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Mega-Rhythms of World Change

The Three Main Cycles of Mega-Rhythms are
A Physical Cycle:336 years
An Emotional Cycle432 years
An Intellectual Cycle: 528 years

6000 B.C..  to  2000 B.C.

Cycles of World History - 6th millenium BC

5000 B.C..  to  2000 B.C.

Cycles of World History - 5th millenium BC

4000 B.C..  to  2000 B.C.

Cycles of World History - 4th millenium BC

3000 B.C..  to  2000 B.C.

Cycles of World History - 3rd millenium BC

2000 B.C..  to  1000 B.C.

Cycles of World History - 2nd millenium BC

1000 B.C.  to  0 A.D.

Cycles of World History - 1st millenium BC

0 A.D.  to  1000 A.D.

Cycles of World History - 1st millenium AD

1000 A.D.  to  2000 A.D.

Cycles of World History - 2nd millenium AD

2000 A.D.  to  3000 A.D.

Cycles of World History - 3rd millenium AD

432 year Emotional Cycle 1200 A.D.  to  2100 A.D.

1st Qtr. Baroque 2nd Qtr. Rococo
X. Wars*** X. Wars** X. Wars* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X. French_Revolution - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X. 9/11_Attacks
3rd Qtr. Neoclassicism 4th Qtr. Advant_garde
v v v v v v v v v  
Cycles of World History - 1000-2100 AD

***Wars: 1136 - 1148 (Upward Emotional Crossover)
1139 Portugal is forming. Count Afonso Henriques who allied with discontented nobles in the northeast corner of the Iberian Peninsula in fights against the kings of León and Castile defeats a small army belonging to his mother and drives her to León. He defeats the Moors in battle and declares his lands to be independent of Moorish rule.
1143 A mob pulls people accused of heresy from ecclesiastic prisons a the city of Cologne and burns them at the stake.
1144 A Muslim warlord in northern Mesopotamia, Imad al-Din Zangi, seeking to extend his power against other Muslims, presents himself as a champion of Islam and captures the weakest of the Latinized crusader states, Edessa, in northern Mesopotamia (or southern Asia Minor) - a territory that was occupied by Christians from the First Crusade.
** Wars: 1352 - 1364 (Upward Emotional Crossover)
1352 Rebellion by Chinese fed up with Mongol rule erupts around the city of Guangzhou.
1355 Scots, aided by the French, are begin new fighting against the English.
1356 Rebellion against Mongol rule has spread through much of China, along with anarchy. Rebels capture the city of Nanjing and make it their capital. Warring will last more than thirty years.
1356 In Korea, thirty-six years of chaos begin when the royal Koryo family launchs a rebellion against Mongol rule.
1356 At the Battle of Poiters, the English capture the French king and hold him for ransom along with many French nobles.
1358 Peasants in France the Jacquerie, unhappy about the tax burden created by the Hundred Years' War, move throught the countryside near Paris killing nobles. In a fit of rage they also rape the wives and daughters of nobles and set fire to castle interiors to destroy estates.
1361 In Samarkand the emir, Kazgan, is assassinated, and the Mongols have reconquer Transoxiana. They are soon driven out, however, a local uprising consisting largely of armed Muslims.
* Wars: 1568 - 1580 (Upward Emotional Crossover)
1568 Ongoing civil wars ravage Japan. Oda Nobunaga gains control of the region around Kyoto, Japan's capital city, defeating the Ashikaga family shoguns and brining the Ashikaga period of Japan's history to an end. The emperor, in Kyoto, remains elevated by Shinto godly connection, above politics and war.
1568 Protestants in the Netherlands, led by Prince William of Orange, revolt against rule by the Catholic monarch, Philip II and the Eighty Years' War begins.
1568 Akbar is expands his empire and reportedly kills more the 30,000 Hindu peasants following his conquest of Chitod. Drawing from Sufi philosophy he is considered to have the attributes of the perfect, or universal, man; a microcosm of the universe; and a special emanation from God.
1570 Ivan IV (The Terrible) executes almost all of his advisors in public.
1571 Tatars sack and burn the outskirts of Moscow the the Russians drive them back
1572 On August 24, St. Bartholmew's Day, some 3,000 Protestants in Paris are massacred. Across France within three days approximately 20,000 Huguenots are executed. Catholics across Europe rejoice but Protestants mourn and express anger.
1572 On July 9, nineteen Catholic priests are hanged in Gorcum, Holland.
1575 Japan engages many battles with large armies. Oda Nobunaga's military expands his control of Japan and has wins the Battle of Nagashino with 3,000 men carrying muskets. He has also been using long pikes and ironclad ships and building roads that enable trade and the mobilization of armies.
1580 The last great Buddhist fortress-monastery surrenders in Osaka and Oda Nobunga becomes the master of central Japan.