“The Cycles of Change” Radio Show
Discussions on where we were, where we are and
where we are going in changing world of universal rhythms.
~ This Week: Dr. Martin Luther King Tribute
Changes American race relations in the last 50 years – January 10, 2013 at 8pm Eastern ~
Dr. Martin Luther King and the spirit of his work is reviewed as we discuss the changes in relations between the races in America in the last 50 years.
This is a call in show and everyone is invited. Let your voice be heard. The Cycles of change show a pattern in when people are more prone to come together and when people tend to withdraw. Social waves have been at play throughout the lifetime of our nation. This show will open with a brief monologue with a perspective from your host, then we will open the lines to callers for discussion. Where are we coming from? Where are we now? Where are we going? We inherit our history and we choose our future. Let us understand the Now of our nation and join in talk. Thank you for listening.
Tune in and learn more! Feel free to call in.
If you don’t catch the show Live you can listen to the audio archive at: BlogTalkRadio.com/cycles

~ Coming Up: David Katzmire on BBS Radio to discuss Cycles
January 15, 2012 at 10pm Eastern ~
Alan Steinfeld of New Realities Radio has invited K. David Katzmire to discuss his theory of social cycles.
Tune in this Tuesday at 10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific for this unique interview on The Cycles Of Change.
Is 2013 the beginning of a new time? Is it possible to restructure time and space? What is the natural rhythms of the universe? Where do we go from here? Panelists…
K. David Katzmire – creator of KalaRhythms: KalaRhythms.org
Jenny Lynch – well-known astrologer and writer: JennyLynch.com
Don Conreaux – the Gong master: DonConreaux.com
Alan Steinfeld – moderator. For his latest interviews go to: NewRealities.com