Years in This Page:

This Overview is a brief look at the time and the influence of Cycles. Significant events from each year are noted along with the position of the Cycles to show how history is moving in Rhythm. Enjoy the walk through history.
See the go to Timelines here link near the top for a detailed look at Cycles for this decade.
See the Matrix links above left for navigating through all Overviews and Timelines by Time, Subject, or Cycle as described in Introduction to Part II.
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The overall energy of the decade was moderately high. The Physical Cycle ended its Low with an Upward Crossover in 1831 which to a Peak in 1838. Low throughout the deacade was the Emotional Cycle that was in the 3rd Quarter Review until a Trough in 1838. A High in the Intellectual Cycle prevailed as the Cycle Peaked in 1830 leaving it in 2nd Quarter Alternatives for the entire decade. |
March 21, 1830 - |
March 21, 1831 |
1830: The "Age Of Reform"
is considered to be from 1830 to 1850 during this Series of 3rd Quarter
Review that lasted began in 1829 and ended in 1852. The Graham diet of
vegetarianism appeared this year when it was present by Sylvester Graham who
invented Graham bread and Graham crackers the year before in this during the
Physical Low, but
during the following Physical High it remained somewhat unpopular until the
following Physical Low, during which he helped form the
Vegetarian Society emerged in 1852.
The Webster-Hayne Debate Over
States' Rights and Federal Sovereignty in January, 1830, marked the
Emotional Downward Crossover of 1829/30
Electromagnetic Induction & Electromotive force was discovered in this Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1831 - |
March 21, 1832 |
1831: A negro revolt led by Nat Turner in
Virginia came during the
Upward Physical Crossover. The Emotional 3rd Quarter Review aided the abolitionist
cause as the Underground Railroad was so named this year, "The Liberator" paper also appeared and Lucretia Mott helped to organize the Female Anti-Slaver Society in Philadelphia, and later in this same quarter, the American Anti-Slavery Society would form in 1833. Joseph Henry built the first electric motor, the electrical relay, the electromagnetic telegraph, and the electric bell in this Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1832 - |
March 21, 1833 |
1832: The Reaper was invented All of the trade unions of NY join together to form the General Trades Union Physical 1st Quarter Foundation. During the Emotional 3rd Quarter Review, the "History of Women" was published. Samuel Morse developed the telegraph from Joseph Henry's electromagnet during Intellectual 2nd Quarter Improvement and he developed Morse code later in this Quarter in 1838. |
March 21, 1833 - |
March 21, 1834 |
1833: Balloon frame Houses began during Physical 1st Quarter Foundation and they set 150-year standard for construction. Publication of the "Sketches and Eccentricity of Colonel David Crockett, of West Tennessee," launched the legend of Davy Crockett throughout America in the Physical High-Emotional 3rd Quarter
The first tax-supported library appeared in Peterborough, New Hampshire in this Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1784 - |
March 21, 1785 |
1834: Regular steamboat service between Chicago and Buffalo began on a weekly basis in this Physical 1st Quarter Foundation. William Dunlap published the " History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States" during Emotional 3rd Quarter Review and Jared Sparks published his largest work, “The Writing of George Washington” (12 vols, 1834 - 1837). Thomas Davenport constructed a
true prototype of the modern electric motor in this Physical 1st Quarter Foundation& Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1835 - |
March 21, 1836 |
1835: Samuel Colt designed a rapid fire and hand sized revolver pistol with a revolving cartridge cylinder that was cheaply mass-produced with interchangeable parts known as the Colt 45 in the Physical 1st Quarter Foundation The "New York Herald" was established by James Gordon Bennett and it was the first newspaper to focus on crime, social issues and society news in the Emotional 3rd Quarter Review. The national debt was paid off with a final payment and Congress addressed how to allocate surplus revenue in the Physo-Intellectual High.
March 21, 1836 - |
March 21, 1837 |
1836: Construction began on the Illinois and Michigan Canal in the Physical High. The Gag Rule was used by House of Representatives to avoid anti-slavery petitions in this Physical High - Emotional Low but the Emotional 3rd Quarter of Review also brought a rise of abolitionists who eventually prevailed. McGuffey's "Eclectic Readers" become classic schoolbooks during this Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1837 - |
March 21, 1838 |
1837: Physical 1st Quarter Foundation, John Deere started what would become a huge farm machinery company as he manufactured steel-faced plows, and, inventors, Hiram Avery and John Avery Pitts patented a portable combined thresher and fanning mill before going on to market threshers that were widely used throughout the grain belt for more than half a century. As Emotional 3rd Quarter Review invited retrospection, Alexander Davis published "Rural Residences," which popularized Gothic revival arches for country homes. Horace Mann improved education and created free common schools for children when he became the first secretary of the new
Massachusetts Board of Education during the Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1838 - |
March 21, 1839 |
1838: Congress placed Charles Wickes in command of a naval exploring and surveying expedition of the South Seas and he went on to explore hundreds of islands of the Pacific, a large sector of Antarctic (later named Wickes Land), and the American Northwest coastline in this Physical High. The
Mormon Church went going though a difficult period when, after leaving New York in where they met with opposition to their beliefs and settling in Ohio 1831, they departed for Independence, Missouri where they met with more hostility and were ousted, which prompted them to move on to Illinois where they founded the town of Nauvoo, only to encounter more distrust and malcontent from others who did not accept their religious beliefs in this Emotional Low. Chauncey Jerome, Conn. clockmaker, invented a one-day, brass movement clock so inexpensive and accurate that it quickly flooded British and American markets to give rise to the term "Yankee ingenuity" in this Physo- Intellectual High. New York scientist, Charles A. Spencer, made America's first microscope in the Intellectual High. |
March 21, 1839 - |
March 21, 1940 |
1839: English game of "Rounders" became Baseball while we were in an Physical 1st Quarter Foundation. 1838 The Unitarian leader Wm Ellery Channing published “Self Culture” as an alternative to strict Calvinist theology in the Emotional 4th Qtr. Alternatives. After he accidentally spilled India rubber and sulfur on a hot stove, Charles Goodyear produced
vulcanized rubber during the Physo- Intellectual High. Harvard Astronomical Observatory was established in this Intellectual High with William Bond as director. |