“The Cycles of Change” Radio Show
with your host K. David Katzmire
Thursdays: 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific
Discussions on where we were, where we are and where we are going in changing world of universal rhythms.
~ This Week‘s Guest: Norma Erickson – June 13, 2013 at 8pm Eastern ~
SANE Vax and the Era of Pharmaceutical Reform

Norma Erickson is president of SANE Vax, an information group that reports on the effects, efficacy and recorded dangers of vaccines that are widely used today.
The Sane Vax Mission is to promote only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information.
According to a cycles theory we have entered an era of reform that will last for years. This theory predicted years ago that the our recently developed era of reform will be comparable to the “muckrakers” period at the turn of the last century and the Watergate era after 1973 that ushered in widespread reforms in politics and industry. The prediction also held that the pharmaceutical companies may receive much focus and become as much of a target as continuing reforms upon the oil industry. SANE Vax founded three years ago before our current era of reform was gained the momentum that is forming now, and it may bear bellwether messages of growing public concerns.
The Cycles of Change radio program is a non-political, non-advocacy production that
offers this discussion for listener discretion to enable more informed, independent decisions.
offers this discussion for listener discretion to enable more informed, independent decisions.
Norma Erickson has more than 25 years experience an independent business consultant specializing in start-ups and corporate problem solving and has worked as a freelance author focusing on healthy living articles and providing information surrounding the vaccination controversy. In her research she discovered an inordinate number of girls reporting serious adverse events occurring after HPV vaccinations and conducted extensive research into HPV vaccines.
This research led her to the creation of SANE Vax Inc. Since its founding in 2010, SaneVax has become a strong international coalition of parents and vaccine safety advocates partnered with medical and scientific professionals who are all dedicated to making sure that consumers are informed properly for their protection.
Find out more at: SANEVax.org
Tune in and learn more! Feel free to call in.
If you don‘t catch the show Live you can listen to the audio archive at: BlogTalkRadio.com/cycles
If you don‘t catch the show Live you can listen to the audio archive at: BlogTalkRadio.com/cycles
~ Previously on Cycles Radio: Richard Suttmeier ~
Richard Suttmeier on Cycles in Asset Allocation
What is Cycles Radio?” Cycles Radio explores the Cycles of Change based on the study of your host, K. David Katzmire, who has developed the theory for more than three decades to understand the Cycles of Time. Universal patterns can be found in a person, a nation and in the eras of civilization on different scales of size and time. Therein lie undulating energies of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual cycles that are replete through our lives in wonderful fractal patterns that we can discern once we unlock the simple code.
This fascinating discovery has led to notable accuracy in identifying the manifestations of energy that effect all aspects of our lives from; the leaders we choose, our business trends, scientific developments, arts & literature, music & entertainment, sports, fashion trends and much more, all moving to the same universal patterns. This weekly show is dedicated to exploring this inquiry further. Join us and see how these cycles may effect you in the days and years ahead and where you are in the tides of time.
Thank you, K. David Katzmire