An Overview and History of Biorhythms is read on The Cycles Of Change radio program by host, K. David Katzmire, and he narrates from the KalaRhytms web page at: . The reading detailes the 23-day Physical Cycles, the 28-day Emotional Cycles and the 33-day Intellectual Cycle . Orinins and early theories are sited from …
Media & Events
KalaRhythms: Readings from the home page of
KalaRhythms: Readings from author K. David Katzmire who provides a brief overview of the theory of KalaRhythms by reading excerpts from the home page of
KalaRhythms: A Case For Cycles In A Nation
Author K. David Katzmire presents a view on the theory of KalaRhythms by narrating from a magazine article that he published in 2009 called, “A Case For Cycles In A Nation.”
KalaRhythms: The Cycles of a Nation, October 31, 2013
K. David Katzmire reads from an Introduction to KalaRhythms to give an excerpt on: KalaRhythms: The Cycles of a Nation Listen in! “The Cycles of Change” Radio Show Thursdays: 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific Call in to speak with the host (347) 884-9593(347) 884-9593 Listen Live or visit us for the audio archive afterward …
Bernard Starr, Ph.D. on his book: Jesus Uncensored: Restoring the Authentic Jew, October 15, 2013.
Bernard Starr Ph.D. discusses his new provocative book about the real Jesus of Nazareth: “Jesus Uncensored: Restoring the Authentic Jew.” Sure to provoke controversy and debate, ‘Jesus Uncensored: Restoring the Authentic Jew’ challenges conventional views of Jesus and is destined to become the most talked about book of the year.” Explodes the myths that have …