and… | Sacred Geometry |
Here we take a brief look at Time, Space and Matter, to build on some old ideas and introduce new theories. Here lie theories that spinoff from the Kalarhythms, but they are separate ideas that are not intended to support the theory of Kalarhythms. They are intended as a trek into imagination.
1. Dynamics takes a look at some of the underlying energies in the abstract realilty. |
2. Rhythms examines some ways these energies manifest in rhythms and development. |
We are part of forces that go beyond us. As we go beyond ourselves, we return with self realization.(1)
R. Buckminster Fuller wrote:
When we approach our problems on a universal, general systems basis and progressively eliminate the irrelevancies…
We gradually uncover you and me in the heart of now.
We gradually uncover you and me in the heart of now.
The Now we are in is a system of change that locates time as a subset of eternity. We are living eternity now and will therefore transcend all systems within it until we realize our individuation as synonymous with all. To coin a phrase, “We are not human beings having a heavenly experience, we are heavenly beings having a human experience.”
Seek the God within.
K. David Katzmire
Om Namah Shivayah
Om Namah Shivayah
© KalaRhythms: The Tao of Now & the Cycles of Change
All text is original (unless otherwise marked), please reference this site when quoting.
Original images are created & owned by KalaRhythms.orgTM.
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