Chapter IV / Section C
The Physical Cycle
The 28-Year Cycle

occur twice in a Cycle, or every 14 years. This happens when the Cycle crosses up from Low to High, and down from High to Low. The mid-point of the Cycle is the time of transition and chaos. This brings a shake up in Physically-based things as the Cycle changes. (Learn about Cycle Crossovers).
Figures #4-9a thru #4-9c on the next three pages show the 28-year Physical Cycle with Crossover years.
top (of Section C)

And the Cycle continues. After looking at this overview of the past, you can return to the beginning of this chapter for “Physical Cycle Now,” then, “Physical Forecast: 21st Century” and you will have a continuity of past, present and future to view the Rhythm.
top (of Section C)