Leslie Botha, host of the “Holy Hormones, Honey” program that airs on KRFC radio from Ft. Collins, Colorado on 88.9 FM will host K. David Katzmire on Monday, September 12, 2011 to discuss KalaRhythms and the cycles the effect our bodies, our lives, our nations and the world. The program will air from 6-7 PM …
Other Radio
KalaRhythms on A Better World Radio on March 21, 2011
Monday, 21, 2011, 6pm EST: Tracy Ingram. inventor and an inbound marketing consultant and K. David Katzmire, creator of KalaRhythms: The Cycles of Time, discuss the collective conscious and the transfers of energy amid the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters that are effecting Japan and other areas. A Better World Radio. Listen to the Show
The Cycles That Will Dominate The New Year on the Energy Stew program on Progressive Radio Network, December 30, 2010
Energy Stew (on the Progressive Radio Network) with host, Peter Roth, invites K. David Katzmire to appear on the program on December 30, 2010 We all hope things get better this new year. The scientists who work with cycles have an insight into the energies that control the flow. Cycles offer a valuable perspective on …
David Katzmire on A Better World Radio: Aug. 25, 2010 at 6pm NY time
Wednesday, 6pm EST, August 25: Today Mitchell’s guest will be David Katzmire, scholar, researcher & website designer, will be discussing a breakthrough in time cycles research, he calls “Kalarhythms”. David has been on A Better World TV & Radio in the past, presenting fascinating material about the effect of macro- and micro-cycles on human behavior …
KalaRhythms on A Better World Radio on October 29, 2009
K. David Katzmire on A Better World Radio, October 29, 2009 A Better World host, Mitchell Jay Rabin, invites K. David Katzmire to discuss KalaRhythms and the cycles of change. Listen to the Show