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Civil War
The previous Upward Crossover of the Physical Cycle in 1859 rendered a Physical High throughout the decade with a Peak in 1866. The Emotional Cycle to was High for the first half of the decade until a Downward Physical Crossover in 1865 and the 3rd Quarter Review that followed. The Intellectual Cycle that was Low early in the decade became High after the Upward Crossover in 1863 which put the Cycle in 1st Quarter Foundation into the 1870s. |
March 21, 1860 - |
March 21, 1861 |
1860: Cotton production in the United States reached more than 2
billion pounds per year in the new Physical High. 1860 Olympia Brown, admitted to St. Lawrence U, becomes the first woman to study theology along with men. Emerson published "The Conduct of Life," as a series of essays in which he expressed his moral and ethical codes in the Emotional High. Emily Bronte experimented with language and prosody in the Emotional High- Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives. |
March 21, 1861 - |
March 21, 1862 |
1861: Otis patented a steam-powered elevator in the Physical 1st Quarter Foundation.
Actress Isaacs Adah Menken shocked Bostonian audiences in the Emotional High when she appeared nearly naked on stage. In Physical 1st Quarter Foundation - Emotional High Intellectual 4th Quarter Alternatives, several states set new foundations with emotional fervor as they sought alternatives to the nation when West Virginia broke away from Virginia to become the 35th state, and South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana Texas, Arkansas and North Carolina became the states that seceded from the Union. Shots were fired at Fort Sumter and the Civil War was on. |
March 21, 1862 - |
March 21, 1863 |
1862: Union vessel
"Monitor" and Confederate "Merrimack" engaged in first sea battle between
ironclad warships in the Physical 1st Quarter Foundation Julia Ward Howe wrote the vibrant "Battle Hymn of the Republic" in the Physo Emotional High. Massive bloody battles of the Civil War took place with heavy casualties that resulted from the incompatibility between new weapons and old battlefield tactics in the Intellectual 4th Quarter Low. |
March 21, 1863 - |
March 21, 1864 |
1863: Pacific Railway Act of this Physical High authorized massives railroad expansion as the Union Pacific Railroad was to build a line from Nebraska to Utah and join with the Central Pacific, which was being built eastward from California (the two were joined together with a golden spike in 1869). President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day while we were in an Emotional High. In rare mistake, General Lee Ordered a disastrous attack, "Pickett's Charge," in the Intellectual Upward Crossover. |
March 21, 1784 - |
March 21, 1785 |
1864: In the Physical 1st Quarter Foundation came the formation of the Brotherhood of Railway Locomotive Engineers Pioneering Union, the Bessemer Steel process. “In God We Trust” appeared on US coins for the first time in the Emotional High - Physo-ntellectual Double 1st Quarter Foundation to set a faith-based precedent. |
March 21, 1865 - |
March 21, 1866 |
1865: A rise in realism in American Literature reflected the Physical High.President Lincoln was assassinated while the nation was in a Downward Emotional Crossover. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) opened with 15 students in this Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation |
March 21, 1866 - |
March 21, 1867 |
1866: The National Labor Union developed, and later in the Physical High, the 1869 Knights of Labor organized in 1869. The American American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is established in New York City in the Emotional 3rd Quarter Review. The Metropolitan Museum is founded in New York City in the Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation. |
March 21, 1867 - |
March 21, 1868 |
1867: The United States purchased Alaska from Russia just after the top of the Physical High. The Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, established by settlers in New York, became the Reformed Church of America while we were in Emotional 3rd Quarter Review The New England Conservatory of Music in Boston was founded during Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation. |
March 21, 1868 - |
March 21, 1869 |
1868: Popularity of ice skating precipitated the meeting of an American skating congress in Pittsburgh, PA, in the Physical High, and the new sport of "velocipeding" (cycling) became popular for all ages and both genders in cities throughout the land. President Johnson was impeached
by Congress breached the Tenure of Office Act during the Emotional 3rd Quarter Review. Thomas Mahlon Loomis demonstrated wireless communication with a telegraph and an aerial that he invented in the Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation. |
March 21, 1869 - |
March 21, 1960 |
1869: Construction on Brooklyn Bridge began during the Physical High. Prohibition Party was founded in
Chicago during the Physical High Emotional Low as it supported the temperance in the form of prohibition of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. Electric Voting Machine was invented during the Intellectual 1st Quarter Foundation
by Thomas A. Edison. |