These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.
See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).
Note to readers: Work from the Kala-Rhythm archives is being offered here in the Timelines for the first time. We are allowing a view into the Timelines now by posting both the finished and the unfinished pages of the Timelines as editing from our references continues. Unfinished pages (like this one) contain raw data from history sources to which we give credit in our "biblio/webography". Check back for updates to this and other pages.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
While the Western world was
moving forward from the Victorian Era the second decade of the century spoke of
newness for the United States. There was the double Fourth Quarter effect of the
Physical and Emotional Cycles and the First Quarter effect of the Intellectual
Cycle. A full advance was at play. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson said in "The New
Freedom", "This is nothing short of a new social age, a new drama of human
relationships, a new stage-setting to the drama of life."
[Mann Act of 1910,
against prostitution]
{{around 1911, when
became as important as what}}
1. Political 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
The war in Europe was an
external accidental.
Democrat Woodrow Wilson
defeated won the presidency in 1912 in a landslide. The Republican vote was
split between incumbent Taft, and Theodore Roosevelt's "bull moose" campaign in
the newly formed Progressive Party, (see Physo-Emotional Fourth Quarter). The 16
years of Republican rule to an end. The main polarity was in Wilson's "New
Freedom" against Roosevelt's New Nationalism.
1912 Arizona and
New Mexico become states of US [maybe this would go good in the introductory
paragraph for the section]
1912 Alaska becomes
an organized US territory.
1/6/12 New Mexico
joins the Union as the 47th State.
In the first two years of his
term, Wilson pushed through all the programs he had promised-tariff reform, the
Federal Reserve system, and the Federal Trade Commission.
5/16/10 The Bureau
of Mines is set up as part of the Department of in Interior.
1912 Illinois
adopted the first state-wide law for assistance to mothers with dependent
children. In 1912 Colorado took action, while in 1913 eighteen other states
enacted similar laws.
disturbances "The Oxford History of the American People", page 884-885.]
5/31/13 17th
Amendment to the Constitution, providing for direct election of senators by the
people, declared in effect.
The 17th amend. The
champions of direct government were particularly insistent in their demand for
the popular election of US senator. They charged that selection by the state
legs. resulted in a Senate brought into being by an alliance between wealthy
businessmen and unscrupulous politicians. They persuaded state after state to
permit the voters to express a senatorial preference that the legislature was
bound to accept. At the same time, the progressives worked hard to secure a
constitutional amendment to implement their objectives. Passed by C in 1911 and
ratified in 1913, the 17th Amend to the Const provided for the direct election
of senators.
1/26/15 Pursuing
R's policies, Congress established Rocky Mountain National Park. Roosevelt is
never quite as magnanimous after his presidency as before and during, and never
gives Taft nor Wilson credit for their labor and conservation initiatives.
4/30/15 Out of 9481
acres in Teapot Dome, Wyoming, Eilson creates Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3.
10/15/15 AZ adopted an old-age
pension system which was declared unconstitutional by the state supreme court.
In the 1920's, however, under the intelligent propaganda of the American
Association for Old-Age Security, many states took up the principle of public
responsibility for the aged, and began enactment of old-age pension laws.
11/7/16 Wilson wins
the election on his peace and preparedness platform. The Democrat retain control
of C and Jeannette Rankin of MT. is the first woman elected to the House.
However, women have still not been granted suffrage in most states.
8/10/17 The Lever
Act, established control over food and fuel. Herbert Hoover, food administrator.
Lansing-Ishii agreement, reaffirming the assurances of the Root Takahira
agreement (1908), with the admission by the US that "territorial propinquity"
gave Japan special interests in China.
1917 Puerto Rico
becomes US territory whose inhabitants are US citizens.
1917 Congress
adopts the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and sends it to the states for
1919 House or
Rep moves to curtail immigration.
Physical Low |
(1901 - 1915) |
Roosevelt makes speeches advocating a "New Nationalism." He is angered by
scandals in the conservation program and by liberal Republican policies.
Theodore Roosevelt's speech at Osawatomie, Kansas, in which he enunciated
his doctrine of the New nationalism. this augured ill for Taft.
Physical High |
(1915 - 1929) |
1/28/15 US Coast Guard
established by congress. It will charge with preventing contraband trade,
will assist persons and vessels in distress and generally be useful to all
maritime shipping.
Federal Farm Loan Bank Act passed to improve the agricultural credit
situation; established a federal land bank to conduct the lending business,
provided for farm loan associations of borrowing farmers, and a federal farm
land board for administrative purposes.
9/7/16 The
Workmen's compensation Act is enacted by C, bringing 500,00 Federal
employees under its umbrella.
3/15/16 Army
Reorganization Bill passes the House. On 6/3 the National Defense Act will
pass, authorizing increases in the Army & National Guard.
1917 The Jones
Act, passed 1917, conferred American citizenship upon all Puerto Ricans and
made the upper house of the legislature elective. In 1947 C passed a law
granting Puerto Ricans the right to elect their own governor. The following
year journalist and legislative leader Luis Munoz Marin became the first
elected governor. Munoz Marin served four consecutive four-year terms and
became very popular for his promotion of economic and social reforms.
1/17/17 Virgin
Islands bought by the US form Denmark for $15,000,000. Islands important
strategic vases guarding Panama Canal.
Immigration Act passed over Wilson's veto. Provides literacy test for
immigrants and excludes Asiatic laborer other than Japanese.
3/2/17 Jones
Act makes Puerto Rico past of US territory, making its inhabitants US
8/29/17 The
Jones Act, granting to the Philippines what was practically a territorial
status. Declared purpose of the US to grant independence "as soon as a
stable government can be established therein."
2/25/18 Muscle
Shoals Dam is given a go-ahead by Wilson. It will span the Tenn R. and
provide much-needed electricity for the war effort.
Modern KKK
movement founded in 1915 in Atlanta, by a former itinerant preacher, Wm Jos
Simmons, the org took firm root in the Deep South, then spread rapidly
throughout the nation after 1920, achieving extraordinary success in the
Midwest. The Klan drew its membership primarily from the villages and small
towns that had been left rather undisturbed by the immigration,
industrialization, and liberal thought of modern Am. The post Civil War Klan
had attacked mainly blacks, but the Klan of the 1920's added anti-Catholic,
anti-Semitic, and anti-foreigner sentiments to its creed. So many members,
especially in the south, belonged to the evangelical sects that the public
came to think that religious fundamentalism was a Klan article of faith.
At the height
of its activity in the mid-1920s the Klan had an estimated 4 mil. members.
But as a result of the nation's increasing wrath toward the organization, by
the beginning of the 1930s the membership had withered away to scarcely
11/25/15 The
almost dormant KKK is revived in Atlanta, GA, by Colonel William J. Simmons.
Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1915 - 1922) |
1916 National Park
Service is established as part of the US Dept of the Interior.
1. Political 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Low |
(1901 - 1919) |
4/18/10 Suffragists are
getting more numerous and more likely to be heard. Petitioning C for the
vote, a vociferous group brings 500,000 names to their representatives.
Grover Cleveland, writing earlier in the "Ladies' Home Journal," fails to
endear himself to the ladies when he states, as if he has a means of
knowing: "Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative
positions to be assumed by man and woman in the working out of our
civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence."
organization were drawing some important women into their fold, and by 1920
the movement had grown to include the new class of working women, now a
fifth of the total work force, who were no longer merely servants. Until
Alice Paul appeared on the scene, tactics were fairly genteel. In 1914,
Alice Paul, however, impatient with the government's delaying tactics,
brought a militant element into the movement; soon the police, with Wilson's
tacit approval, would respond with brutality. Women picketing the White
House were roughly hauled off to jail, stripped naked and thrown into dirty
cells with syphilitic prostitutes. sometimes punishment for infraction of
rules was severe, as in the case of Ada Davenport Kendall who, for
protesting some injustice, was put on bread and water for 17 days in
solitary confinement.
1917 US Senate
rejects President Wilson's suffrage bill.
11/6/17 An
important victory for women in their fight for suffrage is won when New York
ratifies a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote.
1917 Four women
arrested for picketing for woman's suffrage (the right to vote) in from of
the White House are sentenced to 6 months in prison.
Representative Jeannette Rankin, Republican from CA., is the first woman
member in the House.
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1901 - 1910) |
The revolt of 1910.
Republican insurgents rose in revolt against Cannon's dictatorial tactics in
March 1910. Through a coalition with the Democratic minority, they succeeded
in having the House adopt an amendment to its rules of procedure (proposed
by Republican George W. Norris of Nebraska), depriving the Speaker of the
power to appoint members to the Rules Committee and barring him from serving
on it. The Rules Committee was made elective. Further, the following year
the Democrats, then in the majority, through the adoption of a resolution by
the House, denied the Speaker even the right to appoint standing committees.
The success of the Republican insurgents was a defeat for Taft, who had
given indirect support to Speaker Cannon in the struggle.
RAW^ [end of third qtrs]
1910 Democratic
& Republican progressives oppose dictatorial power of House Speaker and pass
ruling that Rules Committee be elected by the House rather than appointed by
the Speaker.
other reforms
Jan 1910 Taft
removed Gifford Pinchot from the forestry service as a result of the
Ballinger-Pinchot controversy.
6/25/10 US C
passes Mann Act: prohibits transportation of women across state lines for
immoral purposes.
1910 C requires
U.S. Representatives to file reports of campaign contributions.
3/26/10 An
amendment to the Immigration Act of 1907 makes it no longer possible to
admit criminals, paupers, anarchists and diseased persons into the US. Some
countries have been scouring jails and asylums and officially sending the
inmates over to the US.
The same day
(6/24/10) C adopts the Publicity Act which requires representatives to
report campaign contribution.
(6/24/10) The
Mann Act is adopted by C as a weapon to stop the importation of European
girls to work in American bordellos. The Act is known as the "white slave
traffic act" and prohibits the transportation of women across state lines
for immoral purposes.
8/31/10 Says
Roosevelt with his characteristic combination of bombast and perspicacity:
"I stand for the square deal; property shall be the servant and not the
master of the commonwealth." (campaign tour for the presidency). Roosevelt
does not mention Taft, who is angered by the speech. Taft's own record on
trust action, following in Roosevelt's pioneering footsteps, is and
outstanding 67 bill and indictments in four years. Under his administration
the Standard Oil Company will be dissolved and the Tobacco Trust broken up.
Taft contemptuously comments on Roosevelt's speech that if they were to
remove his skull they would find only "1912" inside. However, the speech
will be a rallying cry for the Progressive Movement. And when the present
leader of the insurgents, Robert La Follette, becomes sick, Roosevelt will
quite naturally take his place.
5/1/11 The
supreme court, under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, ordered the dissolution of
the Standard Oil company and the American Tobacco Company. In the Standard
Oil case the court enunciated the "rule-of-reason doctrine," indicating its
belief that the government should not attempt to outline "every" combination
in restraint of trade, but should confine action to those contracts which
resulted in an "unreasonable" restraint of trade. The enunciation of this
doctrine marked a turning-point in the court's attitude toward the so-called
9/1/16 In a
long-delayed move, Congress enacts the Keating-Wwen Act which bars from
interstate commerce any item made by child labor. Some states have already
begun to tackle the child labor problem as children work 12 to 14 hours a
day. South Carolina this year has raised the age limit to 14 years for
employment in mills, factories and mines. Still working for equity for
labor, two days later the President signs into law the Adamson Bill which
provides for and 8-hr day and time and a half for overtime on railroads.
[consolidate reform moves
of this decade?]
Emotional Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1919- March 21, 1920) |
1919 The nineteenth
amendment. Many advocates of women's rights believed that a constitutional
amendment was the ultimate solution to the issue of equal political rights
for men and women. Susan B. Anthony, a social reformer and leader in the
womin;s suffrage movement, proposed such an amendment in 1869; nine years
later it was introduced in C. There it langushed for mre than forty years.
In 1919 C passed the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, granting
nationwide women's suffrage-a testimonial to the effective work of such
feminists as Anthon, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Carrie Chapman Catt.
Ratification in August 1920 permitted women to vote in the presidential
election that year.
1. Political 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Low |
(1885 - 1907) |
6/24/10 C establishes the
postal savings system in response to public demand. The public has little
faith in savings banks. The new system will pay two percent interest.
8/24/12 The
much-hoped-for parcel post system is authorized by C. It will go into
service the following year.
4/9/14 Wilson
has refused to recognize Huerta as the rightful Pres of Mexico on the grounds
that he has not been elected by the people. When some sailors and officers
from the Am. barge "Dolphin" go ashore at Tampico for supplies, they are
promptly arrested, and as promptly released. Admiral Mayo demands apology
and "salute to the American flag" as well. Huerta refuses. There is great
pressure from European powers for Wilson to recognize Huerta, since he is a
strong ruler and may be able to keep peace, which is threatened by
4/19/14 In an
uncharacteristically belligerent move, Wilson asks a receives from C the
authority to use armed force to make Huerta comply to his wishes.
4/21/14 the US Navy
dispatched to Vera Cruz, Marines take control of city. Through this port
Germany has been funneling arms for Huerta. Americans lose four men and 20 are
wounded. Only timely intervention of Argentina, Brazil and Chile as
mediators, save Am from war. However, stopping supplies for Heurta dries up
strong source of foreign aid an will be a factor in reassuring Heuta to
resign and leave the country.
This same day
(8/5/14 US signs treaty with Nicaragua for right to build canal there, plus
99-year lease on islands and naval base. Price $3,000,000. Treaty product of
what Taft has created and calls Dollar Diplomacy. This policy proposes to
substitute dollars for bullets.
8/15/14 Panama
canal opened.
1/10/16 In an
attempt to embroil the US in the turmoil in Mexico, Gen Francisco "Pancho"
Villa forces 18 American mining engineers off a train and shoots them in cold
3/9/16 Pancho
Villa leads an attack of 1500 men into New Mexico and kills 17 Americans.
Brigadier-Gen John J. Pershing with 6000 men will be order to pursue Villa
into Mexican and to capture him. The subsequent two-year effort will result in
5/9/16 Wilson
orders mobilization along the Mexican border. This will lead [Men pres] Carranza
to order US troops our of Mexico.
5/15/16 In a
move that will keep them there until 1914, the US Marines land in Santo
Domingo to quell disorder.
Carranza orders his troops to attack American soldiers on Mexican ground. At Carrizal
18 Americans are killed or wounded. The Mexicans warn that a repetition will
result unless Americans leave Mex. Americans refuse until order is restored along the
border. Next month the two countries will submit to arbitration in an effort
to avoid all-our war.
2/23/17 American
troops recalled from Mexican border.
1. Political 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1910 - 1915) |
11/8/10 For the first time
since 1894 the country returns a Democratic Congress. It also see the first
socialist ever to sit in congress, Victor L. Berger. In Duchess County, NY,
young Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected to the state senate.
1911 Senate
passes bill for direct election of senators under federal supervision.
1911 US
abrogates the treaty of 1832 with Russia. Treaty allowed Russia to exclude
Jewish-Am citizens.
1911 Illinois
passes first state law to assist mothers with dependent children.
1911 La Follet,
Senator from Wisconsin helps found the National Progressive Republican
League, which seeks adoption of direct primaries, direct elections of
senators, and state constitutional reform.
National Progressive Republican League organized. Another step in the break
in the Republican Party. Robert La Follette the leader of the league.
1/21/11 Senator
Robert La Follette helps to found the National Progressive Republican League
to promote more responsive government at all levels. Senator Jonathan Bourne
of Oregon is made president. The organization proposes to attract the men
who find the Republican Party in the grip of overly conservative leader like
Aldrich and Cannon, and hopes to draw "insurgents" from both parties, in
effect creating a third force in politics. The new League advocates the
initiative, referendum and recall; direct primaries and direct election of
delegates to conventions; and, naturally, more and stronger Progressive
legislation. However, while the move tends to gather the Progressives
together into one camp, it loses its leader when La Follette collapses on a
speaking tour in February. Foundering, eyes will turn hopefully to the
energetic Roosevelt, who declare: "My hat is in the ring." "Political
emotionalists and neurotics," snorts Taft, his break with hi mentor
Roosevelt widening every day.
10/16/11 The
first National Conference of Progressive Republicans holds its convention in
Chicago. Robert La Follette is nominated for president. The split between
Taft and Roosevelt had become irrevocable, foundering on the unlikely shoal
of an anti-trust suit. Taft's Attorney General has gone after the giant US
Steel Corp. in an effort to force it to disgorge some of its holdings, among
which is the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company. Roosevelt himself had allowed
the huge steel corp. to acquire this company. Roosevelt's enemies feel he
may have sold our, of has been a fool at best. Roosevelt asks in
exasperation what is gained "by breaking up a huge industrial organization
which has not offended otherwise than by its size." He articulates the
prevailing view that comes to dominate American
society, that morality must be cast anew and new legislation is required to
meet the new conditions.
campaign. The liberal Democrats rallied behind Gov. Woodrow Wilson of New
Jersey, who described himself as a "progressive with the brakes on. Wilson
was finally nominated on the forty-sixth ballot.
More than a
year before the election, liberal insurgent Republicans tried to mobilize
the progressive sentiment of the country. In January 1911, several
Republican senators formed an organization called the Progressive Republican
League, which announced the following political aims; (1) direct election of
senators; (2) direct primaries; (3) direct election of delegates to national
nominating conventions; and (4) state adoption of the initiative, referendum
and recall.
Initially the
league merely advocated progressive principles. In October 1911, it endorsed
Senator Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin for the Republican nomination
against President Taft. La Follette, who had won national fame for his
successful battle against the power of large corporations in his own state,
promptly started a vigorous drive to rouse the voters from their lethargy.
Although former president Roosevelt had been supporting the liberal
insurgent Republicans ever since the summer of 1910, he refused to join the
league or to support La Follette.
charged that the Republican nomination had been "stolen" from him by
irregular tactics. With evangelical fervor his followers undertook the task
of helping to form a new party, called the Progressive party. The
Progressive party was nicknamed the "Bull Moose" party, from Roosevelt's
frequent use of the term to described someone full of strength and vigor.
8/5/12 A third
party is formed by Republican "insurgents" who follow Roosevelt off the
convention floor. With evangelical fervor, the party nominates Roosevelt for
president. Hiram Johnson of Ca is nominated for vice-president.
After failing
to get a strong candidate at their National Convention on 7/6/16, The
Progressive Part dissolved into the democratic party.
7/21/15 The Sup
Ct finds that the so-called :grandfather clause" added to the constitutions
of OK and MD is unconstitutional. The clause states that anyone whose
grandfather did not vote in an election cannot now vote. Aimed primarily at
blacks, it cuts into immigrants' votes too.
1916 Woodrow
Wilson elected pres. Thomas R, Marshall VP
1916 The Jones
Act of 1916. Passed by a Democratic-controlled C and signed into law by
Democratic president Woodrow Wilson in 1916, the Jones Act was in harmony
with the basic Democratic party platforms since 1900, favoring a steady
progression toward ultimate independence for the Philippines. Under the act,
although the head of the executive branch of the government was still to be
an Am. governor-general, five of the executive depts. were to be led by
Filipinos. The upper house of the legislature was made elective, as the
lower house had been for 14 years.
1916 USA
purchases Virgin Islands; US troops land in Santo Domingo, and stay till
1916 24 states
vote to prohibit alcohol.
Physical Low with
Intellectual High |
(1907 - 1915) |
POL 6/5/12 To protect
American interests in Cuba, the US sends marines. This is a deviation from
Taft's new policy toward South Am which has come to be called Dollar
Diplomacy: Taft has said he wishes to substitute "dollars for bullets" in
his dealings with Latin Am, with American capital bringing healthy reform to
corrupt governments. The effect is too often to stabilize harsh and
dishonest administrations and create long-lasting animosity toward the US.
5/1/11 In
"United States v. Grimaud," the Supreme Court finds that the Federal
Government, by reason of "administrative discretion," has authority over
forest reserve. The Court withholds outright delegation of legislative
power, but in effect takes overall authority away from the States.
Internal Aberration |
(1912) |
10/4/12 About to make a
speech in Milwaukee, Roosevelt is shot from 6 feet away by a fanatic. The
bullet slows as it goes through an overcoat, a glasses case, a folded (in
this case fortunately long) speech, before penetrating to the lung. Although
the wound was serious enough, still Roosevelt insists upon giving his speech
before being taken to the hospital. The melodramatic gesture captures
headlines as all his actions still tend to do. The tough outdoorsman will be
well in two weeks. However he will never again be center stage. He has
successfully articulated and acted upon the demands for social justice
rising from the country in much the same egocentric, arrogant and
high-handed manner used by his great antagonists. He has ably served to
usher in a new age, ironically one that will have no place for such as
Aberration Aberration |
(1914) |
1915 "Lusitania"
and "Arabic" sinkings with loss of American lives bring strong protest notes
from Pres. Wilson. Changes occur in German submarine warfare.
8/5/14 The US
makes a formal statement that it will remain neural in the European wars,
but offers its services as mediator in the mushrooming conflict.
2/10/15 Wilson
warns Germ, after it proclaimed as war zone around British isles to offset
their supplies from neutral allies, that the US will hold it "to a strict
accountability" for "property endangered or lives lost." W proceeds
cautiously, but seem to be preparing the ground that should America's entry
in to the war become inevitable, it will be on the Allied side.
5/1/15 Without
warning, the American tanker, "Gulflight" is sunk by a German U-boat. Germ
quickly offers to make reparations.
5/7/15 the
sinking of the Lusitania, with loss of Am life, led to W's warning to Ger of
853RMay 13. Am strongly demands reparation be made by Germany, which it does
not do.
7/2/15 Erich
Muenster, a Germ instructor at Cornell U., manages to explode a bomb in the
US Senate reception room. The next day he shoots J.P Morgan for representing
the British Gov. in war contract negotiations. Muenter is caught this time
and jailed, but commits suicide three days later.
7/25/15 The
Germs had previously sunk the Am vessel "Nebraskan" and on 7/25 sunk the
flax carrying American vessel "Leelanaw".
Beginning a 19-year occupation, US Marines land in Gaitti to snug out a
revolution. Unlike some other Am occupations, this one does not lead to
bitter admin. arrangements not long-lasting changes.
11/7/15 Carrying 27 Americans
passengers, the Italian liner "Ancona" is sunk without warning by an
Austrian submarine.
Sabotage is suspected in the explosion at the DuPont munitions plant in
Wilmington, DE.
2/3/17 Wilson
breaks diplomatic ties with Germany. That same day, the American
steamship "Housatonic" is sunk without warning.
3/12/17 American
merchant ship "Algonquin" is sunk without warning.
3/16+17 Three
ships, homeward bound, attacked without warning and sunk by German
3/18/17 The
"City of Memphis", "Vigilante" and "Illinois", all American
ships, are sunk without warning. Three days later the American
"Healdton" is sunk off the Dutch coast.
4/2/17 Wilson
asked congress to recognize the existence of a state of war between the US
and Germany.
4/2/17 Wilson
asks C to declare war on Germany. "The world must be made safe fore
democracy." Two days later the Senate concurs and on Good Friday the House
follows suit. The vote in congress is overwhelmingly in favor of war.
4/6/17 War
declared in Germany
Selective Service Act authorizing registration and draft of all men between
21 and 30 for military service is passed by Congress.
6/13/17 First
division embarked for France.
6/15/17 The
Espionage Act
10/16/17 The
Trading-with-the-Enemy Act
5/16/18 (yep,
18) Sedition Act
July/17 War
Industries Board created and placed in complete charge of all war purchases
12/7/17 The US
declares war on Austria-Hungary.
12/18/17 Under
stress of war conditions and the need of food conservation congress had in
August 1917 prohibited the use of food products in the making of distilled
beverages. Ownership of large numbers of breweries and distilleries by
person of German origin accentuated popular resentment against liquor
traffic. As a result, congress adopted the eighteenth amendment, prohibiting
the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic liquors, and sent it
to the states for ratification. It became part of the constitution
Prohibition amendment (18th) to US Constitution ratified.
1917 Pres.
Wilson calls for special session of Congress. He signs resolution declaring
war on Germany.
1917 Congress
passes Selective Service Act authorizing registration of all men, Espionage
Act, War Revenue Act, and Trading with the Enemy Act.
1/8/18 Fourteen
Points set forth by President Wilson in an address to Congress defining war
aims of the US.
4/5/18 War
Finance Commission created with fund of $5000,000,000 for financing
essential industries.
July 18- Nov.11
troops participated in six prolonged assaults upon German positions. Two of
these were conducted wholly by American forces: battle of St. Michael
(9/12-16) and that of the Meuse-Argonne (9/26-Nov.11), in which 1,200,00 men
were engaged.
11/11/18 The
German government signs the armistice treaty at five in the morning.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
Similarly, in what is known as
the Minnesota Rate Cases, the Supreme Court this year validates an order by a
state commission which regulates intrastate railroad rates. the Court finds that
while C has exclusive authority over interstate commerce, a state may act
independently as long as it does not act against federal laws. Many consider
this a long overdue decision by the Court.
3/4/13 Department
of Labor created with a seat in the cabinet.RAW^
10/3/13 Wilson gets
C to enacts the Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act, the first tariff reform since the
Civil War. Duties are brought down on 958 articles, including food-stuffs,
clothing and raw material. Rates on cotton are cut 50 percent and on woolens
over 60 percent. C will enact the graduated income tax law to make up the
The first item in
Wilson's program was tariff reform, a perennial Democratic objective since the
Civil War; the President's measure, the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913, reduced
average rates from 40 percent to 25 percent, greatly enlarged the free list, and
included a modest income tax. Next came adoption of the Presidents measure for
banking and monetary reform, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which created a
federal reserve system to mobilize banking reserves and issue a flexible new
currency-federal reserve notes-based on gold and commercial paper; uniting and
supervising the entire system was a federal reserve board of pres appointees.
1913 About 150,000
garment-workers go on strike. The workers will win reduced hours and recognition
of their union, plus an increase in their meager wages.
9/3/17 The Adamson
Act establishing the 9 hr day on interstate railways.
10/3/17 War Revenue
Act, greatly increasing income tax and imposing an excess profits tax on
business earning of corporations and individuals.
1919 Steel strike
till Jan. 1920.
1919 NY dock
workers go out on strike.
2. Business & Economy 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1901 - 1915) |
1913, the Underwood Tariff
Act revised high tariff practices.
5/15/11 The Supreme Court
finds the Standard Oil company in "unreasonable" restraint of trade. A new
judicial principle, "the rule of reason," is articulated in this case.
5/29/11 In
"United States v. American Tobacco Company," the Supreme Court finds the
American Tobacco Company violates the Sherman Anti-trust Act. However under
the new principle of "rule of reason," the court order it reorganized rather
than dissolved.
1911 Standard
Oil Trust is broken up into 33 companies although the Rockefellers retain
major interests in Exxon, Mobil, Amoco, Standard Oil of California.
1911 Supreme
Court, under the Sherman Antitrust Act, orders the dissolution of the
Standard Oil Co. ("unreasonable" restraint of trade) and the American
Tobacco Co. (monopoly).
1912 Mass.
passes first min. wage law for women and children (invalidated by the
Supreme Court in 1923).
1912 NY passes
54-hour week labor law; Congress passes eight-hour cay labor law for fed.
Massachusetts set up a commission to establish minimum-wage laws for women
and children. By 1923 fourteen other states and the District of Columbia had
taken similar action, setting up either a statutory minimum or giving
commissions mandatory powers. All such laws were dealt a severe blow by the
supreme court decision of 1923, in the Adkins case, in which the court
declared unconstitutional the District of Columbia law because it deprived
the individual of levity of contract.
1912 Congress
authorizes an 8-hour day for all workers under fed. contract.
1912 Textile
workers strike in Lawrence, Mass., showing power of I.W.W.
1/12/12 Workers
strike against sweatshop conditions in the mills of Lawrence, Mass. Workers
are protesting a cut in wages under a new law which has limited working
hours. The strike will last two months. The militant Industrial Workers of
the World will use the violent struggle to move into the East.
6/18/10 C
passed the Mann-Elkins Act. It is Taft's major contribution to much-needed
railroad reform. The Interstate commerce Act and the Hepburn Act had both
begun to tackle the diseased transportation network so vital to the vast
nation. However there are still enormous combines which are draining the
companies. The interlocking directorates, overtly engaged in political
corruption, are matters of public concern. The Mann-Elkins Act proposes to
give the Interstate Commerce Commission power to bring the railroads within
the embrace of the law. The act sets up a commerce Court consisting of five
judges to hear only appeals from the Commission. The Commission itself is
empowered to suspend rate raises for up to 10 months while it conducts an
investigation on the need for the raise. Most important, the Commission can
begin judicial proceedings against a railroad, not needing the Attorney
General to initiate action. The Commission's jurisdiction is also extended
to include telegraph and telephone companies.
1910 Interstate
Commerce Commission orders a reduction in Pullman car rates and in railroad
freight rates.The Mann-Elkins Act. Through the efforts of
congressional progressives of both major parties, legislation was passed
during the Taft administration that corrected certain defects in the Hepburn
Act. In 1910 President Taft signed into law the Mann-Elkins Act. It (1) gave
the Interstate Commerce Commission's authority to supervise telephone,
telegraph, cable and wireless companies; (2) empowered the commission on its
own to institute proceedings against carriers for violations of the law; (3)
authorized the commission to suspend all new rates until it was satisfied of
their reasonableness; and (4) created a new Commerce Court (which was in
existence for three years) to expedited the handling of rate cases.
1914 Panama
Canal completed.
12/10/15 The on
millionth Ford motorcar moves down the assembly line. This same year for a
"jitney"-that is, a nickel-automobiles owner offer rides.. From this
practice originates the taxicab. Soon there is regular intercity "jitney"
12/27/15 The
Iron and Steel Workers strike in East Youngstown, Ohio. They demand the 8-hr
day and other concessions. some their labor is vital, the strike will be
soon settled in their favor.
1/24/16 Supreme
Court finds that a federal income tax is constitutional.
1916 Child
labor laws in south Carolina raise the minimum age of children for work in
mills, factories, and mines, from 12 to 14.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1901 - 1908) |
January, 1910
Taft dismisses Pinchot for publicly criticizing the administration's
handling of coal lands in Alaska.
Physical Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1915- March 21, 1916) |
1915 American workers
demanding labor rights close down the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. and
Rockefeller calls in private army and state militia to put down strikers.
1916 Widespread
industrial unrest on both sides of the Atlantic: steel strike in USA, New
York dockworkers strike.
1916 Law
establishing eight-hour work day for railroad workers prevents nation-wide
strike [US?]
Physical High |
(1915 - 1929) |
In 1919, Railroad lines
operated in Am total 265,000 miles.
Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1915 - 1922) |
1911, with William Carpo Durant, he built the first Chevrolet car; but he
had little confidence in it, and in 1915 he sold his interest to Durant,
who, the next year, brought the Chevrolet Motor Company into the General
Motors organization. Other cars designed by Chevrolet won the Indianapolis
500-mile race in 1920 (a Monroe driven by his brother Gaston Chevrolet) and
in 1921 (a Frontenac driven by Tommy Milton). Subsequently, he was active in
motorboat racing; worked for the Stutz Automobile Company, Indianapolis,
Ind.; established an unsuccessful aircraft factory in that city; and in 1935
returned to the General Motors division named for him.
9/1/17 Grain Corporation inaugurated, which fixed price of grain and
financed the 1917, 1918 and 1919 crops.
4/10/18 Webb-Pomerene
Act exempting export associations from the restraints of the anti-trust
laws, with a view to encouraging export.
2. Business & Economy 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Low |
(1901 - 1919) |
In a great victory for the anti-liquor groups led by the Anti-Saloon League,
the Webb-Kenyon Interstate Liquor Act is upheld by C, overriding a Taft
veto. The Act states that it is unlawful to ship liquor into a state which
has made its sale illegal. This shore up state authority vis-à-vis the Fed.
2. Business & Economy 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1907 - 1918) |
Herman Hollerith, who
invented the first electronic computer during the previous crest
of the Intellectual Cycle, joined two other companies in 1911 to form the
Computing Tabulating Co., which later became the International Business
Machine Corp. (IBM) 1st qtr 1907-1918)
1912 First F.
W. Woolworth Company founded.
As the company
grew by leaps and bounds, Ford instituted his second profound innovation in
1913-1914-the continuously-moving assembly line that changed his output from
248,367 cats in 1913-14 to 2000 cars per day in 1916. Soon sensing the
dehumanization that threatened his workers, Ford more than doubled their
pay in 1915. The acclaim this brought him at the time was later to be
forgotten during his brutal struggle against unions; in 1941 Ford became the
last major auto company to unionize.
1913 US Federal
Reserve System established.
1913 Federal
income tax introduced through the 16th amendment.
The Federal
Reserve System was established the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 to mobilize
banking reserves and regulate currency, (i 1st)
12/23/13 The
Federal Reserve Bank Act. The panic of 1907 had emphasized the weakness of
the national banking system. The Aldrich-Freeland Act was passed in 1908 as
an emergency measure, and provided for the appointment of a national
monetary commission to study the problem. Report of the commission submitted
(1912). Wilson asked for legislation which would provide an elastic
currency, based on commercial assets rather than bonded indebtedness,
mobilization of bank reserves, public control of the banking system, and
decentralization rather than centralization [interesting!]. These features
were embodied in the act of 1913. The country was divided into twelve
districts, each with a federal reserve bank.
Departments of Commerce and Labor. From the Department of Commerce and
Labor, C created in 1913, on Taft's last day in office, two separate
departments; the Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor, whose
heads would both be cabinet members. The Department of Commerce was
authorized to help supervise and advance the nation's commerce, domestic and
foreign. The Department of Labor was set up to improve the status of wage
earners in all aspects of their working conditions.
The sixteenth
amendment passed by C in 1909 and ratified in 1913, just as the Taft
administration was coming to an end, the Sixteenth Amendment to the
Constitution permitted the imposition of a graduated income tax without
regard to apportionment among the states according to population.
The Federal
Reserve System was established by the Federal Reserve Act on 1914 [or 1913?]
to mobilize banking reserves and regulate currency, (1st qtr 1907-1920).
10/22/14 The
Revenue Act passes C. It imposes the first income tax on incomes over $3000
to offset loss of tariff money brought about through enactment of the
Underwood-Simmons Act of 1913.
Hollerith, who invented the first electronic computer during the previous
crest of the Intellectual Cycle, joined two other companies in 1911 to form
the International Business Machine Corp. (IBM), (i 1st).
1913 Henry Ford
adopts the conveyor belt system used by the meat-packers. Putting the idea
to work for cars, within 10 years he brings down the price of a Model T from
$950 to $290. He also sets and example by paying his men $5 a day when many
are making not much more a week.
1913 Ford Motor
Co. sets up the first moving assembly line and is soon producing 1000 Model
T's per day. Ford pays workers an unheard-of minimum wage of $5 a day and
established a 40-hr. workweek.
2/25/13 16th
Amendment to the constitution, empowering congress to levy income taxes
without apportionment among the states and without regard to any census or
enumeration, declared in effect.
1919 Radio
Corporation of Am established, RCA.
2. Business & Economy 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1910 - 1915) |
Henry Ford said, "History
is a lot of bunk!" [what year?]
The reform
impulse declined in the country in the last years of its second decade.
Perhaps it had run its course and had exhausted its energy.
10/15/14 Am comes of industrial age as the milestone Clayton Anti-trust Act
is passed by congress. Samuel Gompers will call this "labor's charter of
freedom." It provides organized labor with the necessary legislation to
balance its bargaining power vis-à-vis corporations. Most importantly it
exempts unions from anti-trust laws; unions cannot be declared combinations
in restraint of trade; the injunction will no longer be permitted to be used
against unions; strikes, picketing and boycotting are made legal. Elsewhere
in the Act, interlocking directorates are made illegal for corporations as
is discrimination in setting process which would effect a monopoly.
Low with
High |
(1907 - 1915X) |
1913 The Physical Valuation
Act. Through the efforts of the progressive Republicans, under the
leadership of Senator Robert M. La La Follette of Wisconsin, Congress passed
in 1913 (three days before the Taft administration came to a close) the
Physical Valuation Act. It empowered the Interstate Commission to make a
study with the objective of determining the value of the property held by
the various railroads. The purpose of the study, which took the commission
eight years to complete, was to provide a basis for setting rates that would
represent a reasonable profit to the lines on their investment.
The Federal
Trade Commission Act was created by the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914
to prevent business monopolies (int 4th?)
The Third
Quarter effect was beginning to loose effect. q Standard Oil Case of 1911:
that only those acts of agreements of a monopolistic nature unduly or
"unreasonably" affecting interstate commerce were to be construed as acts or
agreements in restraint of trade, under the Anti-trust Act. This "rule of
reason" became the guiding rule of decision, notably in the case of 1920
against the United States Steel corporation, a consolidation from which the
monopoly feature was absent. Subsequent prosecutions have been based not on
mere size and power but on unfair and illegal use of power.
9/26/14 The
Federal Trade Commission is set up to oversee regulation of corporation
engaged in interstate commerce. The five-man commission proposes to oversee
industrial corporations in a manner similar to that of the Interstate
commerce Commission over railroads.
1914 Federal
Trade Commission established to police business practices in interstate
External Aberration |
(1914) |
7/31/14 The London Stock
Exchange, at this time the largest and the most influential in the world,
announces its closing due to war. The US follows suit and for several weeks
all other important exchanges will also close.
1917 I. W. W. demonstration
against war result in raids on their offices.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1910 In response to the
Conservation C of 1908, 38 of the 46 states have formed local conservation
3. Science & Technology 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
1912 US Public Health Service
is established.
1912 Curtiss
invents a "flying boat," or seaplane.
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1907 - 1915) |
1910 In "Future of
Electricity," Steinmetz warns about air pollution from burning coal and
water pollution from releasing untreated sewage into the rivers.
1912 Alfred
Sturtevant, Ala. biologist, determines that genes are lined up in a row on
the chromosomes.
1912 Western
Union and Western Electric develop a multiplex telegraph that allows eight
messages to be sent over one wire at the same time.
[????] 100-inch
reflecting telescope is constructed at Mount Wilson, Ca.
1910 George A.
Hughes begins production of a practical electric cooking range.
1910 Electric
washing machine are introduced.
Gyrocompass pat. by Elmer A. Sperry (another pat. abroad by Anschutz-Kampfe,
1908), who also perfected the gyroscope (invented by Foucault, 1852) and
invented the automatic steersman.
1912 U.S.S.
Jupiter, America's first electric ship, is launched.
1913 Frederick
A. Kolster invents a practical radio-compass and installs radio beacons in
lighthouses on the NJ coast.
1914 E.C.
Kendall prepares pure thyroxin for treatment of thyroid deficiencies
1914 wireless
service established between US & Japan.
1915 Hermann
Muller, geneticist, pubs "The Mechanism of Mendeliam Heredity," a classic in
Established by Congress, the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA)
conducted programs of research and dev that by 1925 had demonstrated the
value of basic research.
1916 A. Bell in
NY calls T. Watson in San Francisco in the first transcontinental telephone
1917 American
astronomer, Harlow Shapley, discovers the true dimensions of the Milky Way.
1917 Radios are
used for ground-to-air and air-to-air communication
3. Science & Technology 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1915 - 1918) |
Goddard, first tested his
rocket in 1915. The Smithsonian Institute funded the rocket in 1916, and on
March 16th, 1926 he launched the 1st liquid fueled rocket. The Smithsonian
predicted that it would eventually fly people to the moon.
1914-26. Early
Rockets. Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945) patented liquid fuel rocket (1914),
using liquid ether and oxygen; demonstrated lifting force of rackets (1920);
directed 1st rocket flight (1926).
1916 Thompson
Submachine Gun invented by John T. Thompson (1860-1940).
National Research Council
formed 20 Sept. 1916 to promote wartime research; perpetuated by order of
Pres Wilson 11 May 1918 to stimulate scientific research, programs, and
information. As the First World War raged in Europe, members of the NAS were concerned
about whether or not the United States was prepared to be involved. At the
NAS annual meeting in 1916, a resolution was introduced calling for
organization of the nation's scientific resources. This committee soon
became the National Research Council (NRC). During peacetime, two other
organizations were added to complete the scope of the National Academies.
The National Academy of Engineering was added in 1964 and the Institute of
Medicine became functional in 1970. All four agencies are collectively
called The National Academies, who serve as "Advisors to the Nation" on
scientific issues.
1916 The
National Academy of Sciences, non-governmental org of scientists and
engineers, established March 3 1863, by an act of Congress58
to serve as official adviser to the government in all matters of science and
Tech. In 1916 the academy established the National Research Council to
coordinate the activities of various scientists and engineers in
universities, industry, and government the council issues many pubs and
awards a number of postdoctoral fellowships.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1910 Barney Oldfield drives a
Benz at 133 mph at Daytona Beach Fla.
1914 Cadillac
develops a practical V-8 engine.
4. Mechanical 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1915 - 1922) |
1915 Henry Ford develops a
farm tractor.
1915 Automobile
speed record of 102.5 mph set at Sheepshead Nay, NY by Gil Anderson driving
a Stutz.
The coastal
steamboat gave way to the road truck and, to a less degree, diesel.
1916 Brigadier
General John Thompson invents the submachine gun, popularly called the
"Tommy gun."
Eight-cylinder "Liberty " engines are developed. Incorporating the best
parts of other patented engines,
the "Liberty" engines are
soon in great demand.
1917 There are
4.8 million motor vehicles registered in the US; 435,000 of them are trucks.
In this year, 1.7 million passenger cars and 181,348 commercial vehicles are
produced, and there are 15,5000 garages and 13,500 repair shops to service
them. Ave. price of a new car is $750.
1918 Browning
invents an automatic rifle.
1918 Bell
invents a hydrofoil boat that goes 60 mph during a test run.
Helicopter. First to rise successfully from ground built by Peter
Cooper-Hewitt and F. B. Crocker (1918). Developments in US largely due to
Igor Sikorsky (1889- ), who arrived in US in 1918. Improved product (VS-300)
produced by Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft (1939).
4. Mechanical 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundtion |
(1907 - 1918) |
In 1899 Clyde J. Coleman
invented the electric self-starter. by February 1911 it has been perfected
by Charles F. Kettering and is now demonstrated by General Motors. It will
open a new era for the automobile.
1912 the self
starter on the auto attracted more woman drivers than did the windshield and
front doors.
By 1913 the
first full blown assembly line was making Fords.
*newness "The
Oxford History of the American People" page 892
4. Mechanical 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
5. Education 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1907 - 1918) |
In the beginning of this
century, an eight year elementary school system was in effect where students
continued onto four years of high school. this was known as the "eight-four"
system which was still in effect until about 1910. then the "six-three" system
came forth. Now a student attends six years of elementary school, goes on to
three years of Junior high school and three years of high school, (1st qtr
1916 Literacy
requirements for US citizenship passed over Wilson's veto.
1918 Missouri last
state to ratify compulsory school attendance law.
5. Education 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
National Baptist Convention of the USA, representing merger of Negro Baptist
groups, formed at Atlanta; incorporated (1915). The National Baptist Convention
of Am separated (1916).
6. Religion & Spirituality 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
7. Arts & Design 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Low |
(1901 - 1919) |
The International Exhibition of Modern ARt (the "Armory Show") in NY C has
an enormous impact on Am art. When the show arrives in Chicago, an effigy of
Matisse's painting "Blue Nude" is burned.
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1910 - 1919) |
1914 Stanton
Macdonald-Wright, painter of the synchromist movement, paints "Synchromy in
Orange: To Form."
1915 Max Weber,
painter, paints "Chinese Restaurant" in the Cubist style.
1916 Man Ray,
avant-garde painter, executes "The Rope Dancer Accompanies Herself with Her
1916 Morton
Schamberg, Precisionist painter, paints "Machine."
1918 Joseph
Stella, painter of the synchromist movement, paints "Brooklyn Bridge," the
first of a series on that structure.
*mention Art
7. Arts & Design 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1911 Henry Bacon, architect,
designs the Lincoln Memorial in the classical revival style.
1913 Woolworth
Bldg. New York, designed by Cass Gilbert, opens
1913 Grand Central
Terminal opens in NY
1914 Eugene O'Neil
leading playwright of the period, writes his first ply, "The Web."
1914 Edgar Rice
Burroughs, novelist, pubs "Tarzan of the Apes, the first of many books about an
infant abandoned in the jungle and reared by apes.
8. Literature & Publication 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1907 - 1915) |
1910 Charles W. Eliot,
Harvard U. pres., edits "The Harvard Classics," a 50-vol. sample of world
1910 the "new
Poetry" launched in Chicago, Oxford History of the American People" page
1911 Wharton
pubs. her best known work, "Ethan Frome."
8. Literature & Publication 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1910 John A. Lomax, ballad and
folk song collector, pubs "Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads."
1910 The South
American tango gains enormous popularity in Europe and the US.
1911 Irving Berlin,
songwriter, writes his first hit song, "Alexander's Ragtime Band."
1911 w(illiam)
C(ristopher) Handy, blues composer, writes "Memphis Blues."
Jazz and blues
becomes popular
1912 Spreading fad
for ragtime introduces a series of "animal dance." Among them are: fox trot,
crab step, kangaroo dip, camel walk, fish walk, chicken scratch, lame duck,
snake, grizzly bear, turkey trot, and the bunny hug.
1913 NY's Palace
Theater beg a 20-year reign as the outstanding vaudeville house in the US.
1914 Charlie
Chaplin, actor, director, and producer, introduces his famous tramp outfit in
the film "Kid Auto Races at Venice."
1914 Cotillion,
once the most fashionable dance of society, takes second place to the waltz and
the two-step.
1917 Ferdinand
"Jelly Roll" Morton pubs the jazz composition "Jelly Roll Blues."
1917 George M.
Cohan writes the WWI song "Over There" for which Congress honors him in 1940.
By 1920 another
form of jazz, the slow melancholy blues, overtook ragtime in popularity. W. C.
(William Christopher) Handy composed by far the most popular songs of the type,
including "Memphis Blues" (1912) and "St. Louis Blues" (1914).
The popular dance
known as the Shimmy made its national appearance in 1919 and the Charleston was
spread by professional dancers around 1920, (1st qtr. 1915-1922).
[investigate these
dances; Argentine Tango, hesitation waltz, bunny-hug, fox trot and turkey trot]
1912Carl Laemmle
founds Universal Pictures Co.
By 1912 about 5
million people a day visit the cinema
1913 the Paramount
and the first Charlie Chaplin movies
1913 Attendance at
motion-picture theaters reaches 5 mil daily.
1913 Hollywood
becomes the center of the motion-picture industry, replacing NYC
1915 Griffith
directs the 3-hour spectacle "The Birth of a Nation," starring actress Lillian
Gish. The film, known for its music and authentic set and costume design, is
based on Dixon's "The Clansman."
1915 William Fox
founds the fox Film Co., which eventually evolves into Twentieth-Century Fox.
1915 The first
motion picture serials (e.g. The Perils of Pauline) appear.
9. Entertainment 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1907 - 1915) |
1919 The will Augustus D.
Juilliard, banker and industrialist, authorizes the founding of the Juilliard
School of Music in NY, now one of the most prominent music schools in the world.
The Cleveland
Playhouse was started in 1915. In 1921 it became the first resident professional
playhouse in the U.S.
9. Entertainment 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1913 In first Army-Notre Dame
football fame, little-known Notre Dame defeats Army by using the forward pass.
This victory helps popularize the game by showing that a small, clever team can
beat a large, powerful one.
1914 Jack Dempsey
start fighting under the name "Kid Blackey"
1916 Women's
International Bowling C established
10. Sports 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1915 - 1922) |
1916 PGA formed
1916 First
professional golf tournament held at Bronxville, NY, by the Professional
Golfers' Assoc. formed earlier in the year.
1916 First
permanent annual Rose Bowl game is held between Washington State College and
Brown U.; Wash. St. wins 14 to 0. In 1923, this game is officially called
"Rose Bowl Game."
1919 Babe Ruth
hits a 587-foot home run in a Boston Red Sox versus NY Giants game at Tampa,
Development of mechanical rabbit by Oliver Smith, of Ca, marks origin of
modern greyhound racing.
1919 Babe Ruth
hits a 587-foot home run in a game between the Boston Red Sox and the NY
Giants in Tampa. 1919 Jack
Dempsey becomes the world heavy-weight boxing champion when he defeats Jess
Willard in Toledo, Ohio.
10. Sports 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1919- March 21, 1920) |
1920 Eight Chicago White
Sox are indicted for the 1919 World Series Fix.
1919 "Black
Sox" bribery scandal rocks baseball.
10. Sports 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
11. Fashion 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1910 pop US almost 10 million
1918 [yep, 1918]
total population in US 103.5 mil.
1910 the "weekend"
becomes popular in US
1912 The S.S.
Titanic sinks on her maiden voyage after colliding with an iceberg; 1,513
Almost 10.5 million
immigrants entered US from southern and eastern Europe in period 1905-1914
1912 "Life"
magazine lists the slang expression of the year: "flossy; beat it!; peeced;
sure!; classy; It's a cinch; What do know about that?; fussed; speedy; peachy;
nutty; getting your goat."
1916 Margaret
Sanger joins in opening first birth control clinic [where? US?]
12. Lifestyles 1902 |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1915 - 1922) |
12. Lifestyles 1902 |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1902 |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1902 |
Polyrhythms |
top |
High with
Emotional Upward Crossover |
(March 21, 1919- March 21, 1920) |
The "one hundred per cent
Americans" of 1919-20 were note content to fight Reds, Parlor Pinks, Democrats,
supporters of the League of Nations, and friends of England and France.
Intellectuals, especially professors, attracted a good part of their hostility.
The colleges and universities were accused of being hotbeds of sedition by Vice
President Coolidge in a series of articles in "The Delineator" (1921); but next
year Upton Sinclair in the "The Goose Step" presented the same institutions as
centers of reaction, literary annexes to Wall Street!
Hate mongers
exacerbated the northward move of African Americans from the south to work in
war industries. They were resented by white workers and more so by immigrants.
Bloody riots ensued such as the one in East St. Louis where in 1917, 47 died,
most of whom were African American, and hundreds more were wounded. When
President Wilson returned from Paris in July of 1919, there was one of the
biggest race riots in history held in the capital city. Thousands of troops were
summoned to assist police. Six people died. In that same month, a three-day race
riot took place in Chicago were 36 people lost their lives. Other riots took
place that year in New York, Omaha and the South. Many were against African
American veterans who fought for their freedom abroad, and were now standing up
for it at home by demanding their rights as citizens.
1919 race riots in
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