A Better World Radio: Wednesday, February 8, 2018 Listen live: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/abetterworld Listen by phone: Listen by Phone: 602 753-1860 The World of Cycles with K. David Katzmire A Better World TV & Radio with Mitchell Rabin has as a special guest this evening is, K. David Katzmire, to talk about The World of Cycles. These …
David Katzmire on A Better World Radio to Current Events – February 5, 2017 at 6pm EST
David Katzmire on A Better World Radio to discuss Cycles in Current Events – February 15, 2017 at 6pm EST. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/abetterworld
Gudrun Buhler: From Stage to Virtual, How Has Performance Changed? October 30, 2014
Gudrun Buhler Singer / Actress discusses: From Stage to Virtual Media, How Has Performance Changed? Gudrun Bühler at the Delaware Art Museum Concerts on Kentmere: Gudrun Bühler, Soprano November 20, 2014 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Gudrun Buhler is an internationally experienced singer and actress who shares her on stage experience to compare how …
Dr. Elliott Maynard on MasterField Paradigm: “Future-Science Technology.” October 16 2014
Author, Elliot Maynard on the Arcos Cielos Research Center New Paradigms in Science, Education, Fine Arts, Global Ecology and Human Potential Development Dr. Elliot Maynard has done extensive field research on tropical marine ecosystems, and on the behavior of coral reef fishes and invertebrates. He studied tropical biology and rainforest ecology at the Organization for …
David Katzmire discusses KalaRhythms on Carolyn’s Corner radio, October 1, 2014
Join Carolyn Bennett Sullivan for a conversation with K. David Katzmire creator of KalaRhythms on the cycles of lives, from time, space and matter, and, our everyday lives and learn how KalaRhythms are already a part of your life. Aspects of KalaRhythms examine dynamics of an individual, the trends of a nation, the patterns of …