David Katzmire on A Better World Radio to discuss Cycles in Current Events – February 15, 2017 at 6pm EST. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/abetterworld
Other Radio
David Katzmire discusses KalaRhythms on Carolyn’s Corner radio, October 1, 2014
Join Carolyn Bennett Sullivan for a conversation with K. David Katzmire creator of KalaRhythms on the cycles of lives, from time, space and matter, and, our everyday lives and learn how KalaRhythms are already a part of your life. Aspects of KalaRhythms examine dynamics of an individual, the trends of a nation, the patterns of …
David Katzmire and Michael Vescuso on Small Business Digest Radio on March 31, 2013
David Katzmire was invited to Small Business Radio to describe the benefits of a radio program for a small business nd why a program like this can help a smaller enterprise build an audience and convert members to customers. He’ll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of doing a program and strategies for making the …
Special Event: Mayan Calendar Roundtable – Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 6pm Eastern
~ Special Event: Mayan Calendar Roundtable – Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 6pm Eastern ~ A Better World Radio with Mitchell Jay Rabin will be hosting a Mayan Calendar Roundtable in honor of the upcoming, long-discussed and meditated-upon, controversial date and subject of December 21, 2012 which is soon upon us to reveal is cosmic …
K. David Katzmire on Yorba Radio 1190 AM Dallas – Monday, September 10, 2012
K. David Katmire on Yorba Radio Live 1190AM Dallas – Fort Worth Listen Live! Monday, September 10, 2012 – 3:15 Eastern – 2:15 Dallas time – 12:15 Pacific