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USA Kalarhythms w/ Spiritual Cycle | ![]() |

The 52-Year Cycle:
The Spirit of the Nation

The Fourth Kalarhythm is the 52-year Spiritual Cycle of a nation. This works in the same consciousness of the nation as do the other three Kalarhythms (the 28-year Physical Cycle, the 36-year Emotional Cycle and the 44-Intellectual Cycle). With mathematical elegance, the durational pattern of the four Cycles work out as:
28-yr. Physical Cycle | + 8 = | |
36-yr. Emotional Cycle | + 8 = | |
44-yr. IntellectualCycle | + 8 = | |
52-yr. Spiritual Cycle |
Beyond the Triadic nature of our body, heart and mind, we have a Quaternity with the development of our Spirit. Each element of the Quaternity is a part of us, and each is moving in Rhythm. In terms of physisc, this might relate to the weak nuclear force.

is perhaps more allusive to recognize since it exists more on the subtle level. Yet it is just as real and just as much a part of our development and our decision making process as the other cycles. This Cycle influence how much, and when, we are more likely to use our “extra senses,” as it were. In the same way that individuals grow through physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual phases, the collective of humanity has transcended through stage that relate to what Ken Wilbur calls the physiosphere, biosphere, nooshpere and the theosphere.
Not noted on the Kalarhythm charts is this Fourth Kalarhythm, the Spiritual Cycle. This Cycle, along with the other three Kalarhythms, fluctuates within a nation as a nation has a body, heart, mind and spirit. It not only influences our participation in religious practices, but in influences our levels of interest in subjects that have been dubbed, extra-sensory, paranormal, new age, the occult, mystical, enlightenment, and more.
Some noteworthy influences of the Spritual Cycle:
Peak in 1840: and the Transcendentalist Movement |
Peak in 1892: came during the “gay nineties.” |
High 1931 – 1957: as Native American spirituality was recognized and the repressive Dawes & Burke Acts were repealed |
Low, 3rd Qtr. Reform 1957 – 1970: came with “reform against the establishment” |
Low, 4th Qtr. Alternatives 1970 – 1983: brought the “new wave” movement that sought Experimentation |
High, 1st Qtr. Foundation 1983 – 1996: when the “new age” movement began, and now, after a |
High, 2nd Qtr. Expansion 1996 – 2009: has brought us the leading trend of our times, the Spiritual movement. |

(Learn more about Cycles Now).
The Fifth Cycle (1983 – 2035). Spiritual energy is in a Low (2009-2035) and in a4th Qtr. of Alternative (2022-2035).
Our Spiritual energy is High. We will have an Downward Crossover in the Spiritual Cycle in 2009, (March 21, 2009 to March 21, 2010), that may bring a brief crisis to beliefs that reigned over the last two decades. After the 2009 Crossover the Spiritual Cycle will decline through the 3rd Qtr. of Review and Reform as we look back on these times now. This will simultaneously bring nostalgia and revision to our current mystical enthrallments.
have been consistent. Peaks come 52 years apart, and concurrent Troughs come every 52 years. Half the Cycle is High and we have more Spiritual energy for 26 years, then half the Cycle is Low for 26 years. This change manifests throughout the Physical fiber of the nation in waves. (Learn more about Cycle Highs & Lows).
Mayan Calendar: It is interesting to compare the influence of the 52-year Spiritual Cycle in Kalarhythms with the 52-year Calendar Round of the Mayan Calendar. A special segment is being prepared on this site to examine the similarities, which you can view at:
Kalarhythms and the Mayan Calendar.