These Timelines are a detailed look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events of the decade are analyzed through Twelve categories that serve as a kaleidoscopic lens through time, (see the clickable links above), as well as the position of Cycles at the time, (see the clickable folder links in the upper left corner). You can read and link up and down vertically through this Timeline, or, you can go any Category and link horizontally to the same Category in other Timelines (links are provided at the head of each Category). This cross linking is designed to provide a fast and easy way to make reading fun and interesting.
See the go to Overview here link near the top for a brief look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II).
Note to readers: Work from the Kala-Rhythm archives is being offered here in the Timelines for the first time. We are allowing a view into the Timelines now by posting both the finished and the unfinished pages of the Timelines as editing from our references continues. Unfinished pages (like this one) contain raw data from history sources to which we give credit in our "biblio/webography". Check back for updates to this and other pages.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1870 Virginia, Mississippi.
Texas, and Georgia, (for the second time) are readmitted to the Union.
8/1/70 Women use
their vote for the first time in the US in an election in Utah territory.
1871 US and Brit, sign the
Treaty of Was, providing for arbitration of the "Alabama" claims and the San
Juan boundary dispute.
1872 International
tribunal awards $15.5 mil to the US for damage done by the "Alabama" and other
Conf cruisers built in Eng. during the Civil War. San Juan Islands is the strait
between Vancouver Island and Washington are awarded to the US by the German
Emperor, arbitrator in the dispute between Brit and the US.
1872 Grant (Rep) is
reelected pres; Henry Wilson (Rep) id elected VP, Horace Greeley, NY newspaper
editor, loses as the pres candidate of the Democratic and Liberal Republican
1872 Yellowstone
National Park is established.
11/5/72 US Grant
wins a second term by a landslide 186 electoral votes for 66 for Horace
Greeley. Grant receives 3,597,132 votes to Greeley's 2,834,125.
1873 Am Schooner "Virginius"
is seized by Span officials in Cuba on suspicion of carrying men and arms to the
Cuban revolutionaries. Fifty-three members of the crew, including some Americans
are executed.
1873 Am Schooner "Virginius"
is seized by Span officials in Cuba on suspicion of carrying men and arms to the
Cuban revolutionaries. Fifty-three members of the crew, including some Americans
are executed.
1874 Territorial
government in the Distinct of Columbia is abolished and replaced by a commission
of three regents.
1875 US-Hawaii
treaty recognizes reciprocal commercial rights. Hawaii agrees to cede no
territory to any third power.
October 1875 The
government attempts to buy some of the Indian lands north of the Platte but the
Indians refuse the money. They are then told to return to their reservations
nonetheless, and forfeit these lands ceded to them by treaty in 1868. The
Second Sioux War erupts violently and treacherously . It will continue through
the winter, but by spring and summer stepped-up attacks by the Army, led by Gen
George Crook and incited by Lt Col George A. Custer, bring the Indians to final
1876 Sioux and
Cheyenne Indians, led by Chiefs Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and Gall, kill 264
cavalrymen and their leader, Gen. Gorge A. Custer, at the Battle of Little
Bighorn, Mont.
1876 Col becomes
the 38th state.
1876 In pres
election, Dem Samuel J. Tilden receives about 250,000 more popular votes than
Rep Rutherford G. Hayes. Electoral vote is Tilden 184 to Hayes
163, with returns from Gl, La, SC and Oregon in dispute. Fight for delegates and
charges of corruption result in Congress deciding the vote.
WAR The Paha Sapa section of t South Dakota's Black Hills was a sacred part of
the Sioux reservation which had been ceded to the Indians in the Treaty of 1868
made w Chief Red Cloud. In 1874 the intrepid Indian hunter Lt Col George Custer
trespassed into the holy grounds following reports that there was gold in the
hills. And gold he found. Foreseeing the predictable reaction, he broadcast
his find, inevitably enticing gold diggers to the area. The government
attempted to purchase the land but the Indians refused to leave. The Indians
were then ordered to return to their reservations, without recompense of any
kind, and without regard to whether the passage was possible to advance in
winter weather. Gen George Crook was ordered to round up recalcitrant bands
north of the Platte R. His first encounter was w a band of Cheyenne heading
toward and Indian agency to surrender. George Crook was later known and trusted
by the Indians for his dealings, but in this instance he attacked without
provocation. The braves fought hard and were fortunately reinforced by heroic
young Crazy Horse and his band. Crook retreated to fortifications on the Platte
R. Left no choice, the Cheyenne threw in with the Sioux to endure together the
bitter fights against white encroachments.
As Spring 1876
came, Gen Crook once again advanced north of the Platte into Indian hunting
grounds in central Montana. Again he was stopped by the fierce Crazy Horse and
his Oglala band at Rosebud Creek.
On June 25 1876 a
three-pronged attack on the Sioux and Cheyenne encampment at the Little Bighorn
R was turned into a massacre when Lt Col Custer disobeyed orders and contacted
the enemy prematurely. He and 250 of his men were killed. Custer had
incautiously attacked some 2000 to 4000 braves.
Some have called
the Battle of t Little Bighorn Custer's Last Stand, and come have cynically
called it the Indian's Last stand, because the action was so revolted by the
defeat that it tacitly concurred in the extinction of the Sioux nation. Army
efforts were savage and successful.
8/1/76 The 38th
state to join the Union is Colorado. The impeachment trial against Sec of War
Wm W. Belknap is dismissed on grounds he is no longer in office and Congress has
no jurisdiction over him.
11/7/76 In the pres
election, Tilden gets a majority of the popular votes, but disputes over
fraudulent election practices and electoral votes will throw the final decision
to Congress and Hayes will be declared the winner in March 1877.
1877 Congress sets
up Electoral Commission (8 Republicans, 7 Democrats) to break pres deadlock. It
awards al desputed returns to Hayes, thereby giving him a majority of one in the
electoral vote. Hayes is declared Pres. William A. Wheeler (Rep) is declared VP.
1877 Nez Perce
Indians, led by Chief Joseph, fight US forces and retreat across 1600 miles of
Wash., Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. Forced to surrender, Joseph's band is sent to
a reservation in Indian Territory.
1878 Congress
passes Bland-Allison Act over Pres. Hayes's veto. It requires Treasury to buy
from two to four mil dollar's worth of silver bullion for coinage.
1878 Labor orgs
join with advocates of cheap money to form the Greenback-Labor Party.
1878 US-Samoa
treaty reserves Pago Pago Harbor as a coaling station for US Navy ships.
1878 Democrats win
control of both houses of Congress for first time since 1858.
11/5/78 In the
mid-term elections, control of both houses of Congress reverts to the Demo
Party, Members fr the new Greenback Party are seated.
2/22/78 The
Greenback and Labor Reform parties pool their strength and unite in to the
Greenback Labor Party. The party will press for more greenbacks and free
coinage of silver, restrictions on Chinese immigration and fewer working hours
for labor. Twenty-eight states are represented at the Convention, 800 delegates
being present. During this election year the party garners 1,060,000 votes and
send s14 representatives to Congress. In 1880 the party endorses woman's
suffrage and n 1884 Benjamin F. Butler, the old Reconstructionist, will be its
candidate for Pres.
1879 US resumes
specie payment, Greenbacks are worth their face value in gold.
1879 Pres. Hayes
vetoes bill restricting Chinese immigration; he calls it a violation of the
Burlingane Treaty of 1868. Ca. adopts new constitution with a provision
prohibiting the employment of Chinese workers.
1879 By Act of
Congress, women lawyers are permitted to argue cases before the Supreme Court.
1879 Uprising of
Ute Indians is suppressed. By a treaty in 1880, the Utes are moved from Col to
1879 Pres. Hayes
vetoes five attempts by Dem Congress to pass rider forbidding the pres to use
troops in congressional election.
1. Political 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1859 -1873) |
5/25-27/70 The anti-British
Irish group called the Fenians continue their raids across the Canadian
border despite carefulwatch by US and Canadian authorities. The leaders of
the adventure are jailed but when released are given a great parade in NYC.
The terrorist org continues to be regarded as heroes by the Irish immigrant
pop on the East coast of the US.
As Southern
society struggle to integrate blacks into its wobbly structure, diehard
white banded together in secret societies. They called themselves by
childishly romantic names. Knights of the White Caelia, Society of the
White Rose. The most durable and the most chilling was the Ku Klux Klan.
March 21, The
Klan was started in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1860 by six ex-Confederate
soldiers wishing to form a secret social group. Searching for a
fraternity-like three-letter name, they struck upon the word "kyklos." Greek
for "circle." They used the name
Kuklos Adelphon.
Liking the sound
they added Klan for alliterative purposes and the KKK was born. Soon dens
and caverns bubbled up, and in a grand meeting in Nashville in 1869 the
Invisible Empire of the South was formally established, complete with Grand
Wizard, and lesser officers known as Grand Dragon, Fury, Titan, Hydra,
Nighthawk. Their uniform was the ludicrous all-hiding sheet.
March 21, At
first the members were fairly restrained. they tended to ride around in
sheets scaring the superstitious and drawing a certain amount of laughter
from otherwise puzzled citizens. But intimidation proceeded under the cloak
of anonymity and soon, emboldened, their acts became ever more vicious. In
fact, members behaved so despicably that is 1869 its own officers formally
disbanded the group. However, nothing could now stop the terrifying
troops. Night rides turned to numbing horror, whippings, mutilation,
burnings, lynchings. The North was revolted and Congress attempted to
legislate against secret societies, but the Ku Klux Klan Acts of 1870 and
1871 had no teeth and were later declared unconstitutional.
March 21, As
the withdrawal of Federal Troops proceeded, the Klan stepped up its
terrorism unopposed. By the end of Reconstruction in 1877 the Klan had
enforced its will. Because of the vicious policing by the Ku Klux Klan it
would be almost a century before the South would recover from its wound.
Clarifying the Monroe Doctrine as it is to be applied now and in the future,
sec of State Hamilton Fish declares that territory in the Western Hemisphere
belonging to a European power cannot be handed over to a second European
power but must be set free with no strings attached.
RECONSTRUCTION SOUTH, NORTHERN INDUSTRY AND NATION POLITICS:Americans were intoxicated with their new-found freedom and luck, and did
not notice when excess became corruption. Corruption in the last third of
the 19th century was of a special order because an entirely new social
structure, one of capital and technology, was being developed without the
guiding restraints of law. Dangerous precedents of dubious courts were set
and corruption became as acceptable as apple pie.
Stories of
fraud in the Reconstruction South make lured reading. Senator Patterson of
South Carolina said it for all: "There are five more years of good stealing
in South Carolina," Henry C. Warmoth managed to make an $8000 salary add up
to $1,000,000 in four years. A Louisiana chief justice sold a
state-invested $2,000,000 railroad to friends for $50,000. Blacks and
whites alike, suddenly put in charge for city and state treasuries, found no
curbs placed on greed Corruption in the industrial North was as
staggering. It was said of John d. Rockefeller, and was equally true of
several other industrial barons, that he owned the best legislatures that
money could buy. Jay Gould's attempt to corner the gold market involved
official all the way up to the vice-pres. Grant's sec of the Treasury took
50 percent on all collections, racking up $213,000 in one years. Scandal
was endemic to the Post Office and the Navy, and impeachment procedures were
begun against Secretary of War William Belknap for selling Indian trading
posts. The $40,000,000 Whiskey Ring scandal touched high and low in the
Republican Party, including Grant's private sec, Orville Babcock, already
involved in most other big scandals. In the cities, new orgs like Tammany
Hall were invented to deal w new condition. Thieves like "boss" Tweed of NY
bilked the city out of $200,000,000 in less than six years. In the West,
burying timber, farm and mining land under "dummy" names was common
practice. Illegal rebates from railroads served to consolidate some
companies into giants while forcing other middle-sized merchants into
bankruptcy. selling a barren tract of land to settlers or salting a
played-out mine w gold nuggets made easy money. The exuberant young society
agreed on one point; a citizen's value could be judge by one standard alone:
money. [when were the some of the scandals mentioned above?]
STEEL In 1870
the US produced approx one mil tons of pig-iron. by 1900 production had
jumped to 36,000,000 tons and the country was first in the world in the
manufacture of iron and steel products.
March 21, The
mining of iron began in the Appalachians in early colonial times. The
industry moved steadily westward until in the 1840s it reached spectacular
deposits in northern Michigan. Forty years later, the extraordinary Mesabi
range on Lake Superior offered up its easy-to-mine and extremely pure
treasure. Coal and iron were brought to the centrally located smelters of
Chicago where the first steel rails were rolled in 1865. W steel rails the
railroads could expand like so much ribbon. Other smelters began to
flourish in Pittsburgh and other mid-west cities. By the 1880s the coal and
iron deposits of the Southern Appalachians were exploited and Birmingham
could claim to rival Pittsburgh.
March 21, The
Kelly-Bessemer and open hearth processes, electricity and chemistry all
contributed to the gigantic growth of the industry. The open hearth process
produced superior steel and by 1880 became the predominant method of
March 21,
Mill life for the workers was hard in the extreme. It was not unusual for
the fiery furnaces to claim 200 deaths a year in a single factory. Neither
state nor federal governments concerned themselves w workers. Usually they
had been bribed into passivity by mill owners. Labor had not yet devised the
means to deal w the new industrial giants.
March 21, At
first steel mills grew strong in the almost genial competition of pre-Civil
War days. Alexander Holley and Abram S. Hewitt of NY pioneered the new
technological processes, sharing their knowledge throughout the spreading
industry. When Andre Carnegie and his men came on the scene, vertical
organization took over, crushing out competition like so much pig-iron.
Carnegie ended up w most of the industry in his hands. The added efficiency
was in some ways admirable. By 1890 the US made more steel than Great
Britain and by 1900 the country made more than Germany and Great Britain
combined. Although American raw material combined w American labor produce
the Am steel, $400,000,000 in profits went to Carnegie. In 1901 Carnegie
sold his company to J.P. Morgan combine, capitalized at $1,400,000,000,
which called itself United States Steel. It was America's first
billion-dollar corporation.
Physical Downward Crossover |
(March 21, 1873- March 21, 1874) |
1873 Coinage Act of Congress makes gold the US monetary standard
and eliminates all silver currency. Advocates of silver call it "the Crime of
'73." [what mo.?]
1874 Greenback Party is formed in Indianapolis, Ind. Its members
are chiefly farmers of the West and South who want an inflated currency to wipe
out farm debts.
in the South. [what mo.?]
1874 Seventy-five Negroes are killed when they assault the court
house at Vicksburg. Moss. Whites had ousted a carpetbag sheriff. [cross-over?]
[what mo.?]
Physical Low |
(1873 - 1887) |
March 1876 Gen Crook
encounters Cheyenne Chief Two Moons and Oglala warrior Crazy Horse at
Rosebud Creek, north of the Platte R. In a fierce battle the Oglalas force
Crook's withdrawal.
1/2/77 One by
one the Rep carpetbag and scalawag governments are coming to an end in the
South. The Ku Klux Klan and other gangs persist in their terrorist
tactics. Whippings, tar-and-featherings, incendiarism drive northerners
away. Federal Troops no longer can prevent large-scale intimidation.
4/24/77 The
last Federal Troops still policing the South are withdrawn from New Orleans
by order of the Pres. The South, as southerners say, is "redeemed."
Although Reconstruction has not achieved its primary goal of black civil
rights, and although state governments have mired down in some extravagant
corruption, nonetheless Reconstruction has some notable achievements to its
credit. By providing money and skills it has helped rebuild the war-wrecked
South and established many services not there before the war, such as
hospitals, and asylums, Perhaps the most effective an lasting of
Reconstruction achievements is the dev of a strong public school system.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1873 - 1880) |
11/4/74 Samuel J. Tilden
becomes governor of NY. It is he more than anyone who is responsible for
breaking up the incredible "Tweed Ring." By analyzing the bank accounts of
some Ring members he amasses the necessary proof of the extent of the
larceny. In order to bring the corrupt politician to trial. Tilden has
first to get rid of the corrupt judges that prevent prosecution. He manages
to get the impeachment of some of them and can proceed against Tweed. His
energetic and successful reforms bring him to public attention and to the NY
Governorship. In 1877 the rapidly rising, reform-minded lawyer has a chance
at the Executive Office in the uniquely contested presidential election.
[note: this action against Tweed began in 1872, during the Emotional 3rd
Qtr. (no P 3rd) - and continued into 1874 during the Physical 3rd Qtr. (no
Delegates from 17 states meet in Cleveland, Ohio to form the Women's
Christian Temperance Union. Other orgs formed this year include the Young
Men's Hebrew Assoc and in Nov the Greenback Party is org in Indianapolis.
It mainly attracts farmers who favor inflationary money over gold because it
helps them to pay their debts. The Social Democrat Workingmen's Party is
also org in Am this year. The Social Democrats base themselves on the
economic theories of the German Socialist Ferdinand LaSalle. LaSalle is a
social evolutionist and advocates a political approach to reform.
Capitalism has become two-pronged: on the one hand, it believes in freedom
and sees this as freedom from legislative restraint. On the other hand it
is clear that there is a need to curb unbridled greed and dishonest
maneuverings merely to leave anything at all for future capitalists. In the
same way labor has two prongs: first there is the need for relief from
increasingly oppressive practices in factories and mines and in general
working conditions. The second is the fact that it is becoming ever more
apparent that two classes are emerging in classless Am, the rich and the
poor, and unless action is taken, the Am dream of independent and socially
mobile citizens will come to an abrupt end. The social Democrats inject a
new issue into this already complicated scene: Will reform be brought about
by legislation and public opinion, or will government have to take over the
activities of private enterprise to ensure a fair distribution of the
incredible wealth of the nation? The debate is never clearly articulated.
The fight is usually more bloody than eloquent. The distinctively American
contribution to the controversy will emerge in the 1880s when Samuel Gompers
begins to org the American Federation of Labor.
1875 Secretary
of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow investigates the conspiracy of
distillers and public officials, known as the Whiskey Ring, to defraud the
federal government of liquor taxes. More than $3 mil in taxes are recovered;
238 persons are indicted and 110 convicted.
5/1/75 The
Whiskey Ring scandal surfaces into public view. Scandal after scandal has
lace Grant's easygoing administration. Perhaps the one that spread furthest
in the country is the Whiskey Ring. Although the ring was not confined to
St. Louis, it was there that the corruption reached its greatest depths. It
is led by John McDonald, a personal friend of Pres Grant and now a
supervisor in the internal revenue in that city. Through blackmail and
threats, Rep official large and small have been snared into cooperation w
the leaders, and shakedowns of million from distillers and government taxes
have occurred. The chief Clerk of the Treasury is involved and so is
Orville Babcock, Grant's personal secretary. Thirty-two distillers in
Milwaukee, St. Louis and Chicago are found to be involved, but the
corruption has spread like a cancer and there is no way to catch all the men
implicated in the fraud. although Babcock is saved from conviction by
intercession from his protector Grant, the faithful Pres realizes that
Babcock is too much of a liability to stay on as personal secretary to the
man who holds the highest office in the land.
9/1/75 A
conviction of murder leads to the breakup of the Irish miners' group known
as the "Molly
Maquires." The Mollies are an outgrowth of the unsanitary and unsafe
conditions in which miners are forced to work. Miners are badly paid and
harassed into long working house. Mine operators are able to buy off
government officials who might have come to the miners' aid, and public
opinion is still ensnared by the idea that somehow it is his own laziness or
moral weakness that brings a laborer into such distressing conditions. The
mollies take matters into their own hands. They begin to org in the
anthracite mines of Pa, where some of the most severely exploited white
workers in the country can be found. They resort to the ruthless tactics of
terror using murder, intimidation, property damage and the like to bend
contractors, "bosses" and strikebreakers to their will. The uniform they
adopt is women's clothes and they call themselves the Molly Macguires after
the secrete and sinister Irish terrorist org which they take as their
model. The Mollies are finally exposed when a coal boss hires a detective
to infiltrate the group's inner circle. The leaders are brought to trial
and the group dissolves. However once the public no longer has the bloody
doings of the Mollies to fulminate against they turn their attention to the
inexcusable working conditions, and protest for reform begins to find
energetic backing.
1876 House of
Reps votes to impeach Secretary of War William W. Belknap after
investigation indicates he accepted annual bribes from the trader at an
Indian post. Belknap resigns and is acquitted by the Senate.
Prohibition amendment to the Constitution is proposed in the House.
Feb 1876
Contractor Caleb P. Marsh charges that Sec of War Wm. W. Belknap has offered
him control over trading posts at Fort Sill in Indian Territory. Belknap
has informed Marsh this should be worth $12,000 to the contractor. Belknap
expects money in return for the favor. Subsequent investigation show that
Belknap has received at least $24,450 for trading post privileges.
Impeachment proceedings will be initiated against the Sec.
Impeachment proceedings are voted against Sec of War William W. Belknap by
Congress. Belknap has been found to be taking bribes in return for
lucrative trading posts in the Indian Territory. Grounds for impeachment
are malfeasance in office. Belknap successfully avoids prosecution. The
trial without his presence continues, but the resolution for impeachment is
dismissed on the grounds that there is no jurisdiction over Belknap since he
is no longer in office.
1877 In "Munn
v. Illinois," the Supreme Court upholds the Granger laws, establishing the
principle of public regulation of bus. that serve the pub interest.
[also note E 3rd qtr.]
Reconstruction era ends when last federal troops leave the South. Carpetbag
rule ends; southern states regain control of their governors.
1/25/79 The
Arrears of Pension act is passed by Congress. It authorizes back-payment of
military pensions beginning from the day of discharge. If the veteran is
dean, payments will be made to the family.
1. Political 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional Low |
(1865 - 1883) |
1875 Congress passes Civil
Rights Act, guaranteeing Negroes equal rights in public places and the right
to serve on juries. [3rd q? w/ E high?] [note: civil rights usually comes
during a high. In 1883, the Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Rights Act
of 1875 was could not be protected except for jury duty.
3/30/75 In
"Minor v. Happersett," Sup Ct finds that the Fourteenth Amend does not
prevent a state from setting up suffrage requirements. A time-bound
interpretation of the privileges and immunities clause deprives women of the
voting rights otherwise guaranteed to all US citizens.
1/10/78 The
Women's suffrage Amendment is introduced into Congress by Senator A. A.
Sargent. The battle for a woman's right to vote will be arduous, vicious
and long, but the words used in the final Amendment adopted in 1920 will be
those in Senator Sargent's proposal in 1878.
1/14/78 In
"Hall v. De Cuir," the Supreme Court finds that railroads need not provide equal
accommodations to all passengers regardless of race.
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1865 - 1874) |
"New York Sun" accuses several prominent Republicans of accepting bribes in
the form of stock from Credit Mobilier, the construction company that built
the Union Pacific Railroad.
For the first time since 1860, Demo majorities are returned to the House of
1. Political 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1863 - 1874) |
1870 Cartoon using the
donkey as a symbol of the Democratic Party is printed for the first time in
"Harper's Weekly."
1874 Cartoonist Thomas Nast
establishes the elephant as a symbol for the Republican Party in a cartoon
appearing in "Harper's Weekly."
6/22/70 Congress
establishes the Department of Justice, thus acknowledging growing
responsibilities of the Attorney General.
1. Political 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
High with
Low |
(1865 - 1873) |
1870 Northerners, called
"carpetbagger," and white Southerners, called "scalawags," join the
Republican Party to carry out the congressional Reconstruction program in
the South, sometimes meddling in the region's political affairs to their own
1870 Fifteenth
Amend is ratified by 29 states. It gives the right to vote to black men, but
not to women.
1871 Congress
enacts Indian Appropriation Act, nullifying all Indian treaties an making
all Indians wards of the nation.
1871 US Army
suppresses the Apache Indians and forces them onto reservations in New
Mexico and Ariz. Many resist confinement and begin raids on white settlers.
Carpetbaggers seize control of Arkansas's government until fed troops
restore order. [what mo.? P cross-over?]
Physical Downward Crossover with
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(March 21, 1873- March 21, 1874) |
1871 William Marcy ("Boss")
Tweed, Tammany leader, is indicted for fraud in NYC. The Tweed Ring
defrauded the city of at least $30 mil, profited from tax favors, and bought
votes. Tweed is convicted in 1873; his henchmen flee to Europe to escape
jail. [what mo.?
Investigation by Congress of the Credit Mobilier scandal results in the
censure of two US Representatives, but no prosecutions. The scandal is one
of many instances of corruption in Grant's administration. [P cross-over?
beg. of 3rd qtr] [what mo.?]
[PX & EL
combined?] 9/18/73 The failure of the respectable brokerage firm of Jay
Cooke and Company precipitates the country into a five-year depression. The
Panic of 1873 causes 5000 businesses to fail in the first year and 10,478
will close before the country turns a corner in 1879. The Panic of 1873 is
essentially the result of years of over-trading, over-production, over
speculation, over-issues of paper money and inflated prices. The economy
has been running at fever heat for 12 years and a letdown is inevitable.
The failures of Cooke is merely the snowball that starts the avalanche, it
is not in itself responsible for the conditions that lead to the disaster.
Unforeseen problems in financing the Northern Pacific Railroad, a projected
second transcontinental line, wrecks the otherwise honorable company.
Thirty-seven banks and brokerage houses close the same day as Cooke. Two
days later the Stock Exchange closes for an unprecedented 10 days. Other
railroads and banks are soon force to shut down, affecting the fortunes of
thousands of merchants and farmers. The Panic is a psychological watershed
in the fortunes of the country. some part of the continent's unbridle
optimism leaks away forever. In its place the need for cooperation emerges
as a necessary factor in the affairs of both management and labor.
High with
3rd Qtr. Review |
(1866 - 1873) |
6/5-6/72 The Rep National
Convention is still dominated by Radical Republicans as it meets in
Philadelphia, Pa. Present are the first clack delegates to a presidential
convention. Three of their number give speeches endorsing Pres Grant, who
is elected on the first ballot. Grant could boast that his country, under
his hands-off policies, is in good shape: he has reduced the national debt,
gold is at 114, the Treaty of Wash bodes fair to settle some long-standing
injustices which have been ranking many citizens; some strong anti-Ku Klux
Klan legislation has been enacted; Grant has declared a Peace Policy toward
the Indians; and receipts from the usually corrupt Post Office have
substantially increased. If one does not look too closely into most of
these boasts, it appears to be a strong position to campaign from. Besides
which , no other man can compete w the affectionate hold Grant has on the
nation. scandals may swirl around him like tornadoes, but the beloved old
soldier manages to remain unscathed by the worst of them.
11/5/72 During
the election, Susan B. Anthony, Vice-President-at-large of the National
Woman Suffrage Association, casts a vote in NY State. she is arrested and
fined $100. she objects, citing the Fourteenth Amendment which states that
the vote cannot be denied to born or naturalized citizens on basis of race
or color. It is a stand-off: Anthony never pays the fine but not until 1920
will the Twentieth Amendment be adopted guaranteeing women's right to vote.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review with
Intellectual WHATEVER |
(1873 - 1874) |
The US branch of a Masonic Order is org by Dr. Walter Fleming w the help of
Charles T. McClenachan. It is called the Imperial Council of the Ancient
Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review with
Intellectual 1st Qtr.
Foundation |
(1865 - 1875) |
1870 Congress passes act
creating the Dept of Justice.
1871 Pres. Grant appoints
the first Civil Service Commission, which begins reform of the civil service
and the spoils system.
1872 Congress passes
Amnesty Act, which restores civil rights to almost all citizens.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
7/8/71 William "Boss? Tweed is
exposed in a series of articles pub in the New York Tomes. Tweed will be
brought to trial and geld responsible for taking up to $200,000,000 in
fraudulent contracts, kickbacks, false vouchers and other corrupt practices
which have brought New York City to the verge of bankruptcy in six short years.
Jay Gould, of the Black Friday 1869 gold scandal, is on of the signatories to
Tweeds' million dollar bail bond.
6/6/72 With an eye
on election, Grant' administration makes some token reductions in duties by
declaring a ten percent cut on all major imported items.
1873 depression?
2/12/73 Congress
passes the Coinage Act of 1873. Gold-standard advocates lobby successfully for
demonetizing silver. The silver dollar is dropped as a coin, although a special
coin continues in use for trade in the Orient. It is not by chance that the
gold-standard advocates push legislation though Congress at this time: rich
silver strikes in Nevada are already making silver available in quantity.
Later, when silver is mine on a large scale, the money issue becomes political,
as pro-inflationary groups allied to the mine owners press for silver coinage.
The 1873 Act becomes known as the "Crime of 1873 and unsubstantiated charges of
gold conspiracy persist for two decades.
There was great
deal wrong, besides over speculation, with the national economy and the laws
regulation it. Corporations, which as early as 1919 employed 86.5 per cent of
all wage earners in industry, were proliferating under practically no control.
Holding companies were often so rigged that an outsider who bought stock knew
nothing of what was going on, and the insiders profited, just as railway
construction groups did in the days of President Grant.
To their dismay, in
the turbulent years after the Civil War, women had watched as the 14th Amendment
gave black males the vote, deliberately excluding females. Women turned directly
to the states for support and with careful strategy for some 15 to five them the
ballot. From a position of strength they could begin their offensive on the
Federal government.
1875 congress
passes Specie Resumption Act, providing for the resumption of specie payments
(coins) on January 1, 1879. Greenbacks in circulation are reduced from $382 mil
to $300 mil.
7/14/77 The great
strike of 1877 begins as workers walk out on the Baltimore and Ohio RR. RR
unions demand better working conditions, protest recent 10 percent cuts in pay,
the second since the depression began, and demand redress for their many
grievances. Strikes spread to other railroads from New England to the Miss and
soon fr the Atlantic to the Pacific. All the great cities are pulled into the
struggle which is finally settled by militia and Federal Troops. But it serves
notice that labor and capital are on a new footing, that until reconciling
social ideas are brought to bear, conflict between the two forces will be
sanguinary, wasteful and titanic. Sympathetic strikes of factory workers and
miners engulf industry. Overnight the nation grinds to a halt. Sympathetic
strikes are a novelty and speak of a growing understanding of the distress
shared by industrial workers.
[P low?]
7/16/77 Violence
erupts at Martinsburg, West Va. state militia has been ordered to guard
railroad property on the B & O to prevent a train from being moved. Instead the
train is derailed. Soon the entire line, yards, tracks, roundhouses are in the
strikers' hands. President Hayes orders the men back to work. The local
militia refuses to fire on the strikers but the sec of War sends Fed Troops to
break up the strike. It is the first time since Jackson that Fed Troops have
been used against civilian Americans. Violence continues unabated across the
7/20/77 In
Baltimore nine strikers are killed and several wounded, when State militia fire
point blank at a crown trying to prevent them from reaching the railway state,
which is in the hands of angry strikers. In four days of rioting, 50 more
people are killed.
7/21/77 In
Pittsburgh, where railway property is concentrated, a large number of sympathy
strikers and general populace support the railroad workers. They are attacked
by State troops when the Pa militia, attempting to clear a street, is met by
volley of stones. The militia fire into the crowd, which then fires back. In
the battle which ensues the militia secures itself in a roundhouse from which it
is ultimately forced by fire. At one time a wall of fire three miles long
destroys installations. About 2000 freight cars are burned and nearly
$10,000,000 in property damage is sustained by the rail companies. All night
long the strikers riot, turning from sullen, desperate working men into a
monstrous mob, looting shops, burning buildings, often attacking people and
property which have no other connection w the railroads than proximity.
7/26/77 In Chicago
a strike turns into a bloody massacre when an unorganized gathering is attacked
by police aided by cavalry. Nineteen people are killed.
Greenbacks reach face value on Wall Street. They can be redeemed on-for-one for
gold for the first time since 1862.
2. Business & Economy 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1859 -1873) |
10/3/70 Sec of the Interior Jacob D. Cox, in advocating restraint it the use
of the nation's natural resources, runs afoul of industry's rapacious
"robber barons." Cox is pressured to resign by a Congress paid well to
cater to the shims of industrial giants.
Physical Downward Crossover |
(March 21, 1873- March 21, 1874) |
9/20/73 The Stock Exchange
closes its doors for 10 days, and the Sec of the Treasury releases
$26,000,000 in greenback which are marked for recall by Jan 1874. The total
circulation of the paper money is now $382,000,000.
3/11/74 The
Potter Law, Wisconsin legislation initiated by the Grange movement,
regulates railroad freight rates within the State. It is achieved against
massive resistance by lumber and railroad interests.
Physical Low |
(1873 - 1887) |
1877 Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad workers strike in protest against wage reductions. The move spreads
quickly to other Easter, later Western railroads, and riots occur in several
cities. This is the first general railroad strike in the country.
Inspired by the railroad workers, strikes have spread to most other
industries in the two hot weeks of July. Meanwhile under intense pressure
from state and fed governments the railroad strikers have been forced to
settle. Most railroad men return to work without substantial increases or
betterment of the working conditions. Sympathizing strikes in coal mines
have spread, and by the end of July, 40,000 coalminers are on strike in
Scranton, Pa. These workers are more fortunate then the railway workers:
after almost a month of violence and looting, the mine owners cave in ,
offering a 10 percent raise, and agree to other demands made by the unions.
Order is restored, but not before the strike has spread through most of the
coal-producing states. From this inauspicious beginning a cohesiveness is
formed among workers that has not existed before. The strikes have been
dramatic lessons in the power of employers and the powerlessness of the
single working person or even small groups. The labor movement, which has
begun to weaken during the depression, membership having fallen from 300,000
to 50,000 finds energy in the explosive events of the summer of 1877.
1878 Durfee
establishes America's first copper refinery in Ansonia, Connecticut.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1873 - 1880) |
3/23/74 Legislation in
Iowa, initiated by the growing Grange movement, regulates rail freight rates
within the State.
12/4/75 Wm.
"Boss" Tweed, convicted of cheating NYC out of some $200,000,000 is helped
to escape from jail and gets away to Cuba.
6/21/77 Ten
members of the violent reformist Irish miners' society, the Molly Macguires,
are hanged for murder. The Society, infiltrated by Pinkerton detectives, is
severely weakened and soon force to disband.
2. Business & Economy 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1865 - 1874) |
11/5/72 Wm "Boss" Tweed is convicted on all counts of defrauding the city of
NY of some $200,000,000. He is sentenced to twelve years in jail. His
cohorts escape abroad w their share of the loot and are never punished.
Oddly enough, when "Boss" Tweed escapes to Spain in 1876 he is sent home by
that country's government. Tweed dies in jail in 1878.
2. Business & Economy 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual High |
(1863 - 1885) |
1875 Steel manufacturer
Andrew Carnegie builds the first factory to use the Bessemer steel-making
1878 First
regular telephone exchange opens in New Haven.
1878 Edison
Electric Light Company is formed in NYC.
1879 Frank W.
Woolworth opens his first successful 5-and-10-cent store in Lancaster, PA.
2. Business & Economy 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Dbl. 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1873 - 1885) |
Mass is the first sate to adopt a 10-hour day law for women. Public demand
for reform of substandard working conditions is increasing daily.
Physical High with
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1865 - 1873) |
9/4/72 The Credit Mobilier
scandal erupts in the press. During the building of the cross-continental
railway, which was done w considerable government money, Mass Representative
Oakes Ames and other directors of the Union Pacific Railroad formed a
company and then awarded themselves the rich construction contracts. During
the life of the company, named Credit Mobilier of America, millions of
dollars were siphoned into the pockets of the directors and their friends.
In order to forestall congressional investigations, Ames distributed shares
to congressmen, Cabinet officers, even to Vice-President Schuyler Colfax.
The Credit
Mobilier Scandal: In Sept 1872, the New York Sun began a series of articles
exposing a lucrative scandal w ramifications that reached to the highest
levels of government. During the building of the transcontinental railway,
million of dollars were dispensed by the US government. Mass Representative
Oakes Ames and the other directors of the Union Pacific Railroad formed a
company and named it "Credit Mobilier of America." To this company they
awarded all the construction contracts. Some estimate that $73,000,000 was
paid to Credit Mobilier for work worth closer to $50,000,000. In order to
forestall congressional investigation, Oakes Ames, taking advantage of his
position in Congress, distributed 160 shares to congressmen, Cabinet
officers, and even to vice-Pres Colfax, or as he so succinctly put it,
"where it would do the most good." Some of the contracts paid $341.85 on
each $100 share and some of the lucky b4eneficiaries of Ames' generosity
paid only par value, ir anything at all. Vice-Pres Schuyler Colfax and
Grant's second term Vice-Pres Henry Wilson, James G. Blaine and many
otherwise honorable men were badly damaged politically by the greedy
scheme. Ames admitted it was a "diamond mine" and the "Sun," in a bit of
hyperbole considering the nature of other swindles in the Grant
administration, called him the "King of Frauds." The House proposed to
expel Ames, but finally settled on February 28, 1873 for a vote of censure.
Leland Stanford's Central Pacific Railroad Company adopted the same
procedures but their schemes were never exposed.
2/18/73 The
House Committee investigating the Credit Mobilier Scandal finds
Massachusetts Representative Oakes Ames guilty of bribery and recommends his
expulsion from Congress. Although guilty of corruption as charged,
Americans had to his credit that he, more than any other reason, had
instigated the building of the transcontinental railroad. Whether it was
public opinion that came to his defense or the fact that so many congressmen
and high government officials were implicated in the scandal, in the end
Ames is merely censured. [combine w/other Physical High / Emotional 3rd
Qtrs. & add introduction to theme].
Physical Downward Crossover with
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(March 21, 1873- March 21, 1874) |
3/3/73 In the so-called
"salary Grab" Act, congress increases its salaries by 50 percent and double
both the President's salary and that of Justices of the Supreme Court. To
add insult to injury the increase is made retroactive for two years. The
Act is met w strong opposition n the country. The public is deeply
disgusted w the veal ways of its representative. Congress will be forced to
repeal the the raises which it has granted to its own members. On the same
day, Congress passes the Coal Lands Act which offers public coal bearing
lands to anyone who can pay $10 to $20 an acre. Not more than 160 acres are
permitted per person and 320 acres per group. all such acts which limit the
purchase of land grants are circumvented by fraudulent means, and rich
acreage in easily transferred to cagey profiteers sometimes for a little as
a glass of beer.
Under great pressure from a shocked nation, Congress repeals the Salary
Grab" Act of 1873. It leave intact raises for the pres and Sup Ct Justices
but forgoes raises for itself.
Physical High with
Intellectual 1st Qtr.
Foundation |
(1863 - 1873) |
1870 Great Atlantic and
Pacific Tea Company (The A&P) is organized. It becomes the largest single
chain of grocery stores in volume of business.
1870 John D.
Rockefeller, after combining several Cleveland refineries in 1867, forms
Standard Oil Company of Ohio.
1872 Montgomery
Ward & Company, the first mail order house, opens for business in Chicago.
1873 Bethlehem
Steel Company begins manufacturing in Pittsburgh, Pa. Iron ore shipments
from mines near Marquette, Michigan, amount to more than one million tons a
Physical Low with
Intellectual Intellectual
High |
(1873 - 1885) |
12/9/78 Greenbacks reach
face value on Wall Street. They can be redeemed one-for-one gold for the
first time since 1862.
Greenbacks have reached a face value with gold. The pub has confidence in
the government's ability to redeem paper in specie, which will be done for
the first time since 1861. When specie payments begin, as authorized by
Congress in 1875, there I no great demand for the coinage.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
3. Science & Technology 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1873 -1887) |
B. Selden, one of many working on the combustion engine, develops a 2-cycle
"gasoline carriage." Curiously enough, Selden is a patent lawyer, and yet
he fails to get a patent until 1895. by then it is too late because when
Henry Ford and others beg to manufacture autos, Selden's claim is submerged
in the modifications and advances made since his time and he is unable to
lay claim to his discovery.
3. Science & Technology 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
3. Science & Technology 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual High |
(1863 - 1885) |
10/15/78 In what will
amount to a complete revolution in the Am way of life, Edison establishes
the Edison Electric Light Company in NYC. Although Edison won't find the
answer to the incandescent light for another year, he knows he is on the
track and it is only a matter of time. J. P. Morgan and other financiers
are eager to invest in any invention of Edison's and back the company which
plans to produce electricity on a large scale for public and private use.
Once the light bulb is developed, other companies are quickly formed to cash
in on the electrical bonanza. But guided by financier, J. P. Morgan, a
master of the vertical organization, the Edison Company soon eats up all its
rivals and becomes the General Electric Company, established by the inventor
George Westinghouse in 1886. To forego further competition the two
companies come to agreements on the division of patents and territories. No
laws prevent monopolies or such unfair competition, so that small companies
simply go under.
1878 George
Eastman begins manufacture of photographic dry plate
1878 Albert A.
Michelson measure distances by light wave-lengths. He uses his own
invention, an interferometer, to grasp the enormous interplanetary distances
he is measuring.
Thomas A. Edison finds that a thread of carbonized cotton in one-millionth
of an atmosphere will burn for 45 hours without overheating. His dream of
an incandescent light bulb is within reach. He will now proceed to test
6000 other possible vegetable fibers which he has in his well-stocked
laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey. He finally settles on carbonized
bamboo. Edison immediately puts his invention to practical use. By the
following year the Edison Electric Light Company begins to light up NYC.
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1863 - 1874) |
1870 Federal Meteorological
Service is established as part of the US Army Signal Corps.
1870 John W.
Hyatt, NY printer, patents a process for making Celluloid.
1870 Peirce
pubs "Linear Associative Algebras," thus establishing a new branch of
1870 Edward De
Smedt, NY scientist, paves a road in Newark, NY, with asphalt pavement.
1870 Motion
Pictures: Pioneer Stage. Experiments in depicting motion followed invention
of Zoetrope (designed in France, 1860), a series of pictures whirled on a
drum to give effect of motion applying similar principle to magic lantern,
Henry R. Heyl Showed projected animated pictures (1870). Edward Muybridge
set up a series of coordinated camera to take successive photograph of a
horse in motion (1878).
1871 Luther
Burbank, horticulturist, begins his experiments with plant breeding and
hybrids. The hybrid "Burbank potato" is and instant commercial success.
1872 Edward
Muybridge, En.-American. motion picture pioneer, designs the "zoopraxiscope,"
a crude forerunner of the movie projector.
1872 Henry
Draper, Virginia. astronomer, begins using photography in his studies of
1872 "Popular
Science Monthly" begins pub
1872 Frank
Hamilton, Vt. physician, pubs "Principles and Practice of Surgery."
1872 Edward
Weston, Eng.-American scientist, builds a dynamo that is commercially
successful for use in electroplating.
Calculating Machines. Edmund d. Barbour invented adding machine which
printed totals and subtotals (1872). Eugene Felt (1862-1930) made 1st
accurate comptometer (1884). First successful recording adding machine
(1888) by William S. Burroughs (1857-1898).
1873 William
Osler, Canadian physician, discovers blood platelets.
1873 Louis
Agassiz established the Anderson School of Natural History on Pekinese
Island, Mass. This is the first Am school to concentrate its studies on
oceanography. Studies - Water.
Philadelphia Zoological Garden, America's first zoo, opens to the public.
Intellectual 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1874 - 1885) |
1874 Edison invents a
quadriplex telegraph system which allows four messages to be sent over one
wire at the same time.
1874 Andrew T.
Still, Kans. physician, establishes osteopathy, a branch of medicine that
stresses the importance of healthy bones and muscles to one's overall
1875 Elihu
Thompson, Eng-Am engineer, operates the world's first radio.
1875 Edwin T.
Klebs, Ger-Am bacteriologist, discovers "pneumococcus," the bacterium that
causes labor pneumonia.
1875 Luther
Burbank uses cross-breading and selection on a commercial scale. He
develops new strains of plant life, including berries, fruits, vegetables
and grains.
1875 A new
method of medicine is dev by Dr. Andrew T. Still in Kirksville, Missouri.
He calls it osteopathy. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, pubs
"Science and Health."
Dynamos. William A. Anthony (1835-1908) constructed 1st dynamo for outdoor
lighting (1875, at Cornell U); C. F. Brush (1876). Edison Machine Works
constructed 1st successfully operating dynamo (27 tons, 1881).
forerunners to the telephone existed in idea forms before Bell obtained his
patent in 1876. In fact, all that had to be known was known for decades.
Why the invention had not been developed earlier, it is suggested, is that
the social needs were not yet ready. For whatever reason, it was not until
the intellectual cycle entered the second quarter that Bell00 patented the
telephone in 1876, making obsolete the telegraph, (i 2nd)
1876 Alexander
Graham Bell, Scot-Am inventor, patents the telephone. The first words
transmitted by telephone were addressed to his assistant, Thomas A. Watson,
"Mr. Watson, come here. I want you!"
1876 Josiah
Willard Gibbs, Conn. physicist later considered on of America's greatest
scientists, pubs "On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances" in which
he proposes the "phase rule" and applies the laws of thermodynamics to
physicl chemistry.
1876 John Ericsson
published "Solar Investigations" and describes a solar-powered electric motor.
1876 American
Chemical Society is founded in NYC.
1876 Edison
establishes as industrial research laboratory (America's fist) in Menlo
Park, NJ. He invents the carbon microphone an patents a mimeograph machine.
3/10/76 The
telephone, for which Alexander Graham Bell has received a patent on March 7,
now functions.
1878 Hughes
invents an improved microphone and gives it its name.
1877 Emile
Berliner, Ger-Am inventor, develops a microphone for use in the telephone.
Forerunners to
the phonograph laid the basis for Edison's invention of 1877.
1877 Thomas
Edison patents the phonograph, which he had invented ten years earlier but
had not gotten around to perfecting while he concentrated on his
incandescent light.
1878 Edison
patents the phonograph. He records "Mary had a little lamb" on a cylinder
wrapped in tin foil.
...they and
their pupils implemented and continued the revolution in medicine and
surgery that began with Eliot's reforms at Harvard in 1870.
1877 Copper
wire is invented.
1877 Charles J.
Glidden, Mass. engineer, designs the world's first telephone exchange.
1877 Weston
installs an electric streetlight in Newark, NJ.
1877 First
intercity telephone communication takes place between Salem, Mass. and
Boston, and Chicago, and Milwaukee.
discoveries by Nikola Tesla. Tesla discovered the principle of the rotary
magnetic field, applying it in a practical form to the induction motor and
making possible the alternating current motor and the readmission of power
by such current, employing what became known as 2-phase, 3 phase,
multiphase, and poly-phase systems, particularly on long distance lines
(later used extensively). Also Edison system of central power production
introduced (1882) at NYC.
1877 Charles
Brush, Ohio scientist, invents the Brush electric arc lamp, a storage
battery, and a dynamoelectric machine.
1877 Asaph
Hall, Conn. astronomer, discovers two moons of Mars. He names them Deimos
and Phobos.
1878 Albert A.
Michelson, Ger-Am physicist, measures the speed of light with great
accuracy. His measurement is 186,508 miles per second, an error of less than
Electric Lighting. Practical application of electric arc lamps
(Philadelphia, 1878; Cleveland, 1879) Although Moses Gerrish of Salem had
build an incandescent lamp as early as 1859, Thomas A. Edison invented the
1st practical incandescent bulb (1879); established factory (1880).
Phonograph patented by Edison (1878); practical machine made by firm of Bell
and Painter (1886). Electronic phonograph introduced 1924 by Western
Electric Co., manufactured 1927 by RCA; 33 1/3 rpm. microgroove record
invented by Dr. Peter Goldmark, marketed 1948.
Automobiles. Experimentation followed upon the building of an early
steam-operated auto in the US (by Henry A. House, 1866). George B. Selden
applied for 1st auto patent (1879); took it out (1895). storage-battery auto
designed by William Morrison (1891). First gasoline-engine-driven motor
built and operated by J. Frank Duryea (1895). Autocar Co. introduced shaft
drive (1901) and circulating lubrication (1904). Pneumatic tire (1892)
followed by clincher-type tire (1899), the demountable tire-carrying rim
(1906), the nonskid tire (1908), the cord tire (1910), and the balloon tire
(1923). Electric self-starter invented by Clyde J. Coleman (1899); perfected
(1911) by Charles F. Kettering (1876-1958, who also invented lighting and
ignition systems. Four-wheel auto brake patented, 1908. Bendix drive, 1914,
by Vincent Bendix.
The other forms
of incandescent lighting that had been worked on did not deprive Edison of
due credit when he brought forth his invention of the electric light in
1879 Edison
invents the first practical electric incandescent lamp. He uses a carbon
filament that glows for 40 hrs in a vacuum. Edison also experiments with a
platinum filament burning in a vacuum.
1879 Saccharin,
an artificial sweetener 500 times stronger than sugar, is discovered by
Constantine Fahlberg, Russian-American scientist.
1879 Alpheus
Hyatt established an oceanographical laboratory at Annisquam, Massachusetts. Studies - Water.
1879 George
Eastman, NY industrialist, patents a process for making dry photographic
3. Science & Technology 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1874 Joseph Glidden, NH farmer,
invents barbed wire.
1878 A. A. Pope
manufactures the first bicycles, called "wheels."
1879 George B.
Selden, engineer, develops a three-cylinder internal combustion engine and uses
it to power a "horseless carriage."
A steel arch bridge across the Miss R at St. Louis is completed. It is
built by James Buchanan Eads and is the first to span the great river. It
takes seven years to complete and is the inspiration for further such
construction. [if this took seven years, did it begin in 1867?]
4. Mechanical 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
4. Mechanical 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual 2nd Qtr. Expansion |
(1874 - 1885) |
1874 Robert Thurston, R.I.
engineer, establishes a mechanical engineering research laboratory at the Stevens
Institute of Technology in NJ.
1874 First
streetcar to operate by electricity begins running in NYC.
Transportation. Andrew S. Hallidie (1836- 1900) invented cable streetcar
(1871; in use in San Fran, 1873). First electrically powered street-car
invented by Stephen Dudley Field successfully run in NYC, 1874. RR coupler
patented by Eli H. Janey.
1875 Weston
estabs a NJ factory that produces dynamoelectric machinery.
1875 James
Sargent and Halbert Greenleaf patent a time lock for use in back vaults.
1875 George F.
Green, Mich. inventor, patents an electric dental drill.
1875 Samuel F.
O'Reilly invents an electric tattooing machine. (Patented in 1891).
1875 By this
year, refrigerator cars are used regularly to ship meat from Midwest
stockyards to the East.
1879 Brush
installs electric arc lamps on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio.
4. Mechanical 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Physical High with
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1863 - 1874) |
1870 Edison invents the
stock ticker.
1870 Tolbert
Langston, Ohio inventor, patents a padlock.
1871 Simon
Ingersoll, Connecticut farmer, invents a pneumatic drill that uses the power
of compressed air to cut through rock.
1873 Andrew
Hallidie, California engineer, invents cable cars for use on the hills of
San Francisco.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
5. Education 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1873 - 1887) |
5. Education 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
5. Education 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual High |
(1863 - 1885) |
1879 Archeological Inst of
Am is founded in Boston by Charles E. Norton, Mass. educator.
1879 Richard
Henry Pratt founds the Carlisle Indian School in Pa, one of the most
successful schools for Indians in the US.
1879 Radcliffe
College is established in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Intellectual 1st Qtr. Foundation |
(1863 - 1874) |
Bellevue Hop in NYC opens the first school of nursing, with instruction
based on the teachings of Florence Nightingale.
5. Education 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Emotional 4th Qtr.
Alternatives with
Intellectual 2nd Qtr.
Expansion |
(1865 - 1874) |
11/17/75 A branch of the Theosophical Society is founded in New York by
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky or "H. P." as she prefers to be called. The main
objects of the society are: first, to begin to establish the universal
brotherhood of humanity, molding public opinion away from strictly national
views; second, to promote study of comparative religion and philosophy;
third, to take more interest in the realms of "occults." belief in
reincarnation was central to Blavatsky's thinking and the idea was first
introduced by her into Am thought. Madame Blavatsky is a charismatic woman
who has a profound effect upon many of her contemporaries. The poet W. B.
Yeats is one of her disciples, as are the famous religious leaders Annie
Besant, Krishnamurti, Rudolf Steiner and Alice Bailey.
top |
drop down to navigate category in other decades:  |
1872 Jehovah's Witnesses are
org by Charles Taze Russell, a layman member of the Presbyterian Church. Among
other names the group is first known as the International Bible Students.
1874 First
Chautauqua Assembly meets at Chautauqua Lake, NY. Originally formed to train
church workers and Sunday school teachers during summer months, the program
eventually includes entertainment and general education.
1876 Society for
Ethical Culture est. in NY by Felix Adler.
6. Religion & Spirituality 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical Low |
(1873 - 1887) |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
Emotional 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1865 - 1874) |
10/2/71 Stepping up
pressure on the Mormons and their "special institution." the Federal Gov
arrests leader Brigham Young for practicing polygamy.
1873 Rabbi
Isaac Meyer Wise, advocate of Reform Judaism, orgs the Union of Hebrew
Congregations in 1873 and the Hebrew Union College in 1875, both in
1874 National
Woman's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.) is formed in Cleveland to
promote prohibition (stopping the manufacture and sale of alcoholic drinks)
by educational, social and political means.
1840-60 Reform and
Conservative Judaism. Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (1819-1900), through "The
Israelite," slashed in Cincinnati, advocated the idea of reform. In 1873 he
org. the Union of A. Hebrew Congregations, followed (1875) by Hebrew Union
college in Cincinnati. (merged with the Jewish Institute of Religion, New
York City, 1948) and (1889) the Central Conference of American Rabbis. A
conservative movement in opposition was headed by Rabbis Isaac Leeser
(1806-68) and Sabato Morais (1823-97) of Philadelphia. The Jewish
Theological Seminary (conservative) was founded (1886).
Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives |
(1874 - 1883) |
July 1874 The Chautauqua
Movement is begun by Lewis Miller and John H. Vincent. Vincent is a
Methodist clergyman, and the movement begins as a summer training of Sunday
School teachers. Lewis Miller is an Ohio industrialist who agrees to finance
the establishment at Lake Chautauqua, NY. The movement subsequently changes
its emphasis to include subjects of greater interest to a people grappling w
the new age and draw nationally known speakers such as Mark Twain to its
6. Religion & Spirituality 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
6. Religion & Spirituality 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Emotional Low with
Intellectual High |
(1865 - 1883) |
1874 The pub. of "Outlines
of Cosmic Philosophy" by John Fiske (1842-1901), w its attempt to reconcile
theism w Darwinian evolution, brought theological liberalism (Advocated by
Beecher, Abbott, Gladden, Brooks, Draper & White) into open conflict w
Archbishop John McClosky became the 1st Am. cardinal. Archbishop James
Gibbons was elected to the same rank (1886). The Catholic U of Am. was
founded at Wash. DC by the 3rd plenary council (1884).
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As early as the 1870's the U.S.
architect, H. H. Richardson adopted the Romanesque style, less for its
historical associations than for the opportunities it afforded him to express
the nature and texture of stone. [p 3rd} In mature examples of his architecture
from the mid-1880s, ornament in the older, applied sense had virtually
disappeared, and his buildings depend for their aesthetic affect mainly on the
inherent qualities of their materials. [p 4th]. The generation following
Richardson saw a further international development of this principle. [Enc Brit
1874 Louis Comfort
Tiffany opens a factory in which he makes elegant glass objects.
1875 Richardson
designs the ornate NY state cap build. in Albany.
1875 Thomas Eakins,
important portraitist of the period, paints "The Gross Clinic," which
realistically portrays a medical school class.
1870 John F.
Kensett, Hudson R School painter, paints "Storm Over Lake George," famous for
its minute color gradations.
1870 Homer Martin
paints "Lake Sanford" in the typical Hudson R School manner.
7. Arts & Design 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1873 -1880) |
The Philadelphia Centennial
Exhibition of 1876 brought to America the "craft" medievalism and a new
series of more literal style revivals including that of colonial times.
These in turn absorbed the exotic Eastern influence of the Aesthetic
movement of the later 19th century.
1872 Henry
Hobson Richardson, leading Romanesque revival architect, in the US designs
Trinity Church in Boston.
Construction of the state capitol in Hartford, Ct. is completed. The
building, a mixture of Gothic and Romanesque arch was designed by Richard
Daniel Chester
French sculpture whose work is probably more familiar to a wider US audience
than that of any other native sculptor. His first important commission,
which came from the town of Concord, Mass., was the statue "The Minute Man'
(1875), commemorating the Concord flight 100 years earlier. It became the
symbol for defense bonds, stamps, and posters of World War II. French's
great marble, the seated Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC,
was dedicated in 1922. In the intervening 50 years he created a vast number
of works on American subjects, among them the equestrian statues of Gen US
Grant in Phila. and Gen Washington in Paris; three pairs of bronze doors for
the Boston Public Library; the "Standing Lincoln," Lincoln, Neb., the statue
of Emerson in the public library, Concord, Mass.; the "Alma Mater" at
Columbia U; and the "Four Continents" at the NY customhouse.
Saint-Gaudens generally acknowledged to be the foremost US sculptor of the
late 19th century, noted for his imaginatively evocative memorial statues
and the subtle modeling of his low reliefs.
After 1875 St.
Gaudens became settled in NY and was a recognized sculpture. The most
important work of Saint-Gaudens' early maturity was the monument to Admiral
Farragut (1880, Madison Square Garden), the base of which was designed by
1870 J. Q. A.
Ward sculpts "Shakespeare," now in Central Park.
7. Arts & Design 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
7. Arts & Design 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
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Bret Francis Harte created the
local-color school in American fiction. In 1857 he was employed by the "Northern
Californian," a weekly paper. There his support of Indians and Mexicans proved
unpopular; after a massacre of Indians in 1860, which he editorially deplored,
he found it advisable to leave town.
Returning to San
Francisco, he married and began to write for the "Golden Era," which published
the first of his "Condensed Novels," brilliant parodies of Cooper, Dickens, Hugo
and other, which revealed him as a master of that form. He then became a clerk
in the US branch mint, a position that allowed freedom for editorship of the
"Californian," for which he engaged Mark Twain to write an article a week.
In 1868, after
publishing a series of Spanish legends akin to Washington Irving's "Alhambra,"
he was named editor or the "Overland Monthly." For it he wrote "The Luck of
Roaring Camp," and "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"; following "The Luck of Roaring
Camp, and Other Sketches (1870), he found himself world famous. His brisk style,
picturesque narrative, and artful blending of sentiment and wit won immediate
praise. He furthered his reputation with "Plain Language From Truthful James,"
(1870) better known as "The Heathen Chinee", a poem that attracted national
attention. On it he based his best play, "Ah Sin (1877), a collaboration with
Eastern publishers
bid for the brilliant meteor out of the West; flushed with success, Harte in
1871 signed with "The Atlantic Monthly" for $10,000, the highest figure offered
an American writer to that time. RAW^
Joel Chandler
Harris, author is the creator of the American folk character Uncle Remus. As
apprentice on a weekly plantation paper, "The Countryman," he became familiar
with the lore and dialects of the plantation Negro. He established a reputation
as a brilliant humorist and writer of dialect while employed on newspapers at
Macon, GA, New Orleans, LA, Forsyth and Savannah, GA, and, after 1876, on the
staff of the "Atlanta Constitution" for 24 years. In 1879 the "Tar Baby" story,
probably inspired by his reading of William Owens' work on Negro folklore,
appeared in the "Atlanta Constitution" and created a vogue for a distinctive
type of dialect literature.
This and successive
Uncle Remus stories won for Harris a secure place in American literature. The
pattern was new: Uncle Remus, the wise, genial old Negro, tells stories about
Bret Rabbit, Brer Fox, and other animals to the little son of a plantation owner
and interweaves his philosophy of the world about him. Harris recorded the
speech of the plantation Negro faithfully. Speaking through Uncle Remus, he
captured not only what the Negro said but how he said it-the poetic impulse,
gift for narrative and condensation, humor, and pictorial language.
Harris' works are
among the most striking examples of the local color literature that flourished
in the 1870's and '80's. With an unerring instinct for dialect and a firm grasp
of character, he depicted the vanishing plantation life with charm and sympathy.
Sidney Lanier
musician and poet whose verse, which reflects the social change in the South of
his time, often suggest the rhythms and thematic development of music. He
published his first book in 1867, The novel "Tiger-Lilies," a mixture of German
philosophy, Southern traditional romance, and his own war experiences.
"Corn" (1875),
treating industrial agricultural conditions in the South, and "The Symphony"
(1875), treating industrial conditions in the North, brought national
recognition. Adverse criticism of his "Centennial Meditation" launched him on an
investigation of verse technique that he continued until his death, "The Song of
the Chattahoochee," a volume of poems, was published in 1877. ...later publishes
as "The Science of English Verse" (1880), "Shakespeare and his Forerunners
(1902), and "The English Novel (1883 and 1887). The complete edition of his
works (ten volumes) appeared in 1945.
1870 "The Luck of
Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches," by Bret Harte brings the author international
1871 Henry James,
influential writer of the period, pubs, "A Passionate Pilgrim," telling of an
America's first exposure to Eng.
1871 Whitman's
essay "Democratic Vistas" deals with his theory of democracy and urges literary
1871 Alcott pubs
"Little Men."
1871 "Atlantic
Monthly" pays Harte $10,000, the most yet paid to an Amer. writer, for 12
1872 Paul Hamilton
Hayne pubs "Legends and Lyrics," which contains the best poetry of the postwar
1873 Mark Twain and
Charles Dudley Warner collaborated on "The Gilded Age." The title of this work
has become an epithet for the 1870-98 period of economic expansion in the US. [seccession
of 2nd qtrs?]
1874 Aldrich pubs
"Cloth of Gold," a collection of poems.
1876 Mark Twain
pubs the classic novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
1877 Twain and
Harte collaborate on the play "Ah Sin"
1878 Henry James
pubs "Watch and Ward" and "The Europeans."
1879 James pubs
"Daisy Miller"
8. Literature & Publication 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
8. Literature & Publication 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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1873 Organist Clarence Eddy
gives a recital at the Vienna Exposition.
1876 Centennial
Exhibition is held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence. Fifty nations send exhibits that are housed in 180
buildings on 236 acres of land.
1878 Forerunner of
the Wild West Show is the exhibition of Dr. W. F. Carver, who returns to New
York from California to show his skill in firing a gun while riding a horse.
9. Entertainment 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1859 -1873) |
1871 Barnum produces the circus, "The Greatest Show on Earth," in Brooklyn, NY.
Physical 3rd Qtr. Review |
(1873 - 188o) |
After their temporary disappearance during the Civil War, showboats are
revived and feature vaudeville.
9. Entertainment 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
9. Entertainment 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
Intellectual High |
(1863 - 1885) |
1876 Centennial Exhibition
in Philadelphia celebrates electrical progress.
1877 The
Philadelphia Conservatory of Music is founded.
1879 Clarence
Eddy plays 100 organ recitals in Chicago without repeating a work.
9. Entertainment 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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1875 First Kentucky Derby is
held at Churchill Downs. The winner is "Aristides" for a purse of $2850.
1876 First major
baseball league, the National League, is founded. There are teams in Boston,
Chicago, Cincinnati, Ohio, Hartford, NYC, Philadelphia, and St. Louis.
1876 James Gordon
Bennett, publisher of the "New York Herald," introduces polo in NYC from Eng.
4/2/76 National
League baseball plays its first official game. Jim O'Rourke gets the first hit,
and Boston beats Philadelphia, six to five.
1878 National
Archery Association is formed.
10. Sports 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1859 -1873) |
1870 Rollers skating
spreads throughout the country. By 1863, 4 rollers have been added to
"parlor skates" and a young skater, William H. Fuller, develops the art of
figure skating, which he displays on a world tour.
1871 First pro
baseball ass is formed, National Association of Professional Baseball
Players, which replaces the amateur National Association.
1871 Civil War
leads to a revival of interest in rifle shooting and to the formation of the
National Rifles Association.
1872 First Ski
club is founded in Berlin, NH.
1873 Yale,
Princeton, Columbia and Rutgers University meet to draw up the first rules
for football.
10. Sports 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
10. Sports 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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11. Fashion 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
11. Fashion 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
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pop US 1870 almost 38.6 million
1870 Census shows a
pop of 39.8 mil, of whom 4.9 mil are freed Negroes and 2.3 mil immigrants who
have arrived since 1860.
1871 Large portions
of the center of Chicago burn to the ground. About 200 people are killed, 90,000
left homeless, and property damage is $196 mil.
1871 Fire in
Michigan and Wisconsin burns more than 2 mil acres. About 1000 people die, and
350 homes are destroyed, mostly in Peshtigo, Wisconsin.
1872 Fire in Boston
rages for 3 days and destroys more than 800 buildings. Property damaged is $75
1873 Epidemics of
yellow fever, cholera, and smallpox sweep through many southern cities.
1873 Free delivery
of mail is provided in all cities with a pop of at least 20,000. The first penny
postcard are also issued at this time.
1876 Train is
derailed on a bridge over the Ashtabula R in Ohio; 91 people die.
1877 Charles Elmer
Hires begins making and distributing a drink called root beer.
1877 Pres. Hayes
initiates the Easter egg hunt on the capitol grounds in Wash, DC.
1878 Yellow fever
epidemic kills about 14,000 people in the southern US.
12. Lifestyles 1870s |
Physical Cycle |
top |
Physical High |
(1859 -1873) |
1870 Boardwalk in Atlantic
City, NJ is completed, the first in Am.
10/24/71 Race
riots erupt in Los Angeles, Ca, against the Chinese. Fifteen laborers are
lynched in the ongoing violence which has begun to characterize opposition
to Oriental immigration. Aside from vicious racial antipathy, there is also
the fact that the Chinese work harder, better and longer for less money than
anyone else. They are also sober and clean.
12. Lifestyles 1870s |
Emotional Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1870s |
Intellectual Cycle |
top |
12. Lifestyles 1870s |
Polyrhythms |
top |
Trirhythmic WHATEVER |
(XXX) |
EXPOSITION The Centennial Exposition was opened by Pres Grant in
Philadelphia in May 1876. Congress had appropriated $2,000,000, Pa
$1,000,000 and Philadelphia $1,500,000 toward the exposition at Fairmont
Park. There was much in the way of native art and foreign culture to
examine, but the focus of the fair was Machinery Hall, a 1402-foot by
360-foot wooden building that covered 13 acres. In it was a display of Am
inventions of the past decades, including the telephone, the typewriter, the
mimeograph and the 2500 horsepower Corliss engine later bought by George
Pullman for his sleeper-car factory. Of this astounding piece of machinery
William Dean Howells wrote: "The Corliss engine does not lend itself to
description. . . It rises loftily
in the centre of the huge structure, an athlete of steel an iron w not a
superfluous ounce of metal on it; the mightily walking beams plunge their
pistons downward, the enormous flywheel revolves w hoarded power that makes
all tremble, the hundred life-like details do their office w unerring
intelligence.": Howell worried about the power of machinery over men but,
he wrote, "For the present Am is voluble in the strong metals and their
infinite uses." In the six months the Fair was open, just under 10,000,000
people wandered awestruck through the beautiful founds, some 274,000 a day.
They paid $3,800,000 just for admissions. al 38 States exhibited, and
countries as far away as China and Egypt participated in the lavish
International section. It was a fitting celebration marking the end of the
first hundred years of the US.
10/8/71 Fire almost
obliterates Chicago. Damage is estimated at $196,000,000; 250 people are
killed in the blaze; 98,000 persons are made moneyless; and 17,450 buildings
are consumed. Among precious objects destroyed is the original of Lincoln's
Emancipation Proclamation. Due to the same conditions prevailing drought,
in one of the least publicized and most devastating fires on record, the
community of Peshtigo, in northern Wisconsin, is engulfed in flames. Six
hundred people die and over 2000 square miles of virgin forest are turned to
charcoal and ashes.
11/9/72 A fire
in Boston rages for three days, killing 13 and causing an estimated
$75,000,000 in property damage in 65 acres.
May 1878 A
massive epidemic of yellow fever sweeps through the South. It is brought to
New Orleans from Havana and spread rapidly, the more so as people already
infected flee the area and spread the germs far and wide.
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