good people gathering
Bring Your Business Cards
Entrepreneurs Who Move in Circles
Thursday, March 21, 2013
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
One West 29th Street
New York City
New York City
Rev. J. Perry Wootten
Pastor of: Eastchester Presbyterian Church
comes to us from a church that developed ministries for
spiritual guidance, educational opportunities, evangelical outreach and community life.
spiritual guidance, educational opportunities, evangelical outreach and community life.
Jennifer Houston
Creator of: This Chick Bakes shares a story the of success of her New York bakery that
has gone to from the baking pan to the New York times and more.
has gone to from the baking pan to the New York times and more.
![The Cycles of Change radio poster 300x300](
K. David Katzmire
Host of: The Cycles of Change radio program
discusses how his discovery of KalaRhythms: the Cycles of Change led to his radio show, his career as a web developer and his frequent trips to New York where he does lectures and consultation.
Join us for an evening of storytelling
and conversation with a focus on
Storyline: Finding Your Subplot in God’s Story
suggested donation
includes admission and a copy of
Storyline: Finding Your Subplot in God’s Story (workbook)
Katherine Gotshall English
Creative Director
Questions: 212-529-8512
[…] ~ SPECIAL EVENT: David Katzmire & Rev. J Perry Wootten at the Collegiate Marble Churchin New York on March 21, 2013 – March 21, 2013 ~ Join us for an evening of storytelling & conversation with focus on Storyline: Finding Your Subplot in God's Story… […]