;Kala-Rhythms & The Cycles of Time PRESS RELEASE: In and interview with Mitchell Jay Rabin of A Better World, K. David Katzmire discusses how our nation moves with physical, emotional and intellectual rhythms that define our times. Where are we going in the economy? What will be the next fad? Are we moving forward or …
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KalaRhythms & The Cycles of Time, A Better World Radio, July 16, 2007
Kala-Rhythms & The Cycles of Time PRESS RELEASE: Mitchell Jay Rabin & A Better World presents – Kala-Rhythms: Understanding the Cycles of Change. The Mayan Calendar gives some very interesting indications of what’s to come until December, 2012 and then drops off. Kala-Rhythms gives some very interesting indications of what’s to come until December 2012 …