Years in This Page:

This Overview is a brief look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events from each year are noted along with the position of the Cycles to show how history is moving in Rhythm. Enjoy the walk through history.
See the go to Timelines here link near the top for a detailed look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II.
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The Physical Cycle ended it High and 2nd Quarter Variation with a Downward Crossover in 1873, then it remained in 3rd Quarter Review for the rest of the decade. The Emotional Cycle was declining in 3rd Quarter Review when it hit a Trough in 1874 and began its rise in 4th Quarter Alternatives. The Intellectual Cycle was rising in 1st Quarter Foundation until a Peak in 1874 which led to 2nd Quarter Variation where it remained into the next decade. |
March 21, 1870 - |
March 21, 1871 |
1870: American production of pig-iron crossed the one million tons per year mark in the Physical Cycle. The 15th Amendment provided that governments in the United States may not prevent a citizen from voting because of his race, color, or previous condition of servitude (slavery), but in this Emotional Low it deliberately excluded the women's vote. Charles Saunders Peirce established linear algebra as a new branch of mathematics in the Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation. |
March 21, 1871 - |
March 21, 1872 |
1871: Congress enacted the Indian Appropriation Act that nullified all Indian treaties and made all Indians wards of the nation in the Physical Cycle - Emotional Low, and the US army forced Apaches into Indian reservations. President Grant appointed the first Civil Service Commission which began reform of the civil service and the spoils system during the Emotional 3rd Quarter Review. Horticulturist Luther Burbank began his work with plant breeding and hybrids and produced the instantly successful hybrid "Burbank potato" in the Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1872 - |
March 21, 1873 |
1872: First Ski club was founded during the Physical 1st Quarter Foundation in Berlin, New Hampshire. Congress passed the Amnesty Act which restored civil rights to almost all citizens in the Emotional 3rd Quarter Review. Edward Muybridge invented the "zoopraxiscope" in the Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation and it became the forerunner to movie projector. |
March 21, 1873 - |
March 21, 1874 |
1873: The economic Panic of 1873 began in September while we were in a Downward Physical Crossover.
1873 Credit Mobiler Scandal / "Boss" Tweed Convicted Investigation by Congress of the Credit Mobilier scandal results in the censure of two US Representatives in the Physo-Emotional Double 3rd Quarter Review, and businessman "Boss Tweed" was convicted.
Louis Agassiz established the Anderson School of Natural History in Massachusetts which is the fist American school to focus on studies of oceanography during our Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation. |
March 21, 1784 - |
March 21, 1785 |
1874: The Potter Law, initiated by the Grange movement and enacted by Wisconsin legislators, regulated railroad freight rates within the state while we were in
Physical 3rd Quarter Review. The Chautauqua religious movement in New York helped deal with the New Age as we entered Emotional 4th Quarter Alternatives, and Fiske's "Outline of Cosmic Philosophy" departed from religious orthodoxy. Andrew T. Still established osteopathy a varied branch of medicine that stressed the importance of muscular-skeletal system as key to a person's health in this Intellectual 2nd Quarter Variation. |
March 21, 1875 - |
March 21, 1876 |
1875: The Whiskey Ring Scandal broke as the Secretary of the Treasury investigated the conspiracy of distillers and public officials to defraud the federal government of liquor taxes, thus recovering more than $3 million in taxes are bring indictments to 238 people and convictions to 110 in the Physical 3rd Quarter Review. The Theosophical Society in New York departed to comparative religions & occultism in the Emotional 4th Quarter Alternatives. Elihu Thompson operated the world's first radio in the Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1876 - |
March 21, 1877 |
1876: General Custer was killed that the mlitary suffered devastating losses for its Calvary as it was opposed by brilliant warfare at the Battle of Little Big Horn, Montana during the Physical Low. Secretary of War Belknap resigned during the Physical 3rd Quarter Review to avoid impeachment for bribery. In the Emotional Low, Sherwood Anderson wrote "Sometimes I think we Americans are the loneliest people in the world. To be sure, we hunger for the power of affection, the self-acceptance that gives life. It is the oldest and strongest hunger in the world. But hungering is not enough." The solar powered electric motor designed while we were in an Intellectual High and Alexander Graham Bell transformed the telegraph into the telephone during this
ntellectual 2nd Quarter Variation. |
March 21, 1877 - |
March 21, 1878 |
1877: Despite the spread of railroad striker spread to numerous cities in two weeks, workers are forced to settle and return to work without substantial increases or improvement of working conditions in this Physical Low. Reconstruction in the South ends in the Emotional 4th Quarter Alternatives as do the carpetbagger and scalawag governments. The Philadelphia Conservatory of Music was founded in this Intellectual 2nd Quarter Variation |
March 21, 1878 - |
March 21, 1879 |
1878: 1878 Showboats were Revived and Feature Vaudeville during the Physical 3rd Quarter Review.
The Women's Suffrage Amendment was introduced into but it proved to be a difficult fight in the Emotional Low and the words used in the final Amendment were not adopted until a succeeding Emotional High in 1920. In this Intellectual High, the first regular telephone exchange opened in New Haven, Connecticut, and the Edison Electric Light Company formed in New York City. |
March 21, 1879 - |
March 21, 1980 |
1879: Corporations formed Trusts to transcend state limitations in the Intellectual High - Physical Low and Greenbacks reached the value of gold as the Physical Low weakened gold and the Intellectual High Strengthened the dollar. Edison perfected the light bulb during Intellectual 2nd Quarter Variation. Katharine Fullerton Gerould addressed the platitudes of the time in this
Emotional Low and she described way the "simple life" is anything but simple. |