Bernard Madoff, founder of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities and former Nasdaq chairman was charge on December 11, 2008 with massive fraud. He is alleged to have mastered the largest scam in the history of the world in which he bilked his own investors out of a possible $50 billion in a massive Ponzi scheme. …
American Blog
Arts Council Supports Creation of Secretary of the Arts
A Growing movement among the nation’s arts community for President Barack Obama to name a Secretary of Arts to his cabinet was reported by WBFO News on January 22, 2009. Executive Director of the Arts Council in Buffalo and Erie County, Celeste Lawson, announced that the idea was first proposed last fall. France as had …
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act
The first act signed into law by President Obama was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act which he did with Lilly Ledbetter by his side. Lilly Ledbetter had worked at a company for 19 years not knowing that her male counterparts were being paid more for doing the same job. In comparison, she lost …
Change We Believed In
As appeared in the December, 2008 Newsletter, “The Works,” produced by “Greater Works Ministries” ( of which this author is a consecrated member. Lebanese poet and devout Christian, Khalil Gibran, said that, “The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reach us. So it is with great men who died centuries ago, but …
Subprime Mortgage and Financial Crisis
A major financial crisis that has reached to nations all around showed warning signs in 2007. Building up since the around the turn of the century, fundamental weaknesses in US and global financial systems became more apparent with the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. Subprime mortgages are made with little or no down …