These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.
See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).
Note to readers: Work from the Kala-Rhythm archives is being offered here in the Timelines for the first time. We are allowing a view into the Timelines now by posting both the finished and the unfinished pages of the Timelines as editing from our references continues. Unfinished pages (like this one) contain raw data from history sources to which we give credit in our "biblio/webography". Check back for updates to this and other pages.
Some notable facts from this decade...
Jefferson and Aaron Burr (Democratic-Republicans) ran for president against John
Adams and Charles Pinckney (Federalists) in 1800. Since candidates for pres and VP
were not separately nominated, a tie resulted between Jefferson and Burr with 73 votes
each. The House of
Representative chooses Jefferson for president and Burr for Vice-President.
Congress enacted a law
to divide the Northwest Territories into two
territories, Indiana and Ohio.
The Federal
Government moved from Philadelphia to the new, permanent federal capital of Washington on the Potomac River
in June, 1800. Washington became
the first planned capital city in the world.
Treaty of Morfontaine, more commonly known as the Convention of 1800, is
signed by the French consulate and by American peace commissioners William Vans
Murray, Oliver Ellsworth, and William R, Davie on September 30, 1800. It restored normal
diplomatic relations between the two nations and put an end to the
undeclared war. The treaty of 1778 was officially annulled, and the question
of French compensation to America for the seizure of its was is left to future
Congress convened for its first session in the new federal capital of Washington
on November 17, 1800. John
and Abigail Adams moved into the new presidential palace which would later
become known as the White
The Treaty
of Ghent ended the War of 1812, when it was signed on Dec 24, 1814 by representatives of
the US and Great Britain.
Marshall became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1801.
ceded its western territory to the US in 1802.
Congress established a military academy at West Point, New
York on March 17, 1802 which opened officially on July 4.
Congress passed a new Judiciary Act
on April 29, 1802 to restore to six the number of Supreme
Court justices, to provide for one session a year of the Supreme Court and
to establish a system of six circuit courts, each of which would be presided over by a
Supreme Court justice.
became 17th state on March 1, 1803.
Since the Northwest Ordinance of 1787
outlawed slavery in the territory, Ohio is the first state in which slavery
is illegal from the beginning.
passes the 12th
Amendment to the US
Constitution to
provide for the
election of the president and vice-president on separate ballots and sent it
to the states on December 9, 1803. This came after the tie in the Jefferson-Burr election of 1800. The 12th Amendment
will now be set to the states for ratification.
1804 Extremists
plan a separate northern confederacy in alliance with Aaron Burr. Plan fails
when Hamilton blocks Burr's attempt to be governor of New York. Hamilton also attacks
Burr's character. Burr challenges Hamilton to a pistol duel, in which
Hamilton is fatally wounded.
1804 Jefferson
is re-elected pres in the first election with separate balloting for pres
and VP. George Clinton is elected VP. They are Democratic-Republicans.
1805 Michigan
Territory is formed out of the northern part of the Indiana Territory.
3/1/05 The
Senate dismisses the charges against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase, who
had been impeached by the House of Reps for partisan conduct unbecoming to a
judge. Chase retakes his seat on the bench, although with a considerable
loss of credibility. The failure of the case against Chase discourages later
administrations from attempting to use the impeachment process to limit the
power of the fed judiciary for political reasons.
protests Britain's interference with and France's restrictions on neutral
US shipping. Congress passes Non-importation Act, forbidding the purchase of
British foods. The act is suspended.
1806 Burr plans
to establish an independent republic in the Southwest. Plot fails when pres
Jefferson orders his arrest.
1807 British
frigate "Leopard" attacks US frigate "Chesapeake;" four seamen, alleged to
be British subjects, are seized. Jefferson, opposed to war, order British
warship to leave US waters.
1807 Burr is tried
for treason and acquitted.
1808 James Madison
is elected pres, and George Clinton is reelected VP on the Democratic-Republican
1809 Illinois
Territory is formed from the western part of the Indiana Territory.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1. Political 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Cycle -
High |
(1803 - 1817) |
Apr 30 1803 The LA
Purchase, the first territorial acquisition made by the US, added to the
country some 828,999 sq. mi. of land between the Miss R. and the Rocky Mts.
It was bought from France for 80,000,000 francs (about $25 million). The
price included 20 million francs for assumption by the US of claims against
France by US citizens. The LA Purchase increase US national territory about
140%. The territory later formed Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, North
and South Dakota, most of Louisiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming,
and parts of Colorado and Oklahoma.
5/02/03 US
purchases Louisiana Territory from Fr for $11,250,000. For approximately $15
mil. the US purchases the entire LA territory. The cost of the territory is
$11,250,000, while the remaining $3,750,000 covers the debts owed by France
to Am citizens. The US assumes these debts. This acquisition doubles the
land areas of the US, adding some 828,999 sq. miles between the Miss. R. and
the Rocky mountains.
8/31/03 Lewis
and Clark begin their government sponsored transcontinental exploration.
1803 John
Sibley sets out to explore the Red R as far as the present site of
Shreveport, La.
1803 Explorers
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark begin exploring lands west of the Miss R.
They follow the Ohio, Missouri, and Columbia Rivers to the Pacific Ocean and
return by a similar route, a total of 8000mi.
1/05 A
government-sponsored scientific expedition to explore the lower Red R and
the Ouachita R returns to Natchez, Mississippi, after successfully
completing its mission. Begun in Oct 1804, the expedition to the old
Southwest was led by Scottish-born scientist and Miss planter Emily Dunbar,
who was assisted by Dr. Geo Hunter. Dunbar's important reports back to Pres
Jeff made the first mention of features such as the mineral wells at Hot
Springs, Ark.
3/4/05 Jeff is
inauguration for 2nd term He asks for a federally-finance public works
8/9/05 Gen
James Wilkinson commissions LT Zebulon Montgomery Pike to explore the
territory of the LA Purchase, and specifically to search out the sources of
the Miss R. On his first expedition, Pike leaves St. Louis w a part of 20
men that he leads into the Minnesota region, which he mistakenly takes to be
the source of the Miss R. Pike will return from this expedition on Apr 30,
Apr 27, 1805 In
the Tripolitan War, the US achieved its major victory when Wm Eaton , a
special US naval agent, led a small force of Marines and Arab mercenaries in
capturing the Tripolitan port city of Derna. Eaton's force, a squad of US
Marines under Lt. Preston N. O'Bannon and about 100 Arab mercenaries, had
marched 500 miles from Egypt to Derna and were assisted by a coordinated
bombardment of Derna by US naval vessels. Eaton's ultimate mission,
approved by Pres. Thom Jeff, was to replace the ruling pasha of Tripolitan with
the rightful ruler. However, the coming of peace in early June aborted the
plan. The phrase "to the shores of Tripoli" in the official song of the US
Marine Corps refers to the Derna campaign, which was the first engagement to
US land forces in North Africa. the campaign marked the first time that the
US false was raised over an Old World fort.
1806 Pike
explores the southeastern territory, traveling through Kansas Nebraska,
Colorado, and New Mexico. He first sees Pike's Peak on this trip.
congress passes leg authorizing the construction of the federally-financed
Cumberland Road from Cumberland, Maryland, to the village of Zanesburg, VA,
on the Ohio R. A new charter is granted to Zanesburg, renaming it
Wheeling, no in the state of West VA, The road is to eventually reach as
far as Vandalia, Illinois. The Cumberland Rd will facilitate the flow of
pioneers into the West, as well as increase commerce along its route.
9/23/06 The Lewis and Clark Expedition ends its epic two=year journey across
the American western wilderness to the Pacific coast in the Oregon areas and
back. W its return to St. Louis, the successful expedition proves the
feasibility of an overland route to the Pacific coast.
1806 Cong
passes leg authorizing the construction of yet another wilderness route.
The Natchez Rd is to run some 500 miles from Nashville, Tennessee, to
Natchez, Miss. following an old Indian trail.
1809 Cong
establishes the Territory of Illinois, which has been formed from the
western portion of the Indiana Territory. The Illinois Territory including
the present-day states of Ill, Wisconsin, and eastern Minnesota.
Physical Cycle -
1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1803 - 1810) |
10/21/06 Cong passes leg to dev an organizational and legal framework for
the governance of the military forces of the US.
1. Political 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
1. Potitical 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual Low |
(1797 - 1818) |
1807 Congress passes
Embargo Act, which prohibits US trade with any foreign country. Act tries to
force Britain and France to remove restrictions on and stop interference
with US trade. New England merchants oppose Act as scheme to deprive them of
1808 Congress
prohibits the importation of African slaves.
1808 Congress
tries to enforce the Embargo Act. US farmer and merchant opposition results
in smuggling and other illegal trade. France confiscates US ships and
cargoes in European ports. None of the acts had the desired effect. Trade
to and from Canada was difficult to stop, and neither British nor France
suffered. The chief result was damage to shipping and commercial interest
of the North, especially New Eng.
1809 Congress
passes Non-intercourse Act, repealing the Embargo Act and resuming trade
with all countries except France and Britain.
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1797 - 1808) |
1802 Gov
repeals excise taxes, the Naturalization Act, and the Judiciary Act (which
had allowed pres Adams to appoint more the 200 "midnight judges" just before
he left office). Alien and Sedition Acts are allowed to expire.
Congress nullifies the Naturalization Act of June 18, 1798 that was part of
the Alien and Sedition Acts. The Naturalization Act of 1795, which required
five years of residency in order to render an alien eligible for Am
citizenship, is reinstated.
1/8/02 As
mandated by Jay's Treaty, a specially appointed commission finds that in
settlement of the Revolutionary War financial claims of Brit citizens-of
both colonial Loyalists and the English mercantile establishment-the US owes
4/24/02 The
state of GA seeks to extricate itself from the aftermath of the Yazoo land
fraud of 1795 and the state's 1796 invalidation of the sale of these lands,
by ceding the lands in question to the US. The Fed Gov will seek to end the
controversy over land claims by grantin 4 million acres to the holder of
Yazoo land warrants. This move will be blocked in Congress, and in 1810 the
issue will come before the Supreme Court in the case of Fletcher v. Peck.
Chief Justice John Marshall will rule that the state of GA could not revoke
its original act, since to do so would constitute a breach of contract. In
1814, Congress will be forced to award the Yazoo land claimants, most of
them real estate speculators, $4.2 million.
1803 Supreme Court under Chief Justice declares
unconstitutional and void an act of Congress for the first time (Marbury v.
Madison). Decision establishes the principle of review.
2/24/03 In the
case of "Marbury v. Madison," the Supreme Court rules an act of Congress
null and void when it conflicts with the provision of the US Constitution.
this decision, written by Chief Justice John Marshall, establishes the
principle of review. The plaintiff in the case, William Marbury, had been
appointed by Pres John Adams as a justice of the peace of the District of
Columbia during the last hours of Adams' presidency. Under orders from Pres
Jefferson, Sec of State James Madison had refused to deliver the signed
commission to Marbury and to three other last minute Federalist
appointments, who join w/ Marbury in his legal suit. Chief Justice Marshall
dismisses the suit on the grounds that the court lacks the jurisdiction to
issue the requested writ of madamus, since the applicable section of the
1789 Judiciary Act empowering the court to do so is in fact
unconstitutional. In employing this stratagem, Marshall avoids an open
conflict between the executive and judiciary branches of government Marshall
thus strengthens the concept of the balance of power among the three
branches of the Fed Gov.
Sep 25 1804 the
Twelfth Amendment to the US Const was ratified, providing the part that
voters shall "name in their ballots the person voted for as President and in
distinct ballots the person voted for as vice president." In the election
of this year, electoral vice president. Previously the candidate having the
second largest number of votes in the electoral college became vice
president. [This was prompted by the 1800 elections in which Dem-Reps tied
between Jeff. and Burr, and the other party was almost tied}].
congress passes the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution. This Amendment
provides for the election of the pres and VP on separate ballots. This move
is prompted by the tie in the Jefferson-Burr election of 1800. The 12th
Amendment will now be sent to the states for ratification.
1/5/04 In the
House of Reps, members of the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican party beg.
to investigate a Federalist associate justice of the Supreme Court, Samuel
Chase, for alleged biased conduct in the trials of publisher James Thomas Callender under the Sedition Act, and of the leader of a PA taxpayer's
2/15/04 New
Jersey passes legislation calling for the gradual emancipation of the slaves
within the state.
3/1/05 The
Senate dismisses the charges against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase, who
had been impeached by the House of Reps for partisan conduct unbecoming to a
judge. Chase retakes his seat on the bench, although w a considerable loss
of credibility. The failure of the case against Chase discourages later
administrations from attempting to use the impeachment process to limit the
power of the feral judiciary for political reasons.3/12/04 The
Senate impeaches New Hampshire fed district judge John Pickering. He is
rules guilty of unlawful decisions, intoxication and profanity. Although
evidence is presented at the trial proving Pickering's insanity, his is
still held responsible for high crimes and misdemeanors. Pickering's
impeachment and the investigation of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase are
part of the Pres Jefferson's continuing conflict with the Federalist
1804 In the
House of Reps, members of the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican party begin
to investigate a Federalist associate justice of the Supreme Court, Samuel
Chase, for alleged biased conduct in the trials of publisher James Thomas
Calendar under the Sedition Act, and of the leader of PA taxpayer's
rebellion, John Fries.
12/02/06 Pres
Jefferson sends Cong a message asking for a ban on all slave importations to
the US, to become effective Jan 1, 1808.
3/2/07 On the
recommendation of Pres Jeff, Cong passes leg prohibiting the importation of
any more slaves into the US after Jan 1, 1808.
11/27/06 After
Gen James Wilkinson reveals the Aaron Burr conspiracy to carve out an empire
in the Am Southwest and Mexico, Pres Jeff issues a proclamation warning
American citizens against joining any illegal expedition against the Span.
Apparently unaware of Wilkinson's betrayal and Jeff's proclamation, Aaron
Burr leads his expedition down the Miss R. to a point 30 miles above
Natchez. Here he is informed of the recent developments and escapes toward
2/19/07 In
Alabama, the fleeing Aaron Burr is captured and arrested for the misdemeanor
of forming and leading an expedition against Span territory.
3/30/07 In
Richmond, VA, the arrested Aaaron Burr is brought before the fed circuit
court presided over by Sup Court Chief Justice John Marshall.
6/25/07 In the
Richmond, VA, federal circuit court, Aaron Burr is indicted for treason,
although the charge on which he had originally been arrested was a
9/1/07 In
Richmond, VA, the treason trial of Aaron Burr ends w the acquittal of Burr
and his associates. Presiding judge and Supreme Court Chief Justice John
Marshall interpreted the US law on treason strictly, finding that Burr was
not actually present when an overt act was committed. Before he can stand
trial on other charges facing him, including one for Alexander Hamilton's
murder, Burr jumps bail and escapes to Europe, where his plans to overthrow
Pres Jeff and to unite France and Eng against the US are snubbed.
1801 Pasha of
Tripoli declares war on the US, demanding that US ships pay more tribute to
the pirates of the Barbary States (Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli).
Jefferson sends naval ships to Mediterranean area. [external accidental]
Increasing his demands for tribute from the US, Pasha Yusuf Karamanli of
Tripoli declares war on the US. In spite of his predisposition for peace,
Pres Jefferson decides to take up the challenge and send naval warships into
the Med Sea. This was will last into 1805.
1802 Act of
Congress recognizes Tripolitan War against the US and empowers pres to arm
merchant ships. Act does not explicitly declare war but states the intent of
the US to protect its ships at sea.
2/6/02 In
recognition of the May 14, 1801 declaration of war on the US by the Pasha of
Tripoli, Congress passes legislation authorizing the arming of merchant
ships in order to defend Am interests in the Tripolitan war. By doing so,
congress in effect admits that a state of war exists between the two
2/16/04 In the Tripolitan War, Am naval LT Stephen Decatur wins a stunning victory by
sailing his ketch "Intrepid" into Tripoli harbor and daringly recapturing
and burning the frigate "Philadelphia," seized by the Tripolltans more than
three months previously when the vessel ran aground on a reef.
1804 US
expedition under Stephen Decatur enters the harbor of Tripoli and destroys
the US frigate "Philadelphia," which had been captured by the Tripolitans.
1805 US forces
capture the seaport of Derna in North Africa, a stronghold of the Barbary
pirates. Peace treaty ends the Tripolitan War; US prisoners are ransomed,
and Tripoli grants free passage to US ships in the Mediterranean. US and
Tunis sign treaty. However, piracy by the Barbary States continues until
1. Political 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Physo-Intellectual Low |
(1803 - 1807) |
11/15/07 The Am
Non-Importation Act of April 18, 1806 becomes effective. The act bars
a long list of Brit imports from the US. Its threatened use has failed
to secure any concessions from the Brit in the matter of the harassment of
Am commercial shipping.
12/18/07 Pres
Jeff sends a message to Cong asking for an embargo on all trade and commerce
w foreign nations. The Federalist vacation fails to block this measure and
the Embargo Act passes the Senate on the same day, 22 to 6. On Dec 21 it
will pass the House 82 to 44.
12/22/07 The
Embargo Act becomes law. The act essentially bans all trade w foreign
countries and specifically it forbids all Am ships to set sail for foreign
ports. The US vessels plying the coastal trade are required to post a bond
double the value of the ship and its cargo in order to guarantee that the
cargo is destined for another Am port. The Embargo Act does not actually
state that imports arriving on foreign ships are banned; rather, the
provision that no foreign ships can carry cargos our of American ports has
the same effect. This law is widely protested in states w sizeable maritime
interests, as in New England. The destructive effect on the New Eng econ will
lead to a surge in smuggling activities, especially from Canada. Those
American ships at sea when the Embargo Act is passed remain abroad and
continue their trade activities, w the cooperation of the Brit. Both the
Brit and French eventually suffer little from the Embargo Act. For Brit
merchants, Am competition is removed and they turn to S Am for imports. The
French use the embargo as an excuse to seize those Am ships that remain
abroad. In New England, the widespread trade losses outweigh the stimulation to
regional industry; and the act ends by harming Am more than the England and the
French. The Embargo Act will be reinforced the the Embargo Acts of Jan 9
and March 12, 1808.
1/9/08 The
Embargo Act of Dec 22, 1807 is supplemented by and additional Embargo Act,
to be followed by a third Embargo Act on March 12. These Embargo Acts prove
relatively ineffective, as smugglers carry on an active trade across the
Canadian border, as well as at sea using ships that remained abroad after
the passage of the first Embargo Act.
The Third
Embargo Act is passed by cong, reinforcing the first two Embargo Acts. By
the end of 1808, contrary to Pres Jeff's expectations, the Embargo Acts will
nearly destroy the Am shipping industry, as well as impose severe eco
hardships on the New Eng States, which depend on trade in large amounts of
perishable goods and manufactured goods. The Embargo Acts also lead to the
virtual demise of small New Eng seaports such as Newburyport, Mass, and New
Haven, Ct. The Southern States are not as seriously affected because their
staple exports, including cotton, tobacco and wheat, can be stored for long
periods of time. Nor does the embargo achieve its ultimate goal of causing
the Brit to cease their policy of harassing Am commercial shipping.
1/9/09 Cong
passes the Enforcement Act, which is designed to halt smuggling activities
and other illegal avoidance of the Embargo Acts. The Enforcement Act
mandates the strict enforcement of the Embargo Acts, along w harsh penalties
for evasion of the acts, including the authorized seizure of any goods
suspected of being cargos in violation of the Embargo acts. In the New Eng
states, already severely economically depressed as a result of the acts,
popular antagonism to the Embargo and Enforcements Acts leads to town
meetings attacking the embargo as pro-French and anti-Brit.
2/1/09 Former
Sec of War and State, Senator Timothy Pickering of Mass calls for a New Eng
convention to nullify the embargo. A Federalist and former member of the
secessionist New Eng Essex Junto, Pickering has vigorously opposed the
Democratic-Republican policies of the Jeff admin and has supported the Brit
2/20/09 In the
case of the "United State v. Peters," also known as the Olmstead Case, Sup
Court Chief Justice John Marshall hands down a decision supporting the power
of the national government over that of the state governments. Although the
case involved the nullification of a federal court order by the state of PA,
the decision is also applicable to the proposals current in the New Eng
states to try to rescind the Embargo Acts. The Embargo Act itself will be
upheld later in 1809 in a Mass fed district court by Federalist Judge John
Davis. The appeal of this decision will never reach the Supreme Court.
Connecticut Governor John Trumbull delivers an address to the state led in
which he maintains that the Embargo Acts constitute an unconstitutional
exercise of power by the Federal Gov, infringing on the rights of the states
and on the civil liberties of the people. As the New Eng state legs concur
in questioning the constitutionality of the Embargo Acts, the New England
governors will refuse to supply militia in order to help enforce the
3/1/09 Faced w
unrelenting widespread opposition to the Embargo Act, Pres Jeff signs the
Non-Intercourse Act, which repeals the Embargo Acts, effective March 15.
The act reopens all overseas commerce to Am shipping, except that of France
and Great Brit. But should either France or Great Britain, or both, holt
their interference w neutral shipping, then trade may resume w these nations
also, upon presidential proclamation.
Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Reivew |
(1797 - 1802) |
The Federalist
Party dominated the US until the Democratic-Republicans gained control with
the election of Thomas Jefferson during a near double third quarter period
on 1802, (e 3rd 1793-1802 & i 3rd 1797-1808). The "Jeffersonian Revolution"
strove for the repeal of primogeniture and added the Bill of Rights to the
1/2/00 The free
blacks of Philadelphia present a petition opposing slavery, the slave trade,
and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, to Congress, which lets the petition
expire in committee.
Convinced that he is the victim of a Cabinet conspiracy in which Timothy
Pickering and James McHenry are working in collusion with Alexander Hamilton
for Adams' defeat in the 1800 pres election. Pres John Adams requests the
resignation of his Sec of War James McHenry to be effective 5/31
5/12/00 Pres
Adams dismisses Sec of State Timothy Pickering from office because of
suspicion that he is conspiring with Alexander Hamilton to defeat John Adams
in the 1800 pres election.
5/13/00 Pres
Adams appoints VA Federalist John Marshall to replace Timothy Pickering as
sec of state.
6/12/00 Samuel
Dexter of Mass is appointed the new sec of war, replacing James McHenry.
1803 A landmark
decision was handed down by the Sup Court this year in the case of "Marbury
v. Madison." In Mar. 1801, in the last hours of John Adam's presidency , Wm
Marbury was awarded a commission as justice of the peace of the District of
Columbia. the new pres, Thom Jeff, instructed his secretary of state, James
Madison, not to deliver the commission. Marbury and three other men in the
same situation sued Madison. The Court's decision, written by Chief Justice
John Marshall and issued on Feb 24, held that the law under which the suit
was brought was null and void because it contravened the Constitution. this
was the first decision of the Sup Court to declare an act of cong
unconstitutional, thereby establishing the doctrine of judicial review and
expanding the power of the judiciary.
Physical Low with
Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1797 - 1802) |
3/4/01 Thom Jeff is
inaugurated as the third president of the US. His is the first inauguration to
be held in the new national capital of Wash. In his Inaugural Add. Pres Jeff
Calls for a government of limited powers, operating economically, supporting
states' rights, acquiescing in major decisions, preserving civil liberties, and
avoiding "enabling alliances" with foreign nations.
Trirhythmic Low |
(1797 - 1803) |
1803 The British
Passenger Act of 1803 appeared to be a humanitarian measure, but its practical
effect was to cut down dramatically on the number of immigrants coming to the
US. Ships from Londonderry and Belfast, Ireland, had been carrying 400 to 500 immigrants
on each voyage, but the new law required that 43 sq .ft. of space be allowed for
each passenger, so they could transport only few score. As a result, fares
increased so after 1803 only about 1000 emigrants a year left Ireland for the
US. Between 1810 and 1812 these ships were preyed upon by British naval
vessels, which impressed hundreds of young men into service. The falling off of
immigration to the US during the early years of independence gave more time for
earlier settlers to become assimilated before the next influx.
1804 The Federalist
party, greatly diminished in influence and power since the 1800 election debacle
following the unpopular implementation of the Alien and Sedition Acts and by the
death of of Alexander Hamilton, feels threatened by the Louisiana Purchase
because the incorporation of this territory into the US could radically upset
the balance of power. The reactionary New Eng arm of the Federalist part, the
Essex Junto, going so far as to express secessionist sentiments, puts forth a
plan for a Northern Confederacy, to be formed of the southern New Eng states, NY
and NJ. The election of Aaron Burr as NY's government was central to this
scheme. This move is opposed by the more moderate Alexander Hamilton before his
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1800 William Young
of Philadelphia is the first shoemaker in Am to make different shoes for the
right and the left feet. [confirm date]
1801 Josiah Bent
popularizes hard water crackers made in his factory in Milton, Mass.
1802 Merino sheep
are brought from Spain by Col. David Humphreys establishing the industry of
raising sheep for fine wool.
4/6/02 Congress
abolishes all excise duties, including the controversial whiskey tax.
1802 First hotel,
the Union Hotel, is built at Saratoga, NY by Gideon Putnam.
1806 Trial of the
striking Philadelphia cordwainers (shoemakers) is the first prosecution of a
trade union in a criminal conspiracy for the purpose of increasing their wages.
The union is disbanded.
2. Business & Economy 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Cycle -
1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1803 - 1810) |
1805 First
important shipment of ice from New England is made by Frederick Tudor, who
exports it to Martinique (West Indies). Shipping ice to the East, especially
India, becomes a profitable business.
1806 The first
industry-wide strike in the US resulted when 200 journeymen shoemakers in
NYC, suspecting that struck employers were having their work done in other
establishments, obtained a nationwide strike order from the Journeymen
Cordwainer's Society of Baltimore Leaders of the strike were indicted for
criminal conspiracy in their attempt to secure higher wages.
1808 John Jacob
Astor establishes the Am Fur Co, the first of several companies founded by
him in the West that make him the dominant figure in the industry.
1808 One of
America's first and most successful entrepreneurs was German-born John Jacob
Astor, who came to the US in 1784. On Apr 6, 1808, he received a charter
for the American Fur Company, planning to compete in the far Northwest w the
long established Canadian firms. In 1811 a subsidiary company establish
Fort Astoria (now Astoria, Oregon) on the Columbia R. estuary, the first
permanent US settlement on the Pacific coast. By the 1820s Astor held a
virtual monopoly on fur trading in the US West. Manuel Lisa, Wm Clark,
Pierre Chouteau, and others operating out of St., Louis, Mo., formed the
Missouri Fur Company on July 16, 1808, to compete but in 1821 Astor formed
an alliance w them. Aston retired in 1834 and at his death on Mar. 19,
1848, was the wealthiest man in the US.
1809 The Boston
Crown Glass Company was incorporated. The company had been in business
since 1792, when it made the fist successful window glass in the US. Its
glass was said to be superior to any imported product. the charter of
incorporation suspended company taxes and freed employees from military
2. Business & Economy 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
2. Business & Economy 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
2. Business & Economy 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1797 - 1802) |
Newly appointed Sec of the Treasury Albert Gallatin proposes federal aid for
the building of roads, suggesting that in the Ohio Territory one-tenth of
the proceeds from public land sales be used for the construction of roads
from the Atlantic seaboard towns to the Ohio R. This requested increase in
fed expenditures, however, is atypical of Pres Jefferson's fiscal policy of
retrenchment, as implemented by the assiduous and far-seeking Gallatin.
Gallatin is able to make good Jefferson's promise of a significant reduction
in the national debt (from $83 mil in 1901 to $57 mil 1809)., in spite of
the heavy costs of the Tripolitan war and of the LA repeal of all internal
taxes, cuts in defense expenditures and a congressional system of
appropriations for designated uses.
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1800 Waterhouse gives Americans
first smallpox vaccination to his son.
1800 Semaphore
communication system is set up on a series of "telegraph hills" between Boston
and Martha's Vineyard, Mass.
1802 James Smith,
MD physician opens a clinic that gives free smallpox vaccinations to the poor.
1802 Abel Porter,
Connecticut metalworker, opens America's first brass rolling mill in Waterbury,
1803 John James
Audubon, ornithologist, performs first banding studies on wild Am birds.
1803 Barton pubs
"Elements of Botany".
1804 William c.
Bond, astronomer, designs a ship's chronometer.
1805 Richard
Gallagher, Conn. scientist, describes "Wildoc syndrome",
later called "shell shock" or "battle fatigue."
Gas Street Lighting was
Introduced in Newport, Rhode Island, by David Melville in 1806 who set
up lamps along one of its streets
1807 Barton pubs
his studies of Am natural history and makes suggestions for further scientific
3. Science & Technology 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 1st Qtr.
Foundation |
(1803 - 1810) |
1806 Gas street
lighting is introduced by David Melville, who sets up lamps on a street in
Newport, Rhode Island.
1807 In the
late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, Am physicians and surgeons
made significant contribution to medical science. Samuel Bard wrote a
manual on midwifery and a forward-looking report on medical education.
Nathan Smith helped found Yale's medical school and wrote a treatise on
typhoid fever. Philipp Syng Physick
performed many
operation for cataracts and improved methods for treating fractures.
Ephraim McDowell, who practiced in Kentucky, performed the first ovariotomy
on record in 1808.
1809 William
Maclure, "Gather of American Geology," pubs the first detailed geological
survey of the US (revised 1817).
1809 Among
those who contributed to the growing knowledge about the US and to the
achievements of American scientists was Wm Maclure, a well-to-do Scottish
merchant who became a US citizen in 1796. His "Observations on the Geology
of the United States" (!809) included the first geological map of the US.
In preparing a revise edition (1817), Maclure crossed the Allegheny Mts.
dozens of times. He also introduced to the US the educational theories of
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, the Swiss educational reformer. Pestalozzi
emphasized individual dev and the study of nature.
3. Science & Technology 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1800 4-tined forks
come into common use in Am homes at this time, replacing 2-or3-tined forks.
1800 Fireboats are
used NY Harbor.
1801 Robert Hare,
Pa. chemist, invents a blowpipe (cutting that uses oxygen and hydrogen to
produce a high-temperature flame.
1802 John C.
Stevens, NY inventor, builds a screw-driven steamboat.
4. Mechanical 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Cycle - 1st Qtr.
Foundation |
(1803 - 1810) |
1804 What was
perhaps the first automobile was built by Oliver Evans, and Am inventor, who
was commissioned by the Philadelphia Board of Health to build a steam engine
from dredging the Schuykill River and cleaning the city docks. His five-hp
engine propelled a scow 12 ft. wide and 30 ft. long. The scow weighed 15 ½
tons and was drive 1 ½ miles from its construction she, down Center St.,
much to the amusement of Philadelphians. Evans offered to be an onlooker
$3000 that he could build a steam-driven vehicle that would go faster than
any horse in the world. The scow's drive belt was shifted from its rollers
to paddle wheels and it went steaming down the river against the wind,
leaving all sailboats behind. Despite this demonstration, the public was
not much impressed w the principle of steam locomotive. [E/I low].
In 1805, the
first steam engine to be driven on wheels in the U.S. was brought forth by
Oliver Evans.
1807 Fulton
launches the "Clermont," a 150 ft.-long steamboat that travels 150 miles up
the Hudson R in 32 hours.
March 21, Aug.11, 1807
Robert Fulton's steamboat "Clermont" mad its first urn to Albany fr New York
in 32 hours, traveling at about 5 mph. The initial trial of the "Clermont"
had taken place the previous Spring when it crossed the Hudson R. from NY to
NJ. Also in 1807 Pres. Jeff corresponded with Fulton about the torpedoes
Fulton was proposing was the chief defense of harbors. But Jefferson could
not see gambling the safety of the nation on the success of a single
weapon. Fulton had also proposed the dev of submarines. Jeff noted how
effective torpedoes launched from submarines would be, and encourage Fulton
in his research and experiments.
8/17-21/07 The
voyage of the steamboat "Cleremont" from NYC up the Hudson R to Albany and
back again inaugurates the era of commercially successful steamboat
navigation. The trip from NY to Albany takes 32 hrs. Designed by Robert
Futon, w the financial backing of Robert R. Livingston, the "Clermont" is a
150-foot paddlewheel vessel driven by a Watt engine that travels at a rate
of five miles per hour. Pres Jeff will encourage Fulton in his other
experiments w submarines and torpedoes. The first steamboat, invented by
John Fitch, had been demonstrated on the Del. R in 1787, but lacked the
reliability of its descendant.
1808 Stevens
launches the "Phoenix," a 100-ft.-long steamboat powered by a low-pressure
1809 The
"Phoenix" becomes the first sea-going steamboat as it travels from NY to
June 1809 The
"Phoenix," a seagoing steamboat, completes the first ocean voyage made by a
steam-powered vessel. Designed by John Stevens, the "Phoenix," travels from
Hoboken, NJ, to the sea, and around southern NJ to the Del R near
Philadelphia The "Phoenix," is to travel successfully on the Del R for six
years. One of America's most successful inventor, Stevens was an ardent
advocate of Am patent law. The inventor of a screw propeller in 1802, he
later went on to dev the railroad in NJ, to invent the Stevens plow, and to
found the Stevens Institute of Technology.
1807 Eli Terry
and Seth Thomas of Connecticut begin the manufacture in quantity of clocks
with interchangeable parts.
In 1807 he went into partnership with Seth Thomas
and Thomas Hoadley to carry out a contract for 4,000 clocks. When this was
completed in 1810, Terry again went into business for himself. His specialty
was the manufacture of one-day wooden shelf clocks, especially his
"perfected wood clock" designed in 1814. Using interchangeable parts made by
mechanized techniques, his production rose as high as 10,000 to 12,000 of
these clocks per year. By the end of his life Terry had patented 10
improvements on clocks.
In 1807, Seth Thomas began a company in partnership with Silas Hoadley and
Eli Terry. Terry's interest in interchangeable parts, touted by Eli Whitney
in his gun manufacture, influenced the development of the clock industry.
They established a water-powered factory in Plymouth. In the first three
years of operation, it produced 4,000 clocks.
4. Mechanical 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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4/24/00 The Library of Congress
is established by an act of Congress. The 1815 purchase of Thomas Jefferson's
7000-vol library will form the nucleus of the collection.
1805 Free School
Society (later Public School Society) is grounded in NYC as a private charitable
group interested in establishing an alternative to the pauper school system.
1806 First
Bell-Lancastrian school in the US (employing monitorial system of mass
instruction) established at NYC; reduced teaching costs.
1807 Boston
Athenaeum is founded. It combines the activities of a subscription library
limited to commercial, academic, and professional citizens of Boston, a social
meeting place for the group, a reference library, and a museum of natural
text re-written for web below…]
The century began with a Low in all three Cycles but
Education went on to make major advances during the 1800s. The Library of
Congress was established by an act of Congress in 1800 and the 1815 purchase of
Thomas Jefferson's 7000-volume library in 1815 formed the basis of the
collection. 1806 First Bell-Lancastrian school in the U.S. was established in
New York City in 1805, employing a monitorial system of mass instruction that
reduced teaching costs. The Boston Athenaeum is founded in 1807 which combined
the activities of; a subscription library (only for commercial, academic, and
professional citizens of Boston), a social meeting place for the group, a
reference library, and a museum of natural history, all in one place.
5. Education 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Emo-Intellectual Low |
(1797 - 1811) |
1807 The
nation's new sense of political independence was reflected in the lives and
words of its writers, who felt that American letters should also be
independent of the Old World. Leader in this movement were the Connecticut
Wits, also know as the Harvard Wits because they were centered in the
Connecticut city. This informal group began as one devoted to modernizing
the Yale College Curriculum. The members soon, however, entered the
political arena. They shared the views of the conservative Federalists and
collaborated on satirical verse attacking the liberal position. Among the
group's members were Joel Barlow, John Trumbull, Timothy Dwight, Theodore
Dwight, and Lemuel Hopkins. The group's political and literary importance
was greatest in the late 1700s but continued to be an influence into the
early 1800s.
Jan 1807 the
first number of "Salmagundi," a series of whimsical, mildly satirical, and
very popular essays written by Emily and Washington Irving and James Kirke
Paulding, was published. Following the informal style of London essayists
of the previous century, these pieces afforded delightful glimpses of New
York's social, cultural, and political life in the early 1800s. They also
marked the be of what came to be called the Knickerbocker movement in Am
lit. Many imitations followed at once. Paulding and the Irvings were men
of affluent background and similar literary taste. At this point in their
lives they were little concerned w the major issues of the day.
"Salmagundi," therefore, remains charming embroidery rather than basic
fabric in the dev of Am literature. But the essays are a lasting memorial
to the old days of New York City and its Hudson R. Valley suburbs, and they
established the tradition of metropolitan wit that continues unbroken to our
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6. Religion & Spirituality 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
1801 "Plan of Union" by
Congregationalists and Presbyterians permits their ministers to serve in each
other's churches, helping to spread religion to scattered frontier settlements.
8/6/01 At a
Presbyterian camp meeting in Cane Ridge, Kentucky, the religious Great Revival
of the West begins.
1803 Jacob Albright
was ordained an elder in Religious group that came to be known as "Albrights."
1st annual conference 1807. 1816 it took the name Evangelical Assoc. [E/4?]
1806 Latrobe
designs his greatest work, the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary (Baltimore), the first Roman Catholic cathedral in the US.
1808 First Bible
Society is established in Philadelphia its first pres. the Rev. William White.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1802 - 1811) |
A schism among revivalist resulted in the org. of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1810). In Ky., the revival of Barton W. Stone led to the New Light ("Stoneite") schism (1803; ultimately merging w Methodist and Baptist groups as the "Christian Church"). In New Eng. the revival was led by the Edwardeans, who were opposed by (1) the old covenant theologians (Timothy Dwight and Lymand Beecher, and (2) by the rationalist and Unitarians.
9. Religion & Spirituality 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1802 - 1811) |
1805 Rappists,
a group of German pietists led by George Rapp (!744-1847), was org. in Pa.,
founded New Harmony, Ind. (1815), sold to Robt.Owen(1824), and then moved to
Economy, near Pittsburg. A celibate, authoritarian sect, it declined
following Rapp's death, and its affairs were terminated (1905).
1803 Among the
religious groups that attempted to fund utopias in the US were the Rappites,
so-called after their leader George Rapp, who emigrated fr Germany in 1803.
In 1805 he and his followers founded Harmony, PA., where they dev a
prosperous industrial and agricultural community. In 1814 and 1815 they
moved to Indianan and founded another Harmony. There they also prospered
but in 1825 sold their property to Robert Owen, the English manufacturer and
social reformer. Moving back to PA, the Rappites established Economy (now
Ambridge), northwest of Pittsburgh. The Harmony Society was an austere
group who practiced celibacy. The group weakened after Rapps' death and
faded as its members grew old. It ceased to exist in 1906.
1805 A book of theological thought pub this year marked a change in the
course of belief within the Universalist Church. The book was "A Treatise
on the Atonement" by Hosea Ballou, who for about 34 years was pastor of the
Second Universalist Society in Bonton. After about 1796 Ballou, was the
most influential voice in the denomination and turned it away from its
Calvinistic tendencies. Ballou emphasized "Christ's subordination to the
Father," giving Universalism a position much the same as that of
Unitarianism. His basic viewpoint was that of anti-Trinitarianism, w God
the universal father and Jesus Christ, His son, the spiritual authority and
leader in uniting man w God. Ballou affirmed the freedom of man's will, w
the sacrifice of Christ an example of the perfection man can attain by
turning away from sin. The Winchester Profession, stating the doctrinal
position of the church, had been adopted in 1803.
1808 Methodist
Church adopted a const. Previously, a schism led by James O'Kelly, who
opposed Asbury's appointive powers, had resulted in the org. of the
Republican Methodist Church (1792). The Methodist Protestants seceded
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The houses of
Boston, Salem, and Portsmouth that were built around 1800-1810 by or under the
influence of Bullfinch and Samuel McIntire, an architect of Salem, are the best
examples of the changes wrought by the fine scale and delicate precision of
their Adam-inspired designs, producing what has become known as the early
Federal style. In the houses of the time, the circle, the ellipse, and octagon
were introduced as occasional variations in the plan, and the flying or
freestanding staircase became a characteristic of the entrance hall.
1802 The American
Academy of Arts was established in NYC. shares of stock in the org were sold as
if the academy were a business corporation reflecting the domination of the
upper class in Am culture.
1806 John Trumbull,
architect (first cousin of the poet), designs the Congregational Meeting House
in Lebanon, Ct., his only architectural work still standing.
1801 John Brester,
Jr. paints "Sarah Prince," which portrays a young girl at a piano.
1802 Benjamin West
paints "Death on the Pale Horse."
1804 Washington
Allston, leading figure in American Romantic art, paints "The Deluge." [in what
1805 Charles W.
Peale is instrumental in founding the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
7. Art & Design 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Cycle - High |
(1803 - 1817) |
1804 One result of
Napoleon's established of the French Empire in Europe in 1804 was the
development of the Empire style in furniture and house furnishings. The
style was not long in reaching the US and dominated until after Napoleon's
fall in 1815. By contrast w late eightieth-century styles, which favored
the classical manner of straight lines and minimal carving, Empire furniture
was heavier an more massive. There were combinations of marble and brass,
and ormolu and wood. Animal forms, such as claw feet and eagle heads, were
used together w elaborate decorative carvings. Heavy textiles were used in
upholstery. Larger and more imposing interiors were needed to settle off
the monumental furniture so couches were modeled after Roman beds and
bookcases w facades like temples appeared. Although most Am pieces were not
as lush as the French originals, the furniture suggested wealth and power in
the Napoleonic manner but did not provide a relaxed setting for social life.
7. Arts & Design 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1797 - 1808) |
1801 Architect Benjamin H.
Latrobe transmits the Greek revival form of arch to the US with his design
of the Bank of Pennsylvania.
1803 New York
City Hall, a classic example of Georgian arch, is constructed.
7. Arts & Design 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Physical Cycle with
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1803 - 1810) |
1805 In the
early years of independence the US was still dependent on Europe, especially
Eng, for architects and architectural styles. Benj. Henry Latrobe, who came
to the US from Eng. in 1796, is considered the first professional architect
in the US Pres Thom Jeff appointed him surveyor of public buildings in
1803. Latrobe introduced classical Greek designs and styles, which
contributed greatly to the Classical revival. His 1799 design for the Bank
of PA in Philadelphia was modeled after a Greek Ionic temple. Latrobe also
designed the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Baltimore Built between 1805 and
1815, it was the first cathedral in the US and represented the best
monumental architecture of the period. In 1800 Latrobe designed Sedgley, a
residence near Philadelphia, said to be the first executed example of the
Gothic revival in the US. After the Brit burned the Capitol in Washington,
DC, in 1814, Latrobe took charge of its rebuilding.
Emo-Intellectual Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1797 - 1802) |
The Sheraton and Directories styles in furniture, both reflecting a
continued classical influence and a return to simpler design, appealed
strongly to public taste. The NYC workshop of Duncan Phyfe turned out many
superb examples.
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1801 "New York Evening Post" is
1801 American
company of Booksellers is organized in NYC by Mathew Carey.
1802 First chess
book, "Chess Made Easy," is published in Philadelphia.
1805 Noah Webster's
"Compendious Dictionary of the English Language" represented a retreat from
Webster's earlier attempts to Americanize the Eng language. Although many
supporters of a purely American language continued to agitate fro linguistic
change, Webster's dictionary compromised w the Brit mother tongue, and its
standards became the accepted practice in the US. The dictionary was the
culmination of a series of works by Webster, beginning in 1783 w the "The
Grammatical Institute of the English Language" and including readers, spellers,
and grammars w enormous circulation in Am.
1808 Earliest legal
periodical, the "American Law Journal," is founded in Baltimore MD, by John
Elkin Hall.
1806 Noah Webster
pubs his "Compendious Dictionary of the English Language," in which he
establishes "i" and "j" and "u" and "v" as separate letters.
1809 Royall Tyler
pubs the satire "The Yankey in London."
8. Literature & Publication 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1797 - 1808) |
1800 almost as
soon as G. Wash died in 1799, writers began to depict him as a hero of
almost mythical proportions. Chief contributor to this legend was Mason
Locke Weems, and Episcopal clergyman usually referred to as Parson Weems,
who supposed to have had Was as a parishioner in NA. In 1800 the first
edition of his best-known work appeared, "The Life and Memorable Actions of
George Washington." There were nine editions of the book by 1809. It was
the fifth edition, issued in 1806, that Weems first including in the story o
Wash and the cherry tree. In all, the biography went through 86 printing
between 1800 and 1927. Weems' practice was to fictionalize biographies to
increase their sales. for more than 30 years he was primarily a book
peddler, selling his own books as well as those of other authors. He worked
for Mathew Care, the leading pub and bookseller of Philadelphia Weems wrote
biographies of Francis Marion, Benjamin Franklin, and Emily Penn. He also
composed moral tracts such as "The Drunkard's Looking Glass (1812) and
"Hymen's Recruiting Sergeant (c1799)."
1803 A
versatile Am of the early national period was Wm Wirt of VA. A lawyer,
politician, and essayist, he served as US attorney general for 123 years.
His most pop literary work was "Letters of a British Spy,": purporting to be
written by a member of the Brit Parliament during a visit to the southern
US. Writ's essays, attempting to mimic the style of Joseph Addison, first
appeared anonymously in a Richmond, VA, newspaper. They followed the
example of eighteenth-century commentators who posed as foreign observers of
the customs of a strange society. Published in book form in 1803, the
essays became very pop and went through 12 editions. The essays dealt w
southern customs, education,, politics, and history. In 1817 Wirt pub "Life
and Character of Patrick Henry," the first book to appear under his own
name. In it he recreated many of Henry's speeches.
1804 The first
volume of "Life of George Washington" by John Marshall was pub. the fifth
and final volume appeared in 1807. Although the work reflected Marshall's
Federalist bias and lacked literary style, it was considered the most
impressive and authoritative biography of the first president to appear in
the 50 years following Washington's death. Shorter biographies of
Washington were written by Aaron Bancroft (1807) and David Ramsay *(1807).
Wealthy New York merchant and philanthropist John Pintard, along w/NYC Mayor
DeWitt Clinton, Judge Egbert Benson and botanist Dr. David Hosack,
established the NY Historical Society. John Pintard is also credited with
encouraging the earlier establishment of the Mass Historical Society and
similar organizations in other New England areas. This provision for the
permanent preservation and cataloging of the nation's significant historical
documents and records is an essential contribution to scholarship.
1805 Mercy Otis
Warren, sister of James Otis, pubs her three-volume history of the American
Revolution, the "Rise, Progress and Termination of the American
revolution." This is the earliest account of the era written by an
American. although Warren's history is provocative, clever and full of
anecdotes, it is also marred by a partisan anti-federalist bias that
portrays Warren's old friend John Adams in an unfavorable light. the work
is imbued with a patriotic tone typical of those years.
1806 More and
larger book publishing firms began to emerge as the nation grew. The most
important publisher before the turn of the century was Isaiah Thomas of
Worchester, Mass., whose firm published everything from magazines to
reference books to almanacs. Thomas wrote a valuable "History of Printing
in America (1810)." Another publisher was Matthew Carey of Philadelphia,
who also labored for a protection tariff system. His son, Henry Charles
Carey, became the head of Care, Lea, and Crey, whose authors included
Washington Irving Henry Carey, like his father, was deeply interested in
economic and the protective tariff.
January 1807 in
NY, the series of essays titled "Salmuagundi; or the Whim-Whams and Opinions
of Launcelot Longstuff, Esq., and Others" begins pub. These satirical
social and political pieces in the 18th-cent style of Eng writers Addison
and Steele are written by Washington Irving, Wm Irving and James Kirk
Paulding. "Salmugundi" marks the beginning of the Knickerbocker school of
writers, a group on NY authors whose works were characterized by realism,
humor and a preference from native American subject matter.
1807 Washington
Irving and James Paulding found "Salmagundi," a periodical which satirizes
local events.
1809 Irving
pubs "History of New Diedrich Knickerbocker," the first Am comic
1809 A "History
of New York" by Washington Irving, the first Am humorous masterpiece, was
pub. It was also the first Am worked to impress European critics and
readers. Written under the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker, a comic
scholar "a little queer in his ways," Irving's book was a tongue-in-cheek
history of Dutch New Amsterdam. It became a best seller. Although its has
been said that the descendants of the original Dutch settlers were put out
by the treatment Irving gave their ancestors, the Dutch patrons were but one
target among many. Irving had as good a time w Thom Jeff, Republicans,
Yankees, Swedes, European literature, and historians who wrote the sort of
books that did please the descendant of the Dutch. He also possessed the
redeeming quality of being able to laugh at himself.
8. Literature & Publication 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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1800 Benjamin Carr begins the
weekly "Musical Journal."
1809 An exhibit in
New York City features a Grand Panorama, a view of NY and the surrounding country.
Admission is 50 cents, children half price. A $2.00 lifetime ticket is also
9. Entertainment 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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Congress authorizes the franking privilege for Martha Washington, allowing all
mail sent and received by the president's widow to be carried postage free. Also
extended to Revolutionary War veterans, franking becomes so widespread that a
revision of the practice is soon called for.
and horse racing continued to fascinate a large part of the population. The
thoroughbred stallion Diomed was imported from England in 1798 and put out
to stud. Diomed sired Sir Archie, sold to Gen Wm R. Davie, a veteran of the
Am Revolution, for the unheard of sum of $5000. there was widespread
mourning when Diomed died in 1808 in VA. The most important horse of the
period was Justin Margan , foaled in 1792 and the sire of the breed that
became known by his name. The horse was name for its owner, a schoolteacher
who brought him to Vermont, where there still is a Morgan horse farm near
Middlebury. The Margan horse is small, had great endurance, and can do
almost anything but hunt or run well in long races.
10. Sports 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Cycle - Low |
(1789 - 1803) |
NY State prohibits public horse races. the only races held are by private
jockey clubs.
Physical Cycle - 1st Qtr.
Foundation |
(1803 - 1810) |
1805 First Am to win
distinction as a boxer is Bill Richmond, a Negro, who knocks out Hack Holmes
(Tom Tough) in the 26th round in England. Richmond never fought in the US.
1808 Great
popularity of horse racing is seen in the widespread mourning in Virginia
for the death of a famous race horse named "Diomed."
1809 Although
cricket had a long head start over baseball, it quickly lost out in
popularity once baseball was introduced later in the century. A form of
cricket was played in VA as early as 1709, and a match was played in NYC in
1751. Boston's first cricket club was org in 1809, and the sport spread
west w English settlers. There were reports of cricket being played in
Kentucky in 1818 and in Illinois a year later. Chicago in 1804 had three
teams. But Philadelphia was the center of cricket in the US and its factory
workers of English origin played weekly matches.
10 Sports 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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11. Fashion 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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1800 Second national census
shows a population of 5.3 million, a 35 percent increase including more than 1
mil blacks, nine tenths of whom are enslaved. VA remains most populous state
with 900,000 inhabitants.
The second US
Census recorded a pop of 5,308,483, including 896,849 slaves. The tot num
represented a ten-year increase of 1,379,269; the number of slaves increased by
199,168. The center of US pop was 18 miles southwest of Baltimore a westward
shift from 1790 reflecting the expansion of the frontier.
12. Lifestyles 1800s |
Physical Cycle |
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Physical 4th Qtr.
Alternatives |
(1810 - 1817) |
1800 John Chapman ("Johnny
Appleseed") visits pioneer settlements in the Ohio Valley, distributing
religious material and apple seeds.
1800 PA
horticulturalist John Chapman, better known as the the legendary Johnny
Appleseed, begins distributing young apple trees and seeds to settlers
traveling to Ohio, as well as personally scattering apple seeds and
Swedenborgian religious tracts in the Ohio R Valley. In the latter part of
his 50-year career as Johnny Appleseed, Chapman will ten and prune the
mature apple trees.
1800 The
remarkable career of Johnny Appleseed began about 1800. Born John
in Mass, about 1775, he moved to Pa, where he sold or gave away saplings and
apple seeds to settlers moving west. Chapman then moved on to Ohio, sowing
and giving away apple seeds en rout, For more than 40 years he traveled
throughout Ohio, Indiana, and western PA. He pruned trees he had previously
planted and helped pioneers care for the orchards grown from his seeds. His
work bore fruit, literally, over an areas of perhaps 100,000 sq. mi.
Chapman was ragged in dress and eccentric in his ways. He was also an
itinerant preacher, expounding his faith in the Church of the New Jerusalem,
the religious organization that grew out of the teachings of Emanuel
Swedenborg, the Swedish mystic whose teachings had been introduced to the US
in 1784 and whose empathy w the natural world apparently appealed to
Chapman. During the War of 1812 Chapman traveled 30 miles to bring troops to
Mansfield, Ohio, to forestall a raid by Indian allies of the Brit. Chapman
also introduced and encouraged the raising of many useful medicinal herbs.
He died near Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1847.
Physical Cycle - High |
(1803 - 1831) |
July 15, 1806
Zebulon Pike began his exploration of what is now the southwestern US. He
traveled up the Missouri R., through Kansas and southern Nebraska to New
Mexico, through the Rio Grande Valley and on to Mexico City. On Nov. 15
Pike first saw the famous mountain named for him, Pike's Peak, in what is
now Colorado.
12. Lifestyles 1800s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1800s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1800s |
Polyrhythms |
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top |
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