Geo-Rhythms & the Cycles of Change PRESS RELEASE: The current decade is predestined to be the most exciting time America has ever known. This is because of the natural flow of Rhythms that began with the birth of our nation in the American Revolution. Consistent Highs and Lows have come ever since as the Cycles …
Kala-Rhythms & Understanding Time Cycles: Consciously Peddling Into the Future – July 18, 2007
Kala-Rhythms & Understanding Time Cycles: Consciously Peddling Into the Future PRESS RELEASE: Our world occurs with cycles, ebbing and flowing. Knowing when the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual cycles are at their highs and lows, in times of change, and how they work together in different locations on the planet, gives us a keen advantage …
The Cycles of Change in America – July 21, 1998
The Cycles of Change in America Katzmire reviewed the history of the United States as the anecdotal evidence of a collective nation moving in Rhythm. He identified the manifestations of energy as undulating stresses of periodic influence that keep our sociological clock ticking through our changing times. By analyzing the triadic helix of time from …
SIRE Presentation – New York July 21, 1998
KalaRhythms: The Tao of Now & the Cycles of Change Lecture for the Society for the Investigation of Recurring Events (S.I.R.E. or SIRE) at the Princeton Club by K. David Katzmire on July 21, 1998