
and Minority Culture"
1930 Dashiell
Hammett, writer of detective fiction, pubs "The Maltese Falcon," which intros
character Sam Spade. This work has a profound impact on mystery writers in the
US and Europe.
1931 Pearl Buck,
novelist, pubs "The Good Earth," the Pulitzer Prize winning story of a Chinese
peasant and his wife.
q1931 Faulkner pubs
"Sanctuary," his first successful novel.
1931 Ogden Nash,
writer of humorous poetry, pubs his first collection, "Hard Lines."
1932 Aldous Huxley:
"Brave New World" / William Faulkner: "Light in August" / Ernest Hemingway:
"Death in the Afternoon"
1935 F. Scott
Fitzgerald: "The Crack-Up"
1936 Margaret
Mitchell, author, published her only book, "Gone With the Wind," about the Civil
1936 Eugene O'Neill
becomes first Am playwright to win the Nobel Prize in Lit.
1936 Luce pubs
"Life," weekly photographic news and feature magazine.
1937 Ernest
Hemingway, "To Have and Have Not" / John Steinbeck, "Of Mice and Men"
8. Literature & Publication 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 1940) |
1939 Steinbeck pubs "The Grapes
of Wrath."
1939 Sandburg's 4
volume "Abraham Lincoln: The War Years," wins 1940 Pulitzer Prize.
8. Literature & Publication 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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1932 Johnny Weissmuller appears
in his first "Tarzan" film.
1932 Cole Porter:
"The Gay Divorcee," NY
1938 Glen Miller
forms a jazz band band which soon is world famous.
1939 World Fairs in
NYC and San Fran attract million of visitors. They see wonders of the future,
and line up to take "death-defying" rides on the roller coaster and the
parachute jump.
9. Entertainment 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 19363) |
passes, and Hoover signs, the act that designates “The Star Spangled Banner” as
the national anthem; it was composed by Francis Scott Key during the bombardment
of fort McHenry on September 13-14, 1814.
9. Entertainment 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1919 - 1937) |
1930 The Marx Bros star in the
comedy film "Animal Crackers."
1931 Marx Bros.
"Monkey Business"
movie attend. (weekly) 90
1931 "Star-Spangled
Banner" is officially made US anthem.
Various forms of
the Jitterbug continued to develop during 30's & 40's and evolved into the
"swing" and "jive" steps of the big bands in the 1940's. [or is this E 2nd?]
Swing, both the
rhythmic impetus of jazz music and a specific jazz style prominent between about
1935 and the early 1940's-years sometime called the swing age. Musically, swing
represents a partial dilution of the jazz tradition, for it organized musicians
into larger groups (up to 16) and required them to play a far higher proportion
of written music than was previously thought compatible with jazz. It was also
the first successful attempt to make jazz truly commercial-to market it on a
national and eventually international scale. The swing age also marked a
sociological change for jazz, which had until that time been associated in the
public mind either with immorality (the brothels of New Orleans) or illegality
(the gin mills of Chicago). With swing's move into the ballrooms of the
Roosevelt era, jazz became respectable.
The musical
technique used in the big bands was relatively simple. Sections were played off
against each other, sometimes in counterpoint, sometimes in musical dialogue.
Another popular device was the riff, a simple musical phrase reiterated until by
sheer power of repetition it became almost hypnotic.
The greats of swing
creators include Count Basie and Duke Ellington, Chick Webb and Jimmie Lunceford.
Other big names in swing include Benny Goodman, Harry James, Tommy and Jimmy
Dorsey, and Glenn Miller.
1932 Stan Laurel
and Oliver Hardy, early film comedy team, star in "The Music Box."
1933 Jimmy Dorsey,
clarinetist and saxophonist, and his bro Tommy, trombonist, form a greatly
successful jazz orchestra.
1933 In the film
"She Done Him Wrong," Mae West intros her classic line "Come up and see me
1933 Eugene O'Neil:
"Ah, Wilderness," comedy, stars George M. Cohan (NY prod) and Will Rogers (San
Fran prod).
1933 pop songs:
"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes": "Stormy Weather"; "Easter Parade"; "Who's Afraid of
the Big, Bad Wolf?".
1933 pop song
"Begin the Beguine"
1934 "King of
Swing" Benny Goodman, clarinetist, orgs one of the first swing bands, which,
during its ten year existence, brings great popularity to jazz dance music.
1934 Shirley
Temple, actress, stars in the film "Bright Eyes," in which she sings "On the
Good Ship Lollipop."
1938 "Invasion from
Mars," a radio play produced by actor Orson Welles, causes panic when listeners
think account of an attack from Mars is an actual news broadcast.
10/30/38 Orson
Welles broadcasts a radio play, “Invasion from Mars,” that sounds so realistic
(even though it was framed by announcements) that it leads many listeners to
take to the highways in panic.
1939 films; "Gone
With the Wind," Academy Award (Szelnick); "Good-Bye Mr. Chips", the Wizard of
Oz" "Stagecoach"
1939 "The Wizard of
9. Entertainment 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 1936) |
Gangster films, like "The
Public Enemy," with Jean Harlow and James Cagney, 1931, surpass westerns at
the box office; this one of the first to portray gangsters as the spawn of
social problems. (i & P 3rd).
"Scarface" with
George Raft in 1932.
1932 score for
the show "Americana," by composer Jay Gorney and lyricist E. Y. "Yip"
Harburg features the Depression era song "Brother Can You Spare a Dime?"
"The Roaring
Twenties" with James Cagney, Priscilla Lane and Humphrey Bogart 1939.
1935 pop songs
"I'm an Old Cowhand (from the Rio Grand)" / "Pennies from Heaven"
1935 Mazwell
Anderson pub "Winterset," a poetic drama based on the Sacco and Vanzetti
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1937 - 1940) |
In 1937, the crossover year
bringing a new e 3rd: Among the many films on social themes are "They Won't
Forget" (anti-mob violence), "Black Legion" (anti-KKK), "White Bondage" (on
sharecroppers), "Make Way for Tomorrow" (on old age), and "Dead End" (about
Physical Low with
Emotional High |
(1929 - 1937) |
10/10/35 “Porgy
and Bess,” an opera by George Gershwin (based on a novel by DeBose and
Dorothy Heyward) opens at the Alvin theater in NYC (after a short tryout in
Boston). It will run for 16 weeks in NY before a road tour of 3 months.
With its story of black Americans and its music of indigenous rhythms and
motifs, “Porgy and Bess” will gradually established itself as arguably the
greatest truly American opera.
1935 George and Ira
Gershwin collaborated on their masterpiece, the opera "Porgy and Bess."
1936 Benny Goodman becomes
the first bandleader to integrate racially his band when he hires pianist
Teddy Wilson and vibraphonist Lionel Hampton.
1936 Count
Basie, pianist and composer, orgs a band featuring Lester Young on the tenor
1939 Victor
Fleming directs the film "Gone With the Wind," starring Vivien Leigh, Clark
Bable, Leslie Howard, Olivia deHavilland, and Hattie McDaniel (who becomes
the first black to win a major Academy Award).
But the most vital aspect
of Kansas is that during the late 1920's and 1930's the first pitched
battles between "hot" and "cool" occurred there. The alto saxophonist Lester
Young, father of the cool conception, was based in Kansas City; and the city
is especially associated with the emergent Young and the birth of the cool,
as also with Count Basie and the four-beats-to-a-bar rhythm section, and
with the fine subdivisions of time that enable a soloist to lag
microscopically behind the beat and thus create an aura of superb, almost
indolent relaxation.
1932 pop songs:
"Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?"
1936 Orson
Welles, actor, director, and producer, directs an all-black cast in
"Macbeth" for the Negro People's theater, part of the Federal Theater
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1936 At the summer Olympics in
Berlin, staged by Hitler and his German supporters to enhance their image, the
black Am Jesse Owens wins four gold medals in field and track, somewhat
discrediting Nazi theories of Aryan superiority.
6/22/37 Joe Louse
becomes World Heavyweight Boxing Champion by knocking out James J. Braddock in
the 8th round in Chicago. Louis is the second black man to hold this title; he
will retain the championship until his retirement in 1949.
10. Sports 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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11. Fashion 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
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life exp. 61 yrs. One of every five Americans owns an automobiles.
pop. US almost 123 million
marriages/1,000: 9.2 divs/1,000:
It is hard even
for American in the 1980's who have witnessed unemployment of over ten percent
to comprehend the desperate conditions of 50 years before. No government
agencies kept even approximate figures, but unemployment seldom fell below 25
percent; in some cities it was double that. Farmers armed themselves to prevent
the foreclosure of mortgages, Sporadic rioting in cities accompanied eviction.
Illness related stress multiplied; suicides soared. In a grim joke, Amos and
Andy, radio's favorite comedians of the era, had a hotel clerk as a customer who
sought a room, "Is it for sleeping or jumping?" There was starvation and
unprecedented want. And as the months and years dragged on there was a dangerous
shortage of hope that things would ever really improve.
1932 Aviator Amelia
Earhart is first woman to fly alone across Atlantic. Her flight from
Newfoundland to Ireland takes 13 1/2 hrs. and covers 2026 miles.
5/20/32 Amelia
Earhart becomes the first woman to make a solo transatlantic flight; she flies
from Newfoundland to Ireland, 2026 miles in 13 ½ hours.
6/10/35 Alcoholics
Anonymous is formally organized in NYC.
1937 Amelia Earhart
lost on Pacific flight.
1937 Dirigible
"Hindenburg" explodes near mooring at Lakehurst, NJ, killing most passengers and
7/2/37 On her
round-the-world flight, the noted Am aviator Amelia Earhart vanishes over the
Pacific Ocean after radio contact w her suddenly stops. Despite endless
speculation and rumors, no trace of her plane or of her will ever be found.
1938 Floods and
landslides cause 144 deaths in Southern CA. thousands of homes are destroyed;
nearly $60 million in property lost.
1938 Tropical
hurricane strikes without warning in New England, taking an estimated 460 lives;
property damage, $150 million.
12. Lifestyles 1930s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 1936) |
10/17/31 The
notorious gangster Al Capone, who has been able to evade prosecution for the
many crimes he is alleged to have been involved in, is found guilty in the Fed
Ct in Chicago of income tax invasion. He will be sentenced to 11 years in
prison and a $50,000 fine; he will be released from prison in 1939 due to his
weakened health, and will die in 1947.
12. Lifestyles 1930s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional High |
(1919 - 1937) |
5/24/30 The Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Bill is moving toward Congressional acceptance; this bill will raise duties on
many items imported into the US and many people see this as a potential threat
to international trade. This very day, a petition signed by some 1028 prominent
economists is made public; they are protesting the passage of such a law and
urging Hoover to veto it if it is passed. Congress, however, will pass the
Hawley-Smoot Bill and Hoover will sign it on June 17.
3/1/32 Charles A.
Lindbergh Jr., the 19-month-old child of Colonel Charles and Anne Morrow
Lindbergh, is kidnapped from the family’s home in Hopewell, New Jersey. A note
demanding a ransom of $50,000 is received and the sum is paid as directed but
the infant is not returned; instead, he is found dead on May 12. Bruno
Hauptmann is found with some of the ransom money, he will be convicted of murder
and electrocuted on April 3, 1936 although he protests his innocence to the
end. The Lindbergh case will lead to Congress’s adopting the death penalty in
kidnapping cases that involve crossing state lines.
1934 In Ontario,
Canada, five girls are born to the Dionne family; they becomes the first
quintuplets known to survive and are immediately adopted by the world.
A "Fortune" article
notes: "As for sex...the campus takes it more casually than it did ten years
ago...It is news that it is no longer news." 1936
A "Fortune" poll
indicates that 67 percent favor birth control. 1936
A "Fortune" poll
reports that 50 percent of all college men and 25 percent of all college women
have had premarital sexual relations; two-thirds of the women "would for true
love." 1937
1938 Orson Welles'
radio production of H. G. Welles' "War of the Worlds" causes considerable panic.
12. Lifestyles 1930s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1930s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1929 - 1936) |
1931 Alphonse ("Scarface
Al") Cpone, Chicago gangster, who has a yearly income of at least $20
million, is improsoned for income tax evasion.
1935 Alcoholics
Anonymous org in NYC.
Anonymous is organized in New York 1935
A federal
hospital for narcotics addicts is opened in Lexington, Ky. 1935
Internal Aberrations |
(XXX) |
4/21/30 Acting upon its
discussion with Pres Hoover to deal with the mounting unemployment problem.
Congress adopts the Public Building Act factually supplementing and act of
1926. it calls for $230,000,000, to be used for erecting public buildings.
5/6/37 The
“Hindenburg,” the great German dirigible, while tying up at Lakehurst, New
Jersey, explodes, killing 36 persons. This ends commercial airship traffic.
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